Jay Sekulow Video House Intel Committee Concludes Russia Investigation |
Ben Shapiro Video Episode 495 Democrats run strong in PA-18, Trump visits his border wall, and a feminist doctor gives the worst abortion defense in history. |
Alaska MSB
Community Based Ombudsman
Wed 6 PM Curtis
D. Menard Memorial Sports CenterWasilla
Time to hold the MSB Accountable for what it is spending..... Politadick |
Alaska KTUU 2
Channel 2's coverage as Joar Leifseth Ulsom wins Iditarod XLVI
Channel 2's coverage of Joar Leifseth Ulsom as he wins Iditarod XLVI.
If you weren't up early enough to watch the Iditarod finish, Channel 2
has you covered. The full video is posted below as the winning musher
passed under the burled arch in Nome! Awesome! Politadick |
OAN Sits Down with President Trump's Longtime Adviser Roger Stone
President Trump's longtime advisor Roger Stone has…
President Trump's longtime advisor Roger Stone has been a steadfast
supporter of the Trump administration on many policy issues regarding
trade and international
diplomacy. One America's Christopher Carter sat down with Stone and has
this exclusive interview with the Republican strategist. This was an excellent interview pointing out many of the relevant facts.... Politadick |
Alaska Politadick Photo Liberty "#Walk Up Not Out National School Walk Up......" |
Alaska KTVA 11
Student walkouts range from somber tributes to angry rallies
Students hoisted "Stand United" signs. They chanted "''Hey, hey, ho, ho
- the NRA has got to go" outside the White House. Others read the names
of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High victims aloud in a somber tribute.
On a day like today, makes me happy that our Schools here are on Spring Break! “Update: Most Of our Schools are” Those students that have opposing views are not being allowed, to be heard. Clearly the left wing has full control of the narrative they are spinning. Really is sad watching them parade our children out for a Lie. The Police and FBI could have prevented this from ever happening and they DID NOTHING! Why is the FBI and Police, who knew who he was, had credible reports well before this that it would happen, are not being held accountable for what they didn’t do, which was THEIR JOBS? Politadick |
Alaska Gavel Alaska
JDHS students march to the Capitol Building to raise awareness of gun
violence. Where are all the at? Well they are in Juneau of course... Politadick Where are all the at? Well they are in Juneau of course... Politadick "Update 3/18/18 When the "Right to Life Rally" was held a few months ago, Gavel Alaska couldn't find their way outside to tape it. But have no problem showing up to things like this........." Politadick · 4:06 Where are all the at? Politadick · 12:59 There the are! Politadick · 13:31 Can’t believe our Taxpayers money is allowing this to happen... Politadick · 15:06 What a Liberal Joke they have going on..... Politadick · 16:46 So a person who doesn’t follow the law comes and shoots you in a gun free zone and they want to keep law abiding people from protecting them from the one thing that could have stopped it from happening. Politadick · 19:23 Where is you outcry about the FBI and Police who knew well before this happen and did NOTHING! Obviously the ones that were suppose to keep you safe failed and you want to go after those that could have prevented it wasn’t allowed to because it is a “Gun Free Zone” Politadick · 27:36 For those that think the opposite way. Are they going to let them leave class and march down to the Capital? |
Alaska KTVA 11
Today marks one month since the Parkland high school shooting that took
the lives of 17 people. Students at Juneau Douglas High School are
marching to the Capitol steps to hold a rally for safer schools and
stronger gun-control. What a disgrace. Those responsible for those that lost their lives. The Police and FBI Failed to do their Jobs. Politadick · 8:39 What a disgrace. Those responsible for those that lost their lives. The Police and FBI Failed to do their Jobs. Politadick · 10:14 Let’s be a “Gun Free Zone”! Those that break the law LOVE Politadick · 11:35 Where are all the students that oppose this from happening time on the Left Wing Media’s report? Politadick · 12:41 For those that think the opposite way. Are they going to let them leave class and march down to the Capital? Politadick · 13:36 They wanted a free pass out of classes. Politadick · 15:38 Looks like a big day of skipping a class social event that has no real purpose then to get 17 minutes on tv. Politadick · 17:09 They are pushing a bill HB75 through because of the school shooting and it has absolutely nothing to do with protecting our students in school! Politadick · 18:09 Liar in Chief is backpedaling from making any stand in what has happen. For a month now he has said nothing about what he thinks needs to happen. |
Fox News Video House Republicans hold a presser to mark the House's vote on the STOP School Violence Act. http://fxn.ws/2tNdAyT |
Fox Business Video President Donald J. Trump takes a tour of The Boeing Company before participating in a roundtable discussion on tax cuts and tax reform. |
The White House Video Watch LIVE as President Trump participates in a roundtable discussion on tax cuts and tax reform. |
Alaska Department of
Corrections Video
We’re talking pretrial today. Send us your questions! Live from Pretrial! Politadick |
Ben Shapiro
Monstrous. Daily Wire
Florida Teen Murders 13-Year-Old On His Birthday In Stabbing Rampage,
Says He Watched Jihadi Videos And Read Koran To 'Give Him Courage'
OMG This is horrific... Where is the Ban on Knives....? Politadick |
President Trump Reportedly Taps Larry Kudlow as Chief Economic Adviser |
One America News Network
Larry Kudlow could be headed for a job in the White House as reports say
he has accepted the president’s offer to be his chief economic adviser. Politadick |
Breitbart Photo
"I Stand with the Millions of Students who did Not Skip Class Today and
who Support the Second Amendment." Thank You! Politadick |
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