November 16 at 6:41 AM  Judicial Watch  Video 

Judicial Watch announced that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that within 30 days Hillary Clinton must answer under oath two additional questions about her controversial email system.

In 2016, Clinton was required to submit under oath written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails.

After a lengthy hearing on Wednesday, Judge Sullivan ruled that Clinton must address two questions that she refused to answer under-oath:

"Describe the creation of the clintonemail.com system, including who decided to create the system, the date it was decided to create the system, why it was created, who set it up, and when it became operational."

"During your October 22, 2015 appearance before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi, you testified that 90 to 95 percent of your emails “were in the State’s system” and “if they wanted to see them, they would certainly have been able to do so.” Identify the basis for this statement, including all facts on which you relied in support of the statement, how and when you became aware of these facts, and, if you were made aware of these facts by or through another person, identify the person who made you aware of these facts."

READ THE FULL STORY HERE: http://jwatch.us/dbugPN

About time this happen!  Politadick

November 16 at 6:47 AM  Fox News Update  Video  Rick Scott slams Brenda Snipes for missing the recount deadline, saying it was intentional - Kamala Harris continues her attack on ICE - and strangers comes together to honor a veteran with no family. 

Start the day with all the latest news.  Politadick
November 16 at 6:48 AM  Alaska  Herman Morgan  Photo  Don't give up fellow Alaskans, that is what they want. The powers that be WANT righteous people to move away so the illegal aliens can take over our land. Don't be fooled by trolls with their power of suggestion. No, people , this is OUR Alaskan's Land, both Natives and Caucasians. We will stand our ground and fight for what is dear to us. Nope, no caliphate for us like Europe and California. We would have nowhere else to go. Our Creator Father God gave this land for US to dwell in NOT invaders from foreign countries. Stand your ground, protect it. Send those invaders back to where they came from, like Austria is doing.Get RID OF the California mayor Ethan Berkhowitz, recall him. Start a protest movement before thousands of foreigners are brought in by him and take over. Sooner the better, good riddance, send HIM back to California where he came from too, don't keep letting him do that to our Great Land, trying turn it into another sh*thole country. 
November 16 at 6:59 AM  OANN  Video  Acosta's lawsuit actually obstructs freedom of the press  Over a dozen mainstream media organizations are rushing to defend CNN's Jim Acosta over losing… 

Should Acosta lose his credentials? Let’s take a couple of minutes and look at his history....   Politadick
November 16 at 7:09 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  AP: NRA sues to block new voter-approved Washington state gun-control measure  The National Rifle Association is suing to block a new, voter-approved gun control measure in Washington state.  AP reports that initiative 1639 passed with 60 percent of the vote in Washington state last week. It bars the sale of semi-automatic rifles to people under 21 and to people who don't live in Washington, and it requires buyers to pass an enhanced background check and prove they have taken a firearms training course.

Just what they didn’t need, more laws that does absolutely nothing to stop the gun violence in the streets. Only takes away the rights of law abiding citizens.

Criminals are applauding this Bill because they know that it means nothing to them as they go out and use those guns to kill people.

When will Lawmakers grow a brain and pass laws that targets the criminal with guns and leave the law abiding citizens alone?  Politadick

November 16 at 7:25 AM  Alaska  Liz Stevens  Can you believe it??
Revolting. Dems seem to have quite a few that have sold their souls to the devil.
Like the one who a short time ago ordered the W.H. to return acosta's pass, citing "freedom of the press."
Will someone teach these judges the meaning of that 1st Amendment?
It doesn't include having a disrespectful, obnoxious, partisan hack, under the guise of reporting, attacking the POTUS, anywhere but particularly in the W.H.!?
Hope the President's lawyers will appeal this screwed up decision, by either an ignorant judge or a liberal activist. <angry>
November 16 at 7:45 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 622  Florida’s recount continues to befuddle, the West hits a sex recession, and we check the mailbag.
November 16 at 9:28 AM  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump presents the Medal of Freedom.
November 16 at 10:54 AM  Judicial Watch  Video  Court Rules Clinton MUST Answer JW Email Questions...Florida Election Fraud? & Awan Brothers/Dem IT Scandal 

Clinton will have to answer questions under oath. “Finally!!”  Politadick 
November 16 at 11:31 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  BREAKING: ACLJ Announces Defense of Pastor Imprisoned in China
November 16 at 12:33 PM  US Department of State  Video  Secretary Pompeo meets with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin.
November 16 at 12:58 PM  Alaksa  The Bay Pac  Ouchhh! That's gonna hurt the smackheads! 16 pounds of heroin!  ADN  Heroin disguised as Christmas package seized in Anchorage  A narcotics-detecting dog indicated the presence of drugs in a Priority Mail package. 

Awesome!!  Politadick
November 16 at 1:17 PM  Fox Business  Video  Georgia's Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams delivers remarks in Atlanta, Ga.  

Cry us all a river.... Democrat, Woman and Black lost and blames a rigged system.  Politadick
November 16 at 1:33 PM  Alaska  CBS News  Video   BREAKING: Alaska has a likely winner between Kelly and Kawasaki, as well as, Kathryn Dodge and Bart LeBon. Wednesday, election officials will count the final overseas absentee ballots. 

It looks like Kelly has lost and LeBon is still in the running  Politadick
November 16 at 2:11 PM  Branco Cartoon  "We're going to need our crumbs back"

Sadly this is true.  Politadick
November 16 at 2:29 PM  Fox News  Stacey Abrams says she can’t defeat Brian Kemp in Georgia governor race; will sue over mismanagement of state's election  Stacey Abrams, the Democrat in Georgia’s governor race, acknowledged Friday that she could not defeat her Republican opponent Brian Kemp and vowed to fight back legally against the “gross mismanagement” of the state’s elections.  JUST IN: Stacey Abrams, the Democrat in Georgia’s governor race, acknowledged Friday that she could not defeat her Republican opponent Brian Kemp but vowed to file a federal lawsuit challenging the “gross mismanagement” of the state’s elections.

She just can’t understand why she lost....  Politadick 
November 16 at 2:36 PM  Fox News  Stunning biblical mosaics revealed in detail for the first time  For the first time, archaeologists have released detailed images of stunning biblical mosaics discovered at the site of an ancient synagogue site in Northern Israel.  For the first time, archaeologists have released detailed images of stunning biblical mosaics discovered at the site of an ancient synagogue site in Northern Israel. 

Wow! I love History! 
November 16 at 2:54 PM  Alaska  KTOO  With election of Dunleavy, is Walker's climate action team out in the cold?  Before the election, Gov.-elect Mike Dunleavy said there were "a lot of issues that, in my opinion, are quite frankly and bluntly more important" than Gov. Bill Walker's Climate Action for Alaska Leadership Team.  Before the election, Gov.-elect Mike Dunleavy said there were “a lot of issues that, in my opinion, are quite frankly and bluntly more important” than Gov. Bill Walker’s Climate Action for Alaska Leadership Team. (from Raven Radio - KCAW, Sitka)

Oh oh ooh
Yeah yeah yeah
Oh oh oh
Come on and sing with me  Politadick
November 16 at 6:53 PM  Daily Wire  Dunce cap? Time-out?  WATCH: Trump Reveals What He's Going To Do Next Time Acosta Misbehaves  President Donald Trump revealed in an exclusive interview with Fox News, which is set to air on Sunday, that the next time CNN's Jim Acosta misbehaves during a news conference that he will be thrown out or the news conference will immediately end. 

I say if someone pulls an “Acosta”, they have to wear a Red Clown Nose and sing the Howdy Doody song.  Politadick
November 16 at 7:01 PM  Ben Shapiro  Rubio 2.0?  Daily Wire  Rubio: No Evidence Of Election Fraud? Look What We Just Learned Democrats Did In Florida  With the machine recounts finished — reportedly resulting in a net gain for Republican Rick Scott of 41 votes, putting him ahead of Bill Nelson by 12,603 votes, and 

Nothing to see here... Move along now, while they over there, are fixing an election.  Politadick
November 16 at 7:18 PM  The Daily Caller  Video  American Voices  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Isn't The Only One Who Had Problems Moving To D.C.  TheDC's reporters discuss their troubles with moving to Washington D.C. Do you think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has it hard? We don't think so. 

LOL  Politadick
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