OANN Video
Stormy Daniels Payment Scandal Part of Contingency Policy Against
President Trump
The Stormy Daniels Scandal unravels as part of the pre-planned
contingency policy against President Trump, along with the Russian
collusion narrative. One America's Kristian Rouz explains. Interesting...... Politadick |
Alaska KTUU 2
Bill to fund public education early signed into law HB 287,
designed to stabilize education funding by streamlining the normally
sluggish budgeting process for schools, was signed into law by Governor
Walker Thursday.
"For the first time in three years, pink slips won’t go out because of
late funding of public education." Thanks to this sham of a bill, they attached SB26 to all funding that changes our PFD’s POMV “Forever”. They passed a $13 Billion Dollar Budget designed to take from the PFD ERA for the first time in Alaska’s History! This is $5 Billion Higher then last years Budget. What a bunch of Thieves in Juneau. Call all our Lawmakers Today and let them know not to pass SB26! Otherwise we Alaskans will not see a full PFD Until 2021 and that’s only if we can get Alaska’s Governments hands off of the ERA (PFD) fund out of their control. Politadick Update: Someone noticed that I put $5 Billion instead of $4 Billion ($9 Billion last year). I’m already accounting in what the increase will be, do to all the under-funding they have done in essential services passing all the new Bills catering to the “Special Interests” in Alaska, by the end of this next fiscal year. |
Branco Cartoon
Unchained – A.F. Branco Cartoon
Today's A.F. Branco Cartoon - 5/04/2018 Love It! Poliadick |
Alaska KTVA 11 Video
WATCH LIVE: KTVA's Cassie Schirm is at Boniface Parkway, where Anchorage
police are searching for an armed carjacking suspect who crashed a
stolen vehicle near East 6th Avenue and ran away. STORY: http://bit.ly/2KCoFaA Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” and Mayor B hold full responsibility for this becoming a daily problem in our Great State Of Alaska. Politadick |
Ben Shapiro Video Episode 532
NBC screws up on a major claim about Michael Cohen, Hollywood finally
expels Roman Polanski, and we discuss the problem of “involuntary
celibates.” |
Alaska Politadick Picture Misc "May The Fourth Be With You" |
Jay Sekulow Video Innocent Pastor Brunson’s Trial Resumes Monday |
Fox Business
George Soros-funded app helps illegal immigrants avoid arrest
Billionaire investor George Soros is reportedly funding a smartphone app
to help illegal immigrants avoid federal immigration authorities.
Unbelievable that they can get away with this and that it doesn’t break any laws..... Politadick |
OANN Video
Nearly 40 Shot in 3 Days in Chicago | One America News Network
New reports reveal a deadly wave of gun violence in Chicago. A 15-year
old boy, a young mother, and even a four-year-old girl sitting on her
porch have all been shot dead. Meanwhile in Alaska they are trying to pass guns laws here that will allow the same thing to happen and thanks to SB91, it has open the door to put these people right back out into the streets in record time...... If you keep up on the daily Nixle Reports, guns have become a daily occurrence here. Politadick |
Alaska Drain The Swamp Alaska Wake Up Alaska! You are being Robbed and are just standing around and watching it happen! Makes this Alaskan wonder what kind of “Special Kind of Stupid” we have living in our Great State Of Alaska... Politadick |
Fox Business Video Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein addresses the Montgomery County, MD, Bar Association 2018 Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration. |
Judicial Watch Video JW President Tom Fitton: Fed Judge Rips Mueller, NEW Clinton Dossier/FISA Lawsuit, JW Defends Voter ID, & Mueller Questions for Trump |
The White House Video Watch LIVE as President Trump and Vice President Pence deliver remarks at the National Rifle Association Leadership Forum. |
Taliban Launches Surprise Attack in Afghanistan, Takes Strategic
District | One America News Network
The Taliban is gaining ground in Northern Afghanistan, just weeks after
announcing the beginning of its annual spring offensive. This is why we lost one of our own just the other day..... Mainstream Media doesn’t want you to acknowledge how bad it really is in the world. Politadick |
Alaska Mayor B Video
"Housing and Homeless Coordinator Nancy Burke" Here comes the excuses..... Poliadick |
US Department of State Video Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivers the keynote address at the Foreign Affairs Day celebration for State Department employees and other Foreign Affairs Agencies in the Dean Acheson Auditorium at the U.S. State Department in Washington, D.C. |
Insider Fox News Video
Hannity: Federal Judge's 'Excoriation' of Mueller Team 'Biggest Beatdown
I Have Ever Seen' In his Opening Monologue, Sean Hannity
praised a federal district judge who he said "excoriated" Robert
Mueller's legal team in their case against political… All the top Breaking Stories of the day rolled into one. Politadick |
Federal judge accuses Mueller's team of 'lying,' trying to target Trump:
'C'mon man!' A federal judge on Friday harshly rebuked Special
Counsel Robert Mueller’s team during a hearing for ex-Trump campaign
chairman Paul Manafort – suggesting… It’s about time a judge grew a pair and actually wants to see the evidence instead of just taking their word for it! Politadick “Plot with a Twist” |
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