November 4 at 3:10 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  "Fresh Out Of Facebook Jail"  "Breaking News"

What a WEEK!! Fresh Out of FaceBook Jail Again!!!!

Shocking, that in nearly two years I have been running Politadick, we had never been blocked by FaceBook. But in less then a weeks time I have now been blocked twice. This time it was for Three Day's. Another Message saying:

"This post goes against our Community Standards."

(The post that took me down this time, was posted back at the end of September. You would think they would have removed all the posts that broke "FB Standards" the first time they blocked me on October 26th. The first one last week, was only a week old, 100% Satire, pointing out the lefts way of thinking. Since I have confirmed I'm not the only conservative site taken down this last week, at least I know that the Left/Democrats/Independents {Democrats with an I by their Name} here in Alaska are getting afraid of me and want to keep me silent.

Now you would think I posted something like the Left MSM does all the time, telling people to go and do this, go do that, especially if they don't think like you do and be as rude as you can to them. (Would really tell it like it is, for this. But don't want FaceBook to take this post down claiming:

"This post goes against our Community Standards."

But nope, nothing like that. It was a joke, that pointed out the Stupidity of the lefts and Democrats way of thinking.

I've seen several people have noticed the post missing. They have posted "the second Photo below" and I checked the links URL they did have attached to it and it was to our post, that FB blocked us for.

Frustrating, that one of Alaska's very few Conservative pages running on FB, is completely blocked just before the Elections are to happen and when getting the word out is most important, to be happening.

So to wrap this all up.

Vote Red down the line November 6th.

Vote "No On Ballot Measure One" Alaska is already #1 in the world and the model everybody else tries be like.

"NO, will mean Jobs!"

Yes will mean, we will be a Welfare State Forever.

Link to how Kenai City "Feels" about it:

Mike Dunleavy For Governor!

The Polls are showing that he will lose in Two Days. Hard to believe after the last four years, wanting their PFD's back, Lower State Budgets, reduced Government Size, Crime Laws that will actually stop Crime, etc, want a worse version of "He Who Shall Not Be Named" voted into office by not getting out and voting!

Never forget if we also don't vote in enough Lawmakers that have his agenda in mind, in the House and Senate. Alaska will never get back onto the Right Track again. This year, 43 seats are open for the taking out of 60, time to turn them all Red! That way Dunleavy will have the right kind of people in office to do the job.

Vote for Don Young for Congress!

His competitor makes a Box of Rocks look Intelligent. I have followed her from the beginning and know I'm probably insulting the Box of Rocks. My two year old gives more answers that actually mean something, then I have heard from her.

Look at all the Judges and make informed choices of Yes or NO.

Vote Judge Morse Out, he is the PFD Stealing Judge! Take a real hard look at why The Democrats are trying to get Judge Cory removed.... (He followed the laws as they were written and SB91 was a contributing factor. They want him out because he didn't rule based on "Feelings", but instead followed the laws as they were written.) Democrats don't like admitting the laws, even with all the newly added ones afterwards, just don't work. Judge Cory brought them into the Light for all to see.

Link to Judges: https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1959358457458499

Here are some links to my top pick Posts of the month:

"It Aint Me" - ARP video
Mike Dunleavy for Governor Get Out and Vote!

Who are you Voting for?
All Of My Top Picks for November 6th!

Marcus In The House! Video
First Step to stopping crime begins at home. Here's a message I feel is worth sharing over and over again!

Election Meddling in Alaska and Reported in Texas:

Top 8 Things About Mark Begich:

Healthcare for Free:


November 4 at 4:16 PM  Donald J Trump  Video  Join me LIVE in Chattanooga, TN! Great crowd for a #MAGA rally!  SIGN UP TO VOTE @ vote.donaldjtrump.com 

Today's current Rally in Chattanooga, TN! Playing Now

Links to the other Rally's during the week while I was blocked by FB:

Earlier today November 4th:
Join me LIVE in Macon, GA! Great crowd for a #MAGA rally!

November 3rd:
Join President Trump LIVE in Pensacola, FL! Great crowd for a #MAGA rally!

President Donald J. Trump attends a Make America Great Again rally at Bozeman Yellowstone Intl Airport.

November 2nd:
President Donald J. Trump LIVE in Indianapolis, IN! Great crowd for a #MAGA rally!

President Donald J. Trump holds a "Make America Great Again" rally in Huntington, West Virginia.

November 1st:
President Donald J. Trump LIVE in Columbia, MO! Great crowd for a #MAGA rally!

November 4 at 4:53 PM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Josh Revak gets dirty bombed by Democrats - Must Read Alaska  PAT HIGGINS ATTACKS AN IRAQI WAR VET …  Last-minute attack shows desperation by Pat Higgins in District 25. Plus, as a bonus, listen to Higgins on tape at the end of this story as he talks about Josh's kids, and his ideas about taxes.

When the Democrats in Alaska go low... All I can say is this really does show their true colors how they “feel” about our Vets!  Politadick
November 4 at 4:56 PM  CNSNews  Video  Feeling the loss of porn lawyer Michael Avenatti, the liberal media hit the web to search for someone else who could make outrageous, unfounded claims against the president...



Democrats on full display.  Politadick

November 4 at 5:27 PM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Rally in the Valley: 250 people pack the place - Must Read Alaska  MEANWHILE, DEMOCRATS STEAL, MANGLE DUNLEAVY SIGNS A … 

I Caught videos of this all night! They had a blast!

Sign stealers are at it again.... Wonder when they will get smart enough not to take pictures?  Politadick

November 4 at 5:40 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  Alaska's Government

Don’t you just love it when the group that put the race between Spendowitch and Dunleavy just percentage points apart. Now had one done on FB and the results seem more like Alaskans were expecting to see.

I’ll bet if they did the same thing for Don Young and Galvin. Polling numbers would be way different and more like this one is.

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