October 16 at 6:35 AM  OANN  Video  New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo targets Proud Boys for exercising free speech  New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is targeting the Proud Boys organization for alleged…  New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is targeting the Proud Boys organization for alleged altercations at the Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan. One America's Christopher Carter has more

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo shows his continued support of ANTIFA rioters and arrests and condemns the ones being attacked.  Politadick
October 16 at 6:48 AM  Breitbart  Video   Tucker Carlson: Elizabeth Warren Has Appointed Herself the Head of the #MeSioux Movement  "Warren has appointed herself the head of the #MeSioux movement.” 

#FakeNews = #FakeMath and shows once again how racist the Democrats are to push their agenda forward.  Politadick
October 16 at 6:54 AM  Breitbart  UPDATE: Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar Deletes Instagram Post Calling His Terrorist Grandfather a 'Legend'  JUST IN: Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar has deleted an Instagram post in which he referred to his grandfather, Palestinian terrorist Muhammad Yousef al-Najjar, as a “legend.” 

He has clear ties to Terrorists and still the Democrats support him. Obama Supported candidate should say it all. Never forget they have CAIR organizations in nearly all the colleges today!

“In 2007-8, CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the terror financing trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. That case, in turn, led the FBI to discontinue its work with the organization. In 2009, a federal judge ruled that the government “produced ample evidence to establish” the ties of CAIR with Hamas, the Palestinian terror organization . The United Arab Emirates labeled CAIR a terrorist organization in 2014 (a decision that the Obama administration opposed).”

October 16 at 7:00 AM  Donald J Trump  Democrats have become the party of crime. We are the party of SAFETY, and we are the party of JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! 

Welcome to Alaska where the Democrats have been in full control for the last four years now. What he has to say is exactly what has happen here in Alaska and around the USA!

I thank our lucky stars that the Minority of Republicans we had in office here kept it from being even worse!  Politadick

October 16 at 7:11 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Permanent Fund plans drive gubernatorial debate  Mark Begich, Billy Toien and Gov. Bill Walker took on the Permanent Fund's role in addressing Alaska's fiscal crisis last night, during a debate hosted by UAA's student union.

Their entire plan consists of stealing the PFD and using it to grow government.

Neither has a plan to change the failing school system we have here in Alaska. But do plan on expanding the failing Diversity plan that is in place.

Both love SB91 and feel it’s the best thing since the invention of the wheel.

One wants the job killer “Stand for Salmon” to pass and the other wants to flip-flop on whether he likes it or not while his LT. Governor actively supports them and helped to get the ballot on this years Election.

Both think the Opioid crises is the Doctors fault but refuse to acknowledge that 99% of the arrest have Meth and Heroin as the main item they are caught with.

I could go on for hours how “Gov He Who Shall Not Be Named” and Spendowitch if elected, will bankrupt our Great State of Alaska to push their socialist agenda on us all.  Politadick

October 16 at 7:16 AM  International Space Center  Video  NASA Astronaut Nick Hague will speak to media for the first time since his trip to the space station was aborted last Thursday. Shortly after launch, there was an anomaly with the booster, and the launch ascent was aborted, resulting in a ballistic landing of the spacecraft. 
October 16 at 7:50 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 639  Elizabeth Warren’s Native American tale collapses, Democratic candidates reveal their radicalism, and Michael Avenatti has a bad day.
October 16 at 8:00 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  Radio: Pastor Brunson Takes Your Calls Live
October 16 at 8:14 AM  United States Air Force  Recovery efforts are currently underway at Tyndall Air Force Base. This map will provide real-time information as facility assessments are completed & damage is evaluated. #HurricaneMichael  https://maps.af.mil/geoportal/apps/webappviewer/index.html… 

October 16 at 8:28 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  ConocoPhillips credits oil tax regime for new North Slope production  A ConocoPhillips spokesperson says the state's current oil tax regime played a part in the production of the first oil on federal land in National Petroleum Reserve Alaska.  "Alaska's a high-cost place to do business," said ConocoPhillips spokesman Scott Jepsen, adding that oil now flowing from the Greater Mooses Tooth 1 field is due in part to Alaska oil tax reforms under SB 21.

Why would they talk bad about the bill? When oil prices were at there lowest, they were still making record profits.

Meanwhile our Governor was burning through all the savings pushing his socialist agenda on all Alaskans.

Then when that money ran dry started raiding the PFD’s to continue to pay for the highest budgets our state has ever seen.

Never forget that starting in 2020 Alaska will have to pay 10% more of the healthcare expansion the Governor Unilaterally decided to do, which will be an increase to our budget of nearly $300,000,000 million more a year to come up with. Or if you believe the numbers the Governor has given $100,000,000 million more a year. Where does that money come from? Higher Taxes of course.  Politadick

October 16 at 8:33 AM  Fox Business  Video  Vice President Mike Pence delivers remarks at the Sunbelt Ag Expo in Georgia.
October 16 at 9:39 AM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  Alaska  "Double Rainbow in the Matsu"
October 16 at 10:11 AM  A.F. Branco Cartoon - Baggage Claim  Hillary Clinton continues to appear cozy with violent left-wing mobs, and like the mainstream media, even refusing to call them mobs. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2018  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon 10/16/2018

Looks to be pretty accurate here!  Politadick 
October 16 at 10:57 AM  The Federalist  Obama Campaign Paid $972,000 To Law Firm That Paid Fusion GPS  Obama's campaign organization has paid nearly a million dollars since April of 2016 to the law firm that funneled money to Fusion GPS. 

It’s a year old, but still very relevant today!  Politadick
October 16 at 12:09 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  WATCH: All three candidates in the 2018 governor's race will debate questions encompassing growing the private sector, Knik Arm Bridge, addressing the Port of Alaska, the deficit, and more. 

Let the fun begin.... 

Politadick · 37:21 All I keep hearing fro Spendowitch and Gov “He Who Shall Not Be Named” is expand government and the budget. Neither offer any solutions to reduce it. Dunleavy is the only one that continues to say reduce the spending. Let’s save Alaska $500 million a year by doing just one cut and reverse the Expansion of Healthcare.

Politadick · 40:36 Healthcare isn’t free. Middle class pays $12,000 a year with a $6,000 a year deductible. So people who don’t work get it for free. Theft from the working class.

Politadick · 43:51 Trees to cut, mines to open, hatcheries to build to sustain the fishing. All that the other two refuse to do. Dunleavy November 6!

Politadick · 46:07 Tax, tax, tax and spend the savings and PFD. The only solutions Spendowitch and “Gov He Who Shall Not Be Named” continues to offer as their plans.

Politadick · 47:29 Spendowitch was the nail in the coffin that gave us all Obamacare. Never forget!

October 16 at 1:00 PM  Alaska  KTOO  Feds approve second Conoco oil project in National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska  According to Conoco, the Greater Mooses Tooth 2 drill site could produce up to 40,000 barrels of oil per day. The company aims to begin construction this winter, and complete the project by 2021. 

This is exactly what Mike Dunleavy was talking about in the debate they just had. Too bad the other two just want to Tax, tax, tax and use the PFD’s to grow government.  Politadick
October 16 at 1:08 PM  Fox News Update  Video  Police reportedly found evidence that somebody killed a missing Washington Post contributor in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. And the Air Force is sending chaplains and mental health representatives for support as it opens up Tyndall Air Force base after Hurricane Michael. 

Catch up on all the latest news.  Politadick
October 16 at 1:12 PM  Alaska  Ceezar Martinson for State House District 20  A Conservative takes on a Liberal. This is an important debate as it brings out the vast differences in the political landscape. Zack Fields has a deep hatred for Republicans, Donald Trump, the Tea Party and Michael Dunleavy. If nothing else, scroll to -8.07 of this debate and listen to Zack Fields as he attacks our next governor of this state, Governor Dunleavy. Certainly his statements are enough to prompt you to donate to Ceezar's campaign. The last thing Juneau needs is Zack Field's arrogance.

Must watch! If you live in this district, this is one debate you do not want to miss out on seeing!

Even if your not in this district watch! Clearly shows the level the Democrats in Alaska have dropped down to.

What a disgrace their party has become.  Politadick

October 16 at 1:30 PM  Donald J. Trump on Twitter  "The United States has strongly informed the President of Honduras that if the large Caravan of people heading to the U.S. is not stopped and brought back to Honduras, no more money or aid will be given to Honduras, effective immediately!” 

Awesome!  Politadick
October 16 at 1:55 PM  Judicial Watch  Federal Appeals Court to Hold Hearing on Judicial Watch Suit to Force State Department Action on Hillary Clinton Emails - Judicial Watch  '[B]ecause the State Department still has not recovered all the records, a referral to the Attorney General is necessary’ – Judicial Watch brief (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that a hearing is scheduled for Thursday, October 18, 2018, in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the ... 

BREAKING: Judicial Watch announced today that a hearing is scheduled for this Thursday (October 18th, 2018) in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia regarding the failure of the State Department to take remedial measures to recover emails of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other high-level State Department officials who used a non-state.gov email system to conduct official business.

Date: Thursday, October 18
Time: 9:30AM ET
Courtroom 31
U.S. Court of Appeals (D.C. Circuit) 
333 Constitution Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001

Judicial Watch argues that the laws requires a referral for action to the Justice Department: It is important to recall that this case arises from a mess of the State Department’s own making. The State Department was fully aware throughout Secretary Clinton’s tenure that she was using a private email system. Then, at the end of her tenure, the State Department allowed four years of federal records to “walk out the door” with Secretary Clinton. Only belatedly did the State Department ask Secretary Clinton to return those records. Yet it is undisputed that not all emails have been returned. All the efforts that have been made – and remain to be made – are necessary because of the State Department’s failure to preserve federal records as it was required to do. And because the State Department still has not recovered all the records, a referral to the Attorney General is necessary.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton: "The State Department should have taken it upon themselves to initiate action with the Justice Department – and both agencies should finally make an honest effort to recover all the government emails Hillary Clinton unlawfully removed. It is frankly incredible that the State Department under current Secretary of State Michael Pompeo is still protecting Hillary Clinton from the consequences of her illicit email activity." 

Huge! This should have been done years ago and finally the get a hearing to find out what has happen!  Politadick

October 16 at 1:58 PM  The Daily Caller  American Voices  Video  'She Scored On Herself' - Megyn Kelly Goes Scorched Earth On Warren DNA Test  Watch as Megyn Kelly's grills Liz Warren's about her claims to Native American heritage and DNA test results.

Let the Trolling of Pocahontas continued…  Politadick
October 16 at 2:35 PM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Breaking: Mallott forced out as lieutenant governor? - Must Read Alaska  Must Read Alaska has learned that the …  Stay tuned for updates. Please share!

One small step for Human Kind.

One giant leap for the Spendowitch/Gov “He Who Shall Not Be Named” Unity ticket.

Any bets?

Third Democrat to be taken out by the #MeToo movement this year!  Politadick

October 16 at 2:40 PM  Alaska  Gov.Alaska.Gov  Byron Mallott resigns as Lieutenant Governor effective immediately – Office of the Governor   ANCHORAGE – Byron Mallott today resigned as Lieutenant Governor effective immediately, and Valerie Nurr'araaluk Davidson was sworn into the office during a private ceremony in Governor Bill Walker’s Anchorage office this afternoon. 

Wow!!!! I see a unity ticket coming.....

Third Democrat to be taken out by the #MeToo movement this year!  Politadick

October 16 at 2:45 PM  Alaska  KTOO  Lt. Gov. Mallott resigns after 'inappropriate comments'  The governor plans to hold a press conference in Anchorage at 3 p.m.  Alaska Governor Bill Walker said in a statement "Byron recently made inappropriate comments that do not reflect the sterling level of behavior required in his role as lieutenant governor. I learned of the incident last night. Byron has taken full responsibility for his actions and has resigned."

I wonder if this was the big takedown they had planned for Dunleavy later this month?

Can’t wait to find out what he said to her that forced him to resign?

I’ll bet he won’t tell us and this was a plan to try and make him a stronger candidate by getting his replacement in as LT Governor.  Politadick

October 16 at 2:51 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  UPDATE: Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott resigns after making 'inappropriate overtures'   The Lieutenant Governor of Alaska, Byron Mallott, resigned Tuesday due to what is being referred to as 'inappropriate comments.'  "Byron recently made inappropriate comments that do not reflect the sterling level of behavior required in his role as Lieutenant Governor."
MORE: https://bit.ly/2AdKTMM

I wonder if this was the big takedown they had planned for Dunleavy later this month?

Can’t wait to find out what he said to her that forced him to resign? Did #MeToo have anything to do with this?

I’ll bet he won’t tell us and this was a plan to try and make him a stronger candidate by getting his replacement in as LT Governor.  Politadick

October 16 at 2:56 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Lt. Gov. Mallott steps down amid 'inappropriate comments'  Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott has resigned, according to Gov. Bill Walker's office; we will be Live on Facebook momentarily from a 3 p.m. news conference on his departure.

Timing is everything. I wonder if this was the big takedown they had planned for Dunleavy later this month?

Can’t wait to find out what he said to her that forced him to resign? Did #MeToo have anything to do with this?

I’ll bet he won’t tell us and this was a plan to try and make him a stronger candidate by getting his replacement in as LT Governor.

October 16 at 2:57 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  Happening live now, Gov. Bill Walker and Lt. Gov Valerie Davidson address reporters about the resignation of Byron Mallott over "inappropriate comments" made by Mallott. 

Live! Announcement why Mallott just guit! Wow and they were just making claims about not being quitters!

Politadick · 4:27 Gov is trying to salvage his campaign by moving her in on his ticket.

Politadick · 5:16 #MeToo takes down another one!

Politadick · 6:33 That make 3 Democrats this year that #MeToo has caught this year.

Politadick · 7:18 Awesome!

Politadick · 9:59 #MeToo takes out number 3 this year!

October 16 at 2:58 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  Happening live now, Gov. Bill Walker and Lt. Gov Valerie Davidson address reporters about the resignation of Byron Mallott over "inappropriate comments" made by Mallott. 

Live! Announcement why Mallott just guit! Wow and they were just making claims about not being quitters!

Politadick · 4:27 Gov is trying to salvage his campaign by moving her in on his ticket.

Politadick · 5:16 #MeToo takes down another one!

Politadick · 6:33 That make 3 Democrats this year that #MeToo has caught this year.

Politadick · 7:18 Awesome!

Politadick · 9:59 #MeToo takes out number 3 this year!

October 16 at 2:58 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  WATCH LIVE: Gov. Bill Walker is discussing the resignation of Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott in downtown Anchorage. STORY: http://bit.ly/2QRBaRN 

Live! Announcement why Mallott just guit! Wow and they were just making claims about not being quitters!

Politadick · 1:05 Live! Announcement why Mallott just guit! Wow and they were just making claims about not being quitters!

Politadick · 2:07 Gov is trying to salvage his campaign by moving her in on his ticket.

Politadick · 3:34 #MeToo takes down another one!

Politadick · 4:18 That make 3 Democrats this year that #MeToo has caught this year.

Politadick · 8:29 #MeToo takes out number 3 this year!

October 16 at 2:58 PM  KTVA 11  Video  WATCH LIVE: Gov. Bill Walker is discussing the resignation of Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott in downtown Anchorage. STORY: http://bit.ly/2QRBaRN 

Live! Announcement why Mallott just guit! Wow and they were just making claims about not being quitters!

Politadick · 1:05 Live! Announcement why Mallott just guit! Wow and they were just making claims about not being quitters!

Politadick · 2:07 Gov is trying to salvage his campaign by moving her in on his ticket.

Politadick · 3:34 #MeToo takes down another one!

Politadick · 4:18 That make 3 Democrats this year that #MeToo has caught this year.

Politadick · 8:29 #MeToo takes out number 3 this year!

October 16 at 4:11 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Food Bank of Alaska gets 120,000-pound donation  The shelves at the Food Bank of Alaska are 120,000 pounds heavier after a donation from ConocoPhillips’ employees.  Jim Baldwin, the food bank’s CEO, says this large donation means the organization is better prepared to serve Alaskans as we head into the colder months and the holiday season.

Wow!!! This ROCKS!!!  Politadick
October 16 at 4:20 PM  FAIR  House Leadership Eyes Wall Funding in December  With their majority at stake in the upcoming midterm elections, House Republican leaders are signaling to voters that they intend to fund President Trump’s border wall in December. “We intend on having a full-fledged discussion on how to complete our mission to secure the border, and yes, we wil...  With the upcoming midterm elections, House Republicans are hinting that they intend to fund President Trump’s border wall in December.

If anybody was wondering why it is so important that all republicans get out this November and vote. Here is the Number one reason to do it!  Politadick
October 16 at 4:27 PM  Alaska  KTOO  Online, Sealaska shareholders condemned their corporation's Walker-Mallott endorsement. Here's what they said in person. Many Sealaska shareholders have condemned the board's endorsement and donation as political favoritism and improper use of shareholder funds. The most common response our reporter got when she went out in person to ground-truth the online reaction was no comment. But she did get some shareholders to go on the record.

Thank You for being the first MSM to finally report on this!

Many shareholders have reached out to express their displeasure with what they did.

https://www.facebook.com/1347784265282591/posts/1934176826643329/  Politadick

October 16 at 4:32 PM  Alaska  Write-In Jake Sloan  Free custom window signs now available... made to order in your mother tongue! (Yes, we have English ones and others not shown too.) Message us or text us at 907-312-1645 to request yours! Also, let us know if you still need a yard sign. We love the diversity of East Anchorage! #writeinJakeSloan  Disclaimer: these may not be exactly perfect translations, but it is just to give you an idea of a sign you can do in your own language. Please let us know how to make it to fit your specifications. Thanks! 

Write In “Jake Sloan”  Politadick
October 16 at 4:44 PM  Alaska  Hands off our PFD's  The resignation of Byron Mallott should invalidate the Walker/Mallott campaign petition since the slate will NOT be the same as the one that tens of thousands of Alaskans supported.

Exactly!  Politadick
October 16 at 4:55 PM  Alaska  Revak for House  Video  Go Revak!
October 16 at 5:36 PM  CBS News  Video  Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke face off in their second and last debate before the Midterms. https://cbsn.ws/2yhrKbt
October 16 at 6:06 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  UPDATE: A spokesperson for Gov. Bill Walker's campaign says it is in talks with Democratic challenger Mark Begich about a "path forward," reportedly not linked to Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott's resignation today. http://bit.ly/2Ae0IDf

This is a prime example why the Democrats/Independents cannot be trusted.

They announced they had a plan to take out Dunleavy before they made this announcement.

Anyone who falls for this trickery also believes they would never take our PFD’s or find ways to Tax, Tax, Tax Alaskans right out of the state.  Politadick

October 16 at 6:12 PM  Alaska  Ron Gillham for Senate  Video  Go Ron Gillham!!! Live!!
October 16 at 6:29 PM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Alyse Galvin gets her radical on in Oakland - Must Read Alaska  LISTEN AS SHE TRIES TO STOP HERSELF …  The real Alyse Galvin. Berkeley radical all the way.

This is worth Sharing Again.

"Alaska’s very own Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. That was like listening to Pelosi, Cortez and Waters all rolled into one.

Socialism brain washing at its finest there."  Politadick

October 16 at 7:17 PM  Ben Shapiro  Stay tuned  Daily Wire  UH-OH: FBI Raids Offices Of Trump-Bashing San Juan Mayor On Suspicion Of Corruption  Early Tuesday morning, the FBI raided government offices in San Juan, Puerto Rico, including the office of San Juan's mayor, Carmen Yelin Cruz, looking for evidence t 

About darn time this happen. Just the tip of the iceberg they are going to uncover.  Politadick
October 16 at 7:35 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  Breaking News

We're all celebrating today over the Mallott outcome, but I'm warning you, the left is rallying. We may never be sick of winning but I guarantee they're tired of losing.

Come November, you'd better vote. You'd better vote and tell your friends to vote because no matter how much you don't want to admit it, there is a blue wave coming and they're mad. Don't turn a blind eye. Finish the deal and retain control of Alaska.

Now is NOT the time for complacency.

It’s the Lefts way to use MSM to push their agenda and in the end smear the Republican any way they can.

From everything I have read. The new LT Governor is now taking Mallotts place on the campaign. This was strategically planned to make the Gov stronger by putting a woman in his corner who works actively within the Native communities.

Update link to more information on this “Breaking News”:


October 16 at 8:15 PM  ABC News  Video  We’re in Florida as United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket launches U.S. military satellite. https://abcn.ws/2yHWZvO 

Awesome!  Politadick
October 16 at 10:57 PM  Alaska  ADN  Valerie Davidson, Alaska’s new lieutenant governor, has long history fighting for Native issues  The Yup'ik woman from a Southwest Alaska village has fought for social and health improvements for Alaska Natives for decades. 

Update:(Can’t say I didn’t warn you. Here is another one from the “MSM” ADN posted on the Governors campaign page. Clearly everything I have to say below has now been 100% verified. 

Well if I had any doubts about the “Breaking News” that I posted earlier today. They are all gone now.

MSM has already started ramping up the Governors new running mate, LT Governor Valerie Davidson.

I said it before and I’ll say it again. This was the strategy the Left/Democrats and Independents had from the beginning. After reading her pedigree inside ADN, it’s clear that everything the Left stands for, is 100% what she is. Even has the Native Vote already in here corner.

Get ready for the mass output from every MSM outlet talking her up till November 6th as the main focus of our Governors campaign.

The Lefts/Democrats and Independents of Alaska will be going full tilt from here on out targeting the Native and every person who benefits from the “Welfare” and “Free Healthcare” Votes.

Conservatives of Alaska. I truly hope you are paying attention to my “Breaking News” I posted earlier. Because every vote will be needed to make sure Alaska conservatives take control of the Governors Seat and that we gain full control of the House and Senate this election.

We need to see Alaska make the changes, we have all been dreaming of for the last four years, “Happen” or Alaska will become a over taxed, “Welfare State” the Left wants us to be.

Link to “Breaking News” from earlier:

https://www.facebook.com/1347784265282591/posts/1940353069359038/  Politadick

October 16 at 11:52 PM  Fox News  Video  Secretary Pompeo is in Turkey meeting with officials following the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi. https://fxn.ws/2PIHpr6
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