September 11 at 6:19 AM  Fox News  Video  The American flag is unfurled at the Pentagon to commemorate the 17th anniversary of the September 11th attacks.
September 11 at 6:28 AM  Fox Business  Video  Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivers remarks for the Department of Justice 9/11 Remembrance Vigil at the DOJ Courtyard. 

September 11 at 6:30 AM  Donald J Trump  Photo  Departing Washington, D.C. to attend a Flight 93 September 11th Memorial Service in Shanksville, Pennsylvania with Melania. #NeverForget

September 11 at 6:30 AM  Donald J Trump  Photo  17 years since September 11th. We will never forget.

Never Forget!    Politadick
September 11 at 6:31 AM  The White House  Video  President Trump and The First Lady Attend the Flight 93 September 11 Memorial Service

September 11 at 7:03 AM  Branco Cartoon: Inside Job  By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher resolution version.  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 9/11/2018

Wouldn’t surprise me one little bit...  Politadick
September 11 at 8:01 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  9/11 Special: Mayor Giuliani and AG Ashcroft Join Us Live
September 11 at 8:03 AM  OANN  Video  REPORT: 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund Running Out of Money, Claims Increase  According to the World Trade Health Center Program, more than 7,000 first responders…  According to the World Trade Health Center Program, more than 7,000 first responders have been diagnosed with cancer since the tragedy of 9/11. One America's Kara McKinney takes a closer look at the terror attack's lasting effects.

September 11 at 8:13 AM  OANN  Video  Obama's Attack On The Press  Former President Barack Obama resurfaces from retirement to attack President Trump on a number of key issues, including his treatment of the media. One America's Alex Salvi explains how Obama's relationship with the press may not have been the way he remembers it.

Obumer was worse then President Trump will ever be. Obumer directly spies on the press and prosecuted many of them to shut down the reporting they were doing about the corruption involved during his two terms and unlike President Trump was guilty of betraying all Americans and the Freedoms of the press.  Politadick
September 11 at 8:24 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Alaska looks for panelists to discuss new roads in forest  Alaska Gov. Bill Walker's administration is looking for Alaska residents to serve on an advisory committee that will discuss the future of the Tongass National Forest.

Nothing to see here. The Panel that will be discussing this happening, will be packed with anti-development mindsets. They would rather it all burn to the ground instead of responsibly logging and replanting.

Never forget that they want Alaska to burn to the ground like California is doing to itself.

September 11 at 8:37 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  ASD parents, teachers question hiring of P.R. firm in Dimond High controversy  Some parents and teachers are questioning Anchorage School District Superintendent Deena Bishop's hiring of an outside P.R. firm as contract negotiations continue.  "She complains that there's no money to pay for teachers, and yet she is willing to pay for her own P.R. person."
Some parents and teachers question ASD's hiring decisions in the wake of controversy, contract talks.
MORE: https://bit.ly/2O958Qn

Fire 10 duplicate administrator positions and use that money to hire 30 new teachers. But that would be to simple of an solution. Instead they’ll hire more people who don’t know how to be teachers, but sure do look and sound good when on camera.  Politadick
September 11 at 8:44 AM  Liberty Hangout.org  ON THIS DAY IN 2001: The Federal Government Loses $2.3 Trillion Dollars  On the day before the September 11th attacks, Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced one of the greatest failures of the Federal Government. 


The Federal Government Loses $2.3 Trillion Dollars On the day before the September 11th attacks, Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced one of the greatest failures of the Federal Government.


$2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS went missing and it was announce a day before 9/11/2001.....
16 years later and we still have never been given an answer to why this happen or where it might have went...

UAA has recently release findings about the falling of the towers that brings to question, are these things related....

Now let's also take what just happened in Charlottesville Virginia... during this violence and protests.....

Government hearings were happening asking what happen to the $9 trillion that has gone missing
https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1487250354669314 Posting has been completely Removed By FaceBook

Update September 21, 2017 Seems that story was older then that Posting was Claiming..... Explains Why it went MIA.... Here is a link to the Hearing in 2013.... https://youtu.be/q9pnc7IXpC0

What you have just watched, still doesn't have an Answer to it.... 4+ years old now......

Food for thought on this day..... Politadick

I remember!  Politadick

September 11 at 8:58 AM  Alaska  ACLU  Local law enforcement has no legal authority to arrest someone just for being undocumented. Police departments need to know that when they violate the law they too will be held accountable. #VictoriesThatMatter bit.ly/2Qnq87x

Alaska has now adopted Sanctuary City Policies when it come to Illegal Immigrants in our State of Alaska.

I warned you all over a year ago that they were going to do this. Next big push will be after the November elections when they will start pushing laws that will officially make city’s in Alaska Sanctuary Cities…

Many in the Anchorage Assembly have already said that is what they plan on doing when elected last year.


September 11 at 11:14 AM  US Department of State  Video  Department Press Briefing 
September 11 at 11:23 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Immigrant receives $50K settlement for Palmer arrest  The City of Palmer is apologizing to Alex Caceda and changing police policies, after the ACLU of Alaska said he was improperly “arrested, taken to Mat-Su Pretrial Facility, and kept in jail for four days" then turned over to ICE last year. 

He was an “Illegal Immigrant”. Emphasis on “Illegal”!

To bad that part of it has been excluded from being reported by ACLU and now KTVA 11.

Alaska has now adopted Sanctuary City Policies when it come to Illegal Immigrants in our State of Alaska.

I warned you all over a year ago that they were going to do this. Next big push will be after the November elections when they will start pushing laws that will officially make city’s in Alaska Sanctuary Cities…

Many in the Anchorage Assembly have already said that is what they plan on doing when elected last year.

Never forget what Homer Alaska tried to do without our Vote or Consent and tried turning Homer temporarily into one. Those recalls that the Lawmakers had last year there was because of that.

The one running against Don Young has expressed views that says she is going to push this if elected. Even those running for Governor have expressed views that backup this will happen (Except for Mike Dunleavy). Even the Mayor of Anchorage is more then willing to make this happen.


September 11 at 11:38 AM  ABC News  Video  We're at The White House as Pres. Donald J. Trump is briefed by FEMA, DHS chiefs ahead of Hurricane Florence's approach. https://abcn.ws/2N9qGQx
September 11 at 11:49 AM  The Dave Stieren Show  As well they should....  APN News  The Latest: Protesters speak out against Dallas shooting  DALLAS (AP) — The Latest on a fatal shooting involving an off-duty Dallas police officer (all times local): 11:35 p.m. Protesters gathered at police he 

More details given. Still have yet to hear any evidence why she had to shoot him. At this point I will still say they need to throw the book at her for Manslaughter.

Also I have yet to see any evidence that shows this was a Black on White Racist act the Left are still pushing.  Politadick

September 11 at 1:02 PM  Alaska  Matt Clayman  Video  Alaska State Forum on Public Safety — Part 1
September 11 at 1:28 PM  WGY.IHEART.COM  another nyc thing that they will say is bad then think of the money they could make. 'Crack Pipe' Vending Machines Popping Up On Long Island | News Radio 810 & 103.1 WGY  The machines dispensed a small glass tube and filter for the cost of eight quarters. 

Sadly this is what the USA has come too. Goes right along with state approved injection sites they are setting up to do their heroin coke and meth.

September 11 at 2:04 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  ACLU-Alaska announces settlement in immigration detention  The American Civil Liberties Union of Alaska says it's settled a lawsuit with the city of Palmer that alleged officers wrongfully detained a Peruvian man over his immigration status.  In exchange for dropping his lawsuit, Alex Caceda received $50,000 in compensation, a written apology from the city, and changes to police procedures in handling immigration detainers and warrants.

He was an “Illegal Immigrant”. Emphasis on “Illegal”!

To bad that part of it has been excluded from being reported by ACLU and now KTVA 11. Now we can add KTUU 2 to this list.

Alaska has now adopted Sanctuary City Policies when it come to Illegal Immigrants in our State of Alaska.

I warned you all over a year ago that they were going to do this. Next big push will be after the November elections when they will start pushing laws that will officially make city’s in Alaska Sanctuary Cities…

Many in the Anchorage Assembly have already said that is what they plan on doing when elected last year.

Never forget what Homer Alaska tried to do without our Vote or Consent and tried turning Homer temporarily into one. Those recalls that the Lawmakers had last year there was because of that.

The one running against Don Young has expressed views that says she is going to push this if elected. Even those running for Governor have expressed views that backup this will happen (Except for Mike Dunleavy). Even the Mayor of Anchorage is more then willing to make this happen.


September 11 at 2:58 PM  Fox News  "There's no better symbol to represent America today than a flag but then for an eagle to land on a fire truck holding a flag."   Firefighters in Minnesota were in disbelief when an eagle landed on truck display during their annual memorial for the 9/11 attacks. https://fxn.ws/2MnuZlF 

September 11 at 3:03 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Zinke seeks more state wildlife management on federal lands  Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is calling for states to be primary managers of wildlife and fish on federal lands within his department unless federal law specifically supersedes state policies  Zinke says it's been Department policy for 35 years, and has instructed his offices to review where federal regulations are more restrictive than state provisions.

This Rocks for Alaska. Putting the control back into the hands of the people who live here, instead of those who don’t, that are constantly try to tell Alaskans how to run our Great State!  Politadick
September 11 at 3:06 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  An update on the search for Ashley Johnson-Barr, live from Kotzebue. Lt. David Hanson with the Alaska State Troopers is speaking to the media about the latest developments in the exhaustive search. 

September 11 at 3:11 PM  Alaska  Matt Clayman  Video  Alaska State Forum on Public Safety — Part 2


Part Two today.

They continue to try and explain how these new laws are supposedly working. They save $17 Million in the jail system, but $50 Million in property damage and theft last year seems to outweigh the savings.  Poltiadick

September 11 at 3:17 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Lava flow seen on restless Alaska volcano  A lava flow has been spotted on an Alaska volcano that recently became active again.  Volcano observatory scientists say witnesses on the state ferry saw the lava flow and fountaining this morning.

Climate Change in all its magnificent glory to see! 4.5 Billion years now and counting.  Politadick
September 11 at 3:23 PM  The Daily Caller  Video  Son Of 9/11 Victim Goes Off Memorial Script - Sends Chilling Message To Dems  'Political theater'  Why isn't anyone talking about this 

Please share this. I’m so sick and tired of Democrats trying to erase our history to fit their political agenda.  Politadick
September 11 at 3:27 PM  Alaska  Don Young  Video  Alaska is unique and the needs of our state deserve a knowledgeable and effective voice in Congress. Leadership matters and experience counts which is why I'm proud to be running to serve as the Congressman for All Alaska.
September 11 at 3:30 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  ASD spending $12K a month on crisis PR  More than $10,000 a month in taxpayer funds are going to a Seattle-based public relations firm, as the Anchorage School District responds to alleged sexual abuse in Dimond High's football program and child-abuse charges against a teacher.

Wow.... Sad to think they have that much dirt to try to keep out of the public’s eye. No wonder they can’t make budget each year when they have spending habits like these and they don’t even live in the state.  Politadick
September 11 at 3:35 PM  A.F. Branco - September 11, 2018, Still Remembering  September 11, 2018 we still have a hole in our hearts as we continue to remember and will never forget what happened September 11th, 2001. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2018  Remembering 9/11 - September 11, 2018

Never Forget  Politadick

September 11 at 4:07 PM  Ben Shapiro  Thoughts?  Daily Wire  Cartoonist Slammed As 'Racist' For Serena Williams Cartoon Stands His Ground, 'Herald Sun' Backs Him  Australian cartoonist Mark Knight was hit with massive backlash for depicting tennis superstar Serena Williams' US Open meltdown on Saturday in a cartoon for the Herald Sun. 

Love it!  Politadick
September 11 at 4:13 PM  Damon Johnston on Twitter   "Tomorrow's @theheraldsun front page tonight #auspol #springst” 

Just Imagine if the ADN was to do this. Their sales would go through the ROOF!  Politadick
September 11 at 5:49 PM  Homer Chamber of Commerce  Video  Homer City Council & Mayoral Forums.

Homer are you Awake? Mayor Debate!  Politadick
September 11 at 5:55 PM  Fox News Voices  Video  "This is a betrayal of constitutional order and of democracy itself." — Tucker Carlson on newly released Strzok-Page text messages  https://fxn.ws/2CK5RpF

The paper trail in the Obamagate has more evidence of FBI interference and manufacturing of evidence.  Politadick
September 11 at 5:58 PM  Fox News  Border Patrol in Texas nabs more than 130 illegal's in just over 24 hours  U.S. Border Patrol agents scooped up 131 illegal immigrants, including 22 unaccompanied minors, in just a little over a day in the Rio Grande Valley, officials said Tuesday. 

Hey ICE! Alaska has one more for you to haul off and deport. It will save our state $50,000 dollars if you do it right away. I’m sure we could also get you a list of several others you could pickup while you are here.  Politadick
September 11 at 5:59 PM  Fox Business  Video  On the 17th anniversary of 9/11, the "Tribute in Light" shines from lower Manhattan in honor of those who lost their lives. 

September 11 at 6:28 PM  Homer Chamber of Commerce  Video  Homer City Council & Mayoral Forums Part 2 

Homer Mayor Debate!  Politadick
September 11 at 7:05 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Jeff King speaker at rally to protest Kavanaugh  About 50 people rallied in front of Sen. Lisa Murkowski's Anchorage office urging her to vote against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. 

He should be Voted in 100/0. He is more then qualified to hold the seat in the Supreme Court!

Sad though knowing how many Snowflakes in Alaska would rather have a judge that rules with “feelings” instead of the “rule of law”.  Politadick

September 11 at 7:09 PM  Fox News  New Mexico compound suspects indicted on federal charges  Federal prosecutors in New Mexico say the group was preparing for violent attacks on government, military, educational and financial institutions. 

Finally they have charged them with crimes they can’t just walk out of jail for.

“Media Blackout” series.

September 11 at 7:53 PM  Fox News Insider  Video  Tucker EXCLUSIVE: Email Reveals Google Exec's Effort to Help Hillary Clinton in 2016  In an exclusive report Monday night, Tucker Carlson said that a newly revealed email from inside Google shows the tech giant was biased for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump during the 2016 election.  "Google tried to get Hillary elected. They failed, this time."  Tucker Carlson Tonight had a can't-miss report about a Google executive's efforts to help Hillary Clinton in 2016. 

BOMBSHELL REPORT! Google put the fix in to try and make sure that Killary won the election.

Email from them, exclusively being reported by Fox News, Breaking the news. Google does not deny they were doing it.  Politadick

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