March 12 at 6:59am  Branco Cartoon  Reset Button   Easy  Today’s A.F Branco Cartoon - 3/12/2018 

See my button is bigger....  Politadick
March 12 at 7:47am  Fox News  Video  U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley delivers remarks at a UN Security Council meeting.
March 12 at 7:52am  Alaska  Besides the policy question, there's the "election year" politics at play here.  Must Read Alaska  Should the PFD be enshrined in Alaska Constitution? - Must Read Alaska  HOUSE DEMS SAY YES, GOVERNOR SAYS MAYBE, … 

Alaskans.... where are the torches and pitchforks at...? Call today to save the PFD as we have always known it.

Democrats in the House are trying to take our PFD’s away and it must be stopped.

3 Rino’s (Muskox Three) and ALL Democrats don’t care about all Alaskans... Time to wake up....  Poliadick

March 12 at 7:55am  Alaska  Representative Cathy Tilton  Here is the new draft of HJR 23 - POMV/PFD enshrinement. It has changed, but isn't really any better. It enshrines the PFD but with a 4.75% POMV and 33% for dividend payouts. Please note, tomorrow's floor session may cause the original 1:30 start time for Finance to be rescheduled. House Finance has added public testimony for 7-9 pm.

What is happening today and why we all need to call in at 1:30pm and give testimony that this is not acceptable....

If this passes... The PFD will never be the same.... They want it to pay for the Bloated Feel Good Budget that lines the pockets of Government forever....

March 12 at 8:00am  Jay Sekulow  Video  More Top Obama Admin. Connections to Fusion GPS
March 12 at 8:15am  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump hosts the 2017 World Series Champion Houston Astros.
March 12 at 8:16am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 493  The Left embraces socialism, eugenics, and revolution; Trump attacks Chuck Todd and Maxine Waters; and OJ’s back!
March 12 at 11:45am  Fox News  Video  Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing at The White House.
March 12 at 11:48am  Fox News  Video  Austin Police Department provide an update on two explosions today that left at least one teen dead and two women injured. http://fxn.ws/2Fwlhiv
March 12 at 12:33pm  Fox News  Video  National Transportation Safety Board officials make remarks about the helicopter crash in New York City Sunday that killed five people.   http://fxn.ws/2DlDZU9
March 12 at 1:41pm  Alaska  Politadick   Photo 

(Update: After sitting through over an hour listening to testimonies tonight. I would say 99% were against HJR23. They are going to take further testimonies starting tomorrow at 1:30pm. They ran out of time!)


TOMORROW: PUBLIC TESTIMONY - The House Finance Committee will hear public testimony on HJR 23, a constitutional amendment resolution that would be sent to voters on the November ballot. The resolution would ensure that Permanent Fund Dividends are in fact permanent.

From the Democrats page:

Representative Bryce Edgmon:
“Protecting the Dividend in the Alaska Constitution means the state government cannot threaten our share of resource royalties. If there is further delay, leading economists and financial analysts forecast that there could be no PFD within five years.”

This is a Bold Face Lie!!!!

What the Democrats are not telling you is Our traditional share that we have received for the last 30 years will be permanently cut and you will only receive $1,250 a year while them in Juneau take Billions more to fund Governments Bloated Budget Forever. Call today and say “No” to this passing the house.

Here is how you can testify:

TOMORROW, TUESDAY, March 13, 1:30pm: call 907-465-4648 or attend at your local Legislative Information Office.

(I’m not sure if they will have the 7pm like they did tonight on Tuesday.)

TONIGHT, Monday, March 12, 7:00pm - 9:00pm: call 907-465-4648. This is looking like the one to call in on. The 1:30pm has been delayed. House Democrats are delaying it hitting the floor, trying to Jack the Budget Up Higher.

You may also email your comments to housefinance@akleg.gov.

The two pictured below are hoping you don’t care enough to take action as they laugh all the way to the Bank with Our Money!!

SJR1 is what we want to pass, it puts our PFD Into the State Constitution and leaves the way it is paid the same as it’s been for 30 years.

This is what our PFD SHOULD LOOK LIKE IN COMING YEARS when SJR1 is passed.

Using the same population numbers, about 646,000 eligible Alaskans get a PFD, and then using the Permanent Fund Corporations projected funds available for dividends, here is what your dividend would be if the original calculation were to be used:
FY 19 $2,639
FY 20 $2,707
FY 21 $2,904
FY 22 $3,244
FY 23 $3,447
The dividend does not need to be cut to protect it. As you can see it is doing just fine.

IF HJR23 gets passed here is what it will look like:

Using the same population numbers as used above, about 646,000 eligible Alaskans, and then using the Permanent Fund Corporations projected funds available for dividends, here is what your dividend would be if the HJR23 calculation were to be used:

Your share Governments Share 
FY 19 $1,250 $1,389
FY 20 $1,250 $1,457
FY 21 $1,250 $1,654
FY 22 $1,250 $1,994
FY 23 $1,250 $2,197

March 12 at 3:43pm  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  Alaska's Government

Senator Tom Begich has now blocked me from commenting on his page. This is the message I left on his page:

The proposed new budget has gone gone from $10.2 Billion and now is nearly at $11 Billion Dollars.

Only $9 Billion was approved last year. This is a $2,000,000,000 Billion dollar Jump over last years Budget!!!

They are raising it up to make claims the ERA (PFD) is needed to fund all of government services. They are fast tracking a bill through the House HJR23 that will change the way the PFD’s will be paid out forever and line the pockets of Government the tune of “BILLIONS” a year.

Call Monday at 1:30pm and 7pm taking Public Testimony about HJR23, We Need To Make Sure They Hear Loud and Clear “NO”‼️

Democrats in the House want that money to pay for their Feel Good programs that the non working people in Alaska are getting for free. Time to make a stand and stop the Theft‼️ The Muskox Three are in on this happening....

If you can’t attend or call in.. Representative Tammie Wilson is taking all Emails sent to her to read on the floor on your behalf.... link to email her:https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1670283779699303


Link to times to Call in and Phone Number:

March 12 at 8:16pm  Alaska  Politadick

(Update: After sitting through over an hour listening to testimonies tonight. I would say 99% were against HJR23. They are going to take further testimonies starting tomorrow Tuesday at 1:30pm. They ran out of time!)


TOMORROW: PUBLIC TESTIMONY - The House Finance Committee will hear public testimony on HJR 23, a constitutional amendment resolution that would be sent to voters on the November ballot. The resolution would ensure that Permanent Fund Dividends are in fact permanent.

From the Democrats page:

Representative Bryce Edgmon:
“Protecting the Dividend in the Alaska Constitution means the state government cannot threaten our share of resource royalties. If there is further delay, leading economists and financial analysts forecast that there could be no PFD within five years.”

This is a Bold Face Lie!!!!

What the Democrats are not telling you is Our traditional share that we have received for the last 30 years will be permanently cut and you will only receive $1,250 a year while them in Juneau take Billions more to fund Governments Bloated Budget Forever. Call today and say “No” to this passing the house.

Here is how you can testify:

TOMORROW, TUESDAY, March 13, 1:30pm: call 907-465-4648 or attend at your local Legislative Information Office.

(I’m not sure if they will have the 7pm like they did tonight on Tuesday.)

TONIGHT, Monday, March 12, 7:00pm - 9:00pm: call 907-465-4648. This is looking like the one to call in on. The 1:30pm has been delayed. House Democrats are delaying it hitting the floor, trying to Jack the Budget Up Higher.

You may also email your comments to housefinance@akleg.gov.

The two pictured below are hoping you don’t care enough to take action as they laugh all the way to the Bank with Our Money!!

SJR1 is what we want to pass, it puts our PFD Into the State Constitution and leaves the way it is paid the same as it’s been for 30 years.

This is what our PFD SHOULD LOOK LIKE IN COMING YEARS when SJR1 is passed.

Using the same population numbers, about 646,000 eligible Alaskans get a PFD, and then using the Permanent Fund Corporations projected funds available for dividends, here is what your dividend would be if the original calculation were to be used:
FY 19 $2,639
FY 20 $2,707
FY 21 $2,904
FY 22 $3,244
FY 23 $3,447
The dividend does not need to be cut to protect it. As you can see it is doing just fine.

IF HJR23 gets passed here is what it will look like:

Using the same population numbers as used above, about 646,000 eligible Alaskans, and then using the Permanent Fund Corporations projected funds available for dividends, here is what your dividend would be if the HJR23 calculation were to be used:

Your share Governments Share 
FY 19 $1,250 $1,389
FY 20 $1,250 $1,457
FY 21 $1,250 $1,654
FY 22 $1,250 $1,994
FY 23 $1,250 $2,197

Don’t forget to call about HJR23 I’m on hold..... 1-907-465-4648. Tell them No from stealing our PFD’s.

March 12 at 8:55pm  Alaska  Representative Lora Reinbold 

May be last Chance to testify in Judiciary tonight at 7pm 1-844-586-9085 or in Anchorage call 19075869085

This is the Courts "neutral" explanation of the bill -they say it won't virtually cost anything to provide protective orders that allow for gun confiscation

House Bill 75 establishes a new type of protective order that a court could grant to a petitioner, under certain
circumstances. A petitioner could seek a new "gun violence protective order" on an ex parte basis (sec. 6, new AS
18.65.820, which expires after 20 days) and on a long term basis (sec. 6, new AS 18.65.815, which expires after six
months), if a respondent poses a danger by possessing a firearm. If the court grants the petition and issues the protective
order, the respondent must surrender his or her firearms to a local law enforcement agency within 24 hours. (Sec. 6, new
AS 18.65.830).
Section 6, new AS 18.65.835(b) requires the court system to prepare forms for petitions and orders for use by persons
seeking these protective orders and for judicial officers. The court system is able to create the required forms on paper
with no fiscal impact. This zero fiscal note therefore reflects the cost of developing a set of paper forms for these
proceedings. By contrast, a set of “smart” forms would cost $65,000. (The court system would contract with a vendor to
develop the forms.) Smart forms would be less time consuming for law enforcement to complete, would reduce the risk
of data entry errors, and could be processed more quickly by the court. Although basic paper forms could certainly be
used, spending the additional money now to automate the forms is likely to be a more cost-effective solution.
Implementing this new legislation administratively will include creating the new forms, programming CourtView to
account for the new forms and the new case type, and preparing training information for judges, court staff, and the
public These tasks will be done by the court system's administrative staff in their normal work hours, and thus will not
have a direct fiscal impact.
The court system submits this zero fiscal note. If the legislature determines that creating the forms electronically is the
better approach, then the court system will update its fiscal note to reflect the actual costs of doing that, as discussed


HB75 Gun Law is taking testimony right now!!

Might be last chance to say your piece before they take you guns away.....  Politadick

March 12 at 9:17pm  Alaska  Politadick  Photo Governor He Who Shall Not Be Named 

(Update: After sitting through over an hour listening to testimonies tonight. I would say 99% were against HJR23. They are going to take further testimonies starting tomorrow at 1:30pm. They ran out of time!)


TOMORROW: PUBLIC TESTIMONY - The House Finance Committee will hear public testimony on HJR 23, a constitutional amendment resolution that would be sent to voters on the November ballot. The resolution would ensure that Permanent Fund Dividends are in fact permanent.

From the Democrats page:

Representative Bryce Edgmon:
“Protecting the Dividend in the Alaska Constitution means the state government cannot threaten our share of resource royalties. If there is further delay, leading economists and financial analysts forecast that there could be no PFD within five years.”

This is a Bold Face Lie!!!!

What the Democrats are not telling you is Our traditional share that we have received for the last 30 years will be permanently cut and you will only receive $1,250 a year while them in Juneau take Billions more to fund Governments Bloated Budget Forever. Call today and say “No” to this passing the house.

Here is how you can testify:

TOMORROW, TUESDAY, March 13, 1:30pm: call 907-465-4648 or attend at your local Legislative Information Office.

(I’m not sure if they will have the 7pm like they did tonight on Tuesday.)

TONIGHT, Monday, March 12, 7:00pm - 9:00pm: call 907-465-4648. This is looking like the one to call in on. The 1:30pm has been delayed. House Democrats are delaying it hitting the floor, trying to Jack the Budget Up Higher.

You may also email your comments to housefinance@akleg.gov.

The two pictured below are hoping you don’t care enough to take action as they laugh all the way to the Bank with Our Money!!

SJR1 is what we want to pass, it puts our PFD Into the State Constitution and leaves the way it is paid the same as it’s been for 30 years.

This is what our PFD SHOULD LOOK LIKE IN COMING YEARS when SJR1 is passed.

Using the same population numbers, about 646,000 eligible Alaskans get a PFD, and then using the Permanent Fund Corporations projected funds available for dividends, here is what your dividend would be if the original calculation were to be used:
FY 19 $2,639
FY 20 $2,707
FY 21 $2,904
FY 22 $3,244
FY 23 $3,447
The dividend does not need to be cut to protect it. As you can see it is doing just fine.

IF HJR23 gets passed here is what it will look like:

Using the same population numbers as used above, about 646,000 eligible Alaskans, and then using the Permanent Fund Corporations projected funds available for dividends, here is what your dividend would be if the HJR23 calculation were to be used:

Your share Governments Share 
FY 19 $1,250 $1,389
FY 20 $1,250 $1,457
FY 21 $1,250 $1,654
FY 22 $1,250 $1,994
FY 23 $1,250 $2,197


After sitting through over an hour listening to testimonies tonight. I would say 99% were against HJR23. They are going to take further testimonies starting tomorrow at 1:30pm. They ran out of time!


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