July 30 at 7:34 AM  US Department of State  Video  Secretary Pompeo delivers the keynote address at the Inaugural Indo-Pacific Business Forum, at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C., on July 30, 2018 at 9:15 AM ET.
July 30 at 7:34 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 591  As the 2018 election approaches, both parties prepare; Trump takes on The New York Times; and the Mueller blowback continues.
July 30 at 8:02 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  High Level Negotiations for the Release of Pastor Brunson
July 30 at 8:09 AM  Fox News  Video  Attorney General Jeff Sessions makes an announcement on protecting religious freedom at the Justice Department's Religious Liberty Summit.
July 30 at 8:10 AM  Fox News  Video  "The 4 percent - 4.1 - was a terrific quarter but we are very focused on the long-term sustained economic growth."  WATCH: Chris Wallace's full interview with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on "Fox News Sunday." 

What Left Mainstream Media will try hard to make sure you don’t hear.  Politadick
July 30 at 8:17 AM  The Daily Signal  Federal Court Hands Trump a Win, Brings Rogue Agency Under Tighter Control  The court ruling makes it easier for President Trump to fire the Federal Housing Finance Agency's director.  President Trump will soon be able to use his famous catch phrase against the head of a troubled federal agency.

Huge Win in court that has gone unreported because the Left are quaking in their boots over this decision.  Politadick
July 30 at 8:37 AM  ABC News  Video  We're at The White House as Pres. Donald J. Trump meets with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, one day after the president renewed his threat to shut down the government if he doesn’t get desired money for border security, including his proposed border wall. https://abcn.ws/2vdZ54w
July 30 at 8:55 AM  Branco Cartoon - Reds  Not your parents' Democratic Party  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 7/30/2018

They are not.... They have Become the Socialist Party of the USA.  Politadick
July 30 at 8:55 AM  Fox Business  Video  Energy Secretary Rick Perry participates in an Indo-Pacific Business Forum Hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
July 30 at 8:57 AM  CBN News  Video  The Department of Justice holds Religious Liberty Summit remarks by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Senator Lankford
July 30 at 9:43 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Men arrested in Alaska with 33 pounds of meth in backpack  Two men were arrested in Alaska carrying a backpack heavy with methamphetamine, after one disembarked a ferry from Bellingham, Washington, authorities reported.  Two men were found with a backpack containing 33 pounds of methamphetamine, after a ferry trip from Bellingham, Washington, investigators say.
MORE: https://bit.ly/2LQi2EM

Excellent Job Women and Men in Blue! Alaska just became a little bit cleaner.  Politadick
July 30 at 10:02 AM  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump hosts a joint press conference with the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic.

This should be interesting. I wonder what will be said about Tariffs?  Politadick
July 30 at 12:14 PM  Fox News  Video  President Trump has a new message for Iran, CBS keeps its CEO, and a veteran rescues animals from a wildfire.

Nice roundup of stories today.  Politadick
July 30 at 12:21 PM  FUNMASTI  5050  Video  Smart women...

Justice!  Politadick
July 30 at 1:09 PM  ABC News  Video  We're at The White House as Pres. Donald J. Trump participates in the swearing-in ceremony for the newly-confirmed Veterans Affairs Secretary. http://abcn.ws/2hFejwL 

The Leftist are in panic mode once again.... The world is ending because of this today.  Politadick 
July 30 at 4:00 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  President Trump said he would have "no problem" shutting down the federal government if Congress does not pass a funding bill that includes money for proper border security.
STORY: http://bit.ly/2M0I7hn

“Build The Wall!”  Politadick
July 30 at 4:15 PM  Daily Wire  Video  Tell a joke now and who knows who you might offend? Identity politics is taking the fun out of just about everything. This is – no fooling – a very serious problem. Actor/Comedian Owen Benjamin explains why and what needs to be done about it. 

Sadly rated True....  Politadick
July 30 at 7:10 PM  White House.Gov  Stephen Moore: “Trump’s Trade Triumph”  "President Trump scored a big victory for the American economy on trade last week.” Trump’s trade triumph By Stephen Moore CBN News July 28, 2018 The media 

Accomplishing what they said would be impossible!  Politadick
July 30 at 7:18 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Permanent Fund reports almost 11% annual boost  The Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. today reported nearly an 11 percent annual return for the fiscal year that ended June 30.

Like you really need a reason to #Walkaway.

But If you still do need one. This right here is a perfect example of why you should.

Dunleavy for Governor 2018
Grunwald for LT. Governor 2018

The only two candidates willing to truly take on the Alaskan Swamp!  Politadick

July 30 at 8:12 PM  Alaska  Marnie Hampton 


Albert FOGLE was caught destroying signs of a fellow republican candidate, Ross Bieling. Fogle claims that the property the sign was on was his private property although unmarked and close to a state right of way.

Fogle chose to destroy the Beiling sign valued at $250 rather than one of many less destructive options most likely because Bieling has stood tall in opposition to republican cronyism and finds himself against Fogle allies Jennifer Johnston, Chris Birch, and Bill Walker.


Same Swamp Creatures. Different Day.

Time for Alaskans to Drain The Swamp of these career Politicians that are bought and paid for by the Unions and Special Interests of Alaska.

They all have their hands out for the lobbyists money greasing their palms to keep things like SB91 and Roads to Nowhere as their top priority’s.

Time for Alaskans to just #Walkaway and put new blood into their seats this year.  Politadick

July 30 at 8:29 PM  Slow Facts  Who Says We Should Arm School Staff to Protect Our Children?  Solid facts are rare in the ocean of opinion about arming teachers. Allowing armed defenders in school is a polarized issue with plenty of passion. The legacy news media feeds us lots of emotion bu… 

Every Future Politician that we have running for office this year and the 12 that are not should be required to read this and pass legislation that will arm Alaskan Teachers that want to be.

Time for Alaskans to take action against those causing it to happen instead of passing laws that only affect those that already are, following the laws!


July 30 at 9:09 PM  Fox News  Video  Mars close approach viewing from the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles.

Cool!  Politadick
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