Fox News Update
Judge Kavanaugh now hitting back against brand new sexual assault
allegations, President Trump to take aim at Iran during the U.N. General
Assembly, & Tiger is back! Start your day with all the latest... Politadick |
The White House Video Watch LIVE as President Trump participates in the Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem. |
Alaska KTVA 11
Glenn Highway reopens inbound after motorcycle crash
UPDATE: The Glenn Highway's blocked lanes inbound have reopened after
last night's motorcycle crash near the S-curves. Politadick |
College Humor
America and Iraq have called it quits, but there's the little issue of a
bunker in the oven. Just should have pulled out!! Too Funny! Politadick |
Alaska Elena
Moskva Photo "Republicans who Stay Home Elect DEMOCRATS" Truth! Politadick |
US Department of State Video Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo participates in a joint press availability with Ambassador Nikki Haley and National Security Council Advisor John Bolton in New York City. |
Alaska Republican
Assembly Subject: The NYT refused to run the New Yorker story
RIDICULOUS CLAIM - LAST MINUTE SMEARS MUST END The New York Times investigated the claim in The New Yorker story before it was published last night. After interviewing “several dozen” people, they were unable to find anyone who could corroborate the accusation. Further, the NYT found the accuser had contacted former classmates and admitted she “could not be certain” Kavanaugh was the person..". · “The New Yorker did not confirm with other eyewitnesses that Judge Kavanaugh was at the party. The Times had interviewed several dozen people over the past week in an attempt to corroborate her story, and could find no one with firsthand knowledge. Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the incident and told some of them that she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one...” – New York Times, 9/23/18 Facts Matter and DemoRats don’t have any. They only have “Feelings”.... Politadick |
Alaska Joe Schlanger Photo One I’m sure all of us can stand behind! Vote October 2, 2018! Politadick |
Jay Sekulow Video BREAKING NEWS: Major Developments Expected at DOJ |
Alaska KTUU 2
Deputy AG Rosenstein expecting to be fired, heads to White House
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein headed to the White House on
Monday expecting to be fired by President Donald Trump, a person
familiar with the situation told The Associated Press.
UPDATE: The White House says President Donald Trump and his embattled
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein spoke on Monday and will meet
Thursday at the White House amid uncertainty about Rosenstein's fate.
MORE: The information came from Page and McCabe memos. The Deep State hard at work within the White House. What’s worse he doesn’t deny nearly all the content. Only the way it is being told. Will he Resign? Politadick |
Branco Cartoon - Show Time Starring Primadonna
Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 9/24/2018 Sadly this is probably will be true..... Lie and deceive. “Feelings” without proof, have become the “Law of the Land”. You are now guilty before you are innocent and they destroy your lives based off of someone’s word with 0 evidence to back it up. Mothers, Fathers, lock all your boys up and throw away the key. They are no-longer safe in today’s world. Politadick |
Ben Shapiro
Latest from Matt Walsh Daily Wire
WALSH: 5 Reasons To Completely Dismiss The Latest Accusations Against
Brett Kavanaugh Brett Kavaugh could have already been
confirmed to the Supreme Court, but Republicans have decided to wait
around and give Democrats time to conjure up additional allegations
against him. After several days of frantic searching, they've finally
found their second accuser. Time to confirm Kavanaugh. There needs to be a special session held directly after Thursday’s hearings, and have him confirm by Saturday night! Politadick |
Ben Shapiro
Hmm. Daily Wire
BREAKING: Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein 'Verbally Resigns' From DOJ
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has "verbally resigned" his
position in the Department of Justice, effective Monday, according to
He has Resigned? I feel the Deep State set this all up and had this ready to try and delay all the stuff that President Trump wants declassified and released, this is just the beginning of those that soon will no longer have jobs once that happens. Politadick |
Fox News Insider 'I
Take Away Their Narrative': Mia Love Says Pelosi, Top Dems 'Afraid' of
Minorities Joining GOP Rep. Mia Love said accusations that she
collected campaign funds illegally are "baloney" and a "coordinated
effort" to attack her campaign ahead of November's midterm elections.
Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats are "afraid" of minorities joining
the GOP, says Rep. Mia Love. This sounds almost like what the media and Left Wing groups in Alaska tried/trying against Dunleavy. Politadick |
Alaska Anchorage
Chamber of Commerce Make it Monday forum - Judges on the Nov. 6th
Ballot MON, SEP 24 Learn who these Judges are before you vote in November. Politadick |
Politadick Photo Reality Seems the double standards are blatantly clear. "Hillary Clinton: All women should be believed, regardless if it was 36 years ago" "Bill Clinton: Shut the hell up woman!!" |
Politico Video Trump participates in bilateral meeting with Moon Jae-In, South Korea's president. Later today, Trump will sign the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement. |
PBS News Video
WATCH LIVE: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and others make
remarks about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on the Senate floor.
Breaking News!! About Kavanaugh. Also Senator Dan Sullivan gets recognition for making Colonel. They are now continuing on with other people speaking about Kavanaugh. Politadick |
The White House Video Watch LIVE as President Trump participates in a signing ceremony for the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement. |
Fox News Insider
Sen. Hirono: GOP Is 'Stonewalling' Kavanaugh Probe After 2nd Accuser
Comes Forward Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) on Monday
criticized Republicans for characterizing the sexual assault accusations
against Brett Kavanaugh as politically motivated.
Republicans are being politically motivated by the accusations against
Brett Kavanaugh, according to one senator. "[They] are
stonewalling an investigation that would and should occur otherwise." Sad watching the downfall of law and justice in America and this will ultimately in the end be the black mark on the #MeToo movement that will make it so no one will ever be believed. Politadick |
Fox News Video President Donald J. Trump participates in a bilateral meeting with the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt. |
Fox Business Video
President Donald J. Trump participates in a bilateral meeting with
French President Emmanuel Macron. |
Alaska KTUU 2
US, China hike tariffs as trade row intensifies China and the
United States imposed new tariff hikes on each other's goods Monday and
Beijing accused Washington of bullying, giving no sign of compromise in
an intensifying battle over technology that is weighing on global
economic growth.
China's leaders offered to narrow their politically sensitive,
multibillion-dollar trade surplus with the United States by purchasing
more natural gas and other American
exports. But they have rejected pressure to change industry plans the
communist leadership sees as a path to prosperity and global influence.
Tonight on the News Hour, we'll hear from local Alaska businesses on how
the tariffs are affecting them already. Sounds like the USA needs to start making the stuff here instead of importing it all. Hmmmmm.... Politadick |
Ben Shapiro
From The Andrew Klavan Show:
Daily Wire
Klavan: The Left Is Ruining #MeToo Andrew Klavan was very
clear on Monday's episode of “The Andrew Klavan Show” when speaking
about the Left – they ruin everything. Their current target? The entire
#MeToo movement. I think I said this already today. Now you can hear why....... #MeToo is being taken down by the very people who claim to be champions of the cause. Politadick |
Fox News Insider 'Incredibly
Difficult': Ashley Kavanaugh Reacts to Death Threats, Coverage of
Husband's Allegations Ashley Kavanaugh, the wife of Judge
Brett Kavanaugh, defended her husband Monday on "The Story" against
accusations of sexual misconduct and reacted to the threats her family
has faced as the situation intensified. What this man and his family is going through right now is heartbreaking. Take a moment to hear from them their side of things. The Left MSM won’t show the whole interview to you. They are already hacking it apart and spinning their lies around it. Politadick |
Fox News Insider
McConnell Blasts Dems for 'Shameful Smear Campaign' Against Kavanaugh
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) blasted Democrats Monday
on the Senate floor amid what he called a "shameful smear campaign"
against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Incase you missed what the Republicans have had to say about this today: “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blasted Democrats Monday on the Senate floor amid what he called a "shameful smear campaign" against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.” Politadick |
Pebble Project Update
Everyone’s talking about the new iPhone launch, but did you know it’s
made up of 62 different mined materials? With the touch of a button, we
are instantly connected thanks to gold, tungsten, aluminum, COPPER, and
more. Alaskan copper can help connect the world. With just a touch of a button.... Politadick |
Alaska Must Read
Questions for the investigation of Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux - Must Read
It's time for a search warrant for her phone and computer. She should just bow out now and save the taxpayers a fortune. If not. They need to quickly seize her computer and phone before she has a chance to bleach bit them. Politadick |
Alaska KTOO
Walker campaign says Republican-funded group didn't disclose ad spending
A complaint said the group Families for Alaska’s Future - Dunleavy
failed to report ads the Republican Governors Association bought in
The campaign says the Republican Governors
Association (RGA)bought
$735,000 in ads with KTUU two months before it registered. And it never
reported the money with the commission. Well at least we know for the moment Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” isn’t trying to makeup some #MeToo allegation yet. I’m sure they will wait until the week of the election to let that one slip out. This is a ploy pulled directly from the Democrats Play Book: Really sad I called it hours before this came out. |
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