October 18 at 6:38 AM  Fox News Update  Video  Anti-Kavanaugh protesters harass Ted Cruz yet again – we’ll soon know what Robert Mueller has found in his Russia investigation – and a Marine is awarded the Medal of Honor for saving 20 fellow Marines in Vietnam. 

Catch up on all the news.  Politadick
October 18 at 6:56 AM  PBS News Hour  Video  WATCH LIVE: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo makes a statement at the White House

No answers yet  Politadick
October 18 at 7:05 AM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  The plot thickens on Mallott resignation - Must Read Alaska  A WOMAN’S REVENGE An off-hand remark to …  A delicate situation told as delicately as possible...

They are getting closer to the truth coming out. There was a heated discussion and it was public. #MeToo does have something to do with it and I know threats were made.

Is it just a coincidence this all timed right before AFN was to start. This person doesn’t believe so...  Politadick

October 18 at 7:17 AM  OANN  Vietnam veteran, POW survivor to spend 7 years in prison for owning illegal gun | One America News Network  A decorated Vietnam veteran will spend the next seven years behind bars for purchasing a rifle decades ago that reminded him of the one he used to carry.

Wow... This just doesn’t sound right.

One big question I have is why did ATF raid his home?  Politadick

October 18 at 7:19 AM  Fox News  Video  Ambassador Nikki Haley delivers remarks at a United Nations Security Council meeting. 

Go get them Nikki!  Politadick
October 18 at 7:20 AM  Alaska  Mike Dunleavy for Alaska  Photo  Happy Alaska Day!  Today we celebrate the anniversary of the formal transfer of Alaska from the Russian Empire to the United States. William Henry Seward was once asked, “Which of your public acts do you think will live longest in the memory of the American people?” Seward famously replied, “The purchase of Alaska. But it will take another generation to find out.” As heirs of Seward’s proud legacy, let’s work to build an Alaska where all of our families can prosper. 

Happy Sewards Folly Day!!!  Politadick
October 18 at 7:43 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 641  The attack on capitalism ramps up, scientists fear the alt-right, and the media can’t get over horseface. 
October 18 at 8:00 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  Breaking: US Treasury Secretary withdraws from Saudi Summit
October 18 at 8:06 AM  March for Life  Video  March For Life Theme Announcement and Capitol Hill Briefing

All Life Matters!  Politadick
October 18 at 8:16 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  WATCH LIVE: Alaska Federation of Natives Convention kicks off Thursday morning!

Awesome!  Politadick
October 18 at 8:39 AM  Fox News  Video  Tom Fitton on what to expect from Mueller probe  Special Counsel Robert Mueller reportedly ready to deliver key findings of the Russia probe after the… 

Democrats behind the scenes are actively pushing Mueller to stall the report, hoping to keep using this investigation to get them Seats in the upcoming election.

We all know, that if there was any evidence that President Trump did what they claimed, it would have been leaked by now.

This should inspire every Conservative to get out and Vote this Midterm Election and put people into power that will pass legislation that the majority of the USA has been wanting now for the past Four Decades.

Don’t even for a moment think that your single vote doesn’t matter. We all know here in Alaska how elections can be won by just a single vote.

This is why it is important for everyone of us Alaskan’s get out and Vote this November. There are 43 positions up for grabs and we have seen what the Democrat/Independent majority has done to our Great State over the last four years.

Time for us to Vote in a Governor who is willing to sign legislation that will “Make Alaska Great Again” and Lawmakers that are going to pass Legislation that can make that happen.

“(NEW: Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on Fox & Friends First on Fox News to discuss Special Counsel Robert Mueller being expected to report his findings after the midterms:

“There’s no collusion. There’s no obstruction. But there is this Special Counsel investigation that is harassing the President and impeding the functions of the presidency. The Special Counsel operation was corruptly formed. And, as we’ve been saying for a long time at Judicial Watch, it needs to be shut down.”)”  Politadick

**October 18 at 9:00 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  We're LIVE from the Alaska Federation of Natives Convention.  If you want to read more about the 2018 AFN convention, go here: https://www.ktuu.com/…/WATCH-LIVE-Alaska-Federation-of-Nati… 

Awesome! Sorry that they have to endure Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” at this Wonderful event!  Politadick
October 18 at 9:25 AM  Alaska  ADN  Video  Alaska Federation of Natives Keynote Address: Lt. Gov. Valerie Nurr’araaluk Davidson

Love it! Wonderful and awesome event for Alaskan Natives!

Really sad knowing our Governor is using this event to manipulate AFN members into following his political agenda. I really do hope the people of Alaska are seeing the manipulations he is doing within their culture for his own personal benefit.  Politadick

**October 18 at 9:26 AM  Alaska  Governor Bill Walker  Video  AFN: Governor Walker Remarks & Shirley Demientieff Awards; Lt. Governor Davidson Remarks: Governor Walker and Lt. Governor Davidson address delegates at the Alaska Federation of Natives Annual Convention.  9:20am- Keynote address- Lt. Governor Davidson
9:45am- GOA remarks/Presentation Shirley Demientieff Awards 

Love it! Wonderful and awesome event for Alaskan Natives!

Really sad knowing our Governor is using this event to manipulate AFN members into following his political agenda. I really do hope the people of Alaska are seeing the manipulations he is doing within their culture for his own personal benefit.  Politadick

***October 18 at 9:56 AM  Alaska  Governor Bill Walker  Video  AFN: Governor Walker Remarks & Shirley Demientieff Awards; Lt. Governor Davidson Remarks: Governor Walker and Lt. Governor Davidson address delegates at the Alaska Federation of Natives Annual Convention.  9:20am- Keynote address- Lt. Governor Davidson
9:45am- GOA remarks/Presentation Shirley Demientieff Awards 

Love it! Wonderful and awesome event for Alaskan Natives!

Really sad knowing our Governor is using this event to manipulate AFN members into following his political agenda. I really do hope the people of Alaska are seeing the manipulations he is doing within their culture for his own personal benefit.  Politadick

Politadick · 3:12 Love it! Wonderful and awesome event for Alaskan Natives!

Really sad knowing our Governor is using this event to manipulate AFN members into following his political agenda. I really do hope the people of Alaska are seeing the manipulations he is doing within their culture for his own personal benefit.

Politadick · 4:36 Please Governor announce you are resigning today for the good of every Alaskan.

Politadick · 8:44 I wish there was a AFA that would truly show Alaska as the Melting Pot we are suppose to be.

Politadick · 12:24 No sound....

Politadick · 16:29 Indigenous People Day… Don’t you mean appropriation day? You’re disgrace American history by not making that day a different one than the one that you appropriated. What about the Vikings what about the Spaniards that were here long before?

Politadick · 23:45 When are you going to tell the truth why Mallott resigned in less than 24hrs? The facts are coming out whether you like it or not. AFN deserves to hear what he said and the threats he made. They also need to hear the #MeToo allegations that were made at that same time.

Politadick · 26:18 Sovereign government also means they are supposed to pay for everything themselves! Why are Alaskans footing the bill if they are sovereign?

Politadick · 29:04 Hey Governor. Why do you have the sound turned off? Are you afraid what us Alaskans will hear you say?

October 18 at 10:22 AM  Alaska  ADN  Video  Governor Bill Walker addresses the Alaska Federation of Natives

Since the governor has his feed with no sound, here’s ADN feed.

Love it! Wonderful and awesome event for Alaskan Natives!

Really sad knowing our Governor is using this event to manipulate AFN members into following his political agenda. I really do hope the people of Alaska are seeing the manipulations he is doing within their culture for his own personal benefit.

Wish he was announcing he was resigning. Up there now promoting his campaign. What a Disgrace!  Politadick

October 18 at 10:38 AM  Alaska  Governor Bill Walker  Video  AFN: Governor Walker Remarks & Shirley Demientieff Awards; Lt. Governor Davidson Remarks: Governor Walker and Lt. Governor Davidson address delegates at the Alaska 

Wonderful and Awesome event at AFN! Kelly you Rock!

Sad to see the Governor back and still a major disgrace to “All” Alaskans.  Politadick

October 18 at 10:45 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  Are you you prepared for an earthquake? Today is the 2018 Great Alaska Shakeout. Channel 2’s Victoria Taylor is at Northwood ABC Elementary where students are taking part in the annual earthquake preparedness drill.
October 18 at 12:11 PM  Alaska  ADN  Video  WATCH LIVE: Candidates for Alaska governor are debating at a forum Thursday in downtown Anchorage co-hosted by several resource development groups including the Alaska Oil and Gas Association.

The debate is on!  Politadick
October 18 at 12:42 PM  Judicial Watch  100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Central American Caravan Heads to U.S. - Judicial Watch  In a startling revelation, Guatemala’s president announced in the country’s largest newspaper that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended in the impoverished Central American nation. Why should Americans care about this? A caravan of Central American migrants is making its way north. L... 

NEW: In a startling revelation, Guatemala’s president announced in the country’s largest newspaper that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended in the impoverished Central American nation. Why should Americans care about this? A caravan of Central American migrants is making its way north.

Let’s not forget that Guatemala is one of the countries that bombarded the U.S. with illegal immigrant minors under Barack Obama’s open border free-for-all. They came in droves from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala through the Mexican border and for years Uncle Sam rolled out the welcome mat offering housing, food, medical treatment and a free education.

A terrorist could have easily slipped in considering the minors — coined Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) — were not properly vetted and some turned out to be violent gangbangers who went on to commit heinous crimes in their adopted land of opportunity. In fact, the nation’s most violent street gang, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), was energized by the barrage of UACs. The Texas Department of Public Safety even issued a report documenting how the MS-13 emerged as a top tier gang in the state thanks to the influx of illegal alien gang members that came with the UACs. At the time more than 60,000 UACs — many with criminal histories — had stormed into the U.S. in a matter of months. Tens of thousands more eventually made it north...

Build the Damn Wall and start returning these people the moment they cross the border. If they can’t do it the right way by going to the boarder crossings and be vetted, they have no business ever being within the USA!  Politadick

October 18 at 1:06 PM  Branco Cartoon - Fake, Fake Fake Fake  First Law of Holes  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 10/18/2018

Nothing like digging your own grave.  Politadick
October 18 at 1:14 PM  Town Hall  Video Radio Broadcast  What’s better than listening to the Triggered Podcast with Matt Vespa and Storm Paglia? Listening to the TRIGGERED podcast with Matt Vespa, Storm Paglia, AND special guest Katie Pavlich.    Today, the triggering trio discuss the incoming illegal immigrant caravan, the left-wing mob, Jamal Khashoggi's brutal murder, and much, much more. 

Facts that need to be changed, if we are ever to gain control of our boarders.  Politadick
October 18 at 4:12 PM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump arrives in Montana ahead of tonight's "Make America Great Again" rally. (Courtesy: KTMF)

Almost Time!  Politadick
October 18 at 4:17 PM  Alaska Vote    "Alaska animal-themed 'I Voted' stickers unveiled"

Vote early and get a themed I voted sticker!  Politadick
October 18 at 4:30 PM  Donald J Trump  Video  Join me LIVE in Missoula, MT! Great crowd for a #MAGA rally! 

Holly Crap what a Crowd!!! Awesome!!!!  Politadick
October 18 at 4:35 PM  Ben Shapiro  Unacceptable.  Daily Wire  WATCH: Rosie Calls For Military To 'Get' Trump, MSNBC Analyst Agrees  Leftist Rosie O'Donnell said she wanted the U.S. military to "get" President Donald Trump during an MSNBC panel discussion on Thursday, saying that Trump was "evil" and "dark." 

Why is the violence against conservatives getting worse? MSM is allowing people like this a platform to expel their hate and excite people to do it. What makes this even worse is MSM is joining in on the call for violence to happen.

I hope the FBI arrest her for the remarks she keeps making.  Politaidick

October 18 at 4:57 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Breaching dams to save Northwest orcas is contentious issue   Calls to breach four hydroelectric dams in Washington state have grown louder in recent months as the plight of critically endangered Northwest orcas has captured global attention.  Breaching the dams has long been contentious, but it's gained renewed attention as the orcas have hit the lowest numbers in more than three decades. The whales struggle from pollution, boat noise and lack of chinook salmon, which have been declining because of dams, habitat loss and overfishing. Just 74 animals remain in the small group.

So after reading this and getting to the actual facts that are relevant to their survival. The problems are not the fish getting to the rivers or that there isn’t enough fish returning to the ocean.

It’s what is happen in the ocean that is causing the declining numbers of whales. Just like Alaska and the low runs we keep experiencing. It’s not the habitat they spawn in that is the problem. But the over fishing in the oceans and whatever is killing them all off out there.  Politadick

October 18 at 6:29 PM  Fox Business  Trump trade policies to lift steel worker pay: Report  U.S. steel workers are set to receive their biggest pay increase in at least six years. 

Wow! This is HUGE!  Politadick
October 18 at 6:36 PM  Fox News  Video  Migrant caravan breakaway group reportedly reaches border with Mexico as showdown looms  Hundreds of migrants who reportedly have broken away from the caravan moving through Guatemala are now said to be at that country’s border with Mexico, just hours after President Trump issued a warning that he may ask the military to get involved if officials there can’t “stop this onslaught..... 

Just cut off all aid already until they stop the Illegal border crossings in Mexico to the USA and Guatemala.

All we are doing is paying them to never change. That needs to come to an end.  Politadick

October 18 at 6:46 PM  Turning Point USA  Video  CAMPUS CLASH IS LIVE!    Watch Charlie Kirk, Brandon Tatum, & Anna Paulina Live At University of Washington!#BigGovSucks  

Love It!!!!  Politadick
October 18 at 6:53 PM  Babylon Bee  Photo  "How to tell a Modern Day Nazi  from a Modern Day ANTIFA"

Can you spot the differences? The New Democrat Party Leaders......  Politadick
October 18 at 7:11 PM  Alaska Republican Party

Governor Walker Needs a Nap and an Iced Tea to Relax.

During the Natural Resources debate in Anchorage, October 18, Governor Walker asserted that the ARP tried to recruit him to run as a Republican - we can only respond that his recent stress is causing him to lose grip on reality.

The only official (or unofficial) contact regarding Bill Walker running as a Republican came from his Chief of Staff, Scott Kendall, on behalf of the Governor to ARP leadership. Our response to Mr. Kendall's inquiry was that it was a free country and Bill Walker could run as a Republican if he wanted to. We predicted the reception would NOT be warm.

In addition, all of those inquiries from the Governor occurred prior to the State Convention of the Alaska Republican Party held in Anchorage last March.

Apparently, Governor Walker has switched his party, his program and his running mates so often that we believe he has lost track of the truth.

Tuckerman Babcock
Chairman, Alaska Republican Party
PO Box 201049
Anchorage, AK 99520
Cell: (907) 394-4910

After reading Midnight Suns “Fake News” earlier and watching the debate live as it was happening. I was hoping to find a response from you all about this.

Best laugh I had all day was hearing him and them make those claims. Someone must have forgot to give Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” his meds this morning.

I’m thinking the stress of what Mallott did and the #MeToo incident is starting to take its toll on him this week trying to cover it all up.

October 18 at 9:26 PM  Alaska  Forbes  U.K.'s Healthcare Horror Stories Ought To Curb Dems' Enthusiasm for Single-Payer One look across the Atlantic, to the disaster unfolding in the United Kingdom's government-run healthcare system, ought to curb any enthusiasm for Medicare for All. 

Alyse Galvin for Congress: Please explain how Healthcare/Medicare for All would work for Alaska and the entire USA without doubling the taxes we all currently pay and how do you expect to compensate the doctors and nurses working, when they have their pay cut in half or more, to even be able to make that work?

“The problem is one of supply and demand. Single-payer systems offer “free” care, so patients have no incentive to moderate their demand for care. But government cannot procure enough supply to meet that demand without bankrupting taxpayers. Government officials’ only option is to ration care.

Despite the failings of the NHS, Democrats want to establish a single-payer system in the United States. The Medicare for All bill sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders would outlaw private insurance and funnel nearly all Americans into a one-size-fits-all, government-run health plan. That bill promises comprehensive medical, dental, and even vision care, courtesy of John Q. Taxpayer.

The total bill? A cool $32 trillion over 10 years. Next year, the federal government projects it’ll take in $3.4 trillion in revenue. So Medicare for All’s yearly tab is nearly equivalent to the federal government’s entire annual tax take.

And Medicare for All’s multitrillion-dollar cost estimate banks on bringing payments for healthcare providers down to the level paid by the existing Medicare program. That would represent a reduction of about 40 percent, relative to private insurance rates. Such pay cuts are likely to drive providers out of business — or discourage the next generation of doctors and nurses from entering the field.”


Alyse Galvin for Congress,

We Alaskan's are still waiting for your answer. This is what you are telling everyone that you are wanting to do, to all that you talk to here in Alaska. Please Explain how this will work?  Politadick

October 18 at 10:30 PM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  'Quitter' boomerangs on Walker - Must Read Alaska  An ironic “quitter” theme has emerged from …  Target-rich environment. Do share.

In light of this weeks events. I think this one is worth re-sharing again.

Here’s a quitter that made Millions suing the state of Alaska. He has direct responsibility for the revenue not being even bigger then it was before he ran for Governor.

Mallott now has something else he can add to his resume that he quit from....  Politadick

October 18 at 10:48 PM  Alaska  Sealaska to donate $100,000 to group backing Walker and Mallott re-election  The regional Native corporation is kicking in $100,000 to a group backing the independent ticket.

From a concerned Alaskan and those that are very aware of who is buying future favors...

“Are you aware that Mallott ushered his son into the board of directors of Sealaska (nepotism) and that baby Mallott gave daddy Mallott 100,000 of sealaska shareholder money a few weeks ago?

Politadick we are not happy with that - they didn’t even ask the shareholders - a good number of shareholders do not even live in Alaska”

Some how I think what happen this week with Mallott quitting the way he did, has something to do with this.  Politadick
October 18 at 11:28 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Alaska salmon stakeholders divided on ballot initiative  Alaska salmon stakeholders are split on a ballot initiative that aims to strengthen state law protecting salmon habitat.  Alaska Journal of Commerce: Most of the 12 Alaska Native regional corporations are opposing the so-called Stand for Salmon initiative set to appear on November's general election ballot, but fishing industry groups appear divided on the matter.

Wow! Can't believe there are Alaskans that are willing to shut down nearly all new development for this extremely bad Ballot Measure One.

Every road new road, every upgrade to the roads, home building or improvements, timber industry, tourist company, oil, gas, electric company, mining, etc... will be affected by it.

I'm tired of seeing people who don't even live here, pushing and funding these disastrous bills on Alaskan's all in an effort to keep it the Lower 48's playground as it shuts down businesses throughout Alaska and costing us all a way to make a living.

"Vote NO on Ballot Measure One"

Alaskan's need a Future to look forward to and this will take that away.  Politadick

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