PragerU Video
Historically, Democrats supported
strong borders because they knew American workers could never compete
with illegal immigrants. Now, they regularly support “open borders.” So
why the drastic change? Tucker Carlson,
host of Tucker Carlson Tonight,
explains. At one time in history and it really wasn’t that far Back. Democrat hates the idea of illegal immigrants coming into the USA. Even Governor Jerry Brown. What Changed? Politadick |
Alaska KTVA 11
Filipino veterans honored for actions in WWII Six families
receive Congressional Gold Medals at Asian Alaskan Cultural Center
Six families receive Congressional Gold Medals at Asian Alaskan Cultural
Center Sunday. God Bless Our Military, Past and Present Politadick |
Alaska Politadick
Photo Alaska Democrats Washington Times wrote "Donald Trump
wins support from Native American coalition" "The newly formed
Native American Coalition has declared support for..." Anchorage Republican Women (ARWC) wrote: "Nice to see a self thinking minority." Alaska Democrats wrote: "Shame on them! The Anchorage Republican Women's Club not only dredged up a two-year old article to try to show indigenous support for Republicans, but added blatantly racist commentary. Inexcusable and wrong." Seems the Alaska Democrats need to look up the definition for the word Racist. What they say and how they say it, shows who the real Racists are. Never fails to see them be the ones that think that way all the time and then blame the other side for the way Democrats think.
If you would like to read the article, I have provided the link below,
something the Democrats decided not to do: Anchorage Republican Women (ARWC), thought you would appreciate the irony of the ones being racist, calling you all the racist ones. #WalkAway Politadick |
Branco Cartoon - The Oldest Hate Of Blessed Memory
Politadick |
Ben Shapiro Video Episode 648 The worst anti-Semitic shooting in American history rocks the country, the Left blame Trump, and a populist wins a shocking victory in Brazil. |
Alaska Ceezar
Martinson for State House District 20 I know who I’m voting for. How about you? Ceezar Martinson for House! Politadick |
Fox News Insider
Protesters Interrupt Moment of Silence for Pittsburgh Synagogue Victims
at Blackburn Rally Protesters repeatedly disrupted a campaign
rally for Republican Senate candidate Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) on
Sunday, even during a moment of silence for the victims of the mass
shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue. Chanting
"Marsha Blackburn is a white supremacist!" Protesters interrupted
a moment of silence for the victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
during a campaign rally for Republican Senate candidate Marsha
Blackburn. Will Democrats "loudly denounce" this type of extreme hateful rhetoric in politics? Sadly I’m sure they will stand up and applaud for it to continue. I know for a fact, if this was people calling themselves Republicans, there would be a unified front to “denounce them” and point out this isn’t people that represent us. Politadick |
Blue Live Matter
London Police Detain 4 NFL Players For Skipping Bar Tab, Fighting
Bouncers - Blue Lives Matter Four Jacksonville Jaguars were arrested
after they allegedly skipped out on a $64,000 bar tab at a private
London club.
A year after kneeling for the U.S. national anthem but standing for God
Save The Queen, the team returned to London and it didn't go well. Those that disgraced America last year, show their true colors once again this year. This is a true display of the entitlement mentality the supposed elite really have. Politadick |
Jay Sekulow Video Israel Escalates Response on Iran Backed Militants |
Alaska Drain The
Swamp Alaska
An open letter to Rick, Your endorsement of Mark Begich came to my attention and surprise today so I wish to share with you some points of clarity. You stated the reason why you endorsed Mark Begich was because of his stand to protect the PFD within the State Constitution. A noble cause indeed, but factually incorrect. First, allow me to articulate Mike Dunleavy's position regarding the PFD. In November 2017 almost one year ago, Mike Dunleavy signed the 3 principle pledge of support from We The People of Alaska. Principle #1 states that Michael pledges to support the original calculation of the PFD to be protected in the State Constitution. This was signed fully 7 months prior to Mark Begich making a commitment to even enter the race for governor. So, with clarity, let's discuss the public position Mark Begich has taken. In the most recent debate, on public TV, Mark stated that he promotes protecting the PFD in the State Constitution with a POMV model. He went on to state that, given his proposed model, every eligible citizen would have received a check for $2,100.00 this year. Now most people know that given the historic PFD calculation, the dividend would have paid out approximately $2,900 this year. So, given these facts, I ask both you and Mark Begich to explain what you both think we should do with the extra $800 you just proposed stealing from every eligible PFD recepient? In reality Mark Begich needs to change his tagline to say... "Together, we can protect a portion of your PFD in the Constitution." And, BTW, since you sit on the board of the Permanent Fund Defenders, I believe you owe that board two things. First your apology, and second, your resignation. Blessings, Note: Alaskans, I ask you to share this open letter on social media pages and your own timeline. It is only fair since Rick wishes to share his endorsement everywhere, we should return the favor. Thank you. Friends share posts like this one. I’m sure Mark Begich would love to explain his answer to this. Politadick |
Fox News Video Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivers remarks to the Boston Lawyers Chapter of the Federalist Society on the future of religious liberty. |
Fox News Video Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein comments on the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting during remarks at a law enforcement roundtable on improving the identification and reporting of hate crimes. |
Alaska Republican Assembly
When put in these terms this should alarm all of us. This is s a bit long but worth the read. THE CARAVAN OF CRAP
Where do they shit? What is this invasion all about? Why does MSM continue to hide the advancement of this army approaching the USA border? What do USA Citizens have to gain by allowing this to continue? Democrats have these answers and I know up until 2006 they would have tried to put a stop to this. So what has changed that they no longer want to stop it? PragerU and my Breaking News yesterday May put that all into focus for you: From PragerU From Politadick: Breaking News Politadick |
Alaska KTVA 11
Wait times for citizenship applications stretch to 2 years
More than 700,000 immigrants are waiting on applications to become U.S.
citizens, a process that once typically took about six months but has
stretched to more than two years in some places...
The long wait times have prompted some immigrant advocates to ask
whether the delays are aimed at keeping anti-Trump voters from casting
ballots in elections. Wow! Seems the leftist trolls that wrote this one need to have a reality check on the immigration system. Since I am good friends with people that will be getting to become citizens this next month here in Alaska. They will be appalled by this here. KTVA, are you intentionally trying to segregate those that go through the process and try to turn them into Democrats? I have some sad news for you. Nearly all of them come from countries that understand what is wrong with their socialist plans for the USA and wish they could vote this election. What’s even sadder is Democrats convince these people that they are the ones that will save the USA, when in reality they are the ones tearing it down. If they were to become Citizens here today instead of after the elections. They would be the reason why Democrats here in Alaska would be losing by record numbers if that was to happen. #WalkAway Politadick |
Alaska The Dave
Stieren Show
There's a certain level of disgust that I have for someone who mocks a
family who's lost a father, a son, and another son is in the ICU. It's
worse when it's an elected official that does it. As if you needed a reason not to vote for this person. If you still do. Just look how she treats fellow Alaskans that are not in the Democrat Party. “Here's the easiest way to reach out to Ms. Drummond. I'm sure she'd like a call... Politadick |
Fox News Video
The White House Press
Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a press briefing. Been forever..... Politadick |
Fox News Video The Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)hold a joint press conference on the Department of Defense deployment to the southwest border. |
Alaska KTVA 11
WATCH: Native Peoples Action and guest speakers discuss the importance
of getting out the Native vote as well as announce their endorsements in
the gubernatorial and U.S. House races. Well let’s hear what message they have to spread to all Alaskan Natives. Politadick · 7:06 #WalkAway start thinking for yourselves. Politadick · 9:28 You fought hard to be a Sovereign Nation of Alaska. Time you start paying for your people from your Government, you now have. Politadick · 10:48 Sad to see them advocate for subsistence living. When for them means collecting welfare from our state for their survival. Politadick · 11:40 No On 1! Unless you want the entire state living on welfare. Politadick · 13:15 We need Don Young! His challenger is dumber then a box of rocks. She has no clue what a congress person even does. Has no substance to anything she wants to do. Politadick · 14:57 Dunleavy for Governor! Unless you like higher taxes, no dividends, more people getting on welfare. |
Alaska KTVA 11 Video WATCH: Native Peoples Action and guest speakers announce their endorsements in the gubernatorial and U.S. House races. |
Alaska KTVA 11
inches and counting in Palmer!
How much snow is in your neck of the woods? How
much snow is in your neck of the woods?
Snow, snow everywhere, but here..... But it’s 25 degrees outside. Does that count? Politadick |
Alaska KTVA 11
WATCH: Dozens of cars and trucks try to navigate the icy hill at
Boundary and Idaho in East Anchorage.
Whoopsie!! Politadick |
Alaska Scott
Kawasaki for Alaska Video
Watch Sen. Kelly and I go at it live at the ASUAF debate! Common Kelly!! We are tired of the Democrats giving Alaska over to Welfare. You can do it! Politadick |
Alaska KTVA 11
Alaska Native political action group backs Begich and Galvin
Native People's Action, a political action group representing
traditional Native values endorses Mark Begich for governor. Please vote for all the Democrats they say. We don’t want our Subsistence Living to change. Our communities cannot survive without the States and Federal’s Welfare Money we collect. We want you to Vote a person into congress, that a two year old could defeat on the issues. Jury is still out if a box of rocks could do better. But we still want you to vote for her. Our choice for Governor is all based on him expanding the Welfare programs we use to survive. You know, what we call Subsistence Living. We also insist that we be treated as our own government. Since we are a Sovereign Nation. Even though that means we are now responsible to pay for our own schools, housing, roads and all the other responsibility a independent government is responsible for. While we are at it, ignore those other two Native Corporations that support Dunleavy. They understand how capitalism can raise their people out of poverty and not need State and Federal Welfare to survive. Our values we have are the complete opposite of that. So listen to what we say, because we like having the government pay for us to exist in the middle of nowhere, that has no jobs, where we pay no taxes, while we use the money of Alaskan taxpayers to survive, that isn’t ours. Just think if they pull their funding we will have to move where there is actual work. (God Forbid that ever happens) Politadick |
Alaska Politadick
Jo No H Curtis
This work? Looks like Judge Morse is more corrupt then just the PFD Theft. Have a read and vote NO for Moore. Click the link here to be able to read everything. The link in the post for some reason doesn't work right. |
Alaska Write In Jake
This November 6th election ballot is not only a multiple choice test. It is also a fill-in-the-blank! Feeling a little "blank" on your current State representation? You are not alone. In Northeast Anchorage, we've talked to hundreds of people this year who've experienced increased crime, voter fraud, taxed PFD money, broken promises, political bullying and convoluted excuses. We are saddened by the trust that has been broken and believe that you deserve better! If you think it is time for a change, join this movement to use the democratic power of the pen! Utilize that little blank on your ballot to write in Jake Sloan for your new State Representative! Then fill in the bubble to make your voice heard! On November 6th, vote for the ONLY Republican who is endorsed by the Alaska Republican Party for East Anchorage and Elmendorf-Richardson. Write-in Jake Sloan for State House Representative 15! (Don't forget to fill in the Oval!)
#thepowerofthepen #realvoterswriteinJakeSloan Write In “Jake Sloan”! That Rino Killary LeDoux needs to lose this year and the other list of people that are running. From all the research I have done. They will Tax us all to death and vote with the Democrat, if they are not already one themselves... Politadick |
Alaska KTVA 11
New strategy: Democrats go all-in on health care in midterms
Mark Begich, Alyse Galvin for Congress and Alaska Democrats: Please explain how Healthcare/Medicare for All would work for Alaska and the entire USA without doubling the taxes we all currently pay and how do you expect to compensate the doctors and nurses working, when they have their pay cut in half or more, to even be able to make that work? “The problem is one of supply and demand. Single-payer systems offer “free” care, so patients have no incentive to moderate their demand for care. But government cannot procure enough supply to meet that demand without bankrupting taxpayers. Government officials’ only option is to ration care. Despite the failings of the NHS, Democrats want to establish a single-payer system in the United States. The Medicare for All bill sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders would outlaw private insurance and funnel nearly all Americans into a one-size-fits-all, government-run health plan. That bill promises comprehensive medical, dental, and even vision care, courtesy of John Q. Taxpayer. The total bill? A cool $32 trillion over 10 years. Next year, the federal government projects it’ll take in $3.4 trillion in revenue. So Medicare for All’s yearly tab is nearly equivalent to the federal government’s entire annual tax take. And Medicare for All’s multitrillion-dollar cost estimate banks on bringing payments for healthcare providers down to the level paid by the existing Medicare program. That would represent a reduction of about 40 percent, relative to private insurance rates. Such pay cuts are likely to drive providers out of business — or discourage the next generation of doctors and nurses from entering the field.” Politadick |
Alaskan's Against Gov
Walker PFD Theft…/news-sen-begich-introduces-…/ This is Tom Begich's bill. So Alaskans.... Does he have our best interest at heart here or just lining the pocket books of Government forever? The answer to this is very clear...... Have You Read Mark Begich's plan? Is what below sound familiar? All he wants is just your PFD's forever, to fund Alaska's Government. Maybe take a moment and check out all the Alaska Democrats pages and tell me how many of them don't plan to use the PFD to fund Government Forever..... Vote for Mike "Dunleavy for Governor" and you won't have to question what will happen with our PFD's, ever again. Politadick |
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