Breitbart Video
LIVE: Alleged Bill Clinton Assault Victim Juanita Broaddrick Blasts
Hypocrisy... Sad.... Poltiadick |
Fox News Update
More claims in the Judge Kavanaugh saga: two men now saying it was them
who Professor Ford is talking about, Nike almost cut Kapernick just
months before launching their infamous campaign, & you have to see this
seal slapping a kayaker...with an octopus! Two men come forward and say it was them Ford is talking about and not Kavanaugh Politadick |
Fox News Video
Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testify in front of
the Senate Judiciary Committee on sexual misconduct allegations.
Watch live coverage and analysis on Fox News Channel. So it begins! Politadick |
Alaska Politadick
Photo Democrats: However, the pictured woman is not Dr. Ford, but rather Lyudmyla Kozlovska, a Ukrainian human rights activist seen below at an anti-government protest in Warsaw in 2017: Explains everything you need to know! |
US Department of State Video Secretary Pompeo chairs a meeting on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea with Members |
President Trump: Russia probe is con job, Democrats are pushing
investigation without proof - One America News Network
President Trump recently slammed special counsel Robert Mueller's
investigation, saying -- once again -- there was no collusion during his
2016 presidential campaign.
President Trump recently slammed special counsel Robert Mueller’s
investigation, saying — once again — there was no collusion during his
2016 presidential campaign. Americans need to wake up and realize that the attack on the president using the powers of the US Government is also a direct attack on all of us to continue to push the Globalism agenda they have for the USA and to keep their “Power of Control” intact. If they win. I can see the USA transforming into the working class paying for everything for those who do not want to work raising taxes by 65%. Leaving less then 20% for you to live off of. Sooner rather then later they will run out of other people’s money. This is predicted to happen by 2050 if their agenda happens. Politadick |
Branco Cartoon - Manifest Destiny #MeToo
Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 9/27/2018 Nailed the mentality of today’s world perfectly. Politadick |
Two Men Claim They Had 'Encounter' with Christine Blasey Ford, Not
UPDATE: Two men have told the Senate Judiciary Committee that they are
the ones who had "the encounter" with Christine Blasey Ford, not Supreme
Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Facts Matter right now and the Democrats don’t want to listen to them. More proof this is a witch hunt to destroy everything Trump and don’t care who’s lives they destroy to do it. Politadick |
Fox Business Video
Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testify in front of
the Senate Judiciary Committee on sexual misconduct allegations.
Part Two Today. Ford testifies. Politadick |
Jay Sekulow Video BREAKING: Kavanaugh Hearing Continues |
Alaska District 31
SEATON wants ALL of your PFD All you ever need to know about Seaton and why he should never hold a seat in Alaska ever again. This Rino was voted in on the Republican Ticket to win and the first day there, went over to the Democrats party and worked hand n hand with them during his term. Now he shows his true colors and is running as the Democrat, that he really is. He is one of the Muskox Three. Gabriel LeDoux was the leader of them (Enough Said) Come November 6, 2018 it’s time for Alaskans to Vote for “Sarah Vance”! She really has Alaskans best interests at heart. Politadick |
Ben Shapiro Andrew
latest Daily Wire
KLAVAN: New York Times: 'Those Aren't Mistakes, We're Lying.'
The following is satirical. It’s so Honest you can’t help but laugh by the end of it! Politadick |
Alaska Mike
Dunleavy for Governor NRA Endorsed Awesome! Politadick |
Alaska Mike
Dunleavy for Governor
Crime is out of control. Alaskans have had enough. Enough is enough! Time to put people in charge who will take “All” Alaskans priorities and do something about it. Instead of what we have, that continue to cater just to the Minority. Politadick |
Fox News Video
Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testify in front of
the Senate Judiciary Committee on sexual misconduct allegations.
Watch live coverage and analysis on Fox News Channel. Part 3 today. This is all a big Sham going on here. Democrats can ask questions directly, but don’t ask them, only keep playing the feelings card. Republicans are forced to ask questions through an appointed women counsel. This should have every American terrified that their voices are being silenced while the Left speaks freely. Can you smell the they are dishing out here? |
Alaska KTVA 11
Florence is nation's second wettest storm, behind Harvey
Hurricane Florence was the nation's second rainiest storm in 70 years, a
top rainfall meteorologist calculated. Sad see so many people living in flood areas and expect never to get flooded. Politadick |
Alaska KTVA 11
The Latest: Ford says she's '100 percent' sure of attacker The
Latest on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh (all times
Christine Blasey Ford says she is "100 percent" certain that Supreme
Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were
high-school teenagers. Two men come forward yesterday and admit it was them and Ford has the wrong person. What do Democrats say..... Oh they must be lying... Clearly facts matter when proof is needed. What more proof does one need? Politadick |
Photo In a
Democrat Environment If this girl sees a penis at a party its a
crime But if this girl sees a penis in the women's
bathroom it's tolerance Sadly this is today’s America. Guys in women’s locker rooms and bathrooms is ok if they are exposed, it’s called tolerance. Any other time in history before now, this is called a predator, that should go to jail. Poltiadick |
Now This Video
This man admitted to kidnapping, strangling, and sexually assaulting an
Indigenous woman — yet he was given 'one pass' and will face no time in
prison (WARNING: distressing themes) Wish they would have highlighted Alaska Laws that are in place that has allowed this to happen. Sick reading people claim White Privilege is why he got this judgment. They also fail to point out that she refused to show up and give testimony that could have given him a sentence fitting for the crime he committed. I believe he deserves a minimum of an 20 year sentence for what he did. But Alaska Laws wouldn’t allow that to happen. Politadick |
Alaska Drain The
Swamp Alaska Video Reality of today’s Alaska! Buying the Alaskan vote. Every Unilateral Executive order he has signed by him was buying the Native Vote. Some examples: Climate Change Panel, Healthcare Expansion and with the help of our Lawmakers, SB91. Was all done to buy their vote. Politadick |
Fox News Video
Judge Brett Kavanaugh testifies in front of the Senate Judiciary
Committee on sexual misconduct allegations. Watch live coverage
and analysis on Fox News Channel. Part 4. Kavanaugh chance to set the record strait and actually have the Republicans ask direct questions (Seems they hamstrung the Republicans from asking Kavanaugh direct questions also). Something Ford should have had happen and Democrats should also had to go through appointed counsel! Update: Listening to his opening statements and I don’t see what questions he will be able to be asked that he already hasn’t answered in them. Democrats are going to put on one hell of a circus show about “Feelings” for what happen to her without no proof it was him. The clown car is about to unload. This isn’t a hearing. It’s an inquisition. Republicans have been muted from asking direct questions while the Democrats run their Feelings circus show. Part five coming soon. Politadick |
Fox Business Video Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell delivers remarks on the economy. |
Fox Business
Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testify in front of
the Senate Judiciary Committee on sexual misconduct allegations.
Part Five for today... Democrats continue to not allow Kavanaugh to fully answer question. Still won’t let Republicans directly ask him questions in real time. They have turned this into a mockery of how the USA is suppose to work. They still have not proved he was ever there. I’m sickened by what the Democrats and the Left have done here. Senator Graham is unleashing on the Democrats for the Sham they have here! They end the fifth
round with this: Part six coming soon! Politadick |
US Department of State Video Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo's meeting with the Burmese Minister for the Office of the State Counselor Kyaw Tint Swe at the Palace Hotel, in New York City |
Alaska KTVA 11
Three students have made allegations of abuse against an Iditarod
Elementary School teacher, dating back to 2012, however, there was not
enough evidence at the time to charge him sooner, according to court
STORY: So the police didn’t believe the students when it was reported six years ago, but in this #MeToo era we live in, finally go and ask him if he did this. He confesses that he did, when finally interviewed.... So why didn’t they investigate all those years ago? I hope he never gets to see the light of day after this. “On Monday, the Mat-Su School District received a report that Lukis Nighswonger, 36, inappropriately touched a student four years ago. Wasilla and Palmer police departments investigated those claims and as a result, he was arrested and charged on Wednesday night.” Politadick |
Fox News Video
Judge Brett Kavanaugh testifies in front of the Senate Judiciary
Committee on sexual misconduct allegations. Watch live coverage
and analysis on Fox News Channel.
Part Six for today..... Glad to see that the Republicans get to ask direct questions now. The way it should have been for the both of them! The Democrats entire argument stands on an FBI investigation and the person they want investigated is right in front of them to perform it right now. Nothing more then delay tactics over and over again. The Democrats are destroying many innocent people’s lives with this game they are playing. I’ve been reading what they are already publishing for the Left MSM and they are sickening the lies they are putting into print today. Politadick |
David Woodward
Photo "Let's do a 40 year background check on every member of
congress... Let's see who's left STANDING! Let the games begin! Politadick |
Fox Business Video
Judge Brett Kavanaugh testifies in front of the Senate Judiciary
Committee on sexual misconduct allegations. Part 7 today... Democrats now push their letters for an FBI Investigation and submit them as evidence that waiting 6 weeks to even mentioned happen. I see them calling for a Vote to confirm before the day is out. He was truthful and did a good job of exposing the Agenda of the Left and they have no legs left to stand on. Politadick |
Donald J. Trump on Twitter "Judge Kavanaugh showed America
exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest, and
riveting. Democrats’ search and destroy strategy is disgraceful and this
process has been a total sham and effort to delay, obstruct, and resist.
The Senate must vote!” President trumps answer to the hearings today… Time to vote him in tomorrow! Politadick |
Alaskan's Against Gov
Walker PFD Theft…/news-sen-begich-introduces-…/
This is Tom Begich's bill. So Alaskans.... Does he have our best interest at heart here or just lining the pocket books of Government forever? The answer to this is very clear...... Vote Mike Dunleavy for Governor. Begich just want's your PFD's forever......... Politadick |
Alaska KTVA 11
An Oregon man who police say had mental issues and went missing after he
flew in to Anchorage overnight Monday has been found.
STORY: Good News! They found him. Politadick |
Alaska Joe Schlanger
Photo Election Borough Alaska Vote YES on B-3 next week and end the two voting dates we have and combine them all into ONE! YES ON B-3! Politadick |
Alaska Must Read
$80 a barrel oil? That. Just. Happened. - Must Read Alaska
We are running a $300 million surplus. Thank goodness the Walker Income
Tax did not pass the Senate. News that Spendowitch and Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” keep saying would be impossible. This will be added to what is pinned on the top of the page.
Part 27: $300 Million Surplus |
Breitbart Video
"Senator Lindsey Graham slams Democrat Senators: 'This is the most
unethical sham since I've been in politics!'"
Going Viral Right Now... He said it exactly how it is! Incase you missed it earlier. He put the Democrats right where they belonged with his foot up all their @$$es!
See Part Five of Seven of todays hearings for the unclipped version: |
Survive our Collapse
WATCH: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Slips Envelope To Dr. Ford's Lawyer
Following Hearing. Smells corrupt. So what did they slip him in the envelope as they were packing up to leave?
Drugs? What’s your thoughts about this.....? Politadick |
Alaska KTVA 11
Alaska fourth-graders rank dead last nationally in reading
Students in the Anchorage School District raise the bar in recent PEAKS
testing results. The district and the state have a long way to go to
meet national standards. Just another day in Alaska getting the same results they have gotten now for decades. Politadick |
American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh until FBI investigates
allegations The American Bar Association is calling on the
Senate Judiciary Committee to halt the consideration of President Donald
Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh until an FBI investigation
is completed into the sexual assault allegations that have roiled his
nomination. This is FN Bull! Politadick |
Alaska Must Read
Governor's chief of staff: 'Take it down' - Must Read Alaska
This may be a first for a chief of staff in Alaska -- telling a
publication to unpublish something. Really not surprised to see Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” administration use the political long arm to try and censor the press. Taken right out of the Obama/Clinton playbook. Politadick |
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