July 1 at 2:09 PM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska   Walker flips: Offers Juneau Superior Court judgeship to lower candidate - Must Read Alaska  The Alaska Judicial Council recommended two people …  What happened? The top candidate was offered the job, but then the governor rescinded the offer. Who got to the governor?

By what is said here. Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” has appointed a left wing Judge to Alaska’s Superior Court and I will put my bottom dollar the reason why is, this judge will vote to take the PFD’s permanently away!  Politadick
July 1 at 2:16 PM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Walker to Army Corps of Engineers: Stop Pebble now - Must Read Alaska  GOVERNOR WANTS FEDS TO ABORT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW …  Walker to Pebble: No due process for you!

With this big push to stop Pebble Mine and the judge he is now going to appoint. Clearly he is packing the system to support the destructive Left Wing agenda that is nearly 100% funded by outside sources.

While at the same time he has pushed the Core of Engineers to fast track his LNG “Gasline to Nowhere”

This man cannot be voted out quick enough with all the destruction he continues to do to Alaska’s economy and people of our great state of Alaska.


July 1 at 2:42 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Troopers, police seize $56,000 worth of heroin from Southeast Alaska home  More than 56 grams of heroin were seized during a raid at a home in the Southeast Alaska village of Klawock late Saturday evening.  More than 56 grams of heroin were seized during a raid at a home in the Southeast Alaska village of Klawock late Saturday evening.

Time for Alaska to make laws that say if caught with more then a Gram of any narcotic that all Assets are to be seized and only to be returned if not convicted.

There should also be changes made to the laws, so that any amount of narcotic caught with, is a mandatory 90 days in jail and rehab to be paid for by the person that has been arrested no matter what their financial history looks like.  Politadick

July 1 at 3:03 PM  The Daily Caller  Video  Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat Party often repeat that Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush protected more illegal aliens than Barack Obama.  Are they incapable of grasping the facts, or do they deceive on purpose?

Truth not Fiction.....  Politadick
July 1 at 3:07 PM  Business Insider  Video  Every US state economy ranked from worst to best  See our ranking of the economies of the 50 US states and DC, based on a variety of measures of labor-market and economic health.  See if red states or blue states do better:

Alaska is Ranked Number One!  As the worst state out of “51”. When did we vote in a 51st state?  Politadick
July 1 at 8:10 PM  Alaska  Ben Shapiro  Frank Camp’s assessment of Senator Collins’ SCOTUS remarks:  Daily Wire  Republican Sen. Susan Collins Should Examine History Before Saying She ‘Would Not Support’ SCOTUS Nominee Who Shows ‘Hostility To Roe V. Wade’  On Sunday, Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) appeared on CNN’s "State of the Union," where she told host Jake Tapper that she wouldn’t support a Supreme Court nominee who showed "hostility 

Senator Lisa Murkowski should take note of this. We all know where she stands and we all know it’s whatever her Pet donor Planned Parenthood chooses for her.
July 1 at 8:16 PM  Ben Shapiro  This is terrible.  Daily Wire  TRAGIC: Border Patrol Rescues 6 Year Old Boy Abandoned By Immigrant Smugglers In The Arizona Desert   United States Customs and Border Patrol in Arizona relayed a tragic tale on Twitter Sunday. 

You hear all day long from the Left about the 2000+ kids brought here with parents. What about the other 11,000 that have been brought here by smugglers. They only want you to hear the stories that will pull the heart strings and not tell you the whole truth behind what is happening.

11,000+ Kids brought here with no parents in sight and all we hear about is the 2,000+ the Democrats/Left are highlighting.  Politadick

July 1 at 8:30 PM  Ben Shapiro  Yes, this is a real thing.  Daily Wire  Backlash Against The Red Hen For Booting Sarah Sanders Gets Crazy  Backlash against the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia got a little out of control, and a little gross, on Tuesday, culminating in one 51-year-old protester getting arrested after throwing "chicken poop" in the general direction of the Sarah Huckabee Sanders-persecuting restaurant. 

The backlash of consequences for their actions at the Red Hen continues.  Politadick
July 1 at 8:32 PM  Alaska  Stand for Alaska  Looking for a fun 4th of July activity? Join us in a parade! We'll be walking in parades in North Pole, Wasilla, Kenai and Juneau! To join, email us at info@standforak.com or click here: https://www.standforak.com/contact-us/
July 1 at 9:01 PM  Fox News Insider  Video  Pirro on Protests vs. ICE, Trump: 'We are Witnessing the Evolution of a Socialist Coup'  In her Opening Statement, Judge Jeanine Pirro said that the rise of socialism in America "has never been more clear."   "Today's demonstrations are part of an ongoing step-by-step agenda to change our country at its very core," Judge Jeanine Pirro said.

Eventually they will run out of others peoples money for their socialistic ideals that they have.... Only problem with this is we will have nothing left to move forward with.  Politadick
July 1 at 9:08 PM  Fox Business Voices  Video  "Socialism is morally reprehensible, it is something for nothing. It is divisive, and if you want prosperity for all, socialism just doesn't work." — Varney & Co. 

Why has Alaska gone down hill since the beginning of the last recession, that everyone else but us seems to have moved past?

Expanded Healthcare, Climate Change Panel, Roads to Nowhere in Juneau, Comercial Fishing disaster relief (only $56,000,000 Million Dollars and nearly 80% of that will be paid to people that don’t even live here), SB91 ($50 Million this year alone stolen and damaged), etc.... I could make this list go on forever.  Politadick

July 1 at 9:12 PM  The Daily Signal  Video  What does the left get wrong about climate change?  Marc Morano, author of "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change” debunks the left's myths on climate change. 

Yup....  Politadick
July 1 at 9:13 PM  Seven Figure Publishing  McDonald's 2.0: Rise of the Machines - Seven Figure Publishing  A second chance before breakout  McDonald’s is planning to add self-ordering kiosks to an eye-popping 1,000 locations every quarter for the next two years. And this tech revolution is finally beginning to show up on the company’s financial statements. The stock has some work to do before it breaks out. But with the tech turnaround full steam ahead, MCD could make a run at its highs before the fourth quarter.

Already happening throughout Alaska!  Politadick
July 1 at 9:27 PM  Fox News Insider  Video  WATCH: Beachgoers Embarrassingly Flunk Independence Day Pop Quiz  Many beachgoers in Santa Monica, Calif., embarrassingly failed a pop quiz about the significance of Independence Day in America.  Responses to why Independence Day is significant included "I don't know," "I forgot" and "I have no idea."

Time to start sharing all the ignorant millennials and the education they are receiving in those liberal schools we have.  Politadick
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