May 13 at 7:32am  Fox Business  Video  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו holds a reception at the foreign ministry with the US delegation ahead of the opening of the new embassy in Jerusalem.
May 13 at 8:03am  Alaska  District 12 Republicans  Eagle River, Chugiak & Peters Creek ... Your neighboring Republicans in Alaska's House District 27 & Senate District N will have their spring meeting on Monday May 14. Rep. Lance Pruitt & Sen. Cathy Giessel will give their legislative updates.  We know how Rep. Cathy Tilton & Sen. Shelley Hughes voted on SB 26 (Perm. Fund R ) and the Budget ($1 Billion+ over last year) - It's time to know why Lance Pruitt & Cathy Giessel they did what they did for the Government ...

Bottom line says it all in their stament below “For Government”. NOT FOR “The People”.

May 14th will be a chance to really let them know what you think.....


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