The Daily Signal Video President Donald J. Trump welcomes home 3 North Korean prisoners but NBC says it was a 'staged production,' Sarah Huckabee Sanders takes on the press (again), and is Kim Kardashian West working with The White House? We're breaking down the top 10 Must-See moments of the week—many you won't hear about in the mainstream media. |
CRTV Video Michelle Malkin
Investigates Ep 5 Excerpt | H-1B Hell: The Sellout of America's
Best & Brightest Workers
American workers are being fired and forced to train their foreign
replacements! Michelle Malkin is shining the light on America's open
borders H-1B Hell. The stories of US Citizens that are not being heard..... Alaskans have always pushed for hiring Alaskan people first...... Unfortunately the companies that are hiring these foreign workers only want cheap wages to be paid and don’t care. Look at the fishing industry in Alaska and you will find that over 70% do not live here and the Comercial Fishing Companies are “NOT” Alaskan owned. Whether people like it or not, US Citizens need to be hired first and only after exhausting all US possibilities for hire, would be allowed to hire Non-US workers. Politadick |
Fox News Video "You are beginning your careers at a time of a growing American economy and restored American stature at home and abroad." Vice President Mike Pence delivers the commencement address at Hillsdale College. |
Alaska Must Read Alaska Video Lieutenant Governor Forum in Wasilla. |
Alaska Gavel Alaska Video
The Senate debates HB286: the AK operating budget.
Spending all of the money they just stolen from the PFD ERA now that they have the final total they can spend.... Politadick |
Alaska Vote Edie Grunwald
We vote people in to make decisions in our best interest. Has that
happened? I recommend looking at past voting records as one way to
predict future performance.
Then look for "action" not words.
I will fulfill the Alaska lieutenant governor's eleven (11) statutory
duties with integrity. These duties include supervising the division of
elections and its related functions and duties, and working on state
history, regulations, workforce, and supervising citizen ballot
initiatives. It is one of the most diverse positions in government! |
Alaska Must Read Alaska
Bottom line: It's a little bit higher than last year's but there are no
Walker taxes. And the dividend is 30 percent higher than what Walker set
it at in December
Legislature passes operating budget - Must Read Alaska The
House and Senate passed the final … They Heist is now complete and the money has been laundered and spent. Politadick |
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