September 8 at 10:37 AM  Fox News  Massachusetts jewelry store under fire after 'take a knee' billboard backfires  Garieri Jewelers in Sturbridge, Mass., came under fire after their billboard showing a man proposing to a woman was called racist.  The billboard advertising Garieri Jewelers in Sturbridge, Mass., reads: “If you’re going to take a knee this season, please have a ring in your hand!”

Love It! The Right Way to Take a Knee!  Politadick
September 8 at 11:22 AM  Alaska  Sara Rasmussen  The primary is over! District 22’s Republican Candidate for the House is Sara Rasmussen. She has the daunting task of unseating “Independent” candidate Jason Grenn, a personable guy who, in the last election managed to convince conservative leaning District 22 voters that he, while an “Independent candidate”, still shared the fiscally sound views of this electorate and that he would be looking after their best interests regardless of party interests. 
It was a great line. And Jason may even believe it. But the results of his first term in office should prove to District 22 voters that they can’t afford to re-elect him.
There are two business oriented groups here in Alaska that publish “legislative report cards”.
The Alaska Chamber of Commerce which partners with the Resource Development Council and Alaska Wins and the independent Alaska Public Policy Forum each do an evaluation and give the individual legislators grades from A to F. Both rating groups tend to focus more on good economics than on social issues or dogma.
Jason Grenn gets a comfortable C from both and some of his fans might say that that just proves he is truly independent. All of the anti-business, anti-oil, anti-development and pro-tax folks got F’s, right. So Jason is truly doing what he promised and is right in the middle- doing what is best for us, the citizens of District 22. Right?
Wrong…in fact it is exactly the opposite of right, because when Jason Grenn got to Juneau he did exactly what his “main supporter” wanted: He organized in the House with the Democrats and the so-call Musk Ox Republicans, delivering control of the House to all of those anti-everything-except tax folks who got all of the F’s on their report cards.
Vinnie Beltrami, the head of the AFL-CIO in Alaska, the AFL PAC and other union PACs put a lot of money into getting Jason elected and they will be putting a lot more into keeping him there this time around.
Sara is going to need a lot of help to overcome this juggernaut.
Sara understands that for an economy to prosper someone needs to be creating wealth, whether through resource development or technological innovation. She also understands that government doesn’t create wealth, government uses wealth and usually not very wisely. Here in Alaska we have one major wealth creator: the oil industry. 
The old cartoon characterization of Alaska’s economy was that of a three legged stool. Oil, Government and Everything else. But it was never that accurate: What we really have is a two legged stool because Government produces nothing, it simply redistributes what others have created. When government is performing as it should, roads get built, criminals go to jail and kids actually learn to read and write with a little math thrown in.
Unfortunately those things that government should do aren’t getting done now and Jason whether he knows it or not is part of the problem.
Jason is an enabler of the anti-oil, anti-business, pro-income tax crowd. He is the enabler of a Governor obsessed with hating oil and building uneconomic gas pipelines. He is the enabler of the policies which have contributed to our lowered credit rating and the reluctance of anyone to invest in Alaska.
He proudly, and justifiably touts his work with non-profits and public service. But these are not wealth creating enterprises, they, like government itself, are users of wealth. 
Jason doesn’t seem to understand the difference and brags about his experience working with non-profits.
We could write another hundred pages on what is wrong in Juneau and why Jason is the wrong guy to send to Juneau but you are Republicans and independents and you already know most of this.
So do what you know needs to be done: Get Sara signs out, get your friends out to stump for her and donate a few bucks to help her get her message out. 
We know the economy is tough right now, but it will get a lot tougher if we don’t start sending the right folks to Juneau to represent us.

Share Share Share if you care about the Future of Alaska...

The Truth about Jason Green and why he needs to go, come November.

All Alaskans need to learn the truth about him!

September 8 at 11:57 AM  America's Great Wall Documentary Film  Educating American's about the threats to our national borders and the future of our freedom.  America's Great Wall Documentary 

I will be sharing this one over and over again. To much information to unpack in a comment. I consider this a must watch by anyone living in the USA!

This is why making sure we turn all our states "Red" this November is so important for us all to do.  Politadick

September 8 at 1:17 PM   Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Begich supports widely debated fish initiative  Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Begich on Friday said reaffirmed his support for a hotly debated ballot initiative designed to update fish habitat laws. Our campaign is the only one dedicated to reducing government spending, promoting policies to reignite our economy, and creating good-paying jobs. Ballot Measure 1 threatens Alaska jobs and would cripple resource development in our state.  It’s clear that Begich opposes new jobs, wealth creation and revenue for Alaska, meaning his fiscal plan can only be sustained through more PFD cuts and taxes on everyday Alaskans and Alaska-owned businesses.

Dunleavy for Governor!

Vote No on 1! Alaskans Futures Depend On It!

Unless you are all for new taxes being added to cover all the businesses that will be closing their doors and expect to completely lose our PFD’s because they need the money to fund Government. Then go right ahead and vote yes.  Politadick

September 8 at 1:29 PM The Daily Caller  Hidden Cameras Catch Illegal Border Crossings! A Rancher Gave Us Access To His On-Site Hidden Cameras.   Courtesy: Chilton Ranch and AZ Border Recon  Read More: https://dailycaller.com/…/illegal-aliens-chilton-ranch-ari…/ 

Illegal Aliens crossing the broader live for all to see. This is why Democrats refuse to build “The Wall”  Politadick
September 8 at 2:03 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Video  In honor of one of our candidates running for office.  Gabrielle LeDoux 

"Elections have Consequences" Corrupt one's even more:

Hey there Lt. Governor Byron Mallott, we are all wondering if you were ever going to do your job? Seems you and your Puppet Master, both have the same problem when it comes to doing that......... Maybe the both of you should talk it over with Mark Spendowitch. He has lots of experience screwing people over, to get what he wants.... Ted Stevens and Obamacare (ACA) seem to come to mind!  Politadick 

September 8 at 3:45 PM  Fox News  Video  How much does NYT op-ed hurt President Trump?  White House continues to search for the official who wrote an anonymous New York Times op-ed; GOP financier Dan Palmer reacts. 

Not one bit. It just helped to expose the Deep State and how entrenched they still are trying to tear down the USA!  Politadick
September 8 at 5:06 PM  Alaska  Mike Shower for Senate  Sign thief's and vandals. Several 4'x8' panels stolen Friday morning early (7th) by MatSu regional hospital (near round about). Vern Halter sign left alone but mine and one other's was stolen. Stand for Alaska sign destroyed on Trunk just north of Palmer/Wasilla highway. Any info appreciated.

People on the Left and Democrats are out of control! Clearly we have been hearing all over the place how they really feel about people who work for a living.  Politadick
September 8 at 6:22 PM  Alaska  Reinbold for Alaska 

Republican team moves forward to earn your trust and your vote! Mike Dunleavy and Kevin Meyer! Governor and Lt. Governor!

Tuckerman Babcock, Chairman of the Alaska Republican Party, announces our 2018 Republican candidates:

Congress: Don Young
Governor: Mike Dunleavy
Lt. Governor: Kevin Meyer
Senate District A: Pete Kelly
Senate District C: Click Bishop
Senate District E: Mike Shower
Senate District G: Lora Reinbold
Senate District I: Jim Crawford
Senate District K: Mia Costello
Senate District M: Chris Birch
Senate District O: Peter Micciche
House District 1: Bart LeBon
House District 2: Steve Thompson
House District 3: Tammie Wilson
House District 4: Jim Sackett
House District 5: Kevin McKinley
House District 6: Dave Talerico
House District 7: Colleen Sullivan-Leonard
House District 8: Mark Neuman
House District 9: George Rauscher
House District 10: David Eastman
House District 11: DeLena Johnson
House District 12: Cathy Tilton
House District 13: Nancy Dahlstrom
House District 14: Kelly Merrick
House District 15: Jake Sloan (replace Gabby LeDoux)
House District 16: Stanley Wright
House District 17: Marcus Sanders
House District 18: Anthony Lekanof
House District 20:Ceezar Martinson
House District 21: Marilyn Stewart
House District 22: Sara Rasmussen
House District 23: Connie Dougherty
House District 24: Chuck Kopp
House District 25: Joshua Revak
House District 26: Laddie Shaw
House District 27: Lance Pruitt
House District 28: Jennifer Johnston
House District 29: Ben Carpenter
House District 30: Gary Knopp
House District 31: Sarah Vance
House District 34: Jerry Nankervis
House District 35: Dr. Richard Wein
House District 36: Trevor Shaw
House District 37: William Weatherby
House District 38: Darren Deacon

List to keep at your fingertips and make sure that you have learned what they stand for.

Two main questions to always answer.

Who do they stand for:

The People of Alaska” or (Caucus/Special Interests/Unions)?

Cut Government “Budget and Size” or (Maintain and Grow)

Many more of the Incumbent Democrats fall in the second part of each question when comparing Republicans and Democrats.  Politadick

September 8 at 6:23 PM  Alaska Interior GOP  The office is open! Bring your signs, bring your enthusiasm and come join us in the new Interior Republican Headquarters at the Cornerstone Mall, NOW OPEN Monday-Saturday 11:00 am-7:00 pm.
THE RED WAVE IS COMING! Help us make this happen! Your vote will make a huge difference in keeping the Alaska we all know and love Red!

Fairbanks are you paying attention?  Politadick
September 8 at 7:50 PM  OANN  Video  Report: 22 Islamic Compounds Exist in U.S.  A recent report sheds light on FBI documents, confirming dozens of Islamic compounds are operating in the U.S. One America's Kristian… 

This is worth Sharing one more time. I have found that FB reports not a single person saw this post. Hmmmmmm..... I wonder why????

This is something that the Mainstream Media has been blocking for a very long time, in a series I’m calling. “Media Blackout” the stories the Left/Democrats/ANTIFA/Independents/Rino's never want you to hear.

https://www.facebook.com/1347784265282591/posts/1883511395043206/  Politadick

September 8 at 8:18 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  China's trade surplus with US hits record $31 billion  China's trade surplus with the United States widened to a record $31 billion in August as exports surged despite American tariff hikes, potentially adding fuel to President Donald Trump's battle with Beijing over industrial policy. 

I ran like the dickens to get my surfboard to catch that blue wave that was coming to the USA, then all of a sudden it disappeared… The water started pulling away from the shore and soon I saw the big red tsunami wave coming toward me I ran as fast as I could.....  Politadick
September 8 at 8:21 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  We're live at the scene of tonight's landslide on the Seward Highway, which has blocked its northbound lane at Mile 105. 

Just a little slide.... Good thing nobody was caught in it.  Poltiadick
September 8 at 9:31 PM  Fox News  Video  "[Barack Obama’s] whole eight year presidency was an embarrassment when it comes to everything from the economy to national security.”  On "Fox & Friends," Dr. Sebastian Gorka slammed former President Barack Obama.

You know the Democrats are really desperate when the pull out the Obumer Card.  Politadick
September 8 at 9:37 PM  Fox News  New York City reopens subway station destroyed in 9/11 terror attack  A New York City subway station reopened Saturday, 17 years after being shuttered when terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center in the 9/11 attack. 

Way Cool!  Politadick
September 8 at 9:50 PM  MRCTV  Feinstein Challenges Kavanaugh on Stance on Second Amendment w/ 'Hundreds of School Shootings' - That Never Occurred  While 'grilling" Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Dianne Feinstein decided to write a dark fantasy novel about school shootings. Evidently, the word "shame" isn't in her lexicon.  Another day, another whopper from the Kavanaugh hearing.

Here’s another one that they are hacking apart and misrepresenting on the Left. So here are the facts.  Politadick
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