March 31 at 9:32am  Fox News  Video  Funeral service for Master Sergeant Christopher Raguso, killed in a helicopter crash in Iraq on March 15. Raguso was not only a member of the US Military but he was also a veteran of the FDNY. https://fxn.ws/2E5XsZj

March 31 at 9:53am  Fox News  Video  Cancer experts say coffee is safe, despite California's new warning label requirement  A California court judge’s ruling ordering coffee companies to put cancer warning labels on their products is not changing the minds of scientists and health professionals who say there is no credible evidence to warrant the dramatic move.

California has really gone off the deep end with this one...... Maybe if they drank more coffee and consumed less wine, do you think that they might actually use their brains?  Politadick
March 31 at 10:17am  Bethany Gandee Dye  Photo  Well ..we all know how this turned out...or wait...do our students know???

And now you know......  Politadick
March 31 at 10:46am  Power in Prayer  Video  I THINK I WILL KEEP MY FAITH IN JESUS 

Notorious Leaders by Time Magazine:

Controversial Choices
Adolf Hilter: 1938
Joseph Stalin: 1939, 1942
Nikita Khrushchev: 1957
Ayatullah Khomeini: 1979

So Mainstream media doesn’t always get it right...... Hmmmmmm  Politadick

March 31 at 10:52am  Alaska  Matsu Valley News 

TIMBER SALE. There is a public hearing and vote scheduled for Tuesday's Mat-Su Borough Assembly meeting on a proposed Timber sale and Port lease. April 3rd - 6 p.m.

This "timber deal" involves harvesting timber on 15,126 acres of forest in the northern part of the MSB, trucking the logs to the Port, and shipping them out via the Port. All of the documents are on the MSB's website.

This proposal was only introduced this week at the joint MSB Assembly and Planning Commission Meeting (Tuesday, March 27th). Thus, the MSB manager is giving the Assembly only ONE week to study and vote on it.

At last Tuesday's meeting, Assembly Member Jim Sykes asked why this deal was being rushed and he asked to delay a decision and refer the matter first to the Port Commission for their input.

Mr. Sykes also pointed out that the proposed Timber Sale contract goes against MSB Code re: Forest Management. Why isn't the MSB holding a public commercial timber sale? Why don't we put this out for Open, Public, Competitive Bid?

Mr. Sykes' motion for more time was voted down with only Sykes, McKee and Leonard voting in favor.

Then, during closing comments, Sykes again asked for more information and more time and he suggested a "work session" so that the public and members of the Assembly can learn more about this proposed deal before voting on it.

The Assembly members voted to hold a work session but it is scheduled for 2 p.m. on April 3rd - just a few hours before the main meeting.

Happening on Tuesday..... Public Testimony!

Going by what is said here... The MSB Assembly is trying to pull a fast one with no explanation of what the rush is about.... Selling our timber to some other place outside of Alaska.



March 31 at 9:09pm  Alaska  Dunleavy for Alaska  Today is the last day to file for your PFD. When Bill Walker raided the PFD it took what was a formula that stood the test of time for the last thirty years and turned it into a political football. We need to restore the public’s trust. We need to restore the PFD formula that has been tried and true for thirty years.

Only 3 hours left to get filed for you PFD!  Politadick
March 31 at 9:19pm  Alaska  The Northern Lights  University seeks to reduce its eight-figure travel budget | The Northern Light  NewsUniversity seeks to reduce its eight-figure travel budget By Cheyenne Mathews - March 26, 2018 The University of Alaska spent $15.9 million on…  More than $322,911 Million was spent on travel for members of the Board of Regents over the past five years. See article for a member-by-member breakdown.

Wow.... Wish I had an unlimited travel expense account....

“The University of Alaska spent $15.9 million on travel in fiscal year 2017”

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