June 28 at 12:01 AM  The Hill  Trump's America fights back  We have been burdened with chronic trade deficits and excess national debt for far too long.  American leadership is not in doubt. However, the price and terms are going to be renegotiated. Please share!

Really nice to read something about President Trump that doesn’t have Media spin, feel to it. Worth it, to read it.  Politadick
June 28 at 7:21 AM  Fox Business  Video  The House Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on “Oversight of FBI and DOJ Actions Surrounding the 2016 Election.” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray testify.

Not a single Liberal Leftwing Mainstream Media News Station is covering this.... Clearly they are trying to keep what is being said during this covered up so they can manipulate and crop out what they will push as being the Truth instead of actually reporting everything.  Politadick
June 28 at 7:28 AM  Fox Business  Video  The House Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on “Oversight of FBI and DOJ Actions Surrounding the 2016 Election.” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray testify. 

Not a single Liberal Leftwing Mainstream Media News Station is covering this.... Clearly they are trying to keep what is being said during this covered up so they can manipulate and crop out what they will push as being the Truth instead of actually reporting everything.  Politadick
June 28 at 7:38 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 570  Justice Anthony Kennedy steps down, and the world goes insane.
June 28 at 7:58 AM  Branco Cartoon - Out of Time  Cry me a river  Today's A.F. Branco Cartoon - 6/28/2018

Nailed It!  Politadick
June 28 at 8:01 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  Left Panics Over Kennedy Retirement
June 28 at 8:27 AM  Breitbart London  Delingpole: Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon Project Nixed. Good! | Breitbart  Finally, the UK government has rejected the £1.3 billion Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon Project. This is a tremendous victory for common sense.  Delingpole: Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon Project Nixed. Good!

Prime example of when all the Greenies and so called Climate Change experts continue to get it wrong. But it only took them 3 years to admit it....

June 28 at 8:49 AM  Breitbart  Report: Anti-Rape Organization Chairman Arrested for Child Sex Abuse  Joel Davis of the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence in Conflict faces monstrous charges of child sexual abuse.

Another champion of the Left goes down, doing exactly what he says he is trying to protect. Seems to be anymore those who are running these causes are also the ones that are doing it themselves...  Politadick
June 28 at 8:59 AM  Fox Business  Video  The House Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on “Oversight of FBI and DOJ Actions Surrounding the 2016 Election.” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray testify. https://fxn.ws/2lDviOi

It's amazing how many times they have covered up the truth about all the crimes that the FBI, DOJ and Obama himself and those who served him......

Not a single Liberal Leftwing Mainstream Media News Station is covering this.... Clearly they are trying to keep what is being said during this covered up so they can manipulate and crop out what they will push as being the Truth instead of actually reporting everything.


June 28 at 9:26 AM  Fox News  Video  First Lady Melania Trump holds a roundtable at an Arizona migrant facility.

No surprise to get a notification sound on my Iphone for this and open up facebook, only to not find it. Good thing I'm near a computer today and was able to catch it!  Politadick
June 28 at 9:28 AM  The White House  Video  "President Trump Visits Foxconn Facility and Delivers Remarks"
June 28 at 9:36 AM  The United States Department of Justice  Video  National Health Care Fraud Takedown results in charges against 601 individuals responsible for over $2 billion in fraud losses

This is getting very annoying finding news feeds turned off...  Politadick
June 28 at 9:51 AM  US Department of State  Video  Secretary Pompeo delivers remarks at the 2018 Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP) Ceremony at the U.S. State Department in Washington, D.C., on June 28, 2018.
June 28 at 10:03 AM  Daily Caller  ZUCK OFF: Six Reasons Mark Zuckerberg Should Quit Facebook Right Now  He has to leave the company in order to save it 

Considering that they are shutting down all Conservative/Republican views on Facebook. Currently have on purpose have taken and added a bug into the platform that phones are using causing them to shut down after a minute or two.

News Feed notifications that disappear before you can even get them to open and have to go to the page to make sure to get it. Currently News companies like Fox are not doing live feed broadcasting, due to they to are not able to stay connected. Yet ABC has had 0 problems getting theirs to work. Clearly the double standard only applies if you are not spreading the lies the Left is pushing.


June 28 at 10:07 AM  ABC News  Video  We're in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin where lawmakers and President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at the opening of the Foxconn plant. https://abcn.ws/2MxB9QW

I know Fox is there.... Where is their live feed of this?  Politadick
June 28 at 10:08 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Arctic Thunder: What you need to know before the air show   The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds are in town for Arctic Thunder 2018. Here's what you need to know to enjoy the air show.  It's almost here! We have the rundown for when and where to view the jets this weekend.

Can’t wait to see it!  Politadick
June 28 at 10:18 AM  Fox Business  Video  President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at Foxconn facility in Mount Pleasant, WI.

Has anybody else notice since FB made changes last week, that all Notifications for news feeds has only been constant in the Democrat/Leftist Feeds. I have now found nearly 50 pages have been shut down and have turned off notifications. This include our Lawmakers here in Alaska.  Politadick
June 28 at 10:39 AM  Ben Shapiro  Epic backfire for Dems  Daily Wire  No, THANK YOU, Harry Reid!   It took five years, but now conservatives across the country are expressing their heartfelt gratitude to former Senate Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid for 

Thank You Harry Reid!  Politadick
June 28 at 11:15 AM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  Illegal Immigrants  Protest

This is what happens when you wear tinfoil on your heads. At least the Leftist here know where their heads are really at.

The facts behind the tin foil hats that I posted.

Link to the facts:


June 28 at 11:21 AM  Fox News  Video  BREAKING NEWS: 'Multiple' deaths, suspect caught after reports of shots fired outside Maryland newspaper office, sheriff says. Tune in to Fox News Channel for the latest. https://fxn.ws/2tLTD8l

Sad to see this is taking place. Maxine Waters, Pelosi, CNN and all those promoting this violent protests should be held accountable for their words that have Caused this.

Update: so far it’s looking like what I said above is wrong for the why... But still makes me wonder if what is being said in politics through the news gave him the courage to do it?  Politadick

June 28 at 12:31 PM  Alaska Freedom 49'ers

“’Gowdy rips Rosenstein on Russia probe: 'Finish it the hell up'” ~ Fox News

As the decay of the FBI & Justice Department reputations are being discussed these FBI & Justice Department leaders are smug, self-satisfied, and giving off an air of superior attitude while sitting in front of the U.S. Congress.

America’s political situation has become so biased that these DC leaders seemingly want a new America that better fits their opinion; they’ll get there, if need be, by taking down a sitting U.S. President via any and all methods at their powerful fingertips.

Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbo0Lodbub0

Live free. Peace, Jim McDermott

PS: I didn't vote for President Trump but instead I voted for Governor Gary Johnson in 2016. Yet, I always wish a sitting U.S. President good fortunes if his heart and decision making is best for the hard working and caring American people.

  Fox News  Video   Gowdy to Rosenstein on Russia probe: 'Finish it the hell up'  Republican lawmaker tells Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director… 

I listened to the entire testimonies they gave today and they clearly don’t want justice to be found. Everything they had to say today points to the DOJ, FBI, Obama and those that worked for him made this investigation up to try and protect the Deep State within our government. All evidence to date shows them and the DNC conspired together to create these lies.  Politadick
June 28 at 12:38 PM  Fox News  Video  "We do have injuries and so we're doing our very best to make sure that those people receive care that need care."  Anne Arundel County Police PIO Lt. Ryan Frashure provides an update on today's shooting in Annapolis, MD. https://fxn.ws/2tLTD8l
June 28 at 12:39 PM  ABC News  Video  WATCH LIVE: ABC News Special Report: Police update on shooting at Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland. https://abcn.ws/2yO9Tvy

No surprise no Fox News on FB for this. But every Leftist News company has sent notifications. ABC has cut away from the press briefing. What are they afraid you will hear?

Now they go back to briefing when the Liberal tears questions are being asked.

But on TV is non stop coverage right now for Fox. Fox reporting 5 deceased and shooter is in custody.  Politadick

June 28 at 12:50 PM  OANN  AG Sessions Announces 601 Charged Amid Largest Opioid Crackdown | One America News Network  Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently announced 601 people have been charged in what he called the “largest health care fraud” take-down the nation has ever seen.

This Rocks! More to come in the future.  Politadick
June 28 at 1:02 PM  OANN  Pentagon Receives DHS Request to House Up to 12K Illegal Immigrants | One America News Network  The Pentagon recently received a formal U.S. Department of Homeland Security request to house migrant children with their families.

The way it should be!  Politadick
June 28 at 1:23 PM  The Daily Signal   Video  While some Democrats have distanced themselves from calls for targeted harassment of Trump administration officials, the Women’s March has embraced it. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, however, is having none of it. Plus: 548 “women’s experts” from around the world label the U.S. one of the most dangerous places for women to live, and Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the “Little House on the Prairie” books, was taken off an award by the Association for Library Service to Children over racism concerns.  All that and more in this week's edition of Problematic Women. Watch LIVE.
June 28 at 1:41 PM  Fox News  Video  Officials provide an update on today's shooting in Annapolis. https://fxn.ws/2tLTD8l
June 28 at 3:46 PM  IJR Red  Video  All of America needs to see this.

A true American Hero!  Politadick
June 28 at 4:03 PM  Fox News  Video  Officials in Maryland provide an update on the deadly shooting. fxn.ws/2tLTD8l
June 28 at 5:04 PM  Alaska  Lora Reinbold & Edie Grunwald  Meet and Greet   5 to 7 p.m. on the way to the Yes! Bistro in Anchorage now!
On Debarr across from Costco. I look forward to seeing you!

It’s never to late to go and join them tonight.  Politadick
June 28 at 5:16 PM  Alaska  ADN  Video  It’s stealing season in Anchorage ... with a record $45.3 million in property stolen last year in the city and this year shaping up to be worse. Here’s how we are covering property crime and how we need your help.

SB91/54/312 opened the revolving door that has made the crime statistics escalate. 

"It’s stealing season in Anchorage ... with a record $45.3 million in property stolen last year in the city and this year shaping up to be worse."

June 28 at 6:11 PM  Fox News  Video  Officials hold a press briefing with the latest on today's shooting at The Capitalnewspaper in Annapolis, MD. https://fxn.ws/2Kt0vP6
June 28 at 7:29 PM  Fox News Insider  Video  WATCH: Rosenstein Accuses Jim Jordan of Attacking Him 'Personally' in Heated Clash  Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein accused Rep. Jim Jordan of attacking him "personally" Thursday in a heated clash at a House Judiciary Committee hearing  Jim Jordan went after Rod Rosenstein on the DOJ's failure to produce documents to Congress and things got HEATED...

Short clips of the six hours that are worth watching again....  Politadick
June 28 at 7:33 PM  The Daily Signal  Former Transgender Woman Tears Apart the Left's Lies  Let Freedom Speak  Video  Meet Walt Heyer, he spent 8 years as a transgender female. Here’s why he says diagnosing young kids as transgender is child abuse.  “From my point of view as a former child who did this, it’s child abuse, and it shouldn’t be done.”

Worth sharing...  Poliadick
June 28 at 7:56 PM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  State security breach put public assistance info at risk - Must Read Alaska  The Alaska Department of Health and Social …  Welfare fraud takes on a whole new meaning.  Share!

Clearly doesn’t get any worse then this.... 11 year old virus was the suspected cause.

Hmmmm...... State has spent 90 million on a computer system that can’t even prevent these things from happening!

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