November 12 at 7:32 AM  CBN News  Video  Join us for a live update on the upsurge of #Gaza violence. Rockets are being fired into Israel as we speak. 

Violence coming from the Gaza Strip is only getting worse. Israel braces as rockets continue to fly towards their homes.

This is what MSM is not willing to show us.  Politadick

November 12 at 7:45 AM  Fox News Update  Video  Michelle Obama says she couldn't smile while watching President Trump be sworn in, the President returns from a tense weekend in France, & an American flag is found untouched in the California wildfires. 

The Democrats are getting desperate trying now to take down Sessions replacement. The forest fires that were man made have had the most devastating impact from the season as 31 people have been reported dead from these new ones. Florida has nearly 100,000 ballots that mysteriously show up and ironically they have all been for Democrats. Plus many other stories covered today inside.  Politadick
November 12 at 8:00 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  Defending a Veterans Memorial on Veterans Day 
November 12 at 8:11 AM  Branco Cartoon - Ballot Hunt  You know what to do  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 11/12/2018

As Illegal Immigrants have been caught voting once again in this election. Democrats get up on their soapboxes shouting to the masses that all votes should count. Even the ones from all of the dead that have been run through.

Ballots that had been removed due to major discrepancy’s, like being Illegal Alien Voting, mysteriously have been mixed back in and counted. No voter fraud happening here, now move along and walk away.  Politadick

November 12 at 8:23 AM  Ben Shapiro  Bad news.  Louder With Crowder  Sanctuary City Flips the Bird to ICE, Releases Violent Illegal Immigrant. Big Mistake!  They're probably regretting this. 

3 more dead that are all the Lefts and Democrats fault.  Politadick 
November 12 at 8:29 AM  Fox News Insider  'Unsisterly': Vogue Asks Why White Women Keep Voting for GOP, 'Against Their Own Interests'  Why do white women keep voting against their own interests and in favor of Republican candidates? Tammy Bruce responds to Vogue article.  Responding to the results of last week's midterm elections, a piece in Vogue magazine questioned why white women keep voting "against their own interests" and in favor of Republicans.

Wow! I can’t believe that people actually believe this BS.  Politadick
November 12 at 8:45 AM  Blue Lives Matter  VIDEO: Activists Outraged After Cop Gently Arrests Teen Who Ignored 17 Orders - Blue Lives Matter  Winston-Salem Police Officer Tyler McCormick has been cleared of wrongdoing in connection with the arrest of a student.  VIDEO: The ACLU and others spread outrageous claims, then the video was released showing it was all lies, and now they're looking to sue. Time to truth shame them:

The Left get triggered once again as police do their jobs. When will the police, when accused of false wrong doings and are innocent, get to sue the accusers?  Politadick
November 12 at 9:38 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Vice President Pence speaks at JBER  Vice President Mike Pence, addressing soldiers and airmen Sunday at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson on his way to Asia for a diplomatic trip, vowed to "give America's best America's best" in veterans' care.

God Bless our Military!  Politadick
November 12 at 10:11 AM  Fox News  Video  Officials provide an update on the Woolsey Fire in California. (Courtesy: KTTV) https://fxn.ws/2qQdt1r 
November 12 at 10:23 AM  Fox News  Stan Lee, legendary Marvel superheroes creator, dead at 95  Stan Lee, the comic book mastermind who changed the landscape of the superhero genre by creating countless beloved characters, has died. Lee was 95. 

Stan Lee has passed away...    Politadick
November 12 at 10:34 AM  Alaska  Fairbanks Daily News Miner  List of possible Fairbanks air pollution control measures to be discussed  FAIRBANKS—A borough-funded group of professionals discussing ways to reduce smoke pollution meets for the last time Thursday at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.  Some of the potential pollution control measures in play include wood stove inspections, registering all home heating devices, mandating a shift from No. 2 fuel oil to No. 1 fuel oil, mandatory removal of outdoor hydronic heaters, boosting enforcement of burn bans and increasing penalties for burning wet wood.

It’s only going to get worse in Fairbanks and now the Matsu Valley is trying to put a new ban in place for Fireplaces.

When are Alaskans going to unite a put a stop to this BS?  Politadick

November 12 at 11:58 AM   Judicial Watch  Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton: “18 years ago, Judicial Watch uncovered evidence of fraud in Broward County during the Bush vs. Gore fiasco. The more things change...”  https://www.c-span.org/video/?163336-1/florida-vote-count 

The more things change the more they have remained the same.  Politadick
November 12 at 3:07 PM  Candace Owens  Video  CAMPUS CLASH IS LIVE!   Watch Charlie Kirk & Candace Owens Live At Liberty University! #BigGovSucks 

Awesome!  Politadick
November 12 at 3:29 PM  Laura Ingraham  Constitutional Law Scholar Sees Broward County as Side Effect of Greater Election Fraud  On 'The Laura Ingraham Show,' law professor John Eastman warns of schemes that have been going on for quite some time  It's been going on a while — check out this interview ...

Ever wonder why nothing gets done. Democrats admit that they have no intentions, no matter what gets out onto the floor, even if it exactly what they ask for. As long as it has what the president wants also, they will vote no.  Politadick 
November 12 at 3:47 PM  Ben Shapiro  Good.  Daily Wire  Women’s March Loses Human Rights Award Due To Rampant Anti-Semitism  Since the Women’s March was founded in 2017 before President Donald Trump had actually done anything, praise has been heaped upon it merely for existing and being made up of women. 

Women’s March takes a crushing blow today as the truth is finally being acknowledge for the type of people they represent and are....

“The members then lay out some examples of anti-Semitism from Women’s March board member Linda Sarsour, who said feminists could not also be Zionists and that Zionists were Nazis. Sarsour also supports the BDS movement and has called Israel an apartheid state. Sarsour, along with Carmen Perez and Tamika D. Mallory, have also supported anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, who has compared Jews to termites.”  Politadick

November 12 at 3:58 PM  Daily Wire  Because he's an unabashed supporter of the State of Israel.  Gerard Butler Lost His House In The California Wildfires. You Won't BELIEVE Why Leftists Say They Don't Feel Sorry For Him.  Actor Gerard Butler lost his Malibu home last weekend in a raging wildfire last weekend, but leftists are having a tough time empathizing with the "300" star, because he's an unabashed supporter of the state of Israel. 

Hollywood never seems to stop amazing me how despicable they really are.  Politadick
November 12 at 4:52 PM  Fox News  Video  Vice President Mike Pence meets with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe in Tokyo. The vice president will discuss North Korea and other issues with Japanese officials before heading to two regional summits. https://fxn.ws/2B40izJ  
November 12 at 6:30 PM  OAN  Video  Tipping Point  A Message to the Women's March    The Women's March is blaming white women for the midterm election results 

Wish more people would speak up about this.  Politadick
November 12 at 6:46 PM  Ben Shapiro  Broward County is about to become a little better.  Daily Wire  Broward County Elections Supervisor To Be 'Forced From Office' After Violating Florida Law, Says Report  After a judge found her to have violated Florida elections law and amid reports of more highly suspicious actions by her office, the supervisor of elections for Broward County, Brenda Snipes, is expected to be "forced from office" by either Gov. 

So..... How many did Alaska’s election offices find this time around? Since they like to keep those type of discrepancy hidden from us we will never know.

We have seen what is happening there, here on a much smaller scale in the past. I hope they also get the votes checked there for Illegal Aliens voting and prosecute them.

November 12 at 6:57 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  No quick resolution expected in transgender shelter case  Lawyers for a faith-based Anchorage women's shelter are not expecting a quick resolution to their lawsuit against the city over a requirement that it accept transgender women.  Lawyers for a faith-based Anchorage women's shelter are not expecting a quick resolution to their lawsuit against the city over a requirement that it accept transgender women.

They just need to dismiss this case altogether. Men do not belong in a women’s shelter. Especially one that is housing abused women to begin with.

Then if you also add all the facts of who that person is and why he showed up there in the first place.

Disgusting thinking people can be so cruel to women who have been abused by “Men” and what they have been through all because a guy with a dick thinks he’s a girl.  Politadick

November 12 at 9:00 PM  Israel Defense Force  Video  RAW FOOTAGE: The skies of southern Israel RIGHT NOW. Dozens of rockets are being fired from Gaza at Israeli civilians. 

Click the link for more on what is happening.

https://www.facebook.com/1347784265282591/posts/1977989218928756/  Politadick 

November 12 at 9:28 PM  Alaska  The Alaska Support Industry Alliance  The Fuzzy Logic of Columnists Writing about the Earnings Reserve - King Economics Group  I get annoyed by people that misuse numbers to score political points. If you are going to quote numbers, please show your work. $19 billion is right.  "In ironic fashion, it is Dermot Cole (a person following these issues for many years) that lacks awareness. When I pointed this out to him, he buried his head in the sand rather than attempting to get clarity about what is really going on."

Truth VS the “Fiction” that the Democrats and Dermot Cole have been trying to spin about the PFD/ERA and the Budget.

Governor Mike Dunleavy knows what he has been saying is fact. But MSM and Democrats would like you to believe something different.

In all honesty they just want it all for themselves and want you to believe that the new Governor is an Idiot.

Hmmmmm....... Looks like the same playbook they are using against President Trump.

This will be added to the comments to what is pinned to the top of my page.

Part 29: a Truth VS the “Fiction” that the Democrats and Dermot Cole have been trying to spin about the PFD/ERA and the Budget.

https://www.facebook.com/1347784265282591/posts/1552030748191274/  Politadick

November 12 at 10:01 PM  Ben Shapiro  Democrats have no interest whatsoever in paying down the national debt.  Daily Wire  Here’s The Biggest Problem In American Government. No One's Going To Deal With It.  On Monday, The Wall Street Journal reported on a development students of American governance have known about for years, but politicians have studiously avoided doing anything about: the United States’ debt will cost us more in the near future than our own national defense. 

Facts that nobody is brave enough to say out loud, that has any ability to change it. The ones who were speaking up, seemed to have just lost their jobs.....

Dems have the House and our country is rapidly sliding into the hole.

Hopefully Governor Dunleavy can reverse what put Alaska down this “Debt” financial hole we are in, before we have no return from it.  Poltiadick

November 12 at 10:34 PM  Donald J Trump  I just approved an expedited request for a Major Disaster Declaration for the State of California. Wanted to respond quickly in order to alleviate some of the incredible suffering going on. I am with you all the way. God Bless all of the victims and families affected. 

Now California start cleaning up your forests before your funding gets cut in the future.

Thank You Alaska for voting in a Governor who want to make sure this doesn’t happen here. He wants to get logging with replanting happening here in our Great State of Alaska and try to make sure we don’t end up like them there.

Resource development has positive returns all the way around if done right.  Politadick

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