July 11 at 7:30 AM  Fox News  Video  The Thai hospital where the 12 boys and their soccer coach are recuperating after being rescued from a flooded cave released video showing them in their hospital beds, smiling and chatting with nurses. https://fxn.ws/2udeOBc

Glad to see they made it!  Politadick
July 11 at 7:33 AM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump participates in official NATO welcome ceremony.
July 11 at 7:34 AM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump participates in the NATO welcome ceremony.
July 11 at 7:34 AM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump attends the meeting of the North Atlantic Council, with opening remarks from Sec. Gen. Jens Stoltenberg and welcoming remarks by Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel.
July 11 at 7:34 AM  Fox News  Video  House GOP leaders hold a news conference.
July 11 at 7:35 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 578  Trump goes in hard at NATO, the Kavanaugh fallout continues, and Sacha Baron Cohen humiliates himself.
July 11 at 7:44 AM  Fox News  Opponents of proposed California breakup sue to pull it off ballot  A non-profit organization fighting against a maneuver to divide California into three different states requested Monday that the state’s highest court get involved as part of an effort to have the measure taken off the ballot.  A non-profit group opposed to the proposal is suing to remove the measure from November's ballot.

Wow...... If they win this, Alaska needs to do the same thing for Yes (Stand) for Salmon Prop1 and have them removed from the Ballot.  Politadick
July 11 at 7:49 AM  Fox News  Border Protection says NYC mayor deBlasio crossed border illegally  New York Mayor Bill de Blasio City and his security detail violated both Mexican and U.S. immigration laws by crossing the border on foot during a visit near El Paso, Texas, U.S. Customs and Border Protection alleges in a letter obtained by The Associated Press. 

Break the Law.... Pay the Price.... Hopefully he will do the Time!  Politadick
July 11 at 8:00 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  Pres. Trump: “Germany is a Captive of Russia”
July 11 at 8:55 AM  National Review  What Kind of Supreme Court Will We Have Now? | National Review  With Kavanaugh, we’re likely to get careful, narrowly tailored decisions, not earth-shattering transformation. 

More on why the Left are getting it so Very Wrong about Roe V Wade.... Sick and tired of hearing the propaganda and fear-mongering they like to do.

July 11 at 8:56 AM  Alaska  Bekah Halat   FRI, JUL 27 AT 6 PM  Community BBQ with Bekah Halat  Abbott Loop Community Park- 8101 Elmore Rd,  

Fun way to start the weekend!  Politadick
July 11 at 9:17 AM  Alaska  Steve StClair  The attached documents reflect how legislators voted on issues pertaining to the Dividend and Crime during the past few years. If a legislator received a 1 on legislation it was because they were supporting the statutory calculation of the Dividend and they opposed SB 91 or support its repeal. If legislators received a 0 on legislation it was because they did not support the statutory calculation of the Dividend and they supported SB 91 or did not support its repeal. If a legislator received NA on legislation it was because they were excused or not in office when the legislation was passed. Legislators were only evaluated on legislation they voted on. Tune in at 5:30 on Friday to the Amy Demboski Show on KVNT, 1020am or 92.5fm or www.amydemboski.com, to hear us discuss the details. If you disagree or have questions call at 5:30 into the show @ 907-357-5868.

No surprise from this person seeing the very few that received A’s and B’s are the ones I have shown support for since day 1.

Hopefully all Alaskans will take the time to see this and make informed choices this election season.

Almost all the ones that received the D’s and F’s are up for re-election this year....

7/11/2018 Part 23 This has been added to what is pinned to the top of the page. Can be found in the comments.

Link to voting record:

July 11 at 9:35 AM  PBS News  Video  WATCH LIVE: Andrew Wheeler, acting Environmental Protection Agency administrator, addresses EPA employees
July 11 at 9:40 AM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump & First Lady Melania Trump take part in a "Family Photo" with allied heads of state.
July 11 at 9:50 AM  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump take part in a "Family Photo" with allied heads of state.
July 11 at 10:15 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Official: Florida shooting suspect's mom let him buy gun  A commission investigating the Florida high school massacre learned Tuesday that the suspect's late mother allowed him to buy a gun even though his mental health counselors opposed the idea.

Now more evidence emerges that shows this could have been prevented and never should of happen. FBI, local Police, Schools and parent it appears refused to do their jobs in life and could have saved 17 innocents lives if they had.  Politadick
July 11 at 10:24 AM  Alaska  Nixle  Municipal Burn Ban Lifted from Anchorage Fire Department : Nixle  The Municipal-wide Burn Ban has been lifted with the recent soaking rain and cooler weather which has reduced the wildfire danger into the low to… 

Burn Ban has been lifted.  Politadick
July 11 at 10:33 AM  OANN  Video  DHS Secretary in Guatemala to Discuss Crack Down on Unchecked Migration to the U.S. The secretary of Homeland Security meets…  Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen meets with Central American officials to discuss cooperation of stemming the flow of migration to the U.S. One America's Luke Glaze has more on her trip abroad.

Those in congress need to do their jobs and pass the bills that should of happen decades ago, instead of using it as an political pawn for their unhinged base that support them for getting elected.  Why do they insist on never doing anything to fix these problems?  Politadick
July 11 at 10:35 AM  Alaska  Drain the Swamp Alaska  Video  Three Peas in a Pod...

Alaska’s Drain the Swamp has nailed it again!  Politadick
July 11 at 10:47 AM  Alaska  Derrick Wilburn 

Remember May 2009 when Sonja Sotomayor was nominated by President Obama? When all those crazed conservatives stormed the streets, held protests in front on the steps of the SCOTUS & people went on television giving profanity-laced tirades over how she was going to take away everyone's rights & "COULD NOT be confirmed!!"?

What's that? You don't?

Ok well how about two years later? In May of 2010 Obama nominated Elena Kagan. Remember all those unhinged righties who howled, screamed & cursed up a storm from a makeshift podium with hundreds of people behind them waving professionally-produced signs saying "Kan Kagan!!"?

Don't remember that either?
Neither do I.

And just for a little context:

Sonja Sotomayor was/is a committed leftist. (As anyone Obama would appoint had to be.) She consistently injected race into her speeches & judicial qualifications stating on multiple occasions how a "wise Latina would reach better conclusions than a white male." 
Imagine the firestorm if, during its vetting, the press finds a statement (just one) by Brett Kavanaugh saying "a white male should reach better decisions than any Hispanic woman." The test, of course, is not how your background, upbringing or race affects how you reach conclusions, the test is do you have knowledge of & are you able to interpret the constitution?

--> 23% of senate Republicans voted to confirm Sotomayor.

Elena Kagen was/is a committed leftist. (As any president of the Harvard Law School has to be.) Kagen is credited for "the queering the Harvard Law School" & had performed same-sex marriages prior to the marriage issue coming before the court. Despite being clearly partial on the matter Kagen did not recuse herself.
Her vote in Obergefell v. Hodges was the deciding one in a 5-4 decision that required all 50 states to perform & recognize the marriages of same-sex couples.

In 2009, as Soliciter General, Kagen argued on behalf of the Affordable Care Act before the Supreme Court. Just over a year later, as a Justice on the same court, Kagen again did not recognize her own conflict & did not recuse herself. 
Her refusal to recuse herself & not hear the case resulted in a ruling that penalized millions of Americans for being too poor to afford health insurance.

--> 12% of senate Republicans voted to confirm Kagen.

Did you catch all the conservative protests over all this?
Neither did I.

Why where there none? Because we understand something President Obama stated quite clearly - "Elections have consequences. We won."

Its not about crying when you don't like the way things are going, its about developing a message the American people gravitate toward and winning some elections. R's have done it lately, D's haven't. Its really just that simple.

To bad Lefties don’t care about the past or laws when their Feelings are played into.  Politadick

July 11 at 11:00 AM  Alaska  Hands off our PFD  Photo  Walker's Face Beggar says:  "Will work for food or your PFD"  Someone posted this on my timeline...

Food should say your paychecks!  Politadick
July 11 at 11:05 AM  Branco  Cartoon   "Crying Wolf, Again"   The left will go to any lengths to stop the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Even if it means destroying the Constitution.  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 7/11/2018

Listening to the Democrats Press briefing from this morning right now when this one came across my feeds. Nothing said so far that doesn’t fall in the category of propaganda and baseless fear tactics.  Politadick
July 11 at 11:33 AM  Fox Business Voices  Video  "You will hear very little about the extraordinary success of the Trump economic program. What a shame. What a media disgrace. Because prosperity is the glue that will bind America together again. And so far, that is President Trump’s outstanding success." —Varney & Co. https://fxn.ws/2NEYuBy 

What you won’t hear the media say.....  Politadick
July 11 at 12:01 PM  Alaska House Republicans  House Republican Caucus members Chris Birch, DeLena Johnson and Dave Talerico are listening to an update on the AKLNG project in this morning’s joint House and Senate Resources Committee meeting.
Watch it live at http://akl.tv

Wow.... they where just talking about LNG NOT MAKING A PROFIT! Yet continue to push the project! Very alarming to hear this......  Politadick
July 11 at 12:06 PM  Alaska  AGDC  LNG  Presentations and documents from today's Joint Resources Committee's update on the Alaska LNG Project can be found on akleg.gov.

Really scary to hear what was said today.....

Wow.... they where just talking about LNG NOT MAKING A PROFIT! Yet continue to push the project! Very alarming to hear this......  Politadick

July 11 at 12:15 PM  Alaska  The Alaska Landmine   Welcome to this week’s edition of The Alaska Stalker, a lighthearted round up of the best and worst of Alaska’s social media landscape.  Mark Begich has a secret fan Facebook group, Dimitri Shein broke the second rule of Forest Fair, and some very funny memes - enjoy this week's Alaska Stalker folks!

LOL  Politadick
July 11 at 12:55 PM  Military Times  Video  Service Members of the Year Awards

"Service Members of the Year Awards" Pre-Announcement  Politadick

July 11 at 2:01 PM  Military Times  Video  Service Members of the Year Awards

"Service Members of the Year Awards"

July 11 at 5:40 PM  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  Ballet Measure 1  Hope to see many of you at the Palmer Depot - including those of you who love to hunt and fish in our great outdoors! The ballot measure is confusing on the surface because we all love salmon and want them to be more abundant. Come find out the facts. Wed, July 11, 6pm. Please spread the word and invite others - please share this post!

t’s about to start! Hopefully somebody will Facebook live this today… Accident on the Glenn Highway is preventing people from making it  Politadick
July 11 at 7:22 PM  Ben Shapiro  Here are the facts:  Daily Wire  IDF Uses Patriot Missile To Shoot Syrian Drone Out Of Israeli Airspace   On Wednesday afternoon, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) used Patriot missiles to shoot down an unarmed Syrian intelligence UAV in Israeli airspace.

Nice!  Politadick
July 11 at 8:20 PM  Fox News Voices  Video  "Today in Brussels, President Donald J. Trump made it perfectly clear: the U.S. taxpayer is not, and no longer going to be, Europe's ATM machine." —Sean Hannityhttps://bit.ly/2JcgDmN

Hannity breaks it down by the numbers. Something Mainstream Media and Democrats doesn’t want you to know.  Politadick
July 11 at 8:55 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  "We were never worried about Bree and her dating relationships. She was a strong girl. She was popular. She made good decisions. Boy, was I wrong," said Cindy Moore, whose daughter Bree was shot dead by her boyfriend in 2014. "Bree's Law" was signed by Gov. Walker today, providing funding for the dating violence education and prevention program.

Took the Governor Long Enough to finally do the right thing.  Politadick
July 11 at 5:38 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Governor's race heats up as the primary election looms  It’s just over a month to the Aug. 21 primary election, and the governor’s race is heating up. Signs are popping up around town, and one of the candidates officially opened his campaign headquarters on Tuesday.  The main race is in the Republican primary, where the two leading contenders are former Wasilla state Sen. Michael Dunleavy and businessman and former lieutenant governor Mead Treadwell.

This is going to be a walk in the park for Dunleavy to win the primary!

He already has the Left Wing panicking about what is to happen next.

July 11 at 9:59 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Immigrant recruit abruptly discharged from Army without explanation  Some immigrant U.S. Army recruits who were promised a path to citizenship have been abruptly discharged. The Associated Press first reported that recruits were being discharged, and now some are shari  Some immigrant U.S. Army recruits who were promised a path to citizenship have been abruptly discharged. The Associated Press first reported that recruits were being discharged, and now some are sharing their stories.

Bush back in 2002 started the enlistment of “expedited naturalization” for those who had the skills. It wasn't until 7 years later In 2009 was when the program became the "MAVNI" Program

The Program was scrutinized by Republicans right after President Barack Obama allowed DACA recipients to enlist back in 2014 by executive order. The program has never been properly authorized by Congress and was established by executive order.

"Zhao speaks Mandarin, so he enlisted in 2016, right before the program was suspended under President Obama. That happened right as tougher screenings were mandated for recruits."

The more I keep digging about the MAVNI program, the more it makes me wonder what is not being told to us in this story about Zhao.......


Update:  Read comments below.  Looks like I have an answer to my question....  Politadick

July 11 at 10:18 PM  Fox News  Video  Leaders of the NATO alliance arrive for the second of a two-day NATO summit. 

Day two begins.... Wonder what excuses we will here after this day here again.  Politadick
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