November 17 at 4:47 AM  NASA  Video    LIVE ROCKET LAUNCH! We’re sending science and supplies to the crew living and working aboard the International Space Station! Watch the countdown to liftoff of Northrop Grumman Corporation’s #Antares rocket with the Cygnus cargo vehicle atop, which is loaded with around 7,400 pounds of materials that will be delivered to humanity’s orbiting laboratory. Liftoff is scheduled for 4:01 a.m. EST on Saturday, Nov. 17 from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility. 

Way Cool!  Politadick
November 17 at 9:35 AM  Fox News Updates  Video  Trump responds to NYT report that he has considered replacing Pence, Abrams admits defeat but refuses to concede in Georgia, and the manual recount in Florida enters its second day. 

“Fake News” Failing NY Times does it again.  Politadick
November 17 at 10:40 AM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump is in Northern California to see the devastation from the California wildfires. https://fxn.ws/2Kae8Dy 
November 17 at 11:24 AM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump visits an operations center in Northern California to see the devastation caused by the Camp Fire. https://fxn.ws/2Kae8Dy 
November 17 at 11:36 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Migrants won't see armed US soldiers on border  As thousands of migrants in a caravan of Central American asylum-seekers converge on the doorstep of the United States, what they won't find are armed American soldiers standing guard.  The U.S. military has deployed 5,800 active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, but asylum-seekers won't find a visible show of armed troops upon arrival.

About time the USA started to take border security serious. Illegal Immigrants need to enter the USA the right way so they are not “Illegal”.

The USA also needs to set up “Work Permits” like Mexico. That would be another incentive not it come into the USA illegally.

“Now, he and his two friends were rethinking their plans. They tried to apply for a job at a Wal-Mart in Tijuana but were told they need a Mexican work permit. So they were considering seeking asylum in Mexico but were unsure of giving up their dream of earning dollars.”  Politadick

November 17 at 11:52 AM  Alaska  Mike Dunleavy Governor 2018  MAGA Make Alaska Great Again! Drain the Alaska Swamp, Governor Mike Dunleavy!  https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1912426435473781&id=100001193294789   KTUU 2  Dunleavy requests resignations of at-will state employees  Governor-elect Mike Dunleavy has asked potentially more than a thousand state employees to resign and re-apply for their jobs. An email release from his transition team says while most incoming governors request the same of employees that serve at the pleasure of the governor, Dunleavy’s request e...

60,000 Government Employees in the State. Here is his chance to get rid of a few hundred to thousand of them, in a blink of an eye.  Politadick
November 17 at 2:41 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Incoming Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy ponders leadership qualities of past governors  KTVA’s Rhonda McBride sat down with the Dunleavys this week at the Windbreak Café in Wasilla, a place where the cooking is down-home and where Dunleavy says some of his campaign strategies were hatche 

KTVA’s Rhonda McBride sat down with the Dunleavys this week at the Windbreak Café in Wasilla, a place where the cooking is down-home and where Dunleavy says some of his campaign strategies were hatched.  Politadick
November 17 at 5:27 PM  Alaska  Pam Goode 

by Pamela Goode
November 17, 2018

This was a difficult race for voters which is why it was so close. These two had voting records that were pretty much the same. In the slides you'll be able to compare voting records for yourself. The bills are identified if one wishes to explore further on the Legislative website.

For a quick glance, A "green check" is good; a "red X" is not.

The Accountability Caucus report cards on Kawasaki had a score of 8 with a grade of F. Kelly was only slightly higher with a score of 15 and grade of F1. What this means is neither candidate should have been re-elected. Unfortunately, these were the only choices voters had in the general election. Neither candidate had an opponent in the primaries.

We now know that Kawasaki won. In the long run this is good for Alaska. Though they were both similar, one was in leadership and the other was not. Kelly, the one in leadership, is no longer capable of inflicting further damage. His leadership and voting record was likely a major component to his loss. Kawasaki will be in the minority caucus and incapable of doing the same damage making him less of a threat. This will put greater pressure on the majority caucus to do a better job of cooperating with those who are fiscally responsible.

Below is a summarized break down of the categories legislators were held to account. Discussed will be the differences between Kelly and Kawasaki based solely on their voting records which is what is of most importance. One can tell a lot about their legislators based on how they vote and as a voter, determine if they want that individual and their positive or negative leadership back in office.

• Fiscally Responsible: Neither are fiscally responsible. Kelly consistently voted for unsustainable budgets and was the Senate's finance leadership and Senate President making him highly accountable for the overspending. Kawasaki was a member of the House finance committees in the 29th and 30th Legislature and often times voted for unsustainable budgets also. He was responsible enough to NOT vote for the $1 billion bond package and Kelly did.

• PFD: When it comes to protecting the PFD they both failed. The main difference here is Kawasaki was unpredictable and Kelly was not. Kawasaki is credited for stopping SB128 (2016) in House Finance, the bill that would have permanently cut and cap the PFD. Unfortunately he voted for bills later on that cut the PFD and implemented an income tax. Kelly on the other hand was consistent in taking the PFD and a NO on income taxes.

• Oil & Gas Cash Credits: Kawasaki got this one right unlike most. He consistently knew this was a bad program for Alaskans and voted the correct way each time to stop the program and NOT penalize Alaskans further with the $1 billion bond package. Kelly took the soft approach and in the end voted for the bond package.

• Crime: Both voted for SB91 however Kawasaki voted to repeal it. Not Kelly.

• Privacy: Early on they both voted to NOT support the REAL ID. Kelly softened up overtime but Kawasaki stood his ground. Good job. The big problem is they both don't realize that the collection of data is also a violation of privacy which they seem to support in the drug databases and now the longitudinal databases collecting data from public school to the work force. This is an important element of the Common Core Initiative, which is bad, and is being implemented in a stealth fashion a piece at a time. All this is a violation of privacy they both took an oath to protect. Both failed.

• Property: Neither understood this one and therefore failed at every opportunity. This shows the voters that when it comes to increasing state power over your private property, you lose.

• Life: Kelly's on the right track but does not understand that the passing of budgets, thus far, also pays for abortions which is something no Alaska should be mandated to do. Kawasaki pretty much supports all aspects of abortion, funding planned parenthood, fetal tissue sales and yes, mandating Alaskans pay for it. He also voted to censure the guy that brought mandatory publicly funded abortions to everyone's attention.

• Education: I think they both vote along to get along in this department and both failed. Kawasaki actually voted to discriminate against independent homeschoolers. Not good.

• Responsible Governance: I'm not sure either knows what that means. Kawasaki is consistently for a bigger and more expensive government, hands down. Kelly is pretty much the same with an exception of one vote. Therefore, when it comes to selecting leadership or being that leadership, they vote and lead accordingly and that is for bigger government.


Interesting take on the Fairbanks race between Kawasaki VS Kelly.

The positive outlook is, the Governor will set the agenda. January will be interesting to watch when they all go back to work.  Politadick

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