September 2 at 12:05 AM  Fox News  Video  The Empire State Building is illuminated in red, white and blue in honor of Labor Day.
September 2 at 9:37 AM  Fox News Insider  'We Need Your Help': Ocasio-Cortez Rallies Kids in New York to 'Kick Out Trump'  A video on Twitter shows New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez organizing kids in Queens to help rally against the president.  "We need your help to fight Trump," Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tells a group of children before asking them to go home and ask anyone who can legally vote to do so.

Do you all remember back in time, when cigarette companies targeted kid with cartoons, with their favorite characters smoking?

How is this any different......  Politadick

September 2 at 9:43 AM  Fox News Update  Video  Teen rescued from New Mexico extremist compound speaks out, a new General takes command in Afghanistan, and Americans are cashing in on the buzzing economy (spoiler: beef boom!)

Some of the biggest stories of the week all in one place....  Politadick
September 2 at 10:01 AM  Breitbart  NBC's Todd to GOP Senator: ‘How Do You Explain the President’s Behavior’ as the Nation Honored McCain?  Would you expect anything less from NBC News?

Our very own Senator Dan Sullivan schools NBC with one fact after another, on what being bipartisan on the issues is really like!

Sad that 85% of the Media have forgotten what that means....  Politadick

September 2 at 10:10 AM  Breitbart  Yet another "Democratic Socialist" gets busted:  'Democratic Socialist' Running for NY State Senate Called on Falsehoods in Bio 

One lie after another and she thinks we want more liars voted into office. Man I want wherever they are smoking if they believe she has the right stuff.

September 2 at 10:16 AM  Ben Shapiro  Good Trump!  Daily Wire  GOOD TRUMP: President Lends Air Force Two To McCain Family To Bring Body Of Senator To D.C.  While President Trump was bad-mouthed left and right over the course of Sen. John McCain's five-day funeral and remembrance ceremonies, he actually did the former senator and war hero a solid. 

What President Trump did was a real show of compassion for people that have forgotten what that means, as they politicized John McCain’s death.

September 2 at 10:35 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Challenge for Congress: Consider Kavanaugh, keep lights on  Keep the government running and confirm Brett Kavanaugh as the next Supreme Court justice. Those are the big-ticket items that Republican leaders in Congress hope to accomplish as lawmakers...  The Senate Judiciary Committee begins confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh when lawmakers return Tuesday, as placing him on the Supreme Court tops the GOP's priorities before the midterm elections.

This next week can’t get over soon enough and our soon to be Supreme Court Judge, takes his seat.  Politadick
September 2 at 12:02 PM  Alaska  Hands Off Our PFD  Photo's  Join The Fray: https://www.facebook.com/1542113186095127/posts/1888780004761775/

Sad knowing that those in charge will lie to us all, just because the refuse to cut all the pork back out of the Budget!  Politadick
September 2 at 4:23 PM  Fox News Insider  Judge Pirro Blasts AG Sessions: 'Resign Immediately' or 'Be a Real Attorney General'  In her Opening Statement, Judge Jeanine Pirro directly addressed Jeff Sessions, blasting him for the job he's done as attorney general.  "You are so clueless, you don't even know you're being used. You don't even know you're nothing but a shill."  Judge Jeanine Pirro directly addressed Jeff Sessions in her Opening Statement, blasting him for the job he's done as attorney general. 

AG Sessions need to be replaced! Why hasn’t he?  Politadick
September 2 at 4:25 PM  Alaska  Michael Chambers 

An open letter to the ARP.

Recently a letter was sent out denouncing any Republican candidate who would choose to mount a write in campaign against what you consider a legitimate Republican winner of the recent Primary, which garnered approximately 18% of the vote.

I have some questions...Does your Party accept any of the apathy of voters not participating in the Primary? Did your Party denounce Lisa Murkowski in her bid as a write in against your Primary winner?

Your letter was dipped in tyranny suggesting any candidate who mounted a write in campaign would be considered a "sore loser." Is this a quote from the Chair of the Party or a manipulation from one of your puppet masters behind the curtain?

The people of Alaska, through the legal voting process, are given the option to write in any name they choose. It is our right as a citizen which trumps your tyranny to attempt to control the citizens through your manifestations.

Lets be clear. This is about the legitimacy of citizen Ron Gillham and his broad based support. The citizens clearly recognize that many voted, not for Ron, but against Senator Micciche. The citizens also know that if a write in campaign were mounted, all citizens within the senate disrrict would be able to cast a vote . The GOP and Micciche could not control this open expression.

It is obvious to any passive observer where this assault on any write in campaign is coming from.

I ask rhe citizens of Alaska within this senate district to support the legal right of a write in campaign, not the threat of a Party practicing strong arm tactics.

Facts that need to be heard. Alaskan’s are tired of the ones in power being so corrupt and only care about the Minority/Special Interest in Alaska.


September 2 at 5:44 PM  Alaska  Drain The Swamp Alaska  Photo "Elvi State Senate   Issues she stands for:  1. Nothing 2. Nothing 3. Nothing 4. Nothing  Any Questions?"

They Nailed it on this one!  Politadick
September 2 at 5:47 PM  United States Constitution  Our friends have created a map that clearly defines the borders of the real USA vs. well click over and see more..    Your going to love this!

All marked in blue suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome....  Politadick
September 2 at 5:49 PM  Stand With Phil Robertson  Video  When Reality Finally Hits You.

Even those who make the claims cannot explain it....  Politadick
September 2 at 6:40 PM  We Are Libertarians Podcast  Photo  "Taxes and You" 

Politadick  Worth Sharing Over and Over Again!
September 2 at 7:30 PM  The Daily Signal  4 Key Points to Consider About Trump’s Federal Pay Decision 4 Key Points to Consider About Trump’s Federal Pay Decision  "Federal employee pay must be performance-based, and aligned strategically toward recruiting, retaining, and rewarding high-performing federal employees and those with critical skill sets,” President Trump says.  Here’s a look at what the pay freeze could mean.

When you here the people whine and cry about they are not getting raises. Share this with them and tell them to suck it up buttercup.  Politadick
September 2 at 7:59 PM  Red Wolf  Video  The John McCain story as told by the vets that knew and served with him.  WATCH THIS VIDEO BEFORE IT GETS TAKEN DOWN AGAIN


If any of you was wondering why I refuse to share anything to do with the last week, about John “Song Bird” McCain.

Watch this....  Politadick

September 2 at 8:33 PM  Fox News  Video  The Empire State Building is illuminated in red, white and blue in honor of Labor Day. 
September 2 at 11:11 PM  Alaska  Fairbanks   Citizens for Property Rights presents the Ballot Propositions  MON, SEP 3 

Fairbanks!  Politadick
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