November 15 at 6:42 AM  Fox News  Video  A live look at snow falling in Washington D.C., outside The White House.
November 15 at 6:45 AM  PBS NewsHour  Video  WATCH LIVE: The House Oversight Committee holds a hearing "to examine the U.S. Forest Service’s response to allegations of misconduct, sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation." The NewsHour was the first to report on this in March of 2018.

#MeToo again.  Politadick
November 15 at 6:53 AM  US Department of State  Video  State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert delivers remarks at the Secretary of State Award for...
November 15 at 7:00 AM  Branco Cartoon - The Good Hands People  There when Dems need them  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 11/15/2018 

All State....  Politadick
November 15 at 7:06 AM  Ben Shapiro  A male teacher being reprimanded for refusing to watch a teenage girl undress is the most 2018 thing ever.  Daily Wire  Male Gym Teacher Punished For Refusing To Oversee Middle School Girl Get Undressed In Boys' Locker Room   A physical education teacher in Florida was punished for refusing to oversee a biologically female middle schooler who identifies as male potentially get undressed in the boys' locker room. 

Coming soon to Alaska’s schools. (If it’s not already happening) Thank You Bathroom Bill and to all the people who have allowed this to happen. 

November 15 at 7:32 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 661  Michael Avenatti finds himself on the wrong side of the law, Democrats and Republicans argue over voter fraud, and the first wave of migrants hits the American border
November 15 at 8:03 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  In Depth Middle East Analysis
November 15 at 8:05 AM  Fox Business  Video  President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visit Marine Barracks.
November 15 at 8:14 AM  Judicial Watch  Judicial Watch: Federal Court Ordered Hillary Clinton to Answer Additional Email Questions Under Oath - Judicial Watch  (Washington, DC) –Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that within 30 days Hillary Clinton must answer under oath two additional questions about her controversial email system. In 2016, Clinton was required to submit under oath written answers to Ju...

BREAKING: Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that within 30 days Hillary Clinton must answer under oath two additional questions about her controversial email system.

In 2016, Clinton was required to submit under oath written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails.

After a lengthy hearing yesterday Judge Sullivan ruled that Clinton must address two questions that she refused to answer under-oath:

(1) “Describe the creation of the clintonemail(dot)com system, including who decided to create the system, the date it was decided to create the system, why it was created, who set it up, and when it became operational.”

(2) “During your October 22, 2015 appearance before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi, you testified that 90 to 95 percent of your emails ‘were in the State’s system’ and ‘if they wanted to see them, they would certainly have been able to do so.’ Identify the basis for this statement, including all facts on which you relied in support of the statement, how and when you became aware of these facts, and, if you were made aware of these facts by or through another person, identify the person who made you aware of these facts.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton: "A federal court ordered Hillary Clinton to answer more questions about her illicit email system – which is good news. It is shameful that Judicial Watch attorneys must continue to battle the State Department and Justice Department (which still defend Hillary Clinton) for basic answers to our questions about Clinton’s email misconduct."

Only a matter of time before they will Get this into MSM hands and then the real fun will begin. “Lock Her Up!”

“(Washington, DC) –Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that within 30 days Hillary Clinton must answer under oath two additional questions about her controversial email system.”

November 15 at 8:24 AM  Ben Shapiro  Latest from Andrew Klavan  Daily Wire  KLAVAN: CNN Defends Their First Amendment Right To Lie [Satire]  The following is satirical. 

Looks Pretty accurate to me here....  Politadick
November 15 at 8:42 AM  The Hill  Ocasio-Cortez's rise reveals rampant economic illiteracy in US  OPINION | "The lack of affordable housing in Washington is no joke, but the predicament also speaks to the young lawmaker’s financial literacy — or lack thereof."  "If she doesn’t know how much an apartment costs, how much confidence should taxpayers have in her ability to effectively deliver trillions of dollars in campaign promises?"

As the Reality of who the people are that have now been voted into our government is starting to sink in, the bottom line to it all. Taxpayers are Fu€ked....  Politadick
November 15 at 8:49 AM  Ben Shapiro  Shockingly, millennials were offended.  Daily Wire  Introducing 'Monopoly For Millennials.' It’s Too Real To Be Funny (But It's Still Funny)  The iconic board game Monopoly has a whole bunch of iterations and themes, but Hasbro has outdone itself this time by releasing what can only be described as the first-ever Monopoly tailored to a specific generation: 

Monopoly out does itself once again with their newest version. The only people that seem to be outraged by this, is the ones living in the basement of their parents.  Politadick
November 15 at 9:07 AM  Breitbart  Delingpole: Major Global Warming Study Falsified by Flawed Math  A major global warming study has been debunked, as the researchers now admit they got their math calculations wrong.  "We really muffed” the numbers. 

The numbers of oceans warming were all wrong, but that didn’t stop MSM from sounding the alarm. Now that the truth is out, MSM Refuses to give the same coverage about the false reporting.

Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling

Facts VS Fiction they keep spreading....  Politadick

November 15 at 9:15 AM  Fox News  Video  Acting Attorney General Matthew G. Whitaker delivers the opening remarks at the Department of Justice’s Annual Veterans Appreciation Day Ceremony.
November 15 at 9:26 AM  Fox News Insider  Nancy Pelosi Applauds Al Sharpton: 'Thank You for Saving America'  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday praised Rev. Al Sharpton and thanked him for "saving America."  Nancy Pelosi to Al Sharpton: "Thank you for saving America."

Race Baiting Al Sharpton gets Pelosi’s approval for being racist. This is a prime example of what is wrong within the Democrats Party.

Sad to know the biggest racists we have in America are the ones that claim they are not.  Politadick

November 15 at 9:37 AM  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump delivers remarks on supporting veterans and military families.

MAGA  Politadick
November 15 at 9:38 AM  Ami Horowitz  Video  New Video!  I travel to Mexico to uncover the real reason the caravan of migrants are heading to our border.  Please share! 

The Truth that MSM will not show us.

Please Watch and Share.  Politadick

November 15 at 10:10 AM  AK Headlamp  When helping hurts – Walker to continue as “champion” of resource development. - AK HEADLAMP  Dunleavy taps Feige to be Alaska Natural Resources head Becky Bohrer, Associated Pres, November 15, 2018 Gov.-elect Mike Dunleavy on Wednesday named a former director of Alaska’s Division of Oil and Gas to be his Natural Resources commissioner. Dunleavy announced his selection of Corri Feige durin...  Gov.-elect Mike Dunleavy on Wednesday named a former director of Alaska’s Division of Oil and Gas, Corri Feige, to be his Natural Resources commissioner.

Looks like our current Governor is still pulling out the cards from his sleeves and stacking the deck to make things even more difficult for Dunleavy to take care of.

Looks like Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” is using the same playbook as Obumer had and is passing as much as he can to thwart any future agendas in play.

November 15 at 10:34 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  WATCH LIVE: The James M. Fitzgerald Federal Courthouse at 7th and C in Anchorage has been evacuated because of a "suspicious package" in the cafeteria. STORY: bit.ly/2OIikLj 

Wow.... Just keeps getting worse in Anchorage.  Politadick
 November 15 at 10:58 AM  OANN  Border Patrol arrests members of migrant caravan for illegal entry at Calif.-Mexico border | One America News Network Border Patrol have arrested more than a dozen migrants at the California-Mexico border.

More voters that haven’t been counted yet, we’re trying to sneak accross the border and have been caught.  Politadick
November 15 at 11:01 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Service High school hit with threatening messages, troubling parents  Another Anchorage high school has been struck with threatening messages scrawled on the walls of its restroom, and the district is following safety-first procedures to investigate the threat.  "One message was similar to the messages discovered at Dimond High School. The other message contained a hateful slur."
MORE: https://bit.ly/2RTi9Pt

Monkey see, Monkey do.  Politadick
November 15 at 11:48 AM  Fox News  Video  United States Attorney Russell Coleman makes an announcement about charges in the fatal Kroger shooting in Louisville, Ky. 
November 15 at 12:05 PM  Fox News  Video  First Lady Melania Trump participates in a discussion on ending cyberbullying and promoting civility online during the Family Online Safety Institute's annual conference. 
November 15 at 12:10 PM  Ben Shapiro  Gimme a break.  Daily Wire  Ocasio-Cortez: I'm Already Being Discriminated Against On Capitol Hill  Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was only elected a week ago, but she's already causing a stir in Washington. Her first big appearance was at a climate change protest — at the office of Rep. 

The far Left Democrat is going to have a rough two years. This is going to be fun to watch.  Politadick
November 15 at 1:05 PM  Alaska  Senator Dan Sullivan  I applaud the nomination of retired General John Abizaid to be the next U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. I had the honor of serving as a staff officer to Gen. Abizaid when he was Commander of U.S. Central Command. I can’t think of anyone more knowledgeable and qualified than him.  CNBC  Trump nominates Gen. John Abizaid as US ambassador to Saudi Arabia  Abizaid retired from the U.S. Army in 2007 after 34 years of service. At the time of his retirement, Abizaid was the longest serving commander of U.S. Central Command, from July 2003 and March 2007. 

Looks like a good choice here.  Politadick
November 15 at 1:50 PM  US Department of State  Video  The United States and #Netherlands officially launch the ninth @theGESsummit #GES2019
November 15 at 2:21 PM  PragerU  Video  LIVE with Will Witt talking about his new video dressed as a Native American at California State University, Northridge! Check it out!

Too Funny...  Politadick
November 15 at 5:37 PM  Fox News  Video  Former White House counsel Don McGahn and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell deliver remarks at the Antonin Scalia Memorial Dinner.
November 15 at 6:07 PM  IJR Red  Oh, come on.   Video  Joy Behar Melts Down on 'The View' Because the CMAs Avoided Politics: 'We Are In an Emergency'  "My personal belief is that we are in an emergency. The democracy is at risk, and everybody should be speaking up, everybody." <a class="g1-link g1-link-more" href="https://ijr.com/joy-behar-the-view-cmas/">More</a> 

Panic set in on the View as they meltdown that the CMA wasn’t playing ball with their leftist or the very rare Rights views. Instead they did what they were there for and celebrated Country Music.  Politadick
November 15 at 7:01 PM  Alaska  KTOO  Shrugging off lawsuit, Trump administration forges ahead with offshore Arctic drilling proposal  If the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is going to hold an oil lease sale in the Beaufort Sea in 2019, the environmental review process needs to start now. 

Rocking good news here!  Politadick
November 15 at 7:18 PM  OANN Liz Wheeler  Video  The left gets honest about abortion. Watch. 

Wow... Just Wow.... I think that was the cutest baby!

But what PP says has me completely sickened....  Poltiadick

November 15 at 7:40 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  North Slope area oil and gas lease sale nets $28.1M in bids  Alaska's Division of Oil and Gas on Thursday completed a record-setting North Slope lease sale. The state netted $121 per acre for the North Slope, breaking last year's mark of $110, according to a…
The state netted $121 per acre for the North Slope, breaking last year's mark of $110, in this record-setting lease sale.

Love It! Drill Baby, Drill!!!  Politadick
November 15 at 10:03 PM  Branco Cartoon  Sour Lemon  Ignoring his own rhetoric Don Lemon stirs the pot of discord. A Political Cartoon By A.F. Branco for The Constitution ©2018.  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 11/07/2018

I've been accused of this so many times this week. I wonder if it would shock them into silence if I told them the truth...?  Politadick
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