November 9 at 7:04 AM  ABCNews  Video  Pres. Donald J. Trump speaks to the press amid continued fallout over his firing of Jeff Sessions. https://abcn.ws/2DvWXvO

Worth watching President Trump talks with the press before leaving for France.  Politadick
November 9 at 7:09 AM  Donald J Trump  Video  Our great country is booming like never before.  Hopefully, we can all work together next year to continue delivering for the American people on economic growth, infrastructure, trade, and so much more. 

One Step at a Time.  Politadick
November 9 at 7:12 AM  Fox News Update  Video  Tucker Carlson not backing down after Antifa comes to his home and threatens his family, Snoop Dogg sends yet another message to the President, & check out the heroism of 2 police officers caught on camera saving a man from a burning car. 

The drama continues....  Politadick
November 9 at 8:00 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  High Drama in Florida Election 
November 9 at 8:17 AM  US Department of State  Video  News Conference: Secretary Pompeo and Secretary Mattis Co-host the U.S.-China Diplomatic & Security.
November 9 at 8:19 AM  NBCNews  Video  LIVE: Latest updates on California wildfires that have 115,000 under evacuation order across the state. https://nbcnews.to/2z0VxW3
November 9 at 11:01 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  Governor-elect Mike Dunleavy and his chief of staff, Tuckerman Babcock, will announce more members of the transition team today at 11:00. 

Love It! Finally have an Governor Who is going to be transparent! We’ve heard more from him in one week, then we’ve heard from who currently has the job.

Politadick · 4:15 Finally have an Governor Who is going to be transparent! We’ve heard more from him in one week, then we’ve heard from who currently has the job.

Politadick · 7:33 Can’t wait for him to truly be able to do things!

Politadick · 11:23 Only hold up I see to his agenda will be our Lawmakers and their ability to get it done or will they act like spoiled kids like the Dems are Doing with President Trump.....  Politaidck

November 9 at 11:14 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 657  Democrats gain late – seriously late – ground on Republicans, everyone revs up for 2020, and we check the mailbag!
November 9 at 11:31 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  UPDATE to the threatening message made at Dimond High School. 

Alaska is getting worse by the minute.  Politadick
November 9 at 11:35 AM  Fox News  Video  UPDATE: A state judge on Friday sided with Florida Republican Rick Scott in ordering that Republicans be granted “immediate” access to requested information about ballots in Broward County. https://fxn.ws/2Dxj6JU  An emergency hearing is held in the Rick Scott vs. Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes lawsuit. Republican Governor Rick Scott is locked in a tight Senate race with incumbent Senator Bill Nelson

Voter fraud happening in Democrats strongholds in Florida. Boxes of uncounted Ballots have been being found. From reports I’ve heard nearly 100,000 new ones were discovered long after the Dems were told they lost.  Politadick
November 9 at 11:39 AM  Branco Cartoon: Radical Press  By A.F. Branco  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 11/09/2018 

Too Funny!  Politadick
November 9 at 11:51 AM  The Daily Caller  Video  American Voices  When you put the media coverage side by side it's almost too obvious how biased it is! Here's their coverage of Beto O'Rorke vs Ted Cruz.


Why is the MSM the enemy of the people. Look at all the glowing reviews they give Democrats while Demonizing Republicans.

Here in Alaska this has been no different. Just go back and read all the reviews Alaskan MSM gave for our Democrats here and when they did decide to write something about Republicans, it’s always negative reporting.  Politadick

November 9 at 12:53 PM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  House Democrats have a minority caucus of 17 - Must Read Alaska  HERE’S HOW THEY COULD TAKE OVER The …  The Democrats are trying to flip the majority. Here's the hill they have to climb. It involves you-know-who. 

Let’s see.... They have Killary LeDoux, Merrick and Stutes for the newly formed Muskox 3. That will give the Dems 20. Who else will flip?  Politadick
November 9 at 1:23 PM  Ben Shapiro  Beware the #fakenews.  Daily Wire  WATCH: CNN's Acosta Lies About Not Touching Aide, CNN Edits Video  CNN's Jim Acosta blatantly lied while appearing on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360°" with host Anderson Cooper on Wednesday night, where he falsely claimed that he never touched the White House aide that tried to take the mic away from him. 

Acosta doubles down and posts “Fake News” video making claims he never touched the intern.

Why hasn’t he been fired yet? If it was a right leaning news organization that did this. There would be mobs at his home and protests in the streets.


November 9 at 1:27 PM  Alaska  The Alaska Landmine  Press Conference for new House Majority 

Hope this answers many questions about what many of our Lawmakers are expecting to happen in 2019 and the PFD.

Rep. David Eastman

“Some have asked in response to the recent Republican Majority press conference, about the PFD.

For my own part, distributing a full PFD next year and restoring the portion of dividends that should have been distributed previously is something that then Senator Dunleavy and I both worked to accomplish in the legislature. At that time, the people had not spoken on that issue in any official way in many years and the governor and the legislature were ultimately not on board.

2019 will be completely different. The governor’s agenda is clear and it is backed by the people in an election that was also clearly decided. I expect that the governor will follow through on exactly what he promised. Like others, I have heard the rumors that some legislators might try to extract concessions in exchange for legislative support for the dividend. In my opinion that would be a huge mistake.

Attempts to negotiate with the governor into giving up some part of his agenda in exchange for the dividend will only hurt the people, and, politically speaking, will also hurt any legislators that attempt it. The dividend belongs to the people. It wasn’t right when Governor Walker declared it vetoed, and the people should not have to pay a ransom, from their governor’s agenda on crime or any other item, in order to get it back.”

https://www.facebook.com/734630396683601/posts/1609259669220665/   Politadick

November 9 at 1:47 PM  The Daily Caller  Video  American Voices  Jurassic Cruz  Watch Out For Tyrannosaurus Cruz! 

These are awesome! LOL  Politadick
November 9 at 3:01 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Lawyer: Trump exceeded power by reversing Obama drilling ban  A lawyer says President Donald Trump exceeded his power when he signed an executive order reversing a ban on offshore drilling in vast parts of the Arctic Ocean and dozens of underwater canyons in the  A lawyer says President Donald Trump exceeded his power when he signed an executive order reversing a ban on offshore drilling in vast parts of the Arctic Ocean and dozens of underwater canyons in the Atlantic Ocean. 

Obstruct and Delay. It’s the Lefts/Democrats way of never getting anything done. 
November 9 at 8:37 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  ASD says they might have handled Dimond situation differently  Many Dimond High School parents were frustrated Friday saying administrators weren't giving them information about what appeared to be a frightening situation.  Many parents expressed their frustration Friday saying Dimond High administrators weren't giving them information about what appeared to be a frightening situation at the school.

Panic grips Dimond High School as police swarm through the building doing their jobs because the Left have everyone on high alert by all the exaggerated statistics they keep throwing out.

Snowflake’s begin to melt looking for the closest safe space they can curl up into. Hoping the hot cocoa and blankies arrive quickly to save the day.


November 9 at 8:44 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Vacant lot in East Anchorage may get a makeover  The Muni held an open house Thursday night sharing different ideas for the 15 acres of land where the Native Hospital once lived. 

The Muni held an open house Thursday night sharing different ideas for the 15 acres of land where the Native Hospital once lived.  Politadick
November 9 at 8:50 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Murkowski: It's time to bring back earmarks  At a luncheon hosted by Commonwealth North, Sen. Lisa Murkowski said it’s time to bring back earmarks.  "If we need to call it a different word, I'm okay with calling it a different word," Murkowski said, "but what I want to do is to have the legislative branch take the authority that is granted in the constitution, so that we can do right by all of our constituents all around the country.”

The longer she keeps being in the Senate. The more she keeps sounding like a Democrat and saying you have to pass it to see it.  Politadick
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