January 1 at 12:00 AM  Alaska  Politadick  "Happy New Year!!"
January 1 at 8:48 AM  Daily Wire  WATCH: Fleccas Presents Most Deranged Leftist Protesters Of 2018  Street reporter Austen Fletcher, AKA Fleccas, compiled the best of the worst interview clips from leftist protesters in 2018. And it's brutal.

Here’s to 2019.... Wow  Politadick
January 1 at 8:59 AM  Daily Wire  NBC Blasted For 'Worst New Year's Show Ever'; Included 'Vaginal Steaming' Comment  NBC's New Year's Eve coverage is not getting the response execs were going for — that is, unless they wanted #nbc to be trending with #vaginalsteaming and #dumpsterfire. (Yeah, you read that first one right.) 

NBC shows their true colors once again. I Always wanted to know all about “Vaginal Steaming”, especially as a way to ring in the New Year.

This is why my TV was on channel 4 last night.  Politadick

January 1 at 10:43 AM  Alaska  Fairbanks Daily News Miner  Dunleavy's promises on dividend, crime will be watched  JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Mike Dunleavy is heading into his first legislative session as Alaska's governor, faced with trying to implement campaign promises involving politically thorny issues.  During the campaign, the Republican former state senator said he wanted to reduce state spending and limit government growth. He said he wanted to pay residents a full dividend from the state's oil wealth fund following years of reduced payouts and give them the amount they missed out on during those years. 

This should be a walk in the park for Governor Dunleavy to accomplish.

Now it’s up to our Lawmakers to act like adults in the room and make the policy changes happen.

Unfortunately the way Mainstream Media here in Alaska has expressed it. He is in for one hell of a fight with them to make it all happen.

One too many lawmakers that have been entrenched for a very long time catering to the 1/3 of Alaska that spends 1/2 of the states budget every year.

Two weeks to go and the fun begins.  Politadick

January 1 at 11:07 AM  Turning Point USA  Video  Non-Essential Government Employees!Can We Start With These Layoffs?? #BigGovSucks

Good Start  Politadick
January 1 at 11:10 AM  Turning Point USA  Photo  AMEN!   "Want to end Racism?  Stop telling children they're Racist"

Yup...  Politadick
January 1 at 11:20 AM  Turning Point USA  Photo  You Can’t Make This Stuff Up...   "PETA is asking people to stop eating cheese...   To help end Sexism  [NO SERIOUSLY]"

I seriously thought this was a joke until I Googled it..... Wow!
January 1 at 11:31 AM  Turning Point USA  Video  How To Tell If Your Professor Is LYING!  Dennis Prager, Founder Of PragerU, Is SPOT ON! If Your Leftist Professor Won’t Let You Record Their Lectures… It’s Because They DO NOT Want Their LIES To Be EXPOSED! #GameOfLoans #BigGovSucks 

Fact Checked: True

I know this to be very true here in Alaska. It is even happening in our Middle and High Schools.

How many times did they have those staged walkouts last year? It’s very clear what is happening. My own kiddo has recorded some of the things teachers have told them to “think and feel”...  Politadick

January 1 at 12:12 PM  Alaska  Governor Mike Dunleavy  Video  First Lady Rose and I would like to wish all of you a happy and prosperous New Year.

Happy New Year!! Hopefully our Lawmakers work with you to make the changes needed.

It going to be a tough battle fighting the entrenched Lawmakers that only cater to 1/3 of Alaskans.  Politadick

January 1 at 12:19 PM  Fox News Update  Video  Russia has arrested an American and accused the retired Marine of being a spy. 

Looks like the New Year starts out with the same old tired political battles.... Democrats love Heroin, human traffickers, terrorist, MS-13, Illegal Immigrants, Anchor Babies because it give access to welfare to Illegals, American Citizens and Police Officers to be killed by Illegal Aliens, taking your money and giving it to them. More then they care about American Citizens and our safety.  Politadick 
January 1 at 12:51 PM  Alaska  Veterans Party of Alaska  Photo  "Has anyone else noticed how no one on the left has asked where the illegal immigrant comp killer got the gun?"  Happy New Year everybody! 

Yup....  Politadick
January 1 at 4:49 PM  Lexington Police on Twitter  "No words.”  Krispy Cream Truck burns down.

The worst has happened....  Politadick
January 1 at 5:39 PM  OANN  Pres. Trump wishes a Happy New year to everyone, including haters and the fake news media | One America News Network  Pres. Trump wishes everyone a happy new year, including "the haters and fake news media." 

Happy New Year!!!  Politadick 
January 1 at 6:17 PM  Fox News  Incoming Sen. Romney: Trump hasn't 'risen to the mantle' of presidency  Mitt Romney, a Republican senator-elect for the state of Utah, wrote in a scathing op-ed that President Trump "has not risen to the mantle of the office."  Mitt Romney, former presidential candidate and a Republican senator-elect in Utah, has written a scathing op-ed for The Washington Post, saying President Trump "has not risen to the mantle of the office."

Here is what to look forward to when all the Rino’s and Democrats newly elected come on board.  Politadick 
January 1 at 6:34 PM  Daily Wire  Giuliani: ‘Mueller Should Be Investigated For Destruction Of Evidence’  Two days after Christmas, former New York City mayor and President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani told the Hill’s TV program that Robert Mueller, who is investigating alleged collusion between Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russian government, should be investigated for destroying text m...  "...the FBI got rid of more than 19,000 messages.”

Really sad knowing that they know what color it was in the toilet every morning with a electronic trail backed up 7 times, but when it comes to those in very “Deep” this stuff comes up bleached bit, erased and a hammer taken to it. Nothing to see here we tell you.  Politadick
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