September 28 at 6:05 AM  US Department of State   Video  Watch a briefing with Heather Nauert, State Department Spokesperson and Acting Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs; Brian Hook, Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State and Special Representative for Iran; and Ambassador Michael Kozak, Senior Bureau Official, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor on human rights in Iran at approximately 9:00 AM EDT.
September 28 at 6:06 AM  Fox News  Video  Senate Judiciary Committee meets to discuss nominations, including a scheduled vote on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.  Watch live coverage and analysis on Fox News Channel. https://fxn.ws/2R8ioGW 

Time to confirm!  Politadick
September 28 at 6:23 AM  Town Hall  BREAKING: We Have The Votes  BREAKING: We Have The Votes - Matt Vespa: With the Senate Judiciary Committee holding a vote at 9:30 .09/28/2018 3:11:31AM EST. 

Let’s hope this is the case, because if it is, if Kavanaugh is confirmed the Supreme Court Judge, it’s going to be another November 2016 moment, another great victory, and people will wake up in the morning smiling, knowing that we have been saved again... 
keeping my fingers crossed!

May this be true. Confirm Today!  Politadick
September 28 at 6:31 AM  OANN  Iran strongly denies having secret nuclear weapons site near Tehran - One America News Network   Things got heated at the UN General Assembly Thursday, where Iran strongly denied hiding a warehouse full of nuclear materials. 

Iran has been exposed again.  Politadick
September 28 at 6:34 AM  OANN  Judge rules Calif. sanctuary state law is unconstitutional - One America News Network  A judge in Southern California has dealt a blow to the state's sanctuary policies. 

Awesome! Small victory for Southern California. “Build The Wall”  Politadick
September 28 at 6:40 AM  Fox News  Arizona GOP Sen. Jeff Flake says he will vote to confirm the Supreme Court nominee  BREAKING NEWS: Arizona GOP Sen. Jeff Flake, who was undecided on Brett Kavanaugh, says he will vote to confirm the Supreme Court nominee. 

One of the five Republicans in question has confirmed he will vote yes!  Politadick
September 28 at 6:46 AM  Fox News  California governor vetoes bills to let noncitizens serve on boards, block immigration arrests in courthouses  California Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed two bills Thursday that would have allowed noncitizens, including undocumented immigrants, to serve on state boards and commissions, and would have prevented immigration authorities from making arrests inside courthouses.  “Governance belongs to a nation’s citizens. Even Jerry Brown understands citizenship has to mean something.”

Wow.... Jerry Brown does the right thing, I think, for the very first time.  Politadick
September 28 at 6:54 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  WATCH LIVE: Kavanaugh faces crucial vote, White House eyes GOP senators  Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh faced a crucial vote Friday as a Senate panel decides whether to move his nomination on to the full Senate a day after he adamantly denied sexually assaulting Christine Blasey Ford, who insisted she's '100 percent' certain he did.  Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh faced a crucial vote Friday as a Senate panel decides whether to move his nomination on to the full Senate.
WATCH LIVE: https://bit.ly/2zCo1Gp

Time to Vote this extremely qualified person to the Supreme Court!

He is “100%” innocent and I hope Ford finds the right person in her pursuit for justice.

After yesterday it’s clear that he is the right person, at the right time, for the right job! 

September 28 at 6:57 AM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  "Helo my name is Charmin and I want someone to notify my Senator or my congressman or the FBI, that back in the 60's and into the 70's an old man named Mr. Whipple used to squeeze me inappropriately, even though people told him repeatedly please don't squeeze the Charmin....  I Demand Justice!"

Justice for Charmin! #MeToo  Politadick
September 28 at 7:32 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 629  Kavanaugh fights back with alacrity, Lindsey Graham shows his teeth, and Republicans press forward with the nomination. 
September 28 at 8:05 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  TODAY: Senate Committee Votes on Kavanaugh 
September 28 at 8:26 AM  The Hill  Kavanaugh outrage exposes media bias — yet again  Dan Backer says when the liberal media are faced with inconvenient truths, it’s far more convenient to peddle half-baked talking points and partisan speculation. 

Truth vs Fiction. Democrats want these Faux investigations, as they are burying the hard evidence against many of their own.  Politadick
September 28 at 8:35 AM  American Warrior Revolution  Photo

Why was the polygraph done the day of the funeral she attended for her grandmother...

Facts the Democrats don’t want you to acknowledge about the one Ford had. This alone should be proof enough of the Lefts 11th hour con job.


September 28 at 8:43 AM  OANN  Ambassador Nikkie Haley supports Venezuelan protesters gathered outside UN building - One America News Network  United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley rallied a crowd of Venezuelan protesters with words of support. 

Nikkie Haley for President 2024! She would be the perfect person to follow after President Trumps second term in office!  Politadick
September 28 at 8:45 AM  OANN  U.S. Forest Service awards nearly $8 million in innovation grants - One America News Network  The United States Forest Service recently announced its latest innovation grants awarded to 34 proposed projects in 20 states. 

Hopefully Alaska has jumped on board for this!  Politadick
September 28 at 8:53 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Sen. Jeff Flake announced his support of Brett Kavanaugh Friday, but other key Republican senators, including Lisa Murkowski, have not yet announced how they will vote.  In a moment tweeted by CBS News producer Bo Erickson, Senators Diane Feinstein and Lisa Murkowski talk in the hallway (on Wednesday) prior to Thursday's contentious hearing.  Read more: https://bit.ly/2zCvUf8 

Can’t wait for Kavanaugh to be confirmed to the Supreme Court and the lawsuits to begin against his accusers for defamation.

Time to put the Left where they seem to all belong. Behind bars or paying millions for their lies.  Politadick

September 28 at 9:08 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Poll: Dunleavy post huge leads on Walker, Begich  GOP Candidate Mike Dunleavy has put 21 points between himself and incumbent Gov. Bill Walker, who also trails Democratic candidate Mark Begich.  The survey featured 500 registered Alaskan voters -- 150 by landline and 350 on cellular phones -- who were certain or likely to vote in the Nov. 6 election.

Dunleavy for Governor 2018. The only person running that wants to cut the budget, protect the PFD the way it’s been done for 40 years before they change it and reduce governments size.

The other two have already said they want to steal the PFD, grow government size and add new taxes to pay for it.

The choice for Alaskans is clear who is going to win in November.  Politadick

September 28 at 9:17 AM  Alaska  Anchorage Chamber of Commerce  Make it Monday Senate + House District Candidate Forum

Come and meet the Candidates.  Politadick
September 28 at 9:36 AM  Fox News  Video  Senate Judiciary Committee meets to discuss nominations, including a scheduled vote on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.  Watch live coverage and analysis on Fox News Channel. https://fxn.ws/2R8ioGW 

They are just about ready to vote…

Flake is now Flaking Out!

Voted 11 to 10 to have the vote on the Senate floor Monday.

Desperate attempts by Democrats to delay one more week to investigate what they have already investigated. Senator Grassley shuts them down and says that will be up to the Senate Majority leaders to decide. Mitch McConnell has already said this is not gonna happen, and we all know what Schumer will say about this.  Politadick

September 28 at 11:12 AM  Fox News  Video  Senators deliver remarks on the Senate floor after close the Senate Judiciary Committee endorsed Judge Brett Kavanaugh in a party-line vote Friday afternoon, sending his Supreme Court nomination to the full Senate. https://fxn.ws/2ImaPYV 

More whining happening here. Have your airplane sick bags ready for it.  Politadick
September 28 at 12:17 PM  Fox News  Facebook says 50 million user accounts affected by security breach  Facebook said Friday it discovered a security breach that affects nearly 50 million user accounts.  JUST IN: Facebook said Friday it discovered a security breach that affects nearly 50 million user accounts. The issue was found by its engineering team on Tuesday afternoon.

Up to 90 Million users have been affected by this breach.  Politadick
September 28 at 12:36 PM  Liberal Privilege   Photo  "Let's not forget that it's democrats who are threatening violence to Kavanaugh's wife and kids.  It's democrats who want to remove President Trump by any means necessary and it's democrats who want to destroy our economy in order to regain power.  Remember that in November."

Never Forget!  Politadick
September 28 at 12:41 PM  A.F. Branco Cartoon - Twilight Zone  Democrats say all women need to be believed, All women? Keith Ellison accusers? Kathleen Willie, Pauls Jones, and Juanita Broddrick. #NotYou. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2018.  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 9/28/2018

Seems we have another Victim come forward today.  Politadick
September 28 at 12:50 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  GOP advances Kavanaugh after Flake calls for FBI probe  After a flurry of last-minute negotiations, the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced Brett Kavanaugh's nomination for the Supreme Court after agreeing to a late call from Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona for a one week investigation into sexual assault allegations against the high court nominee. 

What a disgrace the Left have made of the #MeToo movement.

Once this is all over with it will become nearly impossible for people to ever be believed.

Just like Judge Moore is doing. The people bringing false allegation against them will be facing defamation lawsuits and hopefully jail time.

September 28 at 1:52 PM  Judicial Watch  Video  Give Him A Vote: BIG Kavanaugh Update, NEW SpyGate Lawsuit, Clinton Email Court Hearing Set 

As of the last hour, President Trump has approved the investigation of Kavanaugh.


Finally a Hearing on the Clinton Emails.  Politadick

September 28 at 2:53 PM  Fox News  Video  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell makes remarks about the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. https://fxn.ws/2IrGB7a 

Seems President Trump and Mitch McConnell’s view of things are not on the same page.

As of an hour ago President Trump approved the one week investigation that should have happen 60 days ago.  Politadick

September 28 at 3:13 PM  Milo  Dangerouse.com  Records Show Dr. Ford Is Not A Licensed Psychologist, May Have Committed Perjury  Testifying under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Christine Blasey Ford identified herself as a ‘psychologist,’ but records indict this is a false statement under California law. Someone at Stanford University also appears to have caught the blunder and edited Ford’s faculty page. 

Ford perjured herself on the stand yesterday and what do we hear from the Democrats and Republicans about this… Crickets

Her entire testimony meant nothing after saying and portraying such a bold face lie. So when do the charges get filed for this?

This is only one of many examples that have come out about her testimony.  Politadick

September 28 at 3:26 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  Fake News

If you were ever confused which side of the Fence that this Juneau Paper sits on. Watch this video. Feel free to leave your feelings for this on their page. Wish I could but been block for about a year now.

(For some reason they didn’t like that I would bring Facts in about what they write that completely blows their Leftist spin out of the water.)


September 28 at 3:46 PM  White House Brief  CRTV  Video  Kavanaugh TORCHES Sen. Feinstein: 'My Family's Been Destroyed!'  Brett Kavanaugh finally got the chance to testify about the uncorroborated sexual assault allegations against him. When he came face-to-face with Sen. Feinstein, there were FIREWORKS. 

What every American should see!  Politadick
September 28 at 5:06 PM  Breitbart  Supporters Raise Nearly Half a Million Dollars for Christine Blasey Ford  A GoFundMe campaign has raised nearly $500,000 to pay expenses for Brett Kavanaugh's accuser, Christine Blasey Ford. 

At this point I believe this is all she was ever after and the Book Deal that will come next.  Politadick
September 28 at 6:36 PM  Alaska  KTOO  Protesters at Murkowski's Alaska offices ask her to torpedo Trump's Supreme Court pick  In Alaska, day of testimony from psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford prompts backlash against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh  There were demonstrations all over the state today. More than 130 people showed up outside Lisa Murkowski's office in Juneau today, about 150 in Anchorage, about 25 in Petersburg, and 40 in Fairbanks. 

Sure do wish I could get paid to go and protest with these people.

But I work for a living and don’t get a Welfare Check every month like they do.

September 28 at 6:46 PM  Alaska  Senator Rino Lisa Murkowski  My statement in support of an FBI Investigation before the final vote on Supreme Court Nominee, Brett Kavanaugh: 

She is just pandering to the masses and when the time comes will Vote for him. This gives her and some of the Democrats a reason afterwards to Vote for him and claim they have a clear conscience now.

Sickening watching people’s lives get destroyed while they play their dirty political games and to know our Senator is one of the ring leaders in this.

Update 10/7/2018 Sad to see that see really only cares about who Paid to make sure she has the seat she sits in. She has officially earned the Title "Rino"  Politadick
September 28 at 6:48 PM  A.F. Bronco  (((SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT))) BIG FAVOR!... I don't have access to a mega media complex to promote my new coffee table book. So, I'm asking friends to share as much as they can when they can to be sure the word is getting out there.... ... THANK YOU!

My Christmas present this year…  Politadick
September 28 at 6:59 PM  Fox Business  House passes tax reform 2.0 to make cuts permanent  Tax reform 2.0 now heads to the Senate.

Republicans are working hard to make the tax cut permanent for all Americans and expand what they can do.

Democrats already said they want to take more of your money. So expect them to not want to make the cuts permanent.

If it does pass, lower, middle class and small businesses won’t have to worry about their taxes going sky high as the Democrats have promised to do.

September 28 at 7:48 PM  Alaska  Veterans Party of Alaska  Photo  "I met a magical fairy yesterday who said she would grant me one wish.
"I whish to live forever," I said.
"Sorry," said the fairy, "I'm not allowed to grant that particular with."
:Fine," I said, "then I want to die the day after Congress is filled with honest, hard-working, bipartisan men and women who act only in the people's best interests!"
"You crafty bastard," replied the fairy."

Sounds like this person figures out how to live forever.  Politadick
September 28 at 9:42 PM  GoFundMe.com  Click here to support Brett Kavanaugh's Family organized by John Hawkins  Like many decent people from both parties, I have been disgusted by the unsubstantiated 36 year old smears aimed at Brett Kavanaugh. We live in a country where innocent until proven guilty is supposed to mean something; yet Brett Kavanaugh's reputation is being dragged through the mud while his f... 

Since the Ford woman already raked up almost a million bucks in her favor from the “supporters”, many people feel like Mr. Kavanaugh and his family deserve our support as well. 
This is the fundraiser for him to help him in his fight for justice and values.  Politadick
September 28 at 10:48 PM Alaska  Representative David Eastman  

I just voted. The Mat-Su Borough Election is taking place now (through Tuesday).

Most Alaskans will miss this opportunity.

It's a shame, because those chosen in this election will have the power to tax you, to regulate you, to run our schools, and spend our money.

Please send this to at least ten people whom you expect will make good decisions for our community as voters.

You have until Tuesday night to vote.
https://www.matsugov.us/elections#locations (select this link and then scroll up to see early voting locations/times).

This is for the Mat-Su one very important election to be voting in. It has a direct impact on our community. In some way more then the November election ever will.  Politadick

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