September 26 at 6:20 AM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו.
September 26 at 6:21 AM  US Department of State  Video  Secretary Pompeo Joins President Donald Trump at a UN Security Council meeting on counter proliferation.
September 26 at 6:21 AM  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump participates in a United Nations Security Council Briefing on Counter proliferation.
September 26 at 6:22 AM  Fox Business  Video  The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, holds a hearing titled “Examining Safeguards for Consumer Data Privacy,” with testimony by officials from Google, Amazon, Twitter, Apple, and AT&T
September 26 at 6:22 AM  Fox News  Video  The House GOP holds their weekly press conference.
September 26 at 7:08 AM  Branco Cartoon  Nose Blind  A Political Cartoon By A.F. Branco for the Constitution.  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 9/26/2018

Nothing to see. Nothing at all!

Nose Blind: direct cause of having ones head up someone’s @$$ all the time.

September 26 at 7:14 AM  Fox Business  Video  First Lady Melania Trump hosts a reception in honor of UNGA Attendees and delivers remarks regarding her solo trip to Africa in October. 
September 26 at 7:43 AM  Ben Shapiro Video  Episode 627  Accusations and counteraccusations mount regarding Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination, Ted Cruz is run out of a restaurant, and Trump visits the Mos Eisley of the UN!
September 26 at 8:09 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  BREAKING: Kavanaugh Update
September 26 at 9:01 AM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Crime town hall report: 115 attend to speak to Dunleavy - Must Read Alaska  CRIME WAS ON THEIR MINDS AT THE …  Anchorage is reeling with the crime wave. So many people with such terrible stories from their neighborhoods.

Real Alaskans that are living the struggles of living here have clearly made their voices heard loud and clear.

The Unions and AFN don’t want us citizens speaking out about this. Since they are the ones that keep pushing not to change the laws, that they spent millions to convince our lawmakers to make.

Where has our current Governor been on these issues the last 4 years? Oh that’s right... He hasn’t been.

Each year he tasks the Lawmakers into making new taxes, business strangling regulations and expansion of Social Welfare Programs that only make the problems worse.

Not once has he made crime a priority when each years, new sessions begin. It doesn’t even make the list.

“When candidate Mark Begich held a crime-focused town hall meeting on Monday in Anchorage, five people attended to speak to the Democratic Party’s gubernatorial nominee. It was a disappointing night for the state’s top Democrat.”

Never forget that “Beg-I(t)ch” was compliant in the false charges placed against at the time Senator Ted Stevens (Who was proven innocent in the end, to bad he never got to see it happen) and was one of the Democrats that signed Obamacare into law, destroying the Healthcare industry and forcing Many, Many middle class Americans into bankruptcy trying to pay their medical bills, while others get it for free.

There is a reason he didn’t get a second term and lost to Senator Dan Sullivan. There is also many reason why he won’t ever become Mayor again. He had shown over and over again unless you are Union, Big Business or apart of the Native organizations. He can care less about everyone else.

Our current Governor has added 46,000 new Alaskans now get free healthcare because of Governors Unilateral decision to Expand Healthcare. Costing working Alaskans nearly $2 Billion a year in addition cost we have to pay for. Starting in 2020 Alaskans will see that number jump by 10% as the Federal contribution begins to disappear.

November 6, 2018 can’t get here soon enough and Alaskans hopefully will vote people into office that are going to make changes that benefit the Majority of Alaskans and stop catering to the Minority like the have for many, many years now.  Politadick

September 26 at 9:14 AM  Fox News  Video  Iranian President Hassan Rouhani holds a news conference.

All I keep hearing is “Death to All Americans”  Politadick
September 26 at 9:22 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  BREAKING: Kavanaugh Update

Breaking News! Just like Judge Moore is doing. Kavanaugh will need to sue them all for defamation of character once he is confirmed.  Poltiadick
September 26 at 9:28 AM  Alaska Republican Assembly Forum  Per ARP Region 2 Council - MatSu Borough - V O T E - Oct 2 -  https://www.facebook.com/groups/503027993480610/?ref=bookmarks 

That day is quickly coming up. Do you know who you are voting for?  Politadick
September 26 at 9:36 AM  Alaska Governor Bill Walker  The Climate Action Leadership Team (CALT) has worked for 10 months to develop recommendations to address climate change. We’re live as they deliver those recommendations to the Governor, and the state announces the first actions they will take.

Let’s explain why they want to steal your money to fix something that has been happening for 4.5 Billion Years!

What a packed crowd they have for this (Dunleavy had more people show up for the town hall he held on crime then the Governor has in this room) as they discuss funneling money into areas that have no jobs and live off of State Social Welfare Programs and call it Subsistence Living.

Politadick · 4:06 Let’s explain why they want to steal your money to fix something that has been happening for 4.5 Billion Years! What a packed crowd they have for this as they discuss funneling money into areas that have no jobs and live off of State Social Welfare Programs and call it Subsistence Living.

Politadick · 9:31 Yes! Thank You “Governor He Who Shall Not Be Named” for funneling 100 of thousands of hard working Alaskans money, into paying for all the people who live where their are no jobs. For passing SB91 and causing crime to go through the roof. Thank You for taking the PFD using it to pay for your LNG Gasline to Nowhere.

Politadick · 11:36 Mallott clearly expresses that this isn’t for all Alaskans but strictly for the Alaskan Natives and how to save their the Welfare Subsistence way of life.

Politadick · 15:31 Governor now totes a community that has sued every oil company in the state for building on an Island that is doing what land has been doing for 4.5 Billion years and approve Millions to build a school that is predicted to not exist ten years from now. This same place only has jobs for less than 20% of its population there and they are nearly all Government jobs they have.

Politadick · 23:45 His solution is to offer no solution to pay for it all. (Wait.... He has one, take the full PFD to grow government)

Politadick · 25:22 He took major steps to shut down the revenue by shutting out all Oil companies. Now he claims that he wants to expand the resources?

Politadick · 28:57 Ground 0 for stealing Alaskans money to propagate a lie.

Politadick · 31:23 Green House gases that make things grow and have life. More trees on our planet today then there was 50 years ago. This is no different then the Caribou will all die off and Polar Bears are being wiped off the face of the earth. Yet both are at record numbers never counted before.

September 26 at 10:12 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Alaska, Uber drivers to be paid after 2016 data breach  Alaska Uber drivers affected by a 2016 data breach which the ride-sharing giant didn't immediately report will get money from a $148 million settlement, as the state receives its $584,000 share. 

Alaska gets paid for a data breach that happen in 2016. Yet didn’t approve Uber to be used here until 2017. Well after the breach occurred.

How is that possible?

September 26 at 10:16 AM  ABC News  Video  President Donald Trump meets with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.abcn.ws/2DwvkDB
September 26 at 10:23 AM  Video of Mount Veniaminof in eruption, September 25, 2018, at approximately 7:30 am AKDT. Video courtesy of Allison Eckert, Ace Air.
AVO's page on current activity at Veniaminof is here: https://www.avo.alaska.edu/activity/Veniaminof.php 

Real Climate Change happening in all its Magnificent Glory!  Politadick 
September 26 at 10:27 AM  Alaska  The Dave Stieren Show  Video  Up next: Democrats will accuse Brett Kavanaugh of drinking so heavily he drove off a bridge with a young woman in the front seat, fled the scene — leaving her to drown, then later finding out she suffocated to death instead.... From the lovely Katie Pavlich

Sadly this already happen once upon a time... just wasn’t Kavanaugh.  Politadick
September 26 at 10:31 AM  Fox Business  Video  Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell holds his quarterly press briefing to present the FOMC's current economic projections and to provide additional context for its policy decisions. https://fxn.ws/2Ij9BOa
September 26 at 11:30 AM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump holds a bilateral meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May.
September 26 at 11:37 AM  OANN  Illegal immigrant arrested for 'savage' attacks - One America News Network An illegal immigrant, who had been deported half a dozen times, has been arrested in connection with a string of savage attacks and robberies on homeless men in Southern California. 

But they are all Peace Loving People Who Love America! I’m sure he will be let go very soon as activist join together to set him free.

“Build The Damn Wall”  Politadick

September 26 at 12:09 PM  The Daily Caller  Video  The Daily Caller's Stephanie Hamill, Vince Coglianese, and Amber Athey discuss the third woman to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of misconduct. 

This is getting really old the 11th hour smear attempts Democrats keep throwing out there. Can we pass a law that if caught lying about such accusations they see jail time and fined for making them? I’ll believe all #MeToo allegations if there is Jail Time for lying. Until then, I’ll have have a hard time believing anyone after this.  Politadick
September 26 at 12:50 PM  US Department of State  Video  Secretary Pompeo attends President Donald Trump's press conference at the Palace Hotel, in New York
September 26 at 1:39 PM  US Department of State  Video  Secretary Pompeo attends President Donald Trump's press conference at the Palace Hotel, in New York

Must Watch before you see the Hack Job MSM will do to this. Make sure you see it from the beginning to end!

Time to be informed of the facts and not the fact MSM thinks that you should believe.  Politadick

September 26 at 2:56 PM  Alaska  KTOO  Body of man recovered from Treadwell Mine Glory Hole on Douglas  The cause of death remains unknown after Juneau authorities pulled the body of a man from the Treadwell Mine Glory Hole Tuesday.  Records indicate the man may have lived in Juneau between 30 and 40 years ago, but was most recently a Washington state resident.

Wow   Politadick
September 26 at 3:37 PM  Alaska  Breitbart  Live Updates: Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford Preview Testimony on Eve of Senate Hearing | Breitbart
The latest accusations against Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh -- brought by Resistance TV lawyer Michael Avenatti, representing a D.C. resident named Julie Swetnick -- have caused Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee to push even harder to derail Kavanaugh's confirmatio... 

Juicy info on our Rino Murkowski, look who she was pals with today and much more inside.

“2:55 PM — Murkowski so far has been the Republican senator most publicly sympathetic to Democratic objections, saying that the FBI should investigate Kavanaugh’s accusers to “clear up” questions.”

Matt Lasio Tweets:

“Sens. Feinstein and Murkoskwi have been huddling and whispering to each by the elevators in the basement of the Capitol for some time now”


All the dirt that has been uncovered today about Kavanaugh. This would take an hour to unpack it all, read and watch all the links.

If what is happening right now doesn’t get that “Red Wave” rising up to vote. Nothing will. Democrats are trying to change the way The USA is suppose to work.

You are “Innocent” until proven “Guilty”

Democrats now want all people to be guilty until they prove they are not all based upon how much “Feelings” you have over the non-existing proof.

Mothers/Fathers and everyone that has boys in their care.... Lock them all up or chaperone them so they are never alone or the new standard that is being set, none of them will ever be safe again.  Politadick

September 26 at 5:42 PM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Proof: The Alaska Grassroots Alliance intended to get arrested - Must Read Alaska  RADICALS TRAVEL TO DC; GET IN AND …  They did exactly what they went there to do, and what they had trained for earlier this year.

Facts Matter!

The truth Mainstream Media is hiding from you about those Alaskans that purposefully got themselves arrested yesterday. That was their plan all along. Just to try and smear Senator Dan Sullivan.  Politadick

September 26 at 6:12 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Muni teams up with UAA to fight climate change  The Municipality of Anchorage and the University of Alaska Anchorage are partnering together to combat climate change in the city.  The city of Anchorage is making a plan to fight climate change and wants your help. 

$4-6 Million in the hole reported yesterday and now they want to spend more money on something they cannot control.

4.5 Billion years our climate has been changing and I’m sure it will happen for 4.5 Billion more.

Bunch of leftist running that town.

September 26 at 6:15 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Oregon man reported missing in Anchorage  He made a three-hour road trip to southern Oregon only to fly back north to Alaska and buy a knife in Anchorage. Understandably, his family is concerned.

Have you seen this man? If so, call the police so that he can go home.  Politadick
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