June 23 at 7:49 AM  The Daily Signal  Video  Mainstream media suggests the Trump administration is operating concentration camps, the left loses it over First Lady Melania Trump's trip to Texas, and protesters taunt DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at her home  We’re breaking down the Top 10 Must-See Moments of the week—many of which went misreported by the mainstream media.
June 23 at 9:00 AM  Alaska  The Alaska Life  Video  Mayor's Marathon Half Marathon Start Downtown Anchorage Live 

Their Off!  Politadick
June 23 at 11:36 AM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at the Nevada Republican Party Convention in Las Vegas. https://fxn.ws/2IjDL2l
June 23 at 12:37 PM  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump hosts a roundtable discussion on tax reform.
June 23 at 12:37 PM  Fox News  Video  Vice President Mike Pence and South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster host a "Get Out the Vote Rally" at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, South Carolina. 
June 23 at 6:29 PM  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  Lively conversations around multiple tables at Chugiak Cafe and Vagabond Blues this morning. Curious what engaged residents brought to my attention? Read list of multiple topics by smart, common sense Alaskans.

Input including...
- Reducing regulations to make Alaska more business-friendly
- Aligning state budget with size of population - in other words, reduce the budget and stop taking PFD and growing budget instead
- Fixing the welfare safety net so it’s temporary for working age Alaskans instead of an ongoing lifestyle - and so it doesn’t break the bank as far as state budget
- Ensuring seniors don’t get the short end of stick
- Repealing SB91 - arrest the crime wave 
- Building the bridge
- Holding DOT accountable to more quickly reroute traffic after a road closure incident
- Working to lower healthcare costs and encouraging health savings accounts
- Encouraging research of cbd oil at federal level to combat opioid epidemic
- Removing barriers to promote processing and export of ag products
- Engaging Alaska in opening and control of Arctic passageway, building ports, icebreakers - Russia and China are forging ahead and the USA/Alaska needs to step it up
- Avoiding boondoggles, concern regarding big AK LNG project and costs yet need for affordable energy for economic diversification

Update added below:

To all that Follow Politadick: Please check your setting to make sure that they have not turned off your notifications for our Page. Easy way to check is to go click the Follow Button, make sure Get Notifications is turned on, then click Edit Notifications Settings, make sure Standard is click and video selection is turned on if the option shows up.

Posted on Senator Shelly Hughes page:

I would have love to have come to this today. Seems Facebook has turned off the notification settings on my feeds for your posts. You are not the only one that they have done this to in the past few weeks. I started to go through all of the Legislators pages and found over half of them have been turned off.

They have also turned off notifications to those who follow my page Politadick also. Several have private messaged me to let me know what has happen.

Link to Senator Shelly Hughes post and what she said. Seems Facebook didn’t want to share that link.... 

June 23 at 10:02 PM  Alaska District 12 Republicans

"From Michael Tavoliero, Chairman - D 13 & 14

Hi there,

FB isn't allowing me to boost this (and I'm too Luddite to figure it out) so I thought I would share it directly. As most of you know we are having a great Republican primary for house seats in District 13 & 14 as well as Senate Seat G. In District 13, we have Nancy Dahlstrom, WIlliam Cook and Craig Christenson running. In District 14, we have Eugene Harnett, Kelly Merrick and Jamie Allard running. In Senate Seat G, we have Lora Reinbold and Dan Saddler running. We have scheduled our debates for Monday, Aug 6th at 7 PM. The District Committee is still figuring out the logistics and format, but we really want to hear from Eagle River and Chugiak voters ( and others who may have an interest) on their issues of concern for the Districts. I need your help. Please send me your candidate questions. I will keep your confidentiality unless you give me permission to disclose it. Just make clear your wishes. Your questions can be for the general group or a specified candidate. You can email me at ercprimary2018@gmail.com. Any questions regarding what we are doing can be asked."

June 23 at 10:17 PM  Alaska Military Appreciation Night  Just around the corner now, 5th Annual "Military Appreciation Night!" June 25th 7pm
June 23 at 11:07 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11 Trump jabbed first, and now world hits back in trade fight  The United States attacked first, imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum from around the globe and threatening to hit tens of billions of dollars in Chinese products. Now, the world is punching back.

What is missing from this is that those factories and plants are moving back into the USA and soon it will not matter what the other countries are doing.

It’s about time the United States gets businesses to move back into the USA.


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