November 7 at 6:38 AM  Fox News  Video  Senator Mitch McConnell holds a news conference following #Midterms2018. https://fxn.ws/2Cu6dzV
November 7 at 6:49 AM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  For the win: Young, Dunleavy, House, Ballot Measure 1 - Must Read Alaska  Conservative voters poured to the polls on …  It was a strong night for conservatives.

Most of the results worth knowing.

Congratulations to Mike Dunleavy and Don Young!  Politadick

November 7 at 7:10 AM  Fox News  Trump backs Pelosi for House speaker after Dems' midterm takeover, relishing looming rivalry  President Trump, surely hoping to use Nancy Pelosi as a political foil over the next two years, eagerly endorsed the California Democrat for speaker on Wednesday -- hours after Democrats clinched a majority in the House of Representatives. 

A quick snapshot of what the next two years are going to look like.... I think it’s time for everyone to go out and and pull a Lefts playbook out now and go scream!  Politadick
November 7 at 7:55 AM  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump hosts a press conference. 

Update: This is a must watch. Here what President Trump has to say first hand and don’t let MSM pervert the message he has. President Trump was very thorough during this press conference today.

I wonder if our flag will be flipped upside down for the next two years...  Politadick

November 7 at 7:57 AM  Alaska  Lora Reinbold  Thank you Eagle River, JBER, Chugiak and Birchwood for voting Bold- thank you to all the volunteers, donors and supporters for bringing us to victory! I look forward to serving you in the State Senate! 

Awesome!!  Politadick
November 7 at 8:00 AM  Branco Cartoon  Sour Lemon  Ignoring his own rhetoric Don Lemon stirs the pot of discord. A Political Cartoon By A.F. Branco for The Constitution ©2018.  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 11/07/2018 

Just a glimpse of the next two years. It is only going to get worse with 95% of MSM on the “Get Trump” Agenda.  Politadick
November 7 at 8:01 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  2020 Presidential Campaign Begins
November 7 at 8:58 AM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  "Election Results    Breaking News"

Young, Don Congress! REP 126655 53.94%
Dunleavy/Meyer Governor! REP 123447 52.39%

Senate Seats
Kelly, Pete (Could Flip) REP 4048 49.85%
Bishop, Click REP 8923 92.35%
Shower, Michael K. REP 9988 75.46%
Reinbold, Lora H. REP 7084 62.38%
Gray-Jackson, Elvi DEM 6006 59.89%
Costello, Mia REP 7727 57.15%
Birch, Chris REP 7923 58.86%
Micciche, Peter A. REP 7771 65.74%
Kiehl, Jesse DEM 9606 61.66%
Hoffman, Lyman F. DEM 7038 95.51%

House Seats:
LeBon, Barton S. (Could Flip) REP 2449 50.64%
Thompson, Steve REP 2178 66.83%
Wilson, Tammie REP 4507 92.21%
Hopkins, Grier DEM 3960 51.00%
Wool, Adam L. DEM 3133 52.28%
Talerico, David M. REP 3528 60.76%
Sullivan-Leonard, Co REP 5203 95.24%
Neuman, Mark REP 4748 72.26%
Rauscher, George REP 4273 69.16%
Eastman, David REP 4097 57.77%
Johnson, DeLena M. REP 5360 72.17%
Tilton, Cathy L. REP 5457 76.09%
Dahlstrom, Nancy A. REP 2892 71.57%
Merrick, Kelly R. REP 4781 66.22%
LeDoux, Gabrielle (Voters on Meth) REP 1055 39.56%
Spohnholz, Ivy A. DEM 2944 55.05%
Josephson, Andrew L. DEM 2862 59.39%
Drummond, Harriet A. DEM 3372 64.97%
Tarr, Geran DEM 2310 66.61%
Fields, William Z. DEM 3346 65.58%
Claman, Matt DEM 3743 54.68%
Rasmussen, Sara (Yes!) REP 3209 46.98%
Tuck, Chris DEM 2749 53.14%
Kopp, Charles M. REP 4541 60.55%
Revak, Josh C. (Awesome!) REP 3343 52.28%
Shaw, Laddie REP 4434 62.73%
Pruitt, Lance REP 3588 51.25%
Johnston, Jennifer B REP 5019 54.86%
Carpenter, Benjamin REP 4663 70.83%
Knopp, Gary A. REP 5158 94.28%
Vance, Sarah L. REP 4348 58.52%
Stutes, Louise (Rino/Muskox) REP 2512 53.57%
Hannan, Sara DEM 4259 55.68%
Story, Andrea DEM 4215 52.83%
Kreiss-Tomkins, Jona DEM 1276 56.21%
Ortiz, Daniel H. NA 2929 57.62%
Edgmon, Bryce E. DEM 2361 63.69%
Zulkosky, Tiffany DEM 2542 55.68%
Foster, Neal W. DEM 4533 95.79%
Lincoln, John DEM 2098 59.28%

NO Ballot Measure One! 145997 63.62%

November 7 at 9:01 AM  Judicial Watch  Video  In this episode of "Inside Judicial Watch," host Bruce Schlesman joins JW Senior Investigator Bill Marshall to discuss Judicial Watch's latest lawsuit about the FBI's record-keeping policies as well as the Andrew McCabe text message scandal. 

What MSM will never Air.  Politadick
November 7 at 9:25 AM  Donald J Trump  Photo  To any of the pundits or talking heads that do not give us proper credit for this great Midterm Election, just remember two words - FAKE NEWS! 

Well Said!  Politadick
November 7 at 9:39 AM  Fox News  Video  House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi holds a news conference after the midterms. 

They already are talking about expanding government spending and power over the people they are suppose to represent. Get ready for the Highest Budgets in American history being pushed over the next two years.  Politadick
November 7 at 10:18 AM  US Department of State  Video  Department of State Press Briefing With Deputy Spokesperson Robert Palladino
November 7 at 10:47 AM  Fox News  Video  Senator Chuck Schumer holds a press conference to discuss the results of the 2018 midterm elections. 

Crying Chuck Schumer can’t get past his Get Trump Agenda. There will be no cooperation from them over the next two years and get ready for one bill after another being pushed through to expand Free Healthcare and to Legalize Illegal Immigrants.  Politadick
November 7 at 10:51 AM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  "Breaking News"  Attorney General Jeff Sessions Has Resigned!!
November 7 at 10:53 AM  Donald J Trump on Twitter  "....We thank Attorney General Jeff Sessions for his service, and wish him well! A permanent replacement will be nominated at a later date.” 

President Trump announcement about Attorney General Jeff Sessions resignation.  Politadick
November 7 at 10:55 AM  Donald J Trump on Twitter  "We are pleased to announce that Matthew G. Whitaker, Chief of Staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice, will become our new Acting Attorney General of the United States. He will serve our Country well....” 

President Trump announces interim replacement for AG Sessions.  Politadick
November 7 at 10:56 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 655  Republicans gain in the Senate, Democrats win the House, and Election 2020 begins!
November 7 at 10:59 AM  Fox News  Video  BREAKING NEWS: Jeff Sessions, once one of President Trump’s most loyal and trusted advisers before infuriating Trump over his recusal from the Russia investigation, has resigned as attorney general. https://fxn.ws/2OwNHIN 

After what Crying Chuck Schumer had to say during his press conference. It is no big surprise that this just happen. AG Sessions Resigns.  Politadick
November 7 at 11:18 AM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Big losers edition: Begich, Walker, Beltrami, Ivan Moore, Alyse Galvin - Must Read Alaska  TALE OF THE TAPE On Election Night, …  The mainstream media narrative is that Alaska is turning purple. Hmmm...Not so fast. Share this story!

Worth the time to read this one!
The ending is clearly one of the main problems facing Alaska.

That type of thinking has been on full display here. Especially this last past month.  Politadick

November 7 at 11:34 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Begich concedes to Dunleavy in Alaska governor's race  A Begich victory means another four years that a Republican would not claimed an executive branch victory. He would also be the first Democrat to win in 20 years when Tony Knowles won in 1998.A Dunleavy  BREAKING: Mike Dunleavy is Alaska's governor-elect. Former U.S. Sen. Mark Begich concedes the race.

Alaska Did It!

We managed to turn our State Red again. Now let’s see if they can do what we got them elected into office to do!  Politadick

November 7 at 12:47 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Sessions resigns as attorney general  Attorney General Jeff Sessions has resigned as the country's chief law enforcement officer.  Sessions endured over a year of personal criticism from Trump over his recusal from the investigation into potential ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.
MORE: https://bit.ly/2zzEycR

Finally! Now they can put someone in charge that can squash this fake Trump/Russia scam they have going.

Then expose the real crimes that they uncovered, but are trying to keep hidden, because the Democrats don’t want the truth to come out.  Politadick

November 7 at 1:35 PM  Fox News  Video  Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions departs the Justice Department hours after he resigned at President Trump's request. https://fxn.ws/2OwNHIN 

He did well! Now it’s time to get someone who can do the full job!  Politadick
November 7 at 2:17 PM  Daily Wire  Video  The Blue Wave ebbs to a purple puddle. We analyze why House Republicans’ loss may be President Trump’s gain. Then, Bayto gets Beat-o, Pres. Trump gives a Broadway-caliber press conference, and the Girl Scouts sue the Boy Scouts. 
November 7 at 2:42 PM  Alaska  The Alaska Landmine  Video  Press Conference for new House Majority 

Alaska Live!  Politadick
November 7 at 3:15 PM  Alaska  Write In Jake Sloan   I have been at a loss for words this morning. The last 60 days have been an experience I will never forget. I have walked my district and talked with so many amazing people that call North East Anchorage their home. I heard stories that I will never forget. Stories of heart break and stories of hope. I heard your concerns and ideas. I was humbled and honored by the outpouring of support from so many people both in my district and outside. It was an honor to walk the streets and make so many new friends. Now that the campaign is over I am still overwhelmed by the incredible people who make up this corner of Anchorage. I have been privileged to run this race. The trust that so many showed me by writing my name in is encouraging me to continue to work to make Northeast Anchorage a great place to live and work. It has been an honor to work to win your trust and support. I will continue to work hard to make Northeast Anchorage a great place to be! This is not the end, it is a beginning. This race has awakened my passion for my neighbors and friends. I look forward to working with many of you to see Northeast Anchorage become the best community it has the potential to be.  Thank you all so much for your support! 

Awesome! Still think what I posted for Results was probably/maybe the truth.  Politadick
November 7 at 8:48 PM  OANN  Video  Liz Wheeler  NOT a blue wave! 

Some very good points not to overlooked, during the end results of this election.  Politadick
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