May 3 at 6:51am   Breitbart  Petition Demands Adidas Cut Ties with Kanye West  Leftist SJWs are now using their corporate attack strategy to come after Kanye West... 

This is getting better every day..... Proud of West taking a stand and telling the truth.


May 3 at 6:59am  OANN  Honduran Man Illegally Re-Entered U.S. After Being Deported 10 Times | One America News Network  A Honduran man is being convicted of illegally re-entering the U.S. after being deported nearly a dozen times.

One more out of 20,000,000 down, 19,999,999 more to go..... 

May 3 at 7:10am  Branco Cartoon - Saboteurs  Mission Still Possible  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 5/03/2018

So True!  Politadick

May 3 at 7:22am  Fox News  Video  "The current situation at our southern border is completely out of hand." —Laura Ingraham

What the Left doesn’t want you to know about Illegal Immigrants.


May 3 at 7:23am  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump attends the National Day of Prayer. 
May 3 at 7:32am  OANN  Video  The Unheard Message of Kanye West's Interview  The mainstream media is outraged by the recent political…  The mainstream media is outraged by the recent political revelations of rapper Kanye West, but are they telling the full story? One America's Luke Glaze has more.

The Mainstream Leftwing Media doesn’t want you to see this.... Because of that:



May 3 at 7:54am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 531  Giuliani breaks news about Trump’s payoff to Stormy Daniels, Hillary finally stumbles on a true statement, and Democrats are having some problems in the polls.
May 3 at 8:05am  Jay Sekulow  Video  BREAKING: Release of North Korean Hostages Imminent
May 3 at 9:02am  Alaska Gasline Development Company  We'll be hosting our biggest community meeting yet, as we'll be in Anchorage sharing an update on the Alaska LNG project at the Dena'ina Civic and Convention Center on Wednesday, May 9th. Don't miss it if you're in the area!


Alaskans! The thieves are having another meeting to convince us all that the financially unstable and losing proposition of the “LNG Pipeline to Nowhere” is a good deal.

It’s in Anchorage and clearly they are expecting us all to show up. What they don’t want to happen is for people to show up
And demand to see the Numbers that shows this can even make a profit.


May 3 at 9:27am  Fox News  Video  Homeless man breaks into California governor's residence, says he's an 'open-door policy kind of guy'  A homeless man who was arrested last month after… 

Too Funny....  Politadick
May 3 at 10:25am  US Department of State  Video  Spokesperson Heather Nauert addresses reporters at the Department Press Briefing on May 3, 2018.
May 3 at 10:47am  Fox Business  Video  Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a press briefing.
May 3 at 11:47am  Daily Wire  Video  On this National Day of Prayer, Michelle Obama refers to herself as our “Forever First Lady.” Thankfully, she’s actually the Never-Ever-Again First Lady. Israeli PM Netanyahu reveals Obama practically gave Iran nuclear weapons and threatened the world order. Thankfully he’s not president anymore. Finally, we rejoice in the media fallout of Kanye West’s newfound conservatism. A lot to be grateful for this National Prayer Day—plus, the Mailbag!

Wow... Ouch  Politadick
May 3 at 11:55am  Breitbart  Video  LIVE: Vice President Pence is at the U.S. Ambassador to Germany Swearing-In Ceremony...
May 3 at 12:32pm  Turning Point USA  Photo  "What does Government run Healthcare look like?    After the Government sentences your child to death.  The Government physically prevents you from talking your child to another hospital that has offered to keep your child alive.    ....That's what Government Run Healthcare Looks Like."
May 3 at 1:54pm  OANN  President Trump Signs Order to Ensure Religious Organizations Have Access to Gov’t Funding | One America News Network  President Trump signed an executive order to create a faith initiative during a Rose Garden ceremony for the National Day of Prayer Wednesday morning.

Hmmmm......  Politadick
May 3 at 4:20pm  OANN  Trade Deficit with Other Countries Narrowed in March, According to the Commerce Dept. | One America News Network  As President Trump pushes efforts to negotiate more balanced trade deals, the United States trade deficit continues to narrow with other countries.

This is Awesome News!



May 3 at 4:23pm  Branco Cartoon  Iran Nuke Ticking | Political Cartoons | A.F.Branco  Iran nuke ticking away as many of our leaders remain oblivious of their deception. Political cartoon by A.F.Branco ©2015  (((Past Blast))) but still relevant!

I see the hands on it now.... They are at 2 Minutes to Midnight......


May 3 at 5:10pm  White House Brief  Video  NOBODY CARES! Regular Americans knew what kind of guy Donald Trump was when they voted for him.

#Idontcare  Politadick
May 3 at 5:14pm  Alaska  Do you think the governor would ever sign this legislation?  Must Read Alaska  Work requirement for some Medicaid enrollees? - Must Read Alaska  WALKER ADMINISTRATION SAYS THAT WILL BE ANOTHER … 

Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” would never sign this.

It affects the 35% of the population that he has been buying off for the last 3 years.


May 3 at 9:11pm  Ben Shapiro  Video  OANN Michael Knowles on Tipping Point: Kanye is cracking censorship

With a little Hope mixed in people in this world of ours might actually begin to think for themselves.....


Stop it!

That’s not nice.....

Laughing at me like that.....

I can have a Dreams Too! 


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