October 30 at 6:39 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  What kind of road conditions will commuters face this morning? Channel 2’s Victoria Taylor has details.

Plan lots of extra time for your morning commute today...  Politadick
October 30 at 7:31 AM   Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 649  We investigate the nature of anti-Semitism, talk about the relationship between rhetoric and violence, and examine the Trump/Media War.
October 30 at 8:09 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  President Teases New Executive Order on Immigration As Midterms Approach
October 30 at 8:56 AM  WGY.IHEART.COM  News Radio 810 & 103.1 WGY - The Capital Region's Breaking News, Traffic & Weather Station  News Radio 810 and 103.1 FM WGY, The Capital Region's Breaking News, Traffic & Weather Station. 

“Clinton jokes that all blacks look alike”

Killary Clinton shows once again who the real racists are. In case the obvious answer doesn’t leap out at you.

Democrats  Politadick

October 30 at 9:05 AM  Alaska  Hands Off Our PFD 

Three PFD Questions for 2018 Alaska Gubernatorial Candidates... and their responses

1. Do You Support Inflation Proofing The Fund Corpus and the ERA?

2. Do You Support Restoration of The Statutory Calculations and Constitutionally Protecting That Change?

3. Do You Believe That Actually Cutting The Growth Of Government Spending Will Benefit Alaskans and Protect the PF & PFD?

We want to get the 'straight scoop' from candidates about their PF/PFD stance before publishing something about where the AKgov race stands.

*Bonus Question: Do You Support 'SJR1' as introduced by Senator Wielechowski?

Responses Below:

Protect the PFD Questions
Senator Mark Begich

1. Do you support inflation-proofing the Fund Corpus and the Earnings Reserve Account?

Yes. My plan to protect the Permanent Fund Dividend includes constitutionally protecting the PFD and inflation-proofing the Corpus. I would immediately move roughly $14 billion from the Earnings Reserve into the Corpus of the Fund, so that the legislature cannot continue to raid the Earnings Reserve to plug holes in the operating budget without a vote of the people. Inflation-proofing is necessary to maintain the strength of the Permanent Fund over the long-term – any plan that doesn’t include it cannot truly protect the Fund or the Dividend.

2. Do you support restoration of the statutory calculations and constitutionally protecting that change?

I support putting the calculation to determine the Dividend into the Alaska Constitution so that the Legislature and Governor cannot tinker with the formula year after year and use our Dividend as a political football. My plan to protect the Dividend and its formula in the constitution calls for using the POMV formula, with 50% of that amount dedicated to the Dividend, and the other 50% constitutionally-guaranteed to fund pre-K through 12 education. My plan also provides room for the Dividend to grow – with no cap. I support a constitutional amendment because it is the only way to have a binding vote of the people that protects the dividend and takes it out of the hands of politicians.

3. Do you believe that actually cutting the growth of government spending will benefit Alaskans and protect the Permanent Fund and Permanent Fund Dividend?

The first thing we need to do is take the Permanent Fund and Dividend off the table – so politicians can’t raid the money to fund operating budgets and pet projects. That is why I believe a constitutional amendment is the only way to permanently protect the Permanent Fund Dividend. Over the past four years, the Legislature has slashed state spending across the board, and we’ve seen the results – Alaska is #1 in crime, #1 in unemployment, and #46 in education. I don’t believe we can simply cut our way to a stronger future. As governor, I’ll maximize efficiency of existing state programs and bring Alaskans together to identify smart investments including public safety, education, and infrastructure to put our state back on track to long-term fiscal health and stability.

Mike Dunleavey:

Yes to all. Please review the attached statement: 
“I strongly support preserving the Permanent Fund Dividend program. The amount of the annual PFD should be determined according to the law that has been on the books for decades. I support protecting the traditional PFD program in the state constitution. I believe that no change to the structure of the Permanent Fund Dividend program should be made without a vote of the people – now or at any time in the future. Also, I support paying back to Alaskans the dividends that were owed to them but not paid.”

Billy Toien:

1. Yes
2. Yes
3a. Cutting the growth of government will benefit Alaskans because too much government stifles human potential; but not because it can't be afforded. IT CAN, i.e. after the State's true finances both on, & off-budget are put back in order. No other candidate will do this. I WILL. 
3b. No.

Dunleavy for Governor. The only one who truly wants what is best for all Alaskans!

Spendowitch has shown over and over again that keeping Alaskans under the thumb of our seeming ever growing government and the powers they have is what is best for all Alaska. Expanding dependence on “Welfare” which in Alaska, many call that Subsistence Living.  Politadick

October 30 at 9:11 AM  Fox News  Asylum requests overwhelm US immigration system: A look at the numbers  A recent explosion in asylum requests from immigrants facing deportation has overwhelmed U.S. courts and denial of the requests does little to keep illegal immigrants out, according to federal statistics.  Thousands of migrants in a U.S.-bound caravan from Central America and Mexico are expected to seek asylum, even though experts say they have poor cases and little chance of gaining the status. 

Awesome to hear! Let’s pack these invaders up and send them all back home.  Politadick
October 30 at 9:44 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Answering the Call: Lt. Gov. candidate wants focus on rural Alaska  Debra Call joins Mark Begich on the Democratic ticket in the Nov. 6 election.  Debra Call joins Mark Begich on the Democratic ticket in the Nov. 6 election.

#WalkAway and learn to think for yourselves.

Quit thinking State and Federal Welfare is an “entitlement” that you should get because of where you live.

Taxpaying Alaskans would like to see our money used to help those who have jobs or truly need it because of health or physical reasons that prevent them from working. Not those, that uses our taxes claiming, that is their jobs.

I think “Call” says it best, that completely covers what I just said:

( “Working in rural Alaska, I realized they are usually the first group around the state that gets hit with any economic impact that is not good and sometimes slower to get the economic impact when it is good," she said. "The resources that we depend upon as a state are not on the hillside they are not in downtown Anchorage. They are out in rural Alaska. So taking care of rural Alaska creates that balance in the state that makes us remember that we are all here working toward that same goal.”)

Vote Red! Stop the “We believe Social Welfare is an “Entitlement” because of where you live and what race you come from”!  Politadick

October 30 at 10:05 AM  Branco  Cartoon: Rancor  By A.F. Branco Today's A.F. Branco Cartoon - 10/30/2018 

The ones who truly keep fueling the violence and hate.

MSM and Democrats

October 30 at 10:15 AM  Alaska  Write In Ron Gilliam  Photo 
October 30 at 10:34 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Alaska sees first two transgender women elected to office  Alaska is seeing its first two transgender women elected to office, right here in the Interior.  Ottersten and Lyke emphasize being transgender is just one aspect of their lives. Making history in Alaska, these women want to serve their neighbors, friends and family, as elected officials.
MORE: https://bit.ly/2OWwvS2

Congratulations! Now let’s see if they can’t do their jobs that they have been elected for.

Who wants to make a bet that they will be suing the state to have their surgeries paid for, by us the taxpayer?

Let’s see how long it takes for them to make an issue that there are 72 genders and not the Two, that Science has proven there is.

It’s already evident by what KTUU 2 has said, that this is their ultimate goal, by claiming they are defined by blood type and not gender.  Politadick

October 30 at 11:13 AM  CNBC  Mueller accuses opponents of offering women money to make 'false claims' about him  "When we learned last week of allegations that women were offered money to make false claims about the Special Counsel, we immediately referred the matter to the FBI for investigation," spokesman Peter Carr says. 

Once again the Leftist MSM and Democrats say all women are to be believed, unless it’s one of their own being accused. They are trying to bury this “Breaking News” as fast as they can.

Same thing Alaska Democrats have done this year. The most recent one is Ex-LT Governor Mallott. But if he was in the Republican Party, this would still be the #1 story Alaska would be airing today.

#MeToo doesn’t apply to Democrats. They are only to be believed as long as it’s not one of them.  Politadick

October 30 at 1:05 PM  NBC News  Video  LIVE: NBC News Special Report: President Trump and First Lady visit Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh following attack.

October 30 at 1:49 PM  Fox News  Video  Defense Secretary Jim Mattis discusses National Defense Strategy at the United States Institute of Peace.
October 30 at 3:31 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Kepler telescope dead after finding thousands of worlds  NASA's elite planet-hunting spacecraft has been declared dead, just a few months shy of its 10th anniversary.  "Kepler opened the gate for mankind's exploration of the cosmos," said retired NASA scientist William Borucki, who led the original Kepler science team.  Kepler discovered 2,681 planets outside our solar system and even more potential candidates. 

I Love Science! Sad day for a wonderful life it lived!!! 
October 30 at 7:01 PM  Alaska  Peninsula Clarion  City of Kenai takes stand against Ballot Measure 1 | Peninsula Clarion  The Kenai City Council voted to oppose Alaska Ballot Measure 1 at Wednesday’s meeting.  "While Ballot Measure 1, an act providing for the protection of wild salmon and fish and wildlife habitat is intended to strengthen protection for salmon and other fish and wildlife habitat, it’s potential impact on projects affecting the city are unclear and disputed by proponents and opponents of the initiative,” the resolution said.

"Vote No on Ballot Measure One"

Glad to see the City stand for the right reasons this time. I’ll bet the only two streams mentioned in Alaska are from the Eklutna Dam which has now been removed and in the Matsu that coverts were put in back in the early 70’s that are already being addressed and are working on fixing as the technologies improve and make things even safer then they were before.

If “Stand for Salmon” would concentrate on the overfishing in the oceans and or what is killing the Salmon there, I’m sure Alaskans would support what that would really do for the cause.

At this point there is nothing the State isn’t already doing better then everyplace else in all the world.

Alaska has always been best and leading example the rest of the world tries to follow on how to preserve the environment.  Politadick

October 30 at 7:38 PM  Fox News Voices  Video  Shapiro: Democrat Smear Artists  "The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves, but since they have no shame, none will be forthcoming." — Ben Shapiro 

The Democrat Smear Artists:

Every Alaskan needs to see this and it doesn’t matter what side of the fence you sit on should heed the warning given inside.

November 6, 2018 will be here in a blink of an eye and the warning given inside applies to every Democrat/Independent/Libertarian/Republican we have running this year and many, many years to come.

What he says inside should scare the crap out of you!

I think I will be re-sharing this one Until November Elections are over.  Poiltadick

October 30 at 7:40 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Video  Dunleavy for Governor 2018

The Right Person For The Job!

"MIKE DUNLEAVY" for Governor November 6th!!!  Politadick

October 30 at 8:00 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  "Breaking News"  Republicans and Undeclared of Alaska.  46 out of 63 seats in Alaska's Government need you to get out in November and Vote. Time for Alaskan's to take back Alaska and get it moving down the Right Path! 

*Congress: Don Young
*Governor: Mike Dunleavy
*Lt. Governor: Kevin Meyer
*Senate District A: Pete Kelly
*Senate District C: Click Bishop
*Senate District E: Mike Shower
*Senate District G: Lora Reinbold
*Senate District I: Jim Crawford
*Senate District K: Mia Costello
*Senate District M: Chris Birch
*Senate District O: Write in "Ron Gillham" (Replace Peter Micciche)
*House District 1: Bart LeBon
*House District 2: Steve Thompson
*House District 3: Tammie Wilson
*House District 4: Jim Sackett
*House District 5: Kevin McKinley
*House District 6: Dave Talerico
*House District 7: Colleen Sullivan-Leonard
*House District 8: Mark Neuman
*House District 9: George Rauscher
*House District 10: David Eastman
*House District 11: DeLena Johnson
*House District 12: Cathy Tilton
*House District 13: Nancy Dahlstrom
*House District 14: Kelly Merrick
*House District 15: Write In "Jake Sloan" (replace Gabby LeDoux)
*House District 16: Stanley Wright
*House District 17: Marcus Sanders
*House District 18: Anthony Lekanof
*House District 20:Ceezar Martinson
*House District 21: Marilyn Stewart
*House District 22: Sara Rasmussen
*House District 23: Connie Dougherty
*House District 24: Chuck Kopp
*House District 25: Joshua Revak
*House District 26: Laddie Shaw
*House District 27: Lance Pruitt
*House District 28: Jennifer Johnston
*House District 29: Ben Carpenter
*House District 30: Gary Knopp
*House District 31: Sarah Vance
*House District 34: Jerry Nankervis
*House District 35: Dr. Richard Wein
*House District 36: Trevor Shaw
*House District 37: William Weatherby
*House District 38: Darren Deacon

Who are you Voting for?

All Of My Top Picks for November 6th!

"Vote NO on Ballot Measure One"

Inform yourselves about the Judges, several of them need to go!  Politadick

October 30 at 8:23 PM  Alaska Family Action 

Every election season, Alaska Family Council gets inundated with questions about how to vote on judges. Although there are fifteen (15) judges up for retention on the General Election ballot November 6th, you'll be hard pressed to find information about any of them.

At times, there have been Supreme Court Justices or Superior Court Judges who have blatantly attempted to legislate from the bench and either create law out of thin air or throw out laws that have been passed constitutionally by the Legislature, Governor or people through the initiative process. We've done our best to alert voters about these activist judges.

Most of the time, however, judges rule from the bench and remain under radar. But when they are up for retention, Alaskans need information.

In an effort to add some transparency to the process, we did a little research on followthemoney.org. A wise man once said, “Show me your check register and I’ll tell you what you value”. Rather than simply looking at who’s contributing to the current 15 judicial candidates, we went a step further and looked at who the candidates themselves have historically contributed to.

Four (4) out of the 7 judges (57%) who made contributions to candidates for public office gave to Democrats. The remaining were gifts to non-partisan, independent or not designated. Not judges up for retention gave to Republican candidates.

As always, use this info and more you can find to cast an informed vote.

Not surprised to see most of the Judges with a D in their name parties names, have been the ones who have ruled against established laws over the years.

Morse is one of those that definitely needs to go. 
That is the PFD stealing Judge.  Politadick

October 30 at 9:07 PM  Jay Sekulow  Video  BREAKING: Asia Bibi Freed from Prison

Wow! Another person has been freed!  Politadick
October 30 at 9:20 PM  Alaska  Marcus in the House  Video  You can't solve every problem from a big chair in Juneau. Decreasing crime starts at home. Our kids need quality mentors and role models to help them learn right from wrong at an early age.  As your next State Representative, I'll be hands-on working with you to ensure our kids -- our future leaders -- have the support systems they need to be successful here in Alaska. 

Marcus In The House!

First Step to stopping crime begins at home. Here's a message I feel is worth sharing over and over again!  Politadick

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