January 30 at 6:34am  Fox News  Video  Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivers remarks at the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Kentucky on efforts to reduce violent crime and fight the opioid crisis.
January 30 at 6:35am  Fox News  Video  House GOP leaders hold a news conference.
January 30 at 6:59am  Fox News Voices  Video  Laura Ingraham: "If Hillary Clinton had had this record, the praise would be deafening on the eve of her State of the Union."

Just Imagine...   Politadick
January 30 at 7:11am  Ben Shapiro China responds:   Daily Wire  STABLE GENIUS: Trump Jacks Up Tariffs On Solar Panels. Here's How China Responded. Just one week after the Trump administration announced a massive 30% tariff on imported solar panels, one of China's largest solar panel manufacturers… 

OMG..... Look what Solar Panel manufacturer in China is doing due to the new tariffs put into place...

Americans said it would be the end of the world when President Trump did that...

Shocking.....  Politadick

January 30 at 7:14am  Branco  Cartoon: Crumbs - NetRight Daily   A.F. Branco Click here for a higher resolution image.  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 1/30/2018

Pelosi says we all don’t deserve these crumbs... If you could say something to her, what would it be....
January 30 at 7:30am  OANN  House GOP Votes to Release FBI Memo | One America News Network    More information regarding possible political bias in the Obama-era FBI and DOJ may soon come to light as the House Intelligence Committee votes to make public a memo on the issue.

Will it happen.... #ReleaseTheMemo  Politadick
January 30 at 7:33am  OANN  Border Patrol Finds 76 Illegals Inside Tractor-Trailer in Texas | One America News Network  Border Patrol agents stop another major attempt of human trafficking during a checkpoint inspection in Laredo, Texas.

Wow..... The WALL can’t be built soon enough..... More kids without parent trying to make it into the USA.


January 30 at 8:15am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 464  The deputy FBI director resigns – or was he fired? Republicans vote to Release The Memo, and Democrats lose it. And it’s State Of The Union time!
January 30 at 8:16am  Jay Sekulow  Video  Another Domino Falls at the FBI
January 30 at 8:27am  Alaska  KTVA 11  UA President Johnsen begins push for funding boost  University President James R. Johnsen on Monday arrived in Juneau and went quickly to work appealing to the Legislature for a $24 million increase.

Wow.... UA President Johnson wants more money claiming they have made massive cuts and their core classes are being affected. Yet this semester you can take a class that will Let You Drink Wine and eat Cheese.

When they eliminate classes that are not preparing them for future employment in the real world. Then his appeal for more money might be believable.

No new funding for UA until they go through the curriculum and eliminate these classes that do not prepare student for a real world economic future.

January 30 at 10:01am  Fox Business  Exxon says 'historic' tax reform will support $50 billion spending plan The oil giant's CEO said Exxon Mobil may further expand along the Gulf Coast as a result of tax cuts. 

Just imagine if “He Who Shall Not Be Named” hadn’t done what he did to Exxon, how much of that $50 Billion would have been invested in Alaska.....


January 30 at 11:39am  NBC News  Video  LIVE: Hawaii officials provide an update on the false missile alert sent earlier this month.
January 30 at 12:13pm  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  #Telling_it_like_it_is_Tuesday #NoFilter #Your_time_to_weigh_in Tonight at 7pm I will be live on Facebook. We will discuss what to do in case of a tsunami or nuclear threat (part 1), the Pros and Cons of early funding of education, Healthcare cost solutions and whatever else you want to talk about.

Come and join Senator Shelly Hughes tonight at 7. Telling it like it is in Juneau  Politadick
January 30 at 4:18pm  The Daily Signal  Video  LIVE: President Donald J. Trump delivers his first State of the Union.  Join us to watch President Trump's address and the response from Democrats. We're live with expert analysis before, during and after. 

One of many feeds I will be providing tonight. You pick which one you want to watch  Politadick
January 30 at 4:19pm  Daily Wire  Video  It’s the State Of The Union like you’ve never watched before. Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, Michael Knowles, and god-king of the Daily Wire himself Jeremy Boreing unite to bring you minute-by-minute commentary and mockery of our political elite.

One of many feeds I will be providing tonight. You pick which one you want to watch.  Politadick
January 30 at 4:40pm  Fox Business  Video  WATCH: President Donald J. Trump delivers his first State of the Union address. #SOTU  Earlier: Take a live look at the arrivals ahead of President Donald J. Trump's State of the Union address. What do you want to hear from him tonight? #SOTU 

One of many feeds I will be providing tonight. You pick which one you want to watch  Politadick
January 30 at 4:44pm  PBS News Hour  Video  WATCH as President Donald Trump is expected to address immigration, the economy and other issues in his first State of the Union address.

One of many feeds I will be providing tonight. You pick which one you want to watch  Politadick
January 30 at 4:55pm  C-SPAN  Video  President Trump delivers State of the Union Address to a Joint Session of Congress – LIVE on C-SPAN, C-SPAN Radio,

One of many feeds I will be providing tonight. You pick which one you want to watch.  Politadick
January 30 at 4:56pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  Watch live as President Trump delivers his first State of the Union Address. 


One of many feeds I will be providing tonight. You pick which one you want to watch.

Politadick · 5:54 MAGA

Politadick · 9:54 MAGA Making America Great Again

Politadick · 14:40 MAGA
Making America Great Again

Politadick · 15:31 Love what you are doing President Trump Keep Up The Good Work

Politadick · 16:18 Bringing back jobs

Politadick · 16:43 Drain the Swamp

Politadick · 17:12 You Rock

Politadick · 17:45 My paycheck is “YUGE”

Politadick · 19:13 A President that truly cares about all 320,000,000 Million Of us Something this country has needed for a very long time

Politadick · 19:54 #ReleaseTheMemo

Politadick · 20:14 Build The Wall

Politadick · 20:47 Lock her Up

Politadick · 21:17 Jobs Jobs Jobs

Politadick · 21:59 A President who truly cares about are Police and Military

Politadick · 22:57 Keep doing what your Doing

Politadick · 23:17 #Strong

Politadick · 24:15 #Safe #Strong #AmericansFirst

Politadick · 24:50 Wow amazing what he has accomplished

Politadick · 25:17 He Loves All Americans

Politadick · 26:10 Never has our country been in such a Great Position as we are now

Politadick · 27:12 Keep bringing those Manufacturing Jobs back to America Proving what those saying could never be done

Politadick · 28:05 China is bring Manufacturing back to America because of you

Politadick · 28:38 Yes No More Mandate

Politadick · 29:21 Putting all Americans Back to work Again

Politadick · 29:36 MAGA

Politadick · 30:15 Raises to people that never thought they would ever see that Happen

Politadick · 30:59 Drain That Swamp #ReleaseTheMemo

Politadick · 31:53 He sure does love all Americans

Politadick · 33:15 The American Dream Lives Again

Politadick · 35:38 Cares about America our people, our Police, Our Military , our Veterans something that has been missing for a very long time

Politadick · 36:47 Got CHIP passed and with the longest it has ever been funded in History

Politadick · 37:11 

Politadick · 37:44 Proud to be an American

Politadick · 38:16 Loves our Laws and Knows what they Stand For

Politadick · 39:24 Veterans choice Something Obumer never cared for

Politadick · 32:41 Hope Obumer is watching this. Might Learn what a real President looks like

Politadick · 40:20 Loves to serve our Great Country Like No Other MAGA

Politadick · 42:11 He is a President Who Truly Cares About Those Who Give and Gave Their All For Our freedoms We All Enjoy

Politadick · 43:15 He done what the previous person in charge said NEVER COULD BE DONE

Politadick · 44:32 Now come to Alaska and say your famous line to “Governor Walker”, YOUR FIRED

Politadick · 46:30 Truly shows what Winning Looks Like I will never get tired of Winning

Politadick · 47:17 Nick must be on Welfare and now will half to get a job... Poor Nick

Politadick · 48:35 Get rid of Gov Walker 2018 and Alaska will see what Winning Looks Like To

Politadick · 49:37 Building America One Brick At A Time

Politadick · 50:58 Finally a President That is Going to Invest In America Instead if Foreign Countries MAGA

Politadick · 52:19 Yessss get the Able Body Back to Work

Politadick · 52:37 Trade Schools

Politadick · 55:44 Get the Wall Built and stop the Illegal Immigration. Those who have done it the right way are counting on You

Politadick · 56:32 

Politadick · 57:54 Americans First

Politadick · 59:18 Sad to see so many people here on this feed that really don’t Care About Americans 

Politadick · 1:01:19 He is doing what the past administrations have said was impossible and was the new norm... Love how he keeps proving them all Wrong

Politadick · 1:03:30 $116,000,000,000 Billion a year spent on Illegal Immigrants each year... Could have built that Wall 100 times by now

Politadick · 1:05:18 Knows what it means to be a Nation of Laws is All About

Politadick · 1:05:39 Yes

Politadick · 1:06:10 Stop Chain Migration and Anchor Baby’s

Politadick · 1:06:46 Finally

Politadick · 1:08:06 America First‼️ Love hearing those Words

Politadick · 1:09:09 Amen

Politadick · 1:10:28 Stop China from selling Fentanyl to Americans

Politadick · 1:11:33 HOPE

Politadick · 1:12:36 What President Trump has given to all Americans... HOPE

Politadick · 1:13:26 Love how he Loves our Great Military

Politadick · 1:14:42 Obama’s JV team is no more

Politadick · 1:15:39 Did what Obama Said was impossible and in less then a Year

Politadick · 1:17:25 Pride in our serving Military and Vets

Politadick · 1:18:03 Thank You For your sacrifice

Politadick · 1:19:11 Never Again

Politadick · 1:20:02 MAGA

Politadick · 1:21:27 Our Military Loves our President Trump Something Obumer never had.

Politadick · 1:22:52 He did for Israel what all previous President didn’t. God Bless President TRUMP

Politadick · 1:21:47 Israel

Politadick · 1:24:13 Thank You For truly caring about all people

Politadick · 1:25:14 Clinton’s gave North Korea nuclear power....

Politadick · 1:26:30 Here, hold my Diet Coke and Watch and This

Politadick · 1:28:36 Clinton is so corrupt and America would be a true hole if she was in charge.

Politadick · 1:30:11 Ahhh yes the Truth and Facts a liberal leftists greatest fear

Politadick · 1:32:05 President Trump didn’t make the problems we all face and unlike the past Administration is doing something about fixing them

Politadick · 1:33:15 Wow that was Awesome

Politadick · 1:34:10 MAGA

Politadick · 1:36:01 

Politadick · 1:35:15 God Bless America 

January 30 at 6:54pm  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  Countdown to #Telling_it_like_it_is. I hope that you can join us at 7:00pm tonight!
January 30 at 7:01pm  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  Video  #Telling_it_like_it_is from Juneau with Senator Hughes 


Live  Politadick
January 30 at 10:41pm  Alaska  Representative Cathy Tilton   House Republican Caucus Press Availability  Thu 9 AM PSTRep. Cathy TiltonWasilla, AK

Don’t miss out. Thursday 9am

Facebook Live and I Will Be Sharing Their Feed  Politadick

January 30 at 10:48pm  US Department of State  Video  "...No regime has oppressed its own citizens more totally or brutally than the cruel dictatorship in North Korea. North Korea’s reckless pursuit of nuclear missiles could very soon threaten our homeland. We are waging a campaign of maximum pressure to prevent that from happening." -- President Donald J. Trump, January 30, 2018  More from President Trump's State of the Union Address: WhiteHouse.gov/SOTU #SOTU
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