October 19 at 7:03 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Court testimony reveals "corrosive police commanders" amid "very tumultuous period"  Former police lieutenant Tony Henry is fighting the city of Anchorage over his firing. The federal jury trial to decide the matter is exposing deep rifts among the command staff headed by then police Chief Mark Mew.  Former APD Deputy Chief Steve Smith said in a 2016 interview that he and high ranking APD officials were willing to use any means to deal with the outspoken and controversial Lt. Tony Henry, regardless of how unusual.  "I remember that approach. That approach was buying him off," Smith says in a 2016 video played to a jury Thursday. 

Wow.....!!!  Politadick
October 19 at 7:16 AM  Fox News  Texas Dems under investigation after sending voting applications with citizenship box pre-checked to non-citizens  The Texas Democratic Party is under investigation after being accused of sending out applications to non-citizens asking them to register to vote with the box citizenship already checked “Yes.” 

The Democrats will go to great lengths this year and previous years to win elections at any cost.

Alaska has the nearly the same problem happening. Here we have a Muskox having the dead vote, 14 people all living in one mobile home, Democrat having control of the ballots in districts that were unsupervised and win by only just a couple of votes and a LT Governor/Governor who refuses to do their job and investigate the allegations of fraud that has a clear trail of evidence to follow and last but not least has no problem offering $10,000 to Rural communities to get out and vote (Anywhere in the world, they would call that a Bribe)!

“This is how the Texas Democratic Party is inviting foreign influence in an election in a federal election cycle,” Logan Churchwell, spokesman for the PILF, told the Times.  Politadick

October 19 at 7:18 AM  Breitbart  Video  LIVE: Tax Cuts Work Rally Happening Now... 

Awesome!  Politadick
October 19 at 7:21 AM  Fox News  Video  A Republican campaign aide said Friday on "Fox & Friends" she was "terrified" when a Democratic operative physically confronted her at a campaign rally in Nevada. https://bit.ly/2Ex29AF 

Democrats/Lefts Mob Rule is becoming more violent every day.  Politadick
October 19 at 7:32 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 642  Radical feminists unveil their agenda, President Trump lauds violence, and we check the mailbag.
October 19 at 8:08 AM  Fox News  Video  U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Mexican Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray make statements after their meeting.
October 19 at 8:22 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  A Pastor Brunson Update
October 19 at 8:47 AM  OANN  Video  Election integrity already in question ahead of midterms  Though President Trump has repeatedly tried to raise awareness of voter fraud and voting…  Though President Trump has repeatedly tried to raise awareness of voter fraud and voting irregularities, mounting evidence suggests that ballot integrity could continue to be an issue in November. One America's John Hines has more.

Voter fraud is happening around the USA in record numbers and when our government tried to do something about it. Guess who stood up and opposed it from happening?

Even Alaska is Guilty of voter fraud this last year and many years before this and every time it has been in the Democrats corner that this has occurred.

If you don’t believe me, just pull up the Muskox Gabriel LeDoux. The Rino/Democrat and what she did this year. Then take a look at who is in charge of investigating it.

Over two months now and nothing has been done.  Politadick

October 19 at 10:20 AM  Fox News  Video  Live from the Guatemalan side of the Mexico/Guatemala border where members of a 3,000-strong U.S.-bound migrant caravan are prepared to begin crossing the muddy Suchiate River to Mexico Friday, in spite of U.S. President Donald Trump's threats of retaliation. https://fxn.ws/2CudLSz 

Really sad that they are allowed to get away with this. As you watch them all walking by, you see them all looking at pieces of paper. These have been handed to them, to teach them how to claim asylum at the U.S. border.

This is a disgrace to every American Citizen living in the United States. This is the Democrats and the Lefts fault that this continues to happen.

When are we going to put a stop to this from ever happing again?

This should inspire every American to get out and Vote this November, giving our President what he needs to pass laws, that Americans have been wanting for over 40 years now.

Plus Get The Damn Wall Built!!  Politadick

October 19 at 10:58 AM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Poll  Gov. Bill Walker's campaign is in a tailspin. Should he suspend his campaign? 
October 19 at 11:49 AM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump signs a memorandum promoting the reliable supply and delivery of water in the western U.S.
October 19 at 12:20 PM  Judicial Watch  Video  Judge Slams Clinton Email Falsehoods, JW Exposes FBI/Clinton Email Sham, BIG Ethics Complaint against Kavanaugh Accuser's Lawyers, ISIS in Guatemala? 

Clinton is in trouble now. You won’t hear this from 95% of MSM!  Politadick
October 19 at 1:08 PM  OANN  China’s GDP growth at weakest level in almost a decade amid trade war | One America News Network  China’s GDP has dropped to its weakest level in almost nine years as U.S. tariffs appear to hit their mark. 

Looks like the Tariff War is doing exactly what it was suppose to. Keep up the pressure and don’t ease up one tiny little bit!  Politadick
October 19 at 1:12 PM  Branco Cartoon: Liawatha  By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher level resolution version.  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 10/19/2018 

Keep Em Coming! LMFAO  Politadick
October 19 at 2:14 PM  Alaska  The Dave Stieren Show  Numerous sources are now informing me that Governor Bill Walker is suspending his campaign and will endorse Mark Begich. 

Holy crap…!! OMG  Politadick
October 19 at 2:17 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  That live stream switched gears pretty rapidly - Governor Walker announces he's suspending his campaign.

Politadick · 0:48 Governor supposed be announcing he’s quitting!! Awesome!

Politadick · 4:26 Mike Dunleavy for governor!

Politadick · 5:54 Alaska needs to fix the downward spiral it has been on, vote Mike Dunleavy for governor, and let’s turn our Senate and House Red!

Politadick · 13:05 I agree with about half of what this person just got done saying. Unfortunately what he says also is racially dividing Alaskans instead of uniting us all as one! Get out and vote and change that! We should be a United Alaska not a divided one!

(About the 18 minute mark they talk about finally having the Native Language in the voter information book in it. She claims this should have been done years ago. Alaska has 20 Native languages and not a single one until now has ever been completely done in written form. All were only a spoken Language. Sad to see them blame this on the all the People of Alaska.)

Politadick · 23:13 We want everyone to vote quit trying to racially divided us by these racial comments you keep making

Politadick · 26:36 Finally! The announcement we’ve all been waiting for…

Politadick · 27:47 To bad you didn’t follow those word by your actions!!

Politadick · 28:51  good bye!!!!

Politadick · 30:50 Your actions cost Alaska over $500 million a year! Making the healthcare providers rich while bankrupting the middle class of Alaska! Goodbye Felicia!

Politadick · 32:47 The truth why Mallott left. He made threats at SeaAlaska and threaten teenagers of the mothers that were there to take away their scholarships if they didn’t do what he said. He was also accused of rape allegations back when he was a younger man! The truth must come out so I’m saying!

Politadick · 36:57 What a disgrace he had been!

Politadick · 44:25 I know many Alaskan Natives right now are shaking their heads in shame at the racist remarks that I have heard here today…

Politadick · 47:09 Time for the Alaskan natives to take their sovereign rights that they have and start governing their own nation. And start using their own money to fund their culture instead of using real Alaskans taxpayer-funded money for their racist ways and views that they have towards the rest of all of us

Politadick · 52:48 Dunleavy for governor! Unless you want to keep these racist ununited views alive in Alaska.

Politadick · 55:55 He is worse then Obama was on his apology tour. Majority of Alaskans and Alaskan Natives are ashamed by what he said and has done. Sick seeing the leaders make claims their shareholders all hold their views on Alaska.

Politadick · 58:50 Today has accomplish one thing and that is to show how divided Alaska really is, instead of being the melting pot we should be. This is not what I call true Alaskan values being displayed here today.

Politadick · 1:02:03 Good bye to a Governor that put the Minority of Alaska ahead of what is good for the majority. Hope he enjoys his retirement and goes into the woods and never returns.

Politadick · 1:04:47 Yes he did everything for Alaskan Natives. That’s why we all suffer from SB91 and the highest budgets in Alaska’s history. The only Governor to wipe out Alaska’s saving and steal all our PFDS.

Politadick · 1:06:36 Obviously Robert you don’t pay attention to Alaska politics. Drank to much of the Kool-Aid

Politadick · 1:11:22 If he was Republican there would be a Mob there attacking all in the room.

Politadick · 1:19:24 Don Young for Congress!

October 19 at 3:39 PM  Alaska  ADN  Live: Candidates for U.S. House: Alyse Galvin and Rep. Don Young

How far left is ADN… They can’t even call Don Young, Congressman Don Young.

Socialist against a Conservative this should be good… Unfortunately I can’t comment on ADN site, I have been banned!

"Update: 81 Bills passed by Don Young, 66% of those bills have been for the benefit of Alaska and Alaska Natives. When you work for Congress, you also have to think about all the other states needs to.

Alyse Galvin gets a screaming response from the same AFN people present, that love getting everything for "Free" exactly what they all want. No surprise after hearing the way they treated Spedowitch and shunned Dunleavy.

Wow, very first question Don Young talks about opening up ANWAR and expanding more business opportunity's that the congress body would be able to bring to Alaska.

Alyse Galvin starts talking about Healthcare and trying to expand it and lowering drug prices, which isn't what she is there to do. Not looking good when she doesn't even know what a Congressperson is even suppose to do while there.


Don Young: what he can do to expand the opportunity's for all Alaska and around the entire USA.

Alyse Galvin is all about what she would do if she was running for a seat, say for the Senate or House of Alaska. She clearly doesn't understand what a Congressperson is.

Disaster preparedness for Alaska,

If you have been watching what KTUU 2 has been putting on all week. Don Young said that is what need to be stockpiled here in Alaska and have prepared in the event of a major disaster. He understands what it will take to survive here being in a remote place like we live in from outside resources. Puerto Rioco is a great example what happens when you are not prepared for a disaster, because they are nearly exactly like we are for how hard it would be to get help right afterwards.

Alyse Galvin thinks Climate Change is what Disaster Preparedness is all about and describes all the Lefts talking points they like to speel out all the time. (Which is basically, how much money can we give people to move their houses, shore up their eroding and melting land, etc.)

All because they don't think what has been happening now for 4.5 billion years would ever happen to them. <------- This isn't what someone is running for Congress is suppose to be thinking as being prepared for a Disaster if one was to strike Alaska. Makes me wonder what she would do if another 1964 earth quake hit. Ummmmmmm My cell phone don't work, the roads are all destroyed and I have no propane for my Motor Home and been told the gas stations are all out of gas, but that doesn't really matter much considering all the roads are impassable do to the damage of the quake. HELP we are all going to die because of Climate Change! Then she advocates for more ports all along Alaska's coastline. (She seems to think all the Money grows on trees ready for the picking or that money just appears out of thin air. Clearly her ideas don't care what it will cost the Taxpayer to make these dreams happen.) They can't even get the money needed to fix the Port of Anchorage or Port Mackezie and she wants to build even more of them.

Food Securitys

Alyse Galvin: cost of prices of food in Rural areas. Take on the Airlines to lower prices.

Don Young: Subsistence living.... Growing a garden, hunting, fishing and understanding how to do these things, which isn't being taught to our children today.

Economical Development

Alyse Galvin: Stop Depending on Oil and right back to the ports for all Alaska. Then the Internet so the Rural communities can sell the arts and crafts and have the tools they need to do it.

(All I can say is she is way out of her league for the Position she is running for and would be eaten by the wolves in DC. Sad to know that, I do what I do, just for a hobby and would do a better job then she could. She scares me to think that Alaskans like her and will vote for such an out of touch with reality person that she is)

Don Young sums it all up very nicely here with one word "Energy" All the things that any community needs to be able to expand is cheap abundant Energy. Then he describes all the ways that could be possible.

(He is mopping the floor with Alyse Galvin as the mop and it is really nice to see that those at AFN are showing him the respect that he deserves for his answers compare to the way they treated Dunleavy earlier. Plus it's obvious that Alyse Galvin would not be a good choice for the future of Alaska and the people there are hearing it first hand.)

8A with the SBA:

Alyse Galvin thinks it should be a Right for Alaskan Natives giving them priority for government contracts and then she switches to talking about UAF and combating Climate Change, then focuses on Sovereignty for Alaskan Natives and giving them more power to be talking as one Government to Government.

Don Young: And Who Do You Think That Bill Came From! Uno, Uno, Uno. (Love It!)

Closing positions are up to you to listen to. At the end they go to shake hands and she says as loud as she can afterwards that hurt, it hurts. She pulled one of the oldest leftist tricks in the book there.

Also read all the comments on ADN's page and it is very clear that if you have a conservative opinion that those people have all been banned from leaving comments. With 10K views and nearly all the comments are glowing for Alyse Galvin and if you have any sort of a brain in your head, it was clear she lost tonight's debate and people would have been tearing up what she had to say in the comments just like I have done here."

How far left is ADN… They can’t even call Don Young, Congressman Don Young.

Socialist against a Conservative this should be good… Unfortunately I can’t comment on ADN site, I have been banned!

October 19 at 4:16 PM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump participates in a roundtable discussion with defense industry CEOs and local business leaders at Luke AFB, Arizona-56th Fighter Wing.

Awesome!  Politadick
October 19 at 4:21 PM  Alaska  ADN  Live: Candidates for governor: Mark Begich and Mike Dunleavy. 

"Update: I was very close on my guess what would happen here, only thing that didn't happen was the Booing, but not a single person would clap for anything Dunleavy had to say. Clearly all those glowing comments the Governor made had no impact on the folks at AFN. (SMH)

Really sad to see them treat him this way when he is married to an Alaskan Native and has three children. Really disgusting knowing that they treated him like that and Honestly from what I have heard from AFN over the last three days, even if you are married to a native and spent most of you life living with them, you still are just a white person that wronged them.

(Classic example of what a Racist is: a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.)

Also he spent 19 years of his life living in a Rural Community right beside them.

Spendowitch on the other hand, only has his Union Buddy's to boast about, being the final nail in the coffin for Obamacare, Loves the Medicaid Expansion and wants to make it do more and he promises to keep giving them everything for free, so they LOVE HIM..."

After what the Governor had to say about Dunleavy there at AFN.


Clearly the crowd there will not be in Dunleavy corner. They will clap for Spendowitch and Boo Dunleavy because the have, for everything I have heard today, Racist view of all Alaskans that are not Alaskan Native or hold far Left Views.

October 19 at 5:47 PM  Donald J Trump  Video  Join me LIVE in Mesa, AZ! Great crowd for a #MAGA rally! 

Love It!  Politadick
October 19 at 11:06 PM  Alaska  Don Young for Congress  Thank you to Alaska Federation of Natives - Official Page for hosting today's Congressional Candidate Forum to discuss many of the important issues in our Alaska Native communities and across the state. I highlighted issues ranging from economic development and 8(a) contracting to the CDQ Program and renewable energy sources for our state. I take great pride in my ability to listen to Alaskans and work towards solving the problems facing the state as I continue to serve the Last Frontier.  http://alaskansfordonyoung.com/…/young-receives-warm-recep…/ 

You moped the floor with her as the mop tonight. She is clearly out of her league on this one and would be the worst choice anybody could ever make.

I was very happy to see that AFN paid you the respect you have earned and from everything I heard tonight, the majority of them know that she isn't the best choice to make for Alaska's Future.

Job Well Done Congressman Don Young!!!!

I must add that the Fake Cry, "That Hurt, That Hurt" right at the end when you shook hands, was the Dirtiness Leftist Trick she could have pulled tonight to you and showed that she is very desperate after losing the debate the way she did.  Politadick

October 19 at 11:30 PM  Alaska Republican Party  This came from the Alaska Republican Party  Anchorage’s budget grew by more than 47 percent under Begich, and property taxes went up 6.6 percent in 2004 and 2.8 percent in 2005, with Begich asking for yet an additional raise later.
Just after Begich’s left in 2009, when he became a senator, city officials announced Anchorage had a $17 million revenue shortfall...
Mark Begich created a mess that had to be cleaned up,” says former city budget director Cheryl Frasca 
The truth is that he left Anchorage in a financial hole that cost city workers their jobs and led to steep cuts in city services.” 

From Tom McGrath

"Nothing is straight about this guy.
Mark Begich can’t win straight up. He became Mayor because a last minute, and I still believe illegal change to Municipal Code allowed him to win with 45% instead of 50%.
Then he became Senator when Senator Stevens was fraudulently convicted. A conviction that was overturned after the election. 
Now he is trying to win with another scenario that stinks to high heaven. Hopefully the electorate sees through this sham.”

Truth about good ole Spendowitch. I’ll add one more to this. He acknowledged during the debate that he was the last nail in the coffin that gave us all Obamacare.  Politadick
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