June 27 at 8:03 AM  ABC News  Video  We're in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where the Allegheny County District Attorney holds a briefing on the investigation into the officer responsible for the fatal police shooting of Antwon Rose. https://abcn.ws/2yNsc3X
June 27 at 8:07 AM  Fox News  US Supreme Court deals blow to labor unions, ruling 5-4 that public sector unions may not collect mandatory fees from non-members  The Supreme Court has upended a decades-old precedent that allowed unions to collect fees from government employees, including those who were not actually part of the union.  BREAKING: The Supreme Court has upended a decades-old precedent that allowed unions to collect fees from government employees, including those who were not actually part of the union. The justices ruled 5-4 that public sector unions may not collect mandatory fees from non-members.

This truly Rocks! Can’t wait to here what happens here in Alaska over this one. Wonder how many Unions will end up closing their doors?  Politadick
June 27 at 8:08 AM  Fox Business  Video  Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson testifies at the House Financial Services Committee Oversight hearing: "Oversight of the Department of Housing and Urban Development." 
June 27 at 8:08 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 569  The Democrats embrace their socialist id, incivility becomes the word of the day, and a judge tries to stop Trump’s immigration policy.
June 27 at 8:09 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  Third Conservative Victory at the Supreme Court
June 27 at 8:17 AM  Fox Business President Donald J. Trump tweeted on the the Supreme Court ruling 5-4 that state government workers cannot be forced to pay so-called "fair share" fees to support collective bargaining and other union activities. https://fxn.ws/2otfcJd Photo  President Trump on Twitter  "Supreme Court rules in favor of non-union workers who are now, as an example, able to support a candidate of his or her choice without having those who control the Union deciding for them.  Big loss for the coffers of the Democrats!"

HUGE!  Politadick
June 27 at 8:19 AM  The White House  Video  "President Donald J. Trump.  A Conversation with America's Future"
June 27 at 8:27 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Anchorage SWAT called for hours-long standoff with man in a car  Anchorage police reported early Wednesday that SWAT was being called in for a man who was refusing to comply with their orders.  Avoid the area. APD is going to use gas to smoke the man out.

It’s getting real now!  Politadick
June 27 at 8:36 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  UPDATE: Anchorage Assembly rejects additional marijuana tax proposal  The Anchorage Assembly will consider whether or not to increase the marijuana tax on pot and pot products from 5 percent to 7 percent during its Tuesday meeting.  Multiple marijuana business owners, workers, consumers, and concerned citizens argued that the tax would only bring more unnecessary burden for the legal marijuana market, and more benefits for dealers selling on the black market.

I wonder if the Assembly Members are smoking the product? Clearly they missed a prime opportunity to rob more Alaskans like they did with the gas tax.  Politadick
June 27 at 8:41 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  WATCH: Anchorage Police are asking the public to avoid the area around the Qupqugiaq Inn in midtown as they attempt to get an outstanding warrant suspect out of a vehicle. STORY: http://bit.ly/2txXTsS 

Smoke Em out of there.  Politadick
June 27 at 8:49 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  If North Korea disarms, will US missile defense lose favor?   If the Singapore summit put North Korea on a path to eliminating its nuclear weapons, as President Donald Trump says it has, then it also may have poked a hole in the Pentagon's main argument for a multibillion-dollar expansion of homeland missile defenses.  What happens to Alaska's missile defense assets if Kim Jong Un does indeed disarm?

The defense system will still be installed. Alaska is still the number one defense for all the United States.

Iran is closer to making nuclear weapons then the Media is letting on and it would be a foolish move to stop building it.

June 27 at 9:09 AM  Alaska  Midnight Sun  Mark Begich on Twitter  “Today’s Supreme Court decision undermines working families in Alaska and across the country. Unions make the entire workforce stronger, safer, and drive the economy.”  On this morning's U.S. Supreme Court ruling on public-sector unions.  Background: https://www.washingtonpost.com/…/ccdf6bf4-7a0c-11e8-80be-6d…

This is hilarious. No surprise he tweeted this. He has to cater to the deep pockets of the Unions. Democrats depend on their money. How else do you think they can cater to the minority’s like the do without the Unions pushing them to spend Alaskans tax money on them.

He is bought and paid for by Unions!  Politadick

June 27 at 9:11 AM  Alliance Defending Freedoms  Video  California, Coerced Speech and the Court: A Panel Discussion on NIFLA v. Becerra 

Awesome! This should have been a 9/0 decision.  Politadick
June 27 at 9:14 AM  Alaska  Vote Edie Grunwald  Frontiersman Person of the Year: Edie Grunwald  Grieving mother, tireless activist, political candidate, Palmer woman just wishes she could speak to her son one more time  I’m so humbled by the outpouring of support from Alaskans as I travel. Thank you. I speak a lot about being a Retired Colonel, about what my issues and priorities would be as your Lt. Governor. I thought I would share a bit of WHY I chose to run, who I am, to help those who don’t know me well get to know me a tiny bit better. 

Awesome!  Politadick
June 27 at 9:21 AM  OANN  Year-Long Investigation into Dark Web Leads to Dozens of Arrests, Drug Seizures | One America News Network  With many mysteries still surrounding the dark web, officials are beginning take action to stop those who are selling illicit goods on the internet.

One by one they are going down!  Politadick
June 27 at 9:23 AM  Alaska  Craig Christenson for Alaska House District 13

It is time for a change in Juneau!
- Protect and Restore the PFD
- Repeal SB 91
- Spending cap on the budget
- Move Legislative Session to Anchorage

My campaign is not funded by special interests, unions, or the wealthy donor class. Please contribute to Alaska's future.


Looking like a good choice here. Who is he running against?  Politadick

June 27 at 9:28 AM  A.F. Branco Cartoon - Mad Max  Democrat leader Maxine Waters suggest the way to resist is to incite mob violence against Trump and his supporters. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco 92018.  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 6/27/2018

Sooooo True!  Politadick
June 27 at 9:39 AM  Alaska Policy Forum  Alaska teacher weighs in on huge Supreme Court decision! What a victory for worker freedom! #standwithworkers #standwithmark#SCOTUS http://www.foxnews.com/…/teacher-in-janus-ruling-supreme-co…  Fox News  Teacher: In Janus ruling, Supreme Court restores free speech rights to public workers like me  When I arrived in Alaska in 1989, I was shocked to be told that in order to work as a teacher, union membership was mandatory 

Finally they will have a choice!  Politadick
June 27 at 10:12 AM  Fox News  Video  Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy says he's retiring effective July 31. Kennedy stepping down would mark a second high-court pick for President Donald J. Trump.  Tune in to Fox News Channel for complete coverage. https://fxn.ws/2KdlysW

This Rocks! Time for another Neil Gorsuch to take his seat in the Supreme Court!  Politadick
June 27 at 10:38 AM  US Department of State  Video  Secretary Pompeo testifies before the Senate Appropriations Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on June 27, 2018.
June 27 at 10:46 AM  Fox Business  Video  CEOs of Sprint and T-Mobile testify at the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition, and Consumer Rights hearing: "Game of Phones: Examining the Competitive Impact of the T-Mobile – Sprint Transaction."
June 27 at 10:55 AM  Supreme Court  This is Huge! Letter to President Trump from Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.  Politadick
June 27 at 11:21 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  BREAKING: Justice Kennedy to Retire
June 27 at 11:35 AM  Alaska  Protect the PFD Fundraiser  Settlers Bay Golf CourseWasilla, AK

Good Time to show that you are proud to be Alaskan and show your support.  Politadick
June 27 at 11:58 AM  International Space Station   Video 

Behold, the Earth! See live views of Earth from the International Space Station coming to you by NASA's High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) experiment.

While the experiment is operational, views will typically sequence through the different cameras. If you are seeing a black image, the Space Station is on the night side of the Earth. If you are seeing an image with text displayed, the communications are switching between satellites and camera feeds are temporarily unavailable. Between camera switches, a black & gray slate will also briefly appear.

The experiment was activated on April 30, 2014 and is mounted on the External Payload Facility of the European Space Agency’s Columbus module. This experiment includes several commercial HD video cameras aimed at the Earth which are enclosed in a pressurized and temperature controlled housing. To learn more about the HDEV experiment, visit: https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/ESRS/HDEV/

Please note: The HDEV cycling of the cameras will sometimes be halted, causing the video to only show select camera feeds. This is handled by the HDEV team, and is only scheduled on a temporary basis. Nominal video will resume once the team has finished their scheduled event.

Amazing!  Politadick

June 27 at 12:04 PM  Alaska  Mike Shower for Senate  WED, JUN 27  Meet and Greet / Fundraiser   Evangelo's RestaurantWasilla, AK 

Tonight at 5pm! Don’t miss out!  Politadick
June 27 at 12:30 PM  Ben Shapiro There's enough leftist tears here to have ended the California drought!  Daily Wire  LISTEN: DNC Members Wail After Kennedy Announces His Retirement  On Wednesday, after it was announced that Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy was stepping down from the court, providing an opportunity for President Trump to select a justice who would hew to the conservative line and not cross it on many occasions, as Kennedy did, the news was relayed to a D 

Ohhhhhhh So FUNNY!  Politadick
June 27 at 1:59 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  F-16 fighter pilots with the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds are practicing at JBER ahead of this weekend’s Arctic Thunder 2018 Air Show. Eight Thunderbirds are flying in from Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, Nevada. 

Love it! This weekend! Show before the show!  Politadick
June 27 at 4:59 PM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump holds a "Make America Great Again" rally in Fargo, North Dakota. https://fxn.ws/2MshC4c 

Awesome!  Politadick
June 27 at 5:00 PM  Donald J. Trump  Video  Join me LIVE in Fargo, ND! Great crowd for a #MAGA rally!

Love It!  Politadick
June 27 at 8:20 PM  White House Brief  CRTV Parents of Kids Killed by Illegal Aliens ASKED Trump to Sign Photos Video  The media misled you about President Trump ... again. Did any so-called journalist bother to get the other side of the story from the parents of kids killed by illegal immigrants? We did. 

If what the Democrats and Left Stream Media have had to say in this doesn’t make you “Feel” angry... You are a Democrat!  Politadick
June 27 at 8:32 PM  Alaska  What he's saying here is that state employees should be forced to pay union dues.  Please share with your Facebook friends!  Must Read Alaska  Gov. Walker 'sorely' disappointed in workers' rights decision - Must Read Alaska  STANDS AGAINST WORKERS’ FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS The … 

DemoRats in Alaska show their true colors once again. Anything that might affect the deep pockets contributing to Leftist causes against the will and desires of the people they are suppose to represent must be stopped they all say.

Why are they so scared that this ruling has happen? Oh, that’s right..... The money they receive from the Unions and Special Interest will dry up very quickly as people finally will get to think for themselves.  Politadick

June 27 at 8:43 PM  Fox News Insider  Video  Trump Rips Maxine Waters at ND Rally: 'Imagine If I Said Those Things'   President Donald Trump ripped Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) at a rally in support of Rep. Kevin Cramer's (R-N.D.) Senate bid in Fargo on Wednesday.  President Donald J. Trump said Rep. Maxine Waters is the de facto leader of the Democratic Party, ripping the Californian for calling for the harassment of cabinet officials.

If you weren’t able to watch the whole thing earlier. Here is just 5 minutes of it that is worth your time to watch...  Politadick
June 27 at 8:46 PM  Alaska  Drain the Swam Alaska  Video  Time to Drain the Juneau Sewer!!

Alaskans..... Do you want things to change here for the better? Then get off your A$$ and Vote!  Politadick
June 27 at 8:49 PM  Alaska  Drain the Swamp Alaska  Photo  Dunleavy and the four Lt. Governor Candidates  Cast your vote for the DREAM TEAM!

The choice is a simple ONE!  Politadick
June 27 at 9:03 PM  Alaska  Senator Dan Sullivan  Video  While some look to focus on everything but the work of Congress, it’s important to highlight the steady progress being made on behalf of the Alaskan and American people these recent months.

Finally one of ours in the Senate is offering the truth that is 100% opposite of what the Democrats and our other Senator likes to claim.

Keep up the Good work and continue to get the truth out for all to hear! Politadick

June 27 at 9:15 PM  Hannity  GREAT AGAIN: GDP to Hit 5.3% THIS SPRING, Reach 15 YEAR HIGH | Sean Hannity  A handful of Wall Street insiders and leading economists are revising their GDP predictions upwards for spring 2019; saying the US economy may grow by an astounding 5% in the coming months. According to Market Watch, forecasts for next year are being revised after a string of healthy tax returns, re...  BOOM.

Wow! 5.3% GDP!

Wasn’t it the Lefties and Democrats that have said over and over again GDP will never climb above 2%? Would be a miracle if it ever reached 4%? What will they say when it reaches 6%?

June 27 at 9:18 PM  Ben Shapiro  LOL  Daily Wire  WATCH: Comedian Tracey Ullman Mocks Leftists With ‘Woke Support Group’ Sketch  On Friday, BBC Two’s Facebook page uploaded a hilarious video from Tracey Ullman in which the British comedian plays the leader of a "woke" support group. Ullman begins: 

June 27 at 9:21 PM  Donald J. Trump  Video  WHAT A NIGHT! 9,000 people inside and many thousands more outside. See the incredible Minnesota rally crowd in our FIRST EVER 360 Interactive Video!

Wow! You have to see it to believe it! Only because the left love to claim they are so tiny....  Politadick
June 27 at 9:23 PM  Alaska  Representative Lora Reinbold   added 34 new photos to the album: Expose Big Gov top 1000 Salaries Executive Legislative &Judicial.  To continue our efforts to Expose Big Gov here are the top 1000 state employee salaries for all three branches of Gov. Please not there are often merit increases negotiated in union contracts, plus in statute automatic step increases, COLA cost of living & Geo-Diff cost additions depending on where you live in the state. 

This one will make it to the top of my page. Can be found in the comments!

6/27/2018 Part 22: Current government wages.

To continue our efforts to Expose Big Gov here are the top 1000 state employee salaries for all three branches of Gov. Please not there are often merit increases negotiated in union contracts, plus in statute automatic step increases, COLA cost of living & Geo-Diff cost additions depending on where you live in the state.

June 27 at 9:47 PM  Fox News Voices  Video  Greg Gutfeld on President Donald J. Trump mocking the elites.

Snicker.....  Politadick
June 27 at 10:42 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11 Puerto Rico introduces bill seeking statehood  Puerto Rico's non-voting representative in Congress is introducing a bill that seeks to make the U.S. territory a state by 2021.

Alaska when we were considered to become the 49th State had to prove we could pay our own bills before we were let in....

When in history has Puerto Rico even done that? 

Update: I must add to this that Alaskan's all voted and agreed to give up our mineral rights under the ground to become the 49th State and to find in today's world that what we gave up to become the Greatest State in the United States is being taken away by those in Power in Alaska today.


June 27 at 10:45 PM  Alaska  Tundra Comics  Santa: "HOT DIGGITY!  Keep those sweet unemployment checks a-rollin' IN!"  Santa Claus: The other 364 days of the year!


You sure can tell when a person lives in a Village in Alaska. They almost all sound like this........

June 27 at 11:06 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  Mayor Ethan Berkowitz  "Upset about Unions having a choice"

How to tell when President Trump and the Supreme Court have made a right decision....

Look for all the Democrats to start crying their leftist tears. Mayor B... is a prime example of someone who capitalizes by dipping into Deep Pockets that he so enjoys and sees that Feed Trough begin to empty out!


June 27 at 11:15 PM  Alaska  Representative Lora Reinbold  We are grateful for the Janus decision today that allows all the right to work, equal access for everyone to public jobs. Now people wanting to work for the city, state, & federal government cannot be forced to pay union dues that often are used for political activism (often fueling the liberal agenda & driving up costs of government), even when they disagree with the activism. I offered an amendment #133 to CSHB 57, the state operating budget March 17, 2017 on the House Floor, that would prohibit the state from using public money to collect and account for union dues in the state accounting system. Although there was a very lively discussion, the amendment was defeated by the Democrats and Kopp, LeDoux, Stutes & Seaton. Today is a victory for free speech!  Fox News  Supreme Court’s Janus decision is a win for government workers (and all Americans)  In its 5-4 ruling Wednesday in Janus vs. AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees), the Supreme Court overturned decades-old precedent that allowed government unions to require public employees to pay union fees or risk being fired.

At least one of our Lawmakers is speaking common sense today. She must not be a DemoRat!

All they seem concerned with is the donation money that they would have received is going to dry up quickly.  Politadick

June 27 at 11:35 PM  Fox News Insider  Video  Tucker: The Country Badly Needs the Adults on the Left to 'Rein in the Mob'  Tucker Carlson said in his monologue Tuesday that the left is showing that it no longer believes its political opponents have the same Constitutional rights that it has.  "Progressives decided the Bill of Rights applies only to people who agree with them," Tucker Carlson said. "Their views are protected by the First Amendment. Yours are hate speech."

It’s getting scary how unhinged the Democrats and the Left have become.  Politadick
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