May 8 at 6:36am  Fox News Politics  House GOP leaders hold a news conference. 
May 8 at 7:08am  Milo  Aryanna Gharanfoli joins MILO in studio to discuss Professor Stephen Heidt's false claims and her rebuttal, which she captured on video.  This is a preview of THE MILO SHOW, a subscription-only daily audio and video show you can stream any time, to any device. Subscribe at http://dangerous.com/join to watch or listen to full episodes every weekday and get amazing content by MILO, including news, commentary, interviews and even call-ins from listeners, all exclusively for subscribers.
May 8 at 7:09am  Fox and Friends  Video  Rosie O’Donnell allegedly broke the law by using multiple names and addresses to over-donate to Democratic campaigns – so, what should happen to her?  A man who served time for a similar crime gives his take.

Another fine example of the Lefts Double Standards......  Politadick
May 8 at 7:22am  Fox and Friends  Video  Campus indoctrination may not be a myth after all -- Study finds 39% of colleges surveyed have zero Republican professors

Here is a fine example why the SJW keeps growing in size and entitlement mentality is so prevalent in the USA Today. If you caught the news last night. Alaska’s School teachers are already out complaining for more money because their contracts are expiring again.

Teachers in Alaska make $96,000 per year. This is what is call the minimum starting wage here and now they are back to demanding more! Alaska is almost dead Last for the education our children are receiving out of all 50 States and Number One for spending per student.

Time to fire them all and start the new year with performance based pay. You don’t perform. You will never make more!


May 8 at 7:35am  Branco  Cartoon: Enough is Enough  By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher resolution image.  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 5/08/2018

Finally we have the Unredacted copy of the Scope of the Russia Investigation...  Politadick
May 8 at 7:39am  Daily Wire  U.S. Budget Just Made History: Best Month Ever  In April, the federal government took in a record sum of $515 billion in taxes, according to a newly released Congressional Budget Office report. During that time, we spent $297 billion. 

Wow.... Who would have ever thought that President Trump would be right....  Politadick
May 8 at 7:39am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 534  New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman resigns after horrific sexual abuse allegations, the Obamas are back in the news, and the Hunger Games crowd shows up for the Met Gala.
May 8 at 8:00am  Jay Sekulow  Video  Breaking News: President Trump’s Iran Decision Imminent 
May 8 at 9:06am  Fox Business  Video  UN Ambassador Nikki Haley speaks at the 48th Annual Conference on the Americas. The conference focuses on the major policy issues affecting the hemisphere.
May 8 at 10:07am  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump delivers remarks on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. 

Finally we have a President that Keeps his promises that have been made!




May 8 at 10:32am  Fox News  Video  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו delivers remarks on the Iran deal.
May 8 at 10:47am  Jay Sekulow  Video  Breaking: President Trump Withdraws from Iran Deal

Update for Iran Announcement  Politadick
May 8 at 10:56am  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  Here's the scoop on the version of the bill adopted this morning by the conference committee - soon to be voted upon in the House/Senate - which changes the Permanent Fund draw and impacts your PFD. To see the bill itself, click on my post, and look in the comment section.

#AllAlaskansShouldKnow UPDATE: SB26 (Permanent Fund / PFD Bill - Version Q) passed both the House and the Senate today. I was a nay vote. After you read my summary of the bill below, let me know what you think. (BTW, I believe the bill should’ve been held for at least a day to allow us to hear from the public - and I said this on the Senate floor.) You can also see how legislators voted in the comment section (I posted photos of the voting boards). Tune in tonight too to my #Telling_it_like_it_is Facebook Live at 7pm when we’ll discuss what happened today and what it means. Okay, now the summary.

Version Q limits the draw to a 5.25% POMV for first three years then drops to a 5% POMV draw. It adds inflation-proofing back in, using "shall" language. The silver lining seems to be that it prevents the legislature from taking a second draw from the earnings reserve account (that is, if the legislature chooses to follow the law...). It also removes the language reducing royalties deposited into the Permanent Fund from newer fields. About now, you’re wondering: what about the PFD?

Version Q does not include the "may appropriate" PFD language so the statute will still read "shall transfer" as far as the PFD – but remember, this is the third year that this "shall" language will have been ignored by the governor/legislature as far as the full formula (and the courts have backed this action). So the fact that the previous version changed “shall transfer” to “may appropriate” and this version doesn’t contain such language is actually irrelevant.

What about the split between the amount for government spending versus the amount for the PFD? This version is silent on this matter, so the 50/50 split technically is still in statute, but again, this language too has been ignored the last two years and looks like it will be again this year. So unless there’s a radical change in the mindset in the legislature and the governor’s office, instead of 50% for PFDs, Alaskans can expect less (this year a range of 25% to 37% was discussed and 37% was picked).

The bottom line is that when it comes to the PFD, this version is basically the same as the previous version of SB26. When it comes to limiting the draw, the two versions are also virtually the same. The two real changes between this version and the last are the required inflation-proofing and the restoration of the 50% of royalties from newer fields into the Permanent Fund.

I'll post the link to Version Q in the comment section.

(photo credit to Juneau Empire 4-21-18)


Vote “NO” on anything that changes the POMV from what it currently is set at and get SJR1 onto the floor and vote “YES”


It really is that simple....

May 8 at 11:55am  Alaska  KTUU 2  WATCH LIVE: President Trump decides to exit nuclear accord with Iran  President Donald Trump plans to follow through on his campaign threat to pull out of the landmark nuclear accord with Iran, according to two people familiar… 

The Liberal Left is going “Nuts” over this happening! Finally we have a President that Keeps his promises that have been made!




May 8 at 12:12pm  Alaska  Coverup much?  Must Read Alaska  Elections Division kept hacking attack secret - Must Read Alaska  It wasn’t until Anchorage Daily News reporter … 

Alaska’s own Shadow Government is at work again....

Several things that keep going full circle every time this kind of stuff is announced.

“Democrats, AFN and Independents fingerprints are always involved in what has happen.”


May 8 at 12:50pm  IJR Red  Video  President Donald Trump Has Pulled Out of the Iran Nuclear Deal 

In case you don’t have the time to watch the entire announcement he made. Here is some of the highlights....  Politadick
May 8 at 1:26pm  Alaska  Politadick  Video  "Gavel to Gavel Alaska  House Floor"  Part one. Will continue in just a bit....
May 8 at 1:48pm  Alaska  Politadick  Video  "Gavel to Gavel Alaska  House Floor"  SB26 in Alaska’s House
May 8 at 2:45pm  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  Votes in Alaska's Government

SB26 has passed the House. The Vote below shows that every person in green should be looking for new jobs come November of 2018.

Governor “He Who Not Be Named” made a special appearance near the end and making sure that he got the $1,000,000,000 Billion Dollars he wanted for the AGDC and that the complete $13 Billion Dollar budget was approved.

As he was walking out the door, he was giving the “Thumbs Up,” to all Lawmakers that Passed this Bill.


May 8 at 5:12pm  Fox News  Video  Mike Braun gives remarks after he was projected to win the Indiana Republican Senate primary. #AEHQ https://fxn.ws/2K39ZzV

Way to Go!!!  Politadick
May 8 at 5:27pm  Alaska  But will this be enough to satisfy the tax-and-spend governor? His face says....  Must Read Alaska  Permanent Fund vote passes, governor takes credit - Must Read Alaska  Both House and Senate today approved approved … 

Clearly they got what they were after today... A way to tap into the ERA without needing Alaskans consent to do it.....


Can’t wait to see the entire Budget that will get the final approval, last ones on record for votes was between $12-13 Billion dollars....

Was just shown a $10.3 Billion Dollar version of it. I was really sad to see how much of that is Healthcare/Welfare/Entitlement programs.

May 8 at 5:32pm  Alaska  Representative Lora Reinbold 

Very unusual vote-split R and D caucus--this photo is actual vote on SB26 changes.

Update/correction at 230 pm from original post-things happened fast-I apologize if there was any misinfo--I was posting as things were happening-this came as a surprise to some--no caucus discussion recently.

House just voted on changes made in Senate bill SB 26 see below - the bill Was sent to Senate 15 months ago and is tied to HB287 yet House got new version only a few hours before vote. SB26 the POMV percent of market value limited at 5.25% draw and kept statutory calculation of PFD but removed 50:50 split language pfd:gov spending. Version Q is a much improved bill over previous versions. Although it is good there will be a cap on the percent draw I have not seen meaningful reductions to the overall massive Budget Vote so I will be no vote. Overall operating budget still hovers around 12 Billion and Capital around 1.4 Billion. Many expect those who voted yes on pomv SB 26 to get capital projects in their area and maybe campaign donations from those groups pushing POMV.
Sb 26 is giving keys to a critical earnings reserves account to big government without meaningful cuts. 
Senate results
14 yes 6 no in the Senate 
Effective date: yes 16 no 3

House yes 23 no 17 see votes below
effective date vote 29 yes 11 no

From what is shown here.... The Budget total is $13.4 Billion Dollars.  Politadick

May 8 at 7:01pm  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  Video  #WorthSharing #AlaskansNeedToKnow Pertinent conversation. #Telling_it_like_it_is Enjoy the brief and crazy tech problems at the beginning before we get into the meat of the discussion: the passage of the permanent fund bill and what that means, measures to address crime, and the capital budget including the bridge.

Politadick · 1:39 Good Evening

6:53 They opened the door for them to take from the ERA without Alaskans consent. Made it even easier for them to just take it and do nothing to get the budget under control.

Politadick · 13:05 50/50 and inflation proofing that “Shall” happen, won’t happen. 3 years now of it not happening and nothing in SB26 says they “Will” do what they “SHALL” suppose too.

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