Fox News Video Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו delivers remarks at AIPAC |
Fox Business Video The Senate Finance Committee holds a hearing on "Protecting E-Commerce Consumers from Counterfeits." |
Fox News Politics Video House GOP Leaders hold press conference following a closed Conference meeting. |
Alaska Department of
Transportation Public Meeting: Statewide Transportation
Improvement Program
Today 5 PM Thunder
Mountain High SchoolJuneau
11 people interested One Alaskans reply to this upcoming meeting in Juneau: “Funny how it’s in Juneau.
You said it was open for discussion on tearing up a BRAND NEW
road to widen it into a double passing lane. When asking questions to DOT, I kept getting the answer that they “don’t like to make passing lanes on corners”. Have you counted the passing lanes on corners from Caswell area to Wasilla? It’s a damn near new road with no holes and you are going to tear it up. The road
to the north of the Caswell area has been NEGLECTED. Fix what’s
broken, quit wasting funds. |
Oregon: 20-Year-Old Sues Dick's Sporting Goods for Refusing to Sell
Rifle | Breitbart A 20-year-old is suing DICK'S Sporting Goods
after being refused a Ruger .22 rifle purchase based on his age.
It’s getting real now.... Politadick |
US Department of State Video U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will deliver remarks outlining the United States’ relationship with Africa at George Mason University on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 in the Harris Theater. |
Gary Means Photo
THE LARGEST MASS SHOOTING IN US HISTORY occurred on December 29,1890
when 297 Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian
Reservation in South Dakota
were murdered by federal agents & members of the 7th Cavalry who had
come to confiscate their firearms “for their own safety and protection”.
The slaughter began after the majority of the Sioux had peacefully
turned in their firearms. The Calvary began shooting, and managed to
wipe out the entire camp. 200 of the 297 victims were women and
children. Wounded Knee was among the first federally backed gun confiscation attempts in United States history. It ended in the senseless murder of 297 people. The Second Amendment, the right of the people to take up arms in defense of themselves, their families, and property in the face of invading armies or an oppressive government. The Second Amendment was written by people who fled oppressive and tyrannical regimes in Europe, and it refers to the right of American citizens to be armed for defensive purposes, should such tyranny arise in the United States. Wounded Knee is the prime example of why the Second Amendment exists, and why we should vehemently resist any attempts to infringe on our Rights to Bear Arms. Without the Second Amendment we will be totally stripped of any ability to defend ourselves and our families. (Quora) This is why we don’t give up our guns.... Politadick |
Ben Shapiro
BACKFIRE Louder With Crowder
#BoycottNRA's Epic Fail: NRA Membership Surges. By A Lot...
Sorry liberals It worked like a charm...... United We Stand! Politadick |
Jay Sekulow Video BREAKING: North Korea Blinks on Nuclear Negotiations |
Cartoon: Protection - NetRight Daily By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher resolution image. Today's A.F. Branco Cartoon - 3/06/2018 |
Ben Shapiro Video Episode 489 The media can’t get enough of Trump aide Sam Nunberg, intersectionality makes people crazy, and social media gets nasty. |
Alaska House Majority
Coalition Video Press Availability Looks like they have hidden over half of my comments below today......
You have the laws SB91/54 that does nothing to stop the crime wave and
only has made it worse. Why do you refuse to do anything about it? You passed a budget that did nothing to reduce the size of it and to get it done in 90 Days means you have to pass as is instead of reducing the budget. Manipulative legislation designed to increase the need to take money from the ERA account Oil revenue has increased. Production has increased. Instead of leaving the budget approved at last years levels and funding reductions. You are spending it as fast as you can and are Leveraging this the way you are to justify taking from the ERA. This is very dishonest manipulative way to be running government. Claims of $700,000,000 Million increase from last years $4.2 Billion to $4.9 billion this year. Justify the $700 Million increase? Why are you covering up the costs of healthcare that is nearly Half of the states Budget? Where is the Bill HJR34 and why is it still in committee? Passed a bill that is going to raise Insurance cost to the poorest of Alaskans. That sole purpose raises the revenue the insurance companies. How is that suppose to have been good for all Alaskans? How can you claim you make cuts to the budget when they are accomplished buy not paying the full PFD and not paying the oil credits and using what you do not pay as being cuts? $9 Billion Dollar Budget Approve last year and you spent $10.3 Billion. $10.2 Billion trying to be approved this year. What’re the cuts to the budget that was suppose to happen? Why are you catering to lobbyist and special interests, over the Majority of Alaskans voices telling you to reduce the Budget? School funding, came with no funding. You passed what you did to look good for the November Elections. Increase funding to schools Board Members and Facility Growth, but cut funding to teachers. |
Alaska Senator Shelly
Wake up, Alaskans. While you were working or busy with your families, more people took the microphone to tell House Finance members to fund this or that - and that they'd be okay with an income tax - than the people who called in to urge members to reduce spending (90 were for more spending, 11 were for more reductions). Remember, the governor’s proposed budget is HIGHER than last year’s and he wants a payroll tax and more than half your PFD over time. Remember too that we've only reduced 3% of daily operations of the departments and agencies over the last 3 years - we are NOT at bare bones. Speak up and tell your friends and neighbors to speak up. Write House members. Write Senate members. Since the opportunity to call in to testify in the House on the budget is over, think now about making time to call in when the opportunity is scheduled in the Senate. (And today at 3:30pm you can call in to support the spending cap bill SB196 at – or dash off a note in support to I’ll post call-in numbers in comment section.) If you want a growing budget, new taxes, and increasing cuts to your PFD, stay silent. If not, speak up – and not just here in the comment section: speak up by contacting legislators (I’ll post emails in comment section too.) [Added note: to be clear, for those who are good with a high budget and an income tax, you can speak up too. When I said "stay silent," I simply meant that the momentum is already going the direction you like.] Guess all of the people following my page missed the announcements that I posted EVERY DAY last week......
Politadick |
US Department of State
Spokesperson Heather Nauert addresses reporters at the Department Press
Briefing on March 6, 2018. Five minutes…??? It’ll start. Looks like they are dealing with things behind the scenes..... Politadick |
The White House Video Watch LIVE as President Trump holds a joint press conference with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven of Sweden. |
Branco Cartoon - Booze Cruise Featuring Beer Nuts
Today's ((( 2nd ))) A.F. Branco Cartoon - 3/06/2018 Two in one Day..... Politadick |
Fox Business Video Vice President Mike Pence delivers keynote remarks at an American First Policies event, "Tax Cuts to Put America First" |
Blue Lives Matters
Students Won't Stop Making Threats, So Sheriff Is Going After Parents -
Blue Lives Matter Fifteen students have been charged with
making threats in Volusia County since the Valentine's Day murders in
Over 15 kids in this ONE school district are facing felony threat
charges since the school shooting, so the sheriff is "motivating"
parents to end it. Sad the world has come to this.... Politadick |
Fla. Senate Passes School Safety Bill While a State House Bill is Still
Being Considered | One America News Network
The fight for reform continues in Florida as lawmakers pass a new bill
to change gun laws. Knee jerk bill just like the one they are trying to get passed here. They will be seeing many lawsuits if this one passes..... Politadick |
OANN Video
Report: Ex-Detective in Australia Asked to Turn Over Clinton Foundation
Newly obtained documents show the Australian diplomat who prompted the
Russia probe has extensive ties to the Clinton foundation. The
decades-old documents recently
resurfaced, and show former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer
secured $25 million from his country to give to the Clinton Foundation.
One America's Kelly Ayers has more on the funds, and what they mean for
the Mueller investigation. The money trail is endless when it comes to the Clintons... “Plot with a Twist” |
Conservative Tribune
University OKs Guns on Campus... 6 Months Later the Results Are
Breathtaking "There’s no doubt..."
This is truly remarkable. If only other colleges and universities would
learn from this. What a concept that a well armed society would become a better place.... Politadick |
Fox & Friends Video
War memorial crosses may be removed from grave sites after atheist group
argues the crosses give the wrong impression Words cannot Express how mad this makes me..... Politadick |
Alaska The Bay Pac
Something has to be done to address this scourge upon humanity that is
essentially condoned by the war machine government... Daily
Heroin now kills more people than guns with 50,000 fatal overdoses
More than 50,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year, the
highest figure ever and a sure sign that the 'war on drugs' is being
lost. I know Alaskans care.... So why is our local government not doing anything about this? They think passing more gun laws will fix everything..... When the drug market is what is fueling all the Crime happening here in Alaska. Big Opioid Epidemic announcement by Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” with a press conference last year, that has produced 0 (Zero) results. Plus he keeps trying to make deals with China, the worlds #1 supplier of Fentanyl... Politadick |
Alaska Senator Shelly Hughes Video #Telling_it_like_it_is What matters to you matters to me! #worthwatching#worthsharing |
Alaska Politadick Photo LNG Gasline Corporation to Nowhere LNG Gasline to Nowhere next Meeting is March 8, 2018 9am. It’s Scheduled to make sure working Alaskans will not be able to attend. |
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