July 19 at 7:45 AM  Fox Business  Video  U.S. Department of Commerce and Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross host a hearing on investigation of automobile imports and automotive parts.
July 19 at 7:46 AM  Fox Business  Video  The Senate Banking Committee holds a nominations hearing on Kathleen Laura Kraninger to be CFPB Director and Kimberly Reed to be Export-Import Bank President.
July 19 at 7:49 AM  Fox Business  Video  Speaker Paul Ryan participates in a conversation on "defending constitutional principles in a time of populist and tribalist upheaval."
July 19 at 7:49 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 584  An actor praises Ben and gets destroyed online for it, Trump suffers through Putin fallout, and should Americans defend Montenegro?
July 19 at 8:10 AM  Fox News  Video  "By any standard, Trump is tougher on Russia than Obama ever dreamed of. He's expelled 60 Russian agents from the country. He has closed 4 Russian offices. He has imposed sanctions on over 100 Russian individuals and companies. He has provided offensive weapons to the Ukrainians, which Obama always refused to do." – Newt Gingrich https://fxn.ws/2mvub3W

Why does President Trump keep being accused for the things Obama and his administration did and allowed to happen?  Politadick
July 19 at 8:11 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  President Publicly Calls Out Erdogan on Twitter: Let Brunson Go
July 19 at 8:38 AM  Fox News  Video  Vice President Mike Pence delivers keynote remarks at an America First Policies, "Tax Cuts to Put America First" event.
July 19 at 8:47 AM  OANN  Jurrell Casey of the Tennessee Titans to Continue National Anthem Protests | One America News Network  NLF player Jurrell Casey recently told reporters he will not stop protesting during the national anthem despite the league’s new policy.

NFL will continue to watch ratings drop and stadium seats will continue to be empty as these Snowflakes continue to destroy with their pointless protests.  Politadick 
July 19 at 8:54 AM  OANN  Senate Republicans Confirm 23rd Federal Judge, Breaks Previous Record | One America News Network  Senate Republicans working around the clock to approve judicial nominees have set a new record for most confirmations during a president’s first two-years in office.

This is what Winning looks like!  Politadick
July 19 at 8:54 AM  OANN  Senate Republicans Confirm 23rd Federal Judge, Breaks Previous Record | One America News Network  Senate Republicans working around the clock to approve judicial nominees have set a new record for most confirmations during a president’s first two-years in office.

This is what Winning looks like!  Politadick
July 19 at 9:05 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  Seafood analyst: Trump's proposed tariffs hurt Alaska  John Sackton with Seafood News says at least half of the nation's $2.75 billion in seafood imports from China, among likely targets for a U.S. tariff, was originally caught in Alaska.

Easy solution to this problem. Quit sending the fish to China for Processing and do it all in the USA. Then there will be no tariffs to pay.  Why won’t this happen? Hmmm.... Could it be we can’t pay Americans .25 cents an hour to do the job, like they are in China....  Politadick
July 19 at 9:23 AM  Alaskan Freedom 49er's  Hey San Francisco California your dreams are evidently coming true via your laws, regulations, and extreme left leaning ideology. This sad state of affairs in SF CA is a disgrace. Live free. Peace, Jim McDermott

Fox News  San Francisco continues to spend big in fight against homelessness -- but is it working?  It’s a problem that’s costing the city of San Francisco hundreds of millions of dollars annually to try to solve – and for its new mayor, something that is starting to become increasingly smelly too. 

Bad Laws have high priced consequences and here we are in Alaska following in their footsteps.  Politadick
July 19 at 9:59 AM  Andrew Klavan  Video  Episode 545  Trump mishandles a press conference and is attacked by anti-American Socialists and Liars. Plus a startling interview with Congressman Matt Gaetz.

This is one show today worth watching. Conservatives need to hear what is said today! Wait until it ends before watching. The conversation with the Congressman is what we all need to hear  Politadick
July 19 at 10:40 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  THIS IS A DRILL: First responders are at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport for a live fire training exercise.
STORY: http://bit.ly/2uKuECZ

Human caused Climate Change for all to see and our government is paying for it, using our money to do it.  Politadick
July 19 at 11:03 AM  Judicial Watch  Video  In this episode of "Inside Judicial Watch," Carter Clews joins JW attorney Michael Bekesha to discuss newly-obtained communications between FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa page over their involvement in the Clinton email and Trump/Russia collusion investigations.  Read more here: http://jwatch.us/BTpgK5

“Plot with a Twist”  Politadick
July 19 at 11:05 AM  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump hosts the Pledge to America’s Workers Event.

Starts at the 8 minute mark...  Politadick
July 19 at 11:48 AM  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  ELECTIONS.ALASKA.GOV   Voter Registration 
Last day is July 22 for voter registration to be eligible to vote in the primary - to both register as a new voter or to update it (such as a new address so you can vote for who you want to actually represent you in your new location!). Follow the link below to make sure you are prepared for this very important primary election!

Time for Alaskans to #Walkaway and get registered to vote for those needed to make the changes Alaska is needing.

Otherwise we won’t be saying “Welcome to the Last Frontier”. We’ll be saying “Welcome to Socialist Alaska the Welfare State of the USA!”

July 19 at 12:01 PM  Fox News  White House rebuffs Russia bid to question US officials, amid new DC firestorm  The White House sought Thursday to tamp down another firestorm that broke out in the wake of President Trump's summit with Vladimir Putin, making clear the president does not support the Russian leader's proposal to allow his government to interview American officials.  The White House sought Thursday to tamp down another firestorm that broke out in the wake of President Donald J. Trump's summit with Vladimir Putin, making clear the president does not support the Russian leader's proposal to allow his government to interview American officials.

Just imagine if the Dems were to start passing legislation for the American people instead of all the time they waste obstructing it from happening. Just imagine the direction the USA would be heading in today if that happens.  Politadick
July 19 at 12:12 PM  CA Anti-Trump Protesters Target Legal Immigrant's Cafe Over Trump Support  A business owner's cafe in California was protested by an anti-Trump group and had its membership from the local Chamber of Commerce revoked because its owner supports President Trump.  "It's a shame that expressing pro-Trump sentiment has really caused all of this divide."  Asher Shalom, the owner of Asher Caffé & Lounge, said on "Fox & Friends" that leftists in his community of Boyle Heights have taken exception to his support for President Donald J. Trump's immigration policies.

This is why nearly all 61,000,000 Million Trump supporters and growing, keep quite about where they stand. These type of attacks are becoming to common place and the Left/Democrats are supporting/encouraging this to happen.  Politadick
July 19 at 12:34 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo

What he should say: I’m sure I would like to encourage all Alaskans to #Walkaway this election season and make sure Alaska has a future by getting out and voting! Turning Alaska into a Red State, reducing the budget and supporting the industries by helping them to promote job growth in Alaska.

What he is really saying: I have worked hard on the Democrats behalf turning 1/3 of Alaskans onto Welfare and wants to get people into office like me that pushes growth of this number to 1/2 by 2020. I have never hesitated to pass legislation that restricts businesses from growing or even being able to get started. At every chance I get, I will vote to increase the budget and do my best to hide the growing costs of the free healthcare and blame it on everything else.

If more like me are voted in because people refuse to wake up and #Walkaway we will be able to successfully tap into the PFD Fund with clear intentions of taking it away permanently because we Democrats know how to spend your money better then you do.  Politadick

July 19 at 12:52 PM  CRTV  White House Brief  The problem with leftist media outlets is that they pretend they are objective reporters. Everyone can tell that they don’t like Trump, so enough with the charade! They repeatedly ask the same Russia election meddling questions because they hate when the answers don't satisfy their pre-written narrative.

There is no Bias being displayed by the Left is there? If only the Left would put Americans First and “Feelings” politics behind locked doors.  Politadick
July 19 at 1:00 PM  Fox News  President Trump asked Amb. Bolton to invite Putin to Washington, Sanders says  White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders on Thursday tweeted that President Trump requested National Security Adviser John Bolton to extend an invite to Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit Washington, D.C., in the fall.  JUST IN: White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders on Thursday tweeted that President Trump requested that National Security Adviser John Bolton extend an invite to Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit Washington, D.C., in the fall.

Do you all see the fireworks that just went off into the sky?  Don’t miss out on the show. Share this with a Leftist/DemoRat and watch them shoot into the sky as their heads explode!  Politadick
July 19 at 1:03 PM  Alaska  Senator Dan Sullivan  Video  I’ve had the privilege of knowing Judge Kavanaugh for a number of years. He is someone who will interpret the law and Constitution as written, he holds a healthy skepticism regarding the expansive power of federal agencies, he is a strong protector of the Second Amendment, and he has the values, temperament and humility I believe Alaskans will value on the Supreme Court.

Time for Lady Liberty to one again be the law of the land. Not “Feelings” which is how it’s currently being done.  Politadick
July 19 at 1:05 PM  Alaska  Stand for Alaska  Video  Ballot Measure One’s poorly written and untested regulations threaten our communities and way of life. Help us Stand for Alaska by voting no on 1. 

Are Alaskans really listening? Wise words to hear in this short message.  Politadick
July 19 at 1:59 PM  Alaska  Mike Showers for Senate  I received the best report card in the senate - but - I'm not happy it still seems too high. I'll be working on that grade. http://alaskapolicyforum.org/legislator-report-cards/

Any Senate or House member over 110 are very good candidates to not be re-elected into office. They are the ones passing the worst Bills in Alaska jacking the budget up.  Replacements need to be more like those that are are scored 110 or Less.  Politadick
July 19 at 2:26 PM  Fox News Voices  "Trump was elected in part because many Americans were fed up with the 'weak man' leadership of Barack Obama. The president who drew red lines in disappearing ink." —Laura Ingraham

Yup....  Politadick
July 19 at 3:14 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  WATCH LIVE: Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield is awarding a $1 million grant to Covenant House Alaska to help address youth homelessness. STORY: http://bit.ly/2mtO5fq

Awesome!  Politadick
July 19 at 3:15 PM  Alaska  Your Alaska Link (Coastal Television)  Video  BREAKING: Premera announces major donation to Covenant House Alaska, helping create new living spaces..

Awesome!  Politadick
July 19 at 4:06 PM  Alaska  The Michael Dukes Show  Video  In hour one of today's show we talk with Joe Geldhof who is with the PFD Defenders about Jay Hammond Day. We'll also get a chance to chat with him about his upcoming case on the constitutional question on HB331. Then in hour 2 we talk about how the State of Alaska has made a mistake and it's healthcare providers who will be paying the bill...or else.

Awesome!  Politadick
July 19 at 5:22 PM  Alaska's Liar and Thief Governor "He Who Shall Not Be Named"  Bill Signing: HB 44, Legislative Ethics Reform

Always taking the credit for giving things a signature.  Politadick
July 19 at 9:51 PM A.F. Branco Cartoon - Not So Cheap Seats  The very people who gave us eight years of a weak and corrupt President Obama are now criticizing President Trump for his Helsinki Summit performance with Putin. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2018.  Today's A.F. Branco Cartoon - 7/19/2018  Giving Iran 1.8 billion $$$ knowing it would be used to create more terrorism that would ultimately kill more Americans is the very definition of "TREASON". (aid and comfort to the enemy)

Truth!  Politadick
July 19 at 10:08 PM  Alaska  Mike Showers for Senate  Video  Worth Watching....  Politadick
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