October 21 at 9:47 AM  Alaska  Justice Not Politics Alaska  Show Your Support  Remember that there is detailed information about judges at this website: knowyouralaskajudges.com. Judges have been assessed and rated by juries, lawyers, law enforcement personnel, and other Alaskans who have interacted with them in their capacity as a judge. 

Time is Running out, Which Judges will you be Voting for?  Politadick
October 21 at 9:53 AM  Alaska Truth  Video  Mike Dunleavy and Kevin Meyer  We the People of Alaska Principles signers 

Know the Facts Alaska! Who has signed the 3 Principle Pledge?  Politadick
October 21 at 12:44 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Division of Elections still 'processing' the impact of Walker's campaign suspension  The Alaska Division of Elections is still 'processing' the implications of Gov. Bill Walker's decision to suspend his reelection bid ahead of the Nov. 6 election, according to officials.  The Alaska Division of Elections is still "processing" the implications of Gov. Bill Walker's decision to suspend his reelection bid ahead of the Nov. 6 election.  As of Friday, the state had sent out 22,562 absentee ballots with 3,076 of them already returned. Samantha Miller, a spokesperson for the Division of Elections, said it would be “not be appropriate” to discuss whether absentee votes could be changed before the election while the division was still "processing" Walker's decision. 

The Election stands as it has already been sent out. This is no different then if people were to have written in Mickey Mouse/Hitler as their selection for Governor.

It will be nice to see our Newest Governor of Alaska Mike Dunleavy win this one with a landslide vote. After seeing all the Slanderous/Racists remarks made during the AFN convention towards anyone who is not Native. It will be a breath of fresh air to have someone who will put All of Alaskan's priority's ahead of the Minority and not put things as priority, all because of the race they come from.

Alaska is one of the few places in the USA that I always thought, we treated everyone as equals and this election cycle has truly brought out how Racist many Alaskan's really are.  Politadick

October 21 at 12:58 PM  Alaska  Write in Jake Sloan   I spent the morning with my good friend and East Anchorage write-in candidate, Jake Sloan, knocking doors with him in one of the Muldoon precincts. His wife, Leigh Sloan, joined us for a wet but productive and encouraging morning. I was truly impressed by how many of his neighbors welcomed him warmly. Jake is walking and knocking his way to victory on election night!  I encourage everyone to support him.  https://www.facebook.com/pg/Write-In-Jake-Sloan-329241014308682/about/?ref=page_internal   http://www.jakesloan.com/ 

Write In “Jake Sloan” and get Alaska back on the right track and also Vote for Cathy Tilton, she has fought hard over the years trying to get Alaska back on the right track again! Together they will Make Alaska a better Place to Live.  Politadick
October 21 at 1:32 PM  Alaska  KTOO  Seismologist says earthquake may have triggered mudslide on the Haines Highway  Southeast Alaska had a very dry September. Heavy rains returned to the region this month, triggering a large mudslide on the Haines Highway last weekend. Now the Alaska Earthquake Center says seismic activity may have also played a role. 

Real Life Climate Change in action and was Given another shove by Mother Nature! 4.5 Billion years things like this has been happening and it really is amazing to be able to record it now in modern times.

Just imagine if they were doing that for the last 4.5 Billion years, recording it happening that is, the knowledge we would have about our planet right now would make Climate Change being Human caused a science we could actually believe, may or may-not be real and more then just a theory.....


October 21 at 2:51 PM  Alaska  Politadick  "OMG!  Been watching Alyse Galvin Town Hall for the last 40 min and I have heard more no answer answers then my 2 year old gives.
October 21 at 3:35 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  New strategy: Democrats go all-in on health care in midterms  While Democratic enthusiasm this year has largely been fueled by anger toward President Trump, candidates have targeted their midterm messaging to focus more on health care, doubling down on the Affordable Care Act. 

Mark Begich, Alyse Galvin for Congress and Alaska Democrats:

Please explain how Healthcare/Medicare for All would work for Alaska and the entire USA without doubling the taxes we all currently pay and how do you expect to compensate the doctors and nurses working, when they have their pay cut in half or more, to even be able to make that work?

“The problem is one of supply and demand. Single-payer systems offer “free” care, so patients have no incentive to moderate their demand for care. But government cannot procure enough supply to meet that demand without bankrupting taxpayers. Government officials’ only option is to ration care.

Despite the failings of the NHS, Democrats want to establish a single-payer system in the United States. The Medicare for All bill sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders would outlaw private insurance and funnel nearly all Americans into a one-size-fits-all, government-run health plan. That bill promises comprehensive medical, dental, and even vision care, courtesy of John Q. Taxpayer.

The total bill? A cool $32 trillion over 10 years. Next year, the federal government projects it’ll take in $3.4 trillion in revenue. So Medicare for All’s yearly tab is nearly equivalent to the federal government’s entire annual tax take.

And Medicare for All’s multitrillion-dollar cost estimate banks on bringing payments for healthcare providers down to the level paid by the existing Medicare program. That would represent a reduction of about 40 percent, relative to private insurance rates. Such pay cuts are likely to drive providers out of business — or discourage the next generation of doctors and nurses from entering the field.”

https://www.facebook.com/1347784265282591/posts/1933613896699622/  Politadick

October 21 at 3:55 PM  Alaskan's Against Gov Walker PFD Theft  https://www.aksenatedems.com/…/news-sen-begich-introduces-…/

This is Tom Begich's bill. So Alaskans.... Does he have our best interest at heart here or just lining the pocket books of Government forever?

The answer to this is very clear......

Have You Read Mark Begich's plan? Is what below sound familiar? All he wants is just your PFD's forever, to fund Alaska's Government.

Vote for Mike "Dunleavy for Governor" and you won't have to question what will happen with our PFD's, ever again.  Politadick

October 21 at 4:50 PM  Alaska  Peninsula Clarion   City of Kenai takes stand against Ballot Measure 1 | Peninsula Clarion   The Kenai City Council voted to oppose Alaska Ballot Measure 1 at Wednesday’s meeting.  "While Ballot Measure 1, an act providing for the protection of wild salmon and fish and wildlife habitat is intended to strengthen protection for salmon and other fish and wildlife habitat, it’s potential impact on projects affecting the city are unclear and disputed by proponents and opponents of the initiative,” the resolution said. 

Glad to see the City stand for the right reasons this time. I’ll bet the only two streams mentioned in Alaska are from the Eklutna Dam which has now been removed and the Matsu that coverts were put in back in the early 70’s that are already being addressed.

If “Stand for Salmon” would concentrate on the overfishing in the oceans and or what is killing the Salmon there, I’m sure Alaskans would support what that would really do for the cause.

At this point there is nothing the State isn’t already doing better then everyplace else in all the world.

The only two streams in Alaska’s history is the Eklutna Dam which has now been removed with expectations to have the runs rerun in the future and so coverts that were put into the Matsu back in the early 70’s which the state is already working on fixing as the technologies improve and make things even safer then they were before.

Alaska has always been best and leading example the rest of the world tries to follow on how to preserve the environment.  Politadick

October 21 at 5:31 PM  Alaska Freedom 49er's   Well I have yet to run into any Alaskans who haven’t enjoyed our extended warmer than usual time of the year (September and October 2018). Yet, we all know that cold days and even colder nights are soon approaching. Peace, Jim  "Alaska has been locked into an unusually warm pattern this fall that has already shattered some records for the latest first freeze and snow of the season in some parts of the Last Frontier.´~ Weather Channel.  Reference: https://weather.com/…/2018-10-19-alaska-record-late-fall-fr… 

Weather.com  Alaska's Freakish Fall: A Record Wait for First Freeze and Snow | The Weather Channel  Arguably, it's been the weirdest weather state so far this fall. 

You really have to pay attention to the details about this one because the focus is on Alaska.

When you Compare the rest of the places in the world, their temperatures have been the exact opposite for record lows. At the very end they hint to more of what people like me pay attention for, knowing others will use this latter to justify moving another melting village in Alaska. Claiming Climate Change is new and hasn’t been happening for the last 4.5 Billion years.

“By contrast, fall has been much colder than average over northern and central Canada, building snowpack in these areas and refrigerating polar air masses that, by October, helped bring record-early first fall snow to parts of the central U.S.”  Poltiadick

October 21 at 5:44 PM  Fox News  Video  "The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves, but since they have no shame, none will be forthcoming." — Ben Shapiro 

The Democrat Smear Artists:

Every Alaskan needs to see this and it doesn’t matter what side of the fence you sit on should heed the warning given inside.

November 6, 2018 will be here in a blink of an eye and the warning given inside applies to every Democrat/Independent/Libertarian/Republican we have running this year and many, many years to come.

What he says inside should scare the crap out of you!

I think I will be re-sharing this one Until November Elections are over.  Politadick

October 21 at 6:16 PM  Alaska Family Action 

Every election season, Alaska Family Council gets inundated with questions about how to vote on judges. Although there are fifteen (15) judges up for retention on the General Election ballot November 6th, you'll be hard pressed to find information about any of them.

At times, there have been Supreme Court Justices or Superior Court Judges who have blatantly attempted to legislate from the bench and either create law out of thin air or throw out laws that have been passed constitutionally by the Legislature, Governor or people through the initiative process. We've done our best to alert voters about these activist judges.

Most of the time, however, judges rule from the bench and remain under radar. But when they are up for retention, Alaskans need information.

In an effort to add some transparency to the process, we did a little research on followthemoney.org. A wise man once said, “Show me your check register and I’ll tell you what you value”. Rather than simply looking at who’s contributing to the current 15 judicial candidates, we went a step further and looked at who the candidates themselves have historically contributed to.

Four (4) out of the 7 judges (57%) who made contributions to candidates for public office gave to Democrats. The remaining were gifts to non-partisan, independent or not designated. Not judges up for retention gave to Republican candidates.

As always, use this info and more you can find to cast an informed vote.


Not surprised to see the Judges with a D in their name parties names have been the ones who have ruled against established laws over the years.

Morse is one of those that definitely needs to go. That is the PFD stealing Judge.  Politadick

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