February 27 at 1:58 AM 
February 27 at 6:22 AM 
February 27 at 6:22 AM

The lies and deceit has begun.

It’s still happening but I think KTVA Couldn’t stomach the lies and manipulation by the Democrats proving nothing more the Cohen continues to lie even during this testimony now. Link to ongoing testimony:


Politadick · 35:55 The lies and deceit has begun.

Politadick · 38:50 Cry is a river and lie to us all is what he means.

Politadick · 40:18 Soooo.... How much time did they remove for you to lie?

Politadick · 43:24 So he admits that any lying that happen was all his owe doing.

Politadick · 45:05 Cohen lied about it... Cohen lies about it... Cohen lies about it.... the whole truth is much different because I lie about it.

Politadick · 46:44 He must wear the large size Depends. Clearly it is filling up quickly.

Politadick · 48:07 Sad part about this witch hunt is that not a single thing he says today has any real value.

Politadick · 52:26 So the Democrats emails that shows the conspiracy that they had going on has no value. But President Trump knowing about it is wrong? Clearly their standard are zero. Poor Bernie....

Politadick · 54:01 Wow..... They really are grasping any straw they can to keep the hatred alive.

Politadick · 56:08 He’s mad that Stormy didn’t screw him too.

Politadick · 57:57 So he paid from his own personal account. This is such a nothing burger.

Politadick · 1:01:06 They can’t lock him up quick enough. What a piece of crap this person really is.

Politadick · 1:02:16 MAGA thru 2024

Politadick · 1:03:14 He couldn’t hear but this is what I guess he said.

Politadick · 1:04:44 A convicted liar is lying to get himself out of lying. For telling all those lies.

Politadick · 1:06:47 Nope no pardon. Just reduced time from Mueller to sit here and make his hearsay and opinions public.

Politadick · 1:07:37 How can you tell Cohen is lying? His lips are moving.

Politadick · 1:10:49 First lie caught.

Politadick · 1:13:12 Because the payments were installments. Another nothing burger.

Politadick · 1:14:30 So as President he can’t spend his own money? NOTE from his Personnel Account. Not business account.

Politadick · 1:16:36 Now the truth comes out Who Cohen really is and why he is up there giving hearsay and opinions.

Politadick · 1:21:03 Nailed it!

Politadick · 1:23:07 He thinks he knows as he already stated he thinks this is what they said. But actually didn’t hear it.

Politadick · 1:23:49 Hearsay once again.

Politadick · 1:24:51 Hearsay

Politadick · 1:25:03 Opinions

Politadick · 1:25:24 No Proof but this document liars word.

Politadick · 1:27:23 Unmasking of American Citizens and top secret leaks. You Dems are so Not innocent.

Politadick · 1:29:17 Exactly.

Politadick · 1:31:16 Smack down 2019!

Politadick · 1:31:52 Alaskans clearly see it. LIAR!

Politadick · 1:33:10 Why does one hire someone like him. We are raised to help those who are Special in life.

Politadick · 1:36:27 How many ways from Sunday can you spin you are really bad at you job?

Politadick · 1:38:08 This has what to do with Russian Collusion?

Politadick · 1:39:18 He doesn’t know which loan he fraudulently is talking about.

Politadick · 1:40:14 He has defrauded so many people he can’t keep them all strait.

Politadick · 1:43:46 Hi! I’m Cohen and lied and defrauded, manipulated, conned, bribes through my whole life and lied to these guys. But here I am the lead witness for the Democrat Party. Why? Because I’m just like them.

Politadick · 1:47:30 Hearsay and opinion from someone not in the campaign.

Politadick · 1:49:59 They have absolutely nothing here of relevance. It’s all a crap show for Dems to make themselves appear relevant as the Russia everything fades away.

Politadick · 1:53:23 Cohen is so corrupt. His lies have lies covering up those lies.

Politadick · 1:55:31 And not a single thing said today makes you Dems any closer to proving your opinions and hearsay.

Politadick · 1:58:53 So Dems are using this as a way to get his tax records. Sneaky

Politadick · 2:00:07 Amazing how all of this related to Russia Collusion. Which is question that they are not allowed to ask Cohen.

Politadick · 2:01:41 So if I hear him right. There will be more charges filed against Cohen after this.

Politadick · 2:03:21 It’s all choreograph what the Dems ask. They made the rules of the limited questioning they can have with Cohen.

Politadick · 2:06:13 Found the Collusion once again and it clearly leads to Democrats.

Politadick · 2:07:34 Dems breaking their own rules. Surprise surprise.

Politadick · 2:08:55 OMG 1987 Trump was to build a building. What a shocker.

Politadick · 2:11:21 His word against the Presidents about one on one supposed conversations. Dems are desperate and grasping for straws.

Politadick · 2:12:59 Who cares we know you are going to lie. We just hope you believe them that last Dem just said.

Politadick · 2:14:51 Snap

Politadick · 2:16:55 Hahaha

Politadick · 2:17:41 Cohen looks like a whipped puppy. Awwwwww

Politadick · 2:18:32 Opinions mimicking from MSM talking points. Sad......

Politadick · 2:20:28 Cohen spent a lifetime lying, defrauding, manipulating people. He hasn’t changed. He is upset he has been caught.

Politadick · 2:22:09 What a pathological liar.

Politadick · 2:27:43 Love the Leftist spin they are giving here.

Politadick · 2:29:38 His lies, have lies, that are covering up those lies.

Politadick · 2:33:34 Ohhh my.... Cohen coverup for Stormy. LOL

Politadick · 2:36:40 These paid opinion people above clearly are stretching any hint of something, that just might, if we look at it just this way, to make it all stick.

Politadick · 2:40:26 Busted!

Politadick · 2:52:23 Cohen has yet to say anything credible today.

Politadick · 2:55:29 Yawn... Hearsay and opinion.

Politadick · 2:57:11 LOL

Politadick · 2:58:05 Democrats are desperate. They keep reaching for straws.

Politadick · 2:59:38 Busted once again in another lie.

Politadick · 3:01:50 Love the truth. To bad this is not what this is about.

Politadick · 3:03:10 Busted once again!

Politadick · 3:07:36 Hearsay hearsay hearsay

Politadick · 3:10:11 Thank You for saying that.

Politadick · 3:11:28 He has been caught telling a few lies now. He should get more time added on.

Politadick · 3:12:02 Yes!

Politadick · 3:14:06 Nailed to the wall for lying once again.

Politadick · 3:17:52 Oh please. This has been litigated a year ago and as with this, nothing was found to be true.

Politadick · 3:19:21 Ohhhh wow. He sold a piece of property. Surprise surprise.

Politadick · 3:22:04 So a track record using him for business. Hmmmmm....

Politadick · 3:23:22 OMG “CODE” he speaks in “CODE”

Politadick · 3:25:02 He is now Woke.... That’s so funny! Hahahahahaha

Politadick · 3:28:13 They just have nothing to go on and their witness the Democrats just had to have. Is making them all into one big clown show.

Politadick · 3:33:03 Nailed to the wall again
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