October 6 at 8:39 AM  Alaska  Dunleavy for Governor  Photo  My opponents can’t argue with math. I am the only candidate supporting a full PFD.

PFD under each Candidate:
"Dunleavy" $2,982
"Begich" $2,000
"Walker" $1,600
October 6 at 8:57 AM  The Daily Caller  Video  When Dr. Christine Blasey Ford appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee, her testimony was hailed by politicians and media outlets alike as being very "credible". A week later, under the scrutiny of an FBI investigation and information volunteered by private citizens, that testimony is quite as rock-solid and credible as it once was. 

UnF¥€k the News.....  Politadick
October 6 at 11:24 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  WATCH LIVE: Downtown Anchorage is hosting a protest against the retention of Superior Court Judge Michael Corey, over his approval of a controversial plea deal for Justin Schneider in an assault on a woman last year. STORY: http://bit.ly/2MXTYwx
October 6 at 11:31 AM  Fox News  Video  BREAKING: Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court with a 50-48 Senate vote.  Tune in to Fox News Channel for continuing coverage of the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation vote. https://fxn.ws/2zTIYNk

Very Soon we will have a new Supreme Court Justice!

Congratulations to our newest Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh!!!

Vote 50 Yeah to 48 Nay!  Politadick

October 6 at 11:32 AM  Fox News  Video  “I think he’s highly qualified for the Supreme Court. I’m glad that Dr. Ford was heard. I’m glad that Judge Kavanaugh was heard.” During her first solo international trip as first lady, Melania Trump talked about Judge Kavanaugh. 

Such a Gracious Fist Lady we have.  Politadick
October 6 at 11:39 AM  Fox News  Grassley demands correspondence between Ford legal team and Dem senators  Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley demanded lawyers for Christine Blasey Ford turn over records of communications between their legal team and the offices of Democratic Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Mazie Hirono “in light of recently uncovered information.”  Grassley also called for records of communications between Ford’s legal team and the other women leveling allegations against Kavanaugh.

Never Forget that Ford has refused to provide any of the evidence that would backup everything she has said is true.

Her refusal is a very clear indication that nothing she has had made claims about is even true. Why else would she want us and them not to see the “Proof”?

I smell a Democrat created problem, that everyone of them involved should lose their jobs, see jail time and cough up millions each for Defamation of Kavanaugh’s good name.  Politadick

October 6 at 11:50 AM  Fox News  Video  Protesters gather outside the Supreme Court. https://fxn.ws/2C3G4Xw 

Never forget when these people don’t care if anyone is Innocent.

They don’t care There is no Proof.

They don’t care that nearly everything Ford has made claims about has been “Proven” to be fabricated lies.

They don’t care that Ford refuses to turn over records that should be able to “Prove” what she claims is true, really is.

They just don’t care! Why?

Why? Because it has never been about Kavanaugh or Ford. It has always been about Destroying/Resisting anything Trump. That’s Why! No matter who they have to hurt, destroy, shoot, harass, threaten, beat up, kill to make that happen!  Politadick

October 6 at 11:52 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  WATCH LIVE: The U.S Senate is voting on Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation as a Supreme Court justice, expected shortly after 11:30 a.m. Alaska time Saturday. 

Suspense is killing me! Are newest Supreme Court Justice is.....  Politadick
October 6 at 12:03 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  Brett Kavanaugh is now Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh!!!  50 to 48  Politadick
October 6 at 12:10 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  WATCH LIVE: Senate approves Kavanaugh confirmation to the Supreme Court  Democrats and demonstrators vented their rage and resistance, but the Senate rolled toward approving Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination Saturday as President Donald Trump and Republicans approached an election-season triumph in the most electrifying confirmation battle in years.  The United States Senate has approved Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court in a 50-48 vote.  Sen. Lisa Murkwoski did not vote so she could pair with Montana's Sen. Steve Daines. Story: https://bit.ly/2E2m0rq 

Congratulations to our newest Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh!!!  Politadick
October 6 at 12:11 PM  Alaska  KTOO  WATCH LIVE: Final Senate vote on Kavanaugh nomination expected Saturday  If all goes as expected, Kavanaugh will be confirmed to the Supreme Court by a nearly party-line vote.  The U.S. Senate's confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court is underway now.

Congratulations to our newest Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh!!!  Politadick
October 6 at 12:31 PM  Fox News  Video  Senators make remarks on the Senate floor moments after Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court with a 50-48 Senate vote. https://fxn.ws/2OIPzSI

This should be good..... The DemoRats are going to be thumping their chests now all in a show to rally their dwindling base.

There will be many, Many Democrats that will #WalkAway after what they did to Kavanaugh!

#WalkAway  Politadick

October 6 at 12:37 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  UPDATE: Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court on a 50-48 vote Senate vote; Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan voted yes, while Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted "present" canceling out an absent senator's yes vote. http://bit.ly/2II3Vxu 

Congratulations to our newest Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh!!!  Politadick
October 6 at 12:40 PM  Alaska  Tammy Hannsen   Politadick Timeline Post  Edie Grunwald for US Senator for the Great State of Alaska. Let’s KEEP ALASKA GREAT. 

Sounds like we have a plan starting here!  Politadick
October 6 at 2:14 PM  Alaska  ADN  Trump says Murkowski ‘will never recover’ for voting no on Kavanaugh  In an interview with The Washington Post, the president said the senator would lose a primary challenge in 2022 because “The people from Alaska will never forgive her.”  

Lisa Murkowski needs to go.... Recall and lets have Edie Grunwald take her place!

ACLU, Planned Parenthood and AFN all ganged up on her and said, “We paid for you, now vote the way we tell you to”.


(Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin tweeted tauntingly at the senator on Friday: "Hey @LisaMurkowski - I can see 2022 from my house...")

https://www.facebook.com/176238466533/posts/10155417692651534/  Politadick

October 6 at 2:23 PM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump arrives in Topeka, Kansas for a rally.

President Trump gives a statement....  Politadick
October 6 at 2:28 PM  Alaska Republican Party  We are both shocked and disappointed by the decision of US Senator Lisa Murkowski to oppose the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. The Alaska Republican Party supports his confirmation. We respect the process, but after the process ran its course, the time came for the Senate to do their duty and advise and consent, or not. We expected many Democrats to remain adamant in opposition to the nomination by President Trump. We did not expect Republicans to end in opposition. We repeat, we are both shocked and disappointed by the opposition to the confirmation from just one Republican, Senator Murkowski.  This is a very significant vote. And the Alaska Republican Party will have a very significant response. However, it will not be the response of one man. As Chairman, while I have the authority under our Rules to speak on behalf of the Party, this issue is just too significant. How we respond as Republicans will be brought before the entire grassroots leadership of the Party: the State Central Committee. As representatives of 140,000 members of the Alaska Republican Party, we will consider what action to take. We will deliberate, and discuss and then vote on exactly what our response will be to her vote against confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court. 

Recall Murkowski!

https://www.facebook.com/1347784265282591/posts/1927339063993772/  Politadick

October 6 at 2:44 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  UPDATE: Sen. Lisa Murkowski hopes the Senate and the nation "will move on," after a claim by President Trump that Alaskans will "never forgive" her vote today against Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation. http://bit.ly/2II3Vxu 

Lisa Murkowski needs to go.... Recall and let have Edie Grunwald take her place!

ACLU, Planned Parenthood and AFN all ganged up on her and said, “We paid for you, now vote the way we tell you to”.


(Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin tweeted tauntingly at the senator on Friday: "Hey @LisaMurkowski - I can see 2022 from my house...")

https://www.facebook.com/176238466533/posts/10155417692651534/  Politadick

October 6 at 4:18 PM  Blue Lives Matter  High School Band Depicts Execution Of SWAT Officers Week After 2 Officers Killed - Blue Lives Matter  The Forest Hill High School band depicted the execution of cops just a week after two Brookhaven officers were killed.  Two officers were just murdered in the small town of Brookhaven, and at the next High School football game, they had the most outrageous "performance" you could possibly imagine.

When this is what our schools are teaching our children. Please explain again why my tax dollars are funding them again?

Disgusting! Appalling! I hope every one involved loses their jobs and the students are suspended for a very long time and required to give the police a public apology!!!  Politadick

October 6 at 4:41 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  President Donald Trump

The White House

Photos of Pres. Donald J. Trump signing commission appointing Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.

October 6 at 5:26 PM  Babylonbee  Democrats Shudder At Idea Of Having To Legislate Through Congress Should Supreme Court Lean Right  U.S.—With the confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh looming, Democrats expressed fear and trepidation Friday at the idea of having to actually legislate through Congress instead of courts in the future, should the Supreme Court tilt to the right.“Oh man, when we want to shove our social a... 

Democrats are terrified that we now have a Supreme Court Justice that will rule by established laws and not “Feelings”. See what they have to say about it.....

LOL  Poitadick

October 6 at 6:38 PM  Alaska  Senator Dan Sullivan  For millions of Americans, and no doubt thousands of Alaskans, the process to confirm Judge Kavanaugh has been searing. While I shared some of these thoughts in a speech on the Senate floor (https://bit.ly/2BZeFpL) earlier today, I wanted to take the time to speak directly to Alaskans about the process I undertook and the details behind this important vote.

Thank You!

You have represented what Alaskans stand for and have displayed true courage and conviction in your decisions that more in government need to learn.  Politadick

October 6 at 8:01 PM  Judge Jeanine  Twitter  Fox News Video President @realDonaldTrump on @lisamurkowski voting no on Kavanaugh: "I think it will go down as a sad day for her because he's going to become a…

140,000 Registered Alaskan Republicans and add another 160,000 more Alaskan's that feel the same way. We are Disappointed/Disgusted with our Senator Murkowski and wish she would Resign or she will be removed from office.

We are very aware who Paid her way to get where she is right now and if you have a chance to ever read what they say. It's very clear they made a point of flying down and getting in her face to remind her of that very fact!!!!

Thank You President Trump for taking a moment and hearing what we Alaskan's have to say about this..  Politadick

October 6 at 8:53 PM  Alaskans Against Gov Walker PFD Theft

This is Tom Begich's bill. So Alaskans.... Does he have our best interest at heart here or just lining the pocket books of Government forever?

The answer to this is very clear......

Vote Mike Dunleavy for Governor.

Have You Read Mark Begich"s plan? Is what below sound familiar? All he wants is just your PFD's forever, to fund Alaska's Government.  Politadick

October 6 at 11:05 PM  CRTV  White House Brief  Video  We head to the Women for Trump Summit in Washington, D.C. – and it turns out, LOTS of women support the president BIGLY and care about more than just the so-called “right” to an abortion. What keeps them fighting, exactly? Jon Miller finds out. Plus a few surprise appearances from Trump-supporting ladies you all know and love! 

End the night on a positive note...

Women For President Trump and Kavanaugh!  Politadick

October 6 at 11:27 PM  Alaska  Josh Revak for House  Thank you to all the volunteers who spent their Saturday door-knocking with us! We appreciate you very much! To all of you who have contributed to our campaign in various ways and all the support from the community, Thank you! Excitement is building with only 1 month left. Let us know if you want to help. #RunWithRevak

Revak for House  Politadick
October 6 at 11:37 PM  Anchorage Chamber of Commerce  Make it Monday House Candidate Forum   Dena'ina Civic and Convention CenterAnchorage, AK 

Who’s Going? Hope they livestream this, because they sure are not making it so working people can come to it!  Poltiadick
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