July 12 at 6:04 AM  Fox Business  Video  President Donald J. Trump holds a press conference during the second day of the NATO summit.
July 12 at 6:05 AM  Fox Business  Video  Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin testifies before the House Financial Services Committee on 'The State of the International Financial System.'
July 12 at 6:05 AM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrive in England
July 12 at 6:06 AM  The Daily Signal  Video  LIVE: African American leaders are calling for the censure of Maxine Waters and an end to incivility.
July 12 at 6:07 AM  Judicial Watch  Video  LIVE: Oversight of FBI and DOJ Actions Surrounding the 2016 Election: Testimony by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok 

On Thursday, July 12, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., the House Committees on the Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform will hold a joint hearing on “Oversight of FBI and DOJ Actions Surrounding the 2016 Election: Testimony by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok.”

Last year, the House Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced a joint investigation into decisions made by the Justice Department and FBI in 2016. To date, the Committees have interviewed Peter Strzok and several other key witnesses, and have reviewed thousands of documents, including text messages between former FBI lawyer Lisa Page and Mr. Strzok.


July 12 at 6:19 AM  Fox Business  Video  The House Judiciary and Oversight Committees hold a joint hearing on "Oversight of FBI and DOJ Actions Surrounding the 2016 Election." FBI agent Peter Strzok testifies.https://fxn.ws/2urx6OG 

It begins....  Politadick
July 12 at 6:21 AM  Fox Business   Trump says NATO members agreed to meet spending commitments  U.S. President Trump declared victory Thursday in his campaign to get NATO members to boost spending so they can meet their commitment to spend 2% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on the military by 2024.  “Everyone agreed to pay more,” President Donald J. Trump told reporters in a press conference from Brussels.

Good news!  Politadick
July 12 at 8:45 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 579  What happens when a political tornado hits a Trump at NATO? Plus, the meltdown over Brett Kavanaugh continues.
July 12 at 8:46 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  Radio: FBI Agent Strzok Grilled by House Committees
July 12 at 8:46 AM  Fox News Politics  Video  Speaker Paul Ryan holds a news conference.
July 12 at 9:20 AM  Branco Cartoon - If We Could Turn Back Time   If we could find a way  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 7/12/2018 

This clearly shows the hypocrisy of the Left....  Politadick
July 12 at 9:41 AM  Town Hall  BREAKING: Goodlatte Says FBI's Peter Strzok Will Be Held in Contempt  After a contentious exchange...

Clearly he was coached extremely well... He will deserve whatever happens to him after today.

Us free thinking Americans that are not apart of the Lefts Group Think, know how corrupt the investigation is and was, while he was involved.

July 12 at 9:56 AM  Ben Shapiro  Time's up, Clock Boy  Daily Wire  Court Of Appeals Ends 'Clock Boy' Case Against Shapiro With A Bang  On Wednesday, Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro and his attorney, Kurt Schlichter, had reason to celebrate their victory in court on a free speech issue: the appeal filed by Ahmed Mohamed, aka “Clock Boy,” to reverse a lower court’s ruling that ruled for Shapiro was completely dismissed. 

Tic-toc clock boys time is up. For a second time....  Politadick
July 12 at 10:11 AM  Fox Business  Video  The House Judiciary and Oversight Committees hold a joint hearing on "Oversight of FBI and DOJ Actions Surrounding the 2016 Election." FBI agent Peter Strzok testifies. https://fxn.ws/2LaluXc 

Part Two today....  Politadick
July 12 at 10:18 AM  Alaska  Debate Senate Seat E  Ernesto's Grill  Glennallen  Senator Showers

Friends share posts like this...  Politadick
July 12 at 10:31 AM  Conservative Tribune  She literally stammered, stuttered, and then asked 'What? Huh?'  Funny how leftists use all these buzzwords but can't explain what they actually mean.  Western Journal  Watch: Leftist Melts When Asked To Prove White Privilege 'Wh-wha-huh? What? Huh?'  'White privilege' is supposedly everywhere. So why is it so hard for the left to explain it? 

This interview here clearly shows why Democrats use buzzwords. Then when challenged to explain what the mean by them cannot explain them.  This needs to go viral!  Politadick
July 12 at 11:11 AM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump participate in an arrival ceremony in England. https://fxn.ws/2maFpul
July 12 at 12:48 PM  OANN   Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Discusses U.S. Economy, Trade Dispute | One America News Network  Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin recently addressed concerns over the potential effects of tariffs on U.S. business and investments.

What is not being said about Tariffs.  Politadick
July 12 at 12:57 PM  OANN  Germany, Austria, Italy Agree to Find Solution to Migrant Crisis | One America News Network  The European Union is standing by its new immigration policies mandating any migrant denied asylum will not be allowed on European soil.

Looks like European Union is finally realizing what a disaster open borders can be and what they are doing now may be to late to save themselves from the damage it is causing.

What they are dealing with is what President Trump is trying to stop from happen to that scale in the USA.

Why does those supporting Illegal Immigration not learning from the mistakes other countries are now paying the price for?

Just imagine for a moment 20,000,000 Million + Jobs was to open up for US Citizens and where unemployment level would really be at right now.

July 12 at 1:07 PM  Fox News  Burn pits near US military bases in Iraq keep smoldering, as health debate rages  Service members still overseas for our nation’s military forces are likely still being exposed to toxic chemical clouds emanating from burn pits still being used near their bases.  Service members overseas for our nation’s military forces continue to be exposed to toxic chemical clouds emanating from burn pits that are still being used near their bases.

Where are all those environmentalists that are constantly screaming about polluting our earth at? Clearly the battles they should be fighting are none of their concern unless a paycheck is attached to it.  Politadick

Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling
July 12 at 2:00 PM  The White House Brief  CRTV  Video  3, 2, 1 ... cue the MSM freakout! Trump demanded that our allies in NATO PAY UP.

We should just pull out now and align with those paying their fair share. The ones not paying I bet would pony up in about 2 seconds flat if that was to happen.

USA GDP $19 Trillion Dollars in 2017 and this year is on track to be even higher. We have $3.5 percent of that last year to pay for NATO.

Just imagine again for a second if we only contributed the 2% and used the other 1.5% on building “The Wall”.


Seems that the number that I come up with is well beyond what highest predictions of building it. Since I like to crunch numbers it comes to a whopping $285,000,000,000 Billion Dollars.

Just think how high a “Wall” we could build with that. Just think how many infrastructure projects that could pay for beyond just building the “Wall”. Just think of all the possibilities that money could pay for.....

Hmmmmmm......  Politadick

July 12 at 3:17 PM  Alliance Defending Freedoms  Get to Know Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh  President Trump has nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill the current opening on the U.S. Supreme Court. Here's a quick rundown about the nominee.  President Trump has nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill the current opening on the U.S. Supreme Court. Here's a quick rundown about Judge Kavanaugh.

Some history about the current pick....  Politadick
July 12 at 3:36 PM  Fox News Insider  Hannity on NATO: Germany Could 'Cripple Russia's Economy' By Heeding Trump's Warning on Gas Pipeline  Sean Hannity reacted to President Trump's trip to Brussels, Belgium to take part in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit there.  "America will no longer be the world's piggy bank," Sean Hannity said in characterizing the way President Donald J. Trump warned NATO.

Nice!  Politadick
July 12 at 3:58 PM  Alaskan's Against Gov Walker PFD Theft  Video  A Song for Walker and his Cronies who came up with that F'd up super soft on crime bill that needs to go song with his crooked, thieving ass! 

Jackie Lockarmy
  Here's a little tune for the thugs in the Carolina section !!!! We gon find you 

Yup.....  Politadick
July 12 at 5:27 PM  The DC  American Voices  Video  Judge Jeanine Pirro takes on the bias-laden investigation into Russian collusion and interference in the 2016 Election, and she spares no one.  Judge Jeanine Has HARROWING Message For Those That Trust The FBI: BE SKEPTICAL

So very true.  Politadick
July 12 at 5:41 PM  CRTV  Michelle Malkin Investigates Gulfstream Liberal Bill de GASio's Chutzpah! Video  ICYMI, last week Blowhard Bill de Blasio burned $3 million in taxpayer money to shuttle himself back from vacation. Cue Michelle Malkin rage! 

I’m sure you heard all the things about the old EPA director and his spending Follies. Had to quit over the scandals.

Yet here is Mayor Bill de Gasio (LOL) and what he has been using taxpayer money to go and do. Why does he still have an position?

Oh that’s right.... He is a Democrat.

July 12 at 6:00 PM  Fox News   Italy forces new standoff, refuses to let migrants disembark  Italy's hard-line interior minister refused Thursday to let 67 migrants disembark from an Italian coast guard ship until an investigation determines whether any of them had violently threatened their rescuers to prevent being returned to Libya.

More on the Illegal Immigration problems they are having in Europe.

Do all the bleeding hearts that are protecting them like having a Rape Culture and Welfare cases keep coming into their country’s destroying their economies. If you listen only to Mainstream Media. The answer to this is YES.

July 12 at 6:04 PM  Fox News  Migrant children being used as ‘commodity to circumvent a loophole,’ border agent says  Border Patrol Agent Marcelino Medina leans down and brushes his fingertips on a footprint hugging the edge of the Rio Grande River.  Border patrol agents say they are alarmed by the growing number of migrants illegally crossing the border with children – who are not their own – to avoid long-term federal custody.

Finally a report highlighting what the Democrats are trying very hard to prevent from becoming daily Mainstream News!  Politadick
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