July 22 at 9:52 AM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Sunday deadline: Register to vote in primary - Must Read Alaska  Sunday, July 22, is the deadline for … 

Perhaps you're new to Alaska this year, or just turned 18.  Get your vote on. And please share  Politadick
July 22 at 10:58 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  STAR sexual abuse crisis line calls are up  Standing Together Against Rape officials say a 20 percent swell in crisis-line calls this year may be a result of the #MeToo movement.

Glad to see more Alaskans are speaking out about it. We have the highest rate in all 50 states and that needs to come to an end.

In 2016: “This statistic shows the forcible rape rate per 100,000 inhabitants in 2016 in the United States, by state. The rate of forcible rape was highest in Alaska in 2016 with 141.9 reported cases per every 100,000 residents.

In 2012: Crime numbers from 2012 show that the rate of reported rapes is 79.7 per 100,000 people, which is more than any other state and more than the four states with the lowest of reported rapes combined. Alaska's rate is three times the national average of 27 per 100,000 people.”

Bet you can guess what communities in Alaska have the biggest reports of this happening......  Politadick

July 22 at 11:02 AM  Alaska  Business Insider  Why Rape Is Much More Common In Alaska  For years, Alaska has had a higher rate of reported rapes than many other states. Here's why. 

It’s a little old, but it has an excellent breakdown of where in Alaska Communities rape is happening from.  Politadick
July 22 at 1:06 PM  Fox News Update  Video  Standoff at Trader Joe’s, the FBI releases Carter Page's surveillance records & the most stressful city in America is revealed. 

This weeks top stories all in one place.  Politadick
July 22 at 1:21 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Video

Sometimes the most precious things come in the smallest of packages.

Just a reminder to everyone trying to keep their Alaskan Jungles under control to keep an eye out for these small packages and avoid cutting down their trees...  Politadick

July 22 at 5:00 PM  US Department of State  Video  Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo will deliver remarks on “Supporting Iranian Voices” at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Center for Public Affairs in Simi Valley, California, at 6PM PDT/9PM EST on Sunday, July 22, 2018
July 22 at 7:42 PM  Back to the 50's and 60's  Video  The Flintstones - Winston Cigarettes Commercial (1961)

My how times have changed....  Politadick
July 22 at 7:48 PM  DCNF Presents the Facts  Video  These University students will be expelled and their professors fired if they don't use the pronouns "Ze, Zer, and Zers" instead of "He, Her, Theirs."  Is Political Correctness going too far?

Prime example of the Lefts Socialist Education System dumbing down America!  Politadick 
July 22 at 8:02 PM  The DC  American Voices  Video  The majority of White House reporters are fixated on Russia, they seem to forget that the annexation of Crimea and U.S. election meddling happened on Obama’s watch- But somehow now this is all President Donald Trump’s 'fault'. 
The Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill, Jena Greene and Vince Coglianese them out on it, while highlighting other absurd and biased questions.

Why does Mainstream Media always get it so wrong?  Politadick
July 22 at 8:43 PM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Eagle River false flag, flag of convenience, and RINO - Must Read Alaska  THE PROBLEM WITH CANDIDATE KELLY MERRICK By …  Eagle River's race for House District 14 might be one you'd overlook, but it's perhaps the most interesting House race in the state.  Read what the resident curmudgeon has to say about it...

The Muskox Three (Rino’s) who systematically help Democrats bring Alaska to the brink of Ruin these last few years. Is working hard in Eagle River to grow their coalition to even higher numbers this year.  Politadick
July 22 at 9:48 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11 Mexican president-elect vows improvements to deter migration  President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Sunday released a seven-page letter he sent to U.S. President Donald Trump detailing how he plans to improve Mexico's economy and security...  "There will be many changes," President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador promised in the letter. "And in this new atmosphere of progress with well-being, I'm sure we can reach agreements to confront together the migration phenomenon as well as the problem of border insecurity."

Wow! Soon to be running President of Mexico sounds like President Trump and with the other things he has planned. He also has Bernie Sanders flair happening with hopes of legalizing all drugs.

This is going to be interesting to see if he can keep any of the promises he is currently making.  Politadick

July 22 at 10:02 PM  Alaska  Vote Edie Grunwald  You know it is political theft when your sign is the only one taken...at the few locations we put them up.  Well, theft is lawlessness and it is an example of what we are up against. 

Corner of Dimond and Raspberry, Dunleavy and Don Young’s signs are the only ones damaged there and all the Dems/Rino’s/Independents without a scratch on them.

Definitely a coordinated theme happening this year. Especially with the fake pages popping up attacking conservative.  Politadick

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