January 27 at 12:07am  Alaska  ADN   Tell us what you think about the Permanent Fund  Here's an invitation to weigh in on the best use of the Alaska Permanent Fund, now more than 40 years old.  What are your thoughts on the purpose of the Permanent Fund and how we should manage it going forward?

Wow... So many miss informed people that think the PFD is a handout, that Alaska’s government should spend it anyway they please on the States Budget.

Since I’m pretty sure most of the comments I’m reading are from people who were not born here or were born long after it was created, fail to realize Alaskans gave up all rights to the minerals in the ground to create the PFD and give Alaska the ability to become the 49th State.

The PFD was created to make sure all Alaskans could share a piece of the wealth that we gave the rights up for.

Alaska is the only state that the people who own the land, do not own the minerals also underneath it.

What is happening now with Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” and his Gang Of Thieves is nothing more then theft from people like me who are old enough to have voted on giving up our rights to those minerals in the ground and the royalties that we are to receive if it is ever used.

Even the deal for ANWAR Is nothing short of theft of the mineral rights we gave up and will receive nothing from it being opened.

So tired of hearing people think it is Governments money and “We the People of Alaska” have no rights to receive the PFD.


January 27 at 12:18am  Alaska  Representative Cathy Tilton  Why Does Urban Rail Cost So Much in the U.S.?   Most developed countries can build subways and light rail at a reasonable cost. Not the United States.  Before you get too excited about commuter rail between Anchorage and MatSu, you might want to consider the following article. I know the current discussion centers around existing ARR infrastructure which would make costs significantly lower than the examples included here. However, it wouldn't be a stretch to estimate costs of $100 million or more.

Giant waste of Alaskans money that will end up costing all Alaskans a fortune to use and will end up being like the Alaskan ferry system that uses 75% of Alaska’s transportation budget each year to operate because it doesn’t make a profit.


January 27 at 7:24am  The Daily Signal  Video  ‘Tolerant’ Hollywood, Rosie O'Donnell and Cher are attacking Sarah Huckabee Sanders. And is the corruption at the FBI out of hand?  We're breaking down the Top 10 Must-See Moments of the week—many of which went misreported by the mainstream media.
January 27 at 7:46am  Fox News  Video  "Democrats, use your stupid brains. You don't have any brains."  WATCH: Neil Cavuto's full interview with The Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus.

The stupidity of the left....  Politadick
January 27 at 8:02am  Goalcasts  Video  These are the 3 rules Lou Holtz wished he knew when he was 21.  Speech given at Franciscan University of Steubenville
January 27 at 8:07am  Fox News  Video  Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette holds a news conference to update his office's investigation into Michigan State University. The University has come under fire for their handling of sexual abuse allegations against its former sports doctor, Larry Nassar.
January 27 at 9:01am  Alaska  Politadick  Senator Shelly Hughes  Photo's

With Senator Shelley Hughes at Vagabond Blues

Sit down and have a coffee and learn the issues facing Alaska.


January 27 at 10:30am  US Department of State  Attack in Kabul The United States strongly condemns today’s horrific attack in Kabul. Our thoughts are with the families of the victims who were injured and killed, and we mourn all those who lost their lives in this senseless attack.  Secretary Tillerson: The United States strongly condemns today’s horrific attack in Kabul. Our thoughts are with the families of the victims who were injured and killed, and we mourn all those who lost their lives in this senseless attack. #Afghanistan

January 27 at 10:57am  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  Photo  Time invested visiting with constituents, but most importantly listening to their concerns, was time well spent this morning over coffee. Now on to the Palmer Senior Center for the Veterans Informational Lunch.

I learned allot today by showing up to this. So much information gathered that is not in the mainstream news and being able to listen to the concerns from people from all walks of life in Alaska.

Thank You Senator Shelley Hughes for taking the time to listen to our concerns and giving us a chance to listen to what is also happening in Juneau this year!


January 27 at 12:24pm  Alaska  ADN  ML&P’s $1 billion price tag: Confidential report sheds light on deal  A 2017 financial analysis by Goldman Sachs played a key role in the city accepting a $1 billion offer from Chugach Electric for the city-owned power utility, Municipal…

Is this a good deal? Will they get it in writing that they will not raise the rates after the purchase? If not, then this might not be such a good deal after all.....


January 27 at 12:27pm  Alaska  ML&P  Report   Sale of MLP To Chugiak   MOA-Summary-Report-Aug 9 2017 23 page report.


January 27 at 2:09pm  Alaska  Drain The Swamp Alaska  Photo  Yup....  Politadick
January 27 at 2:11pm  Alaska  Drain The Swamp Alaska  Photo  POMV and what it is....  It is essential that ALL Alaskans understand what is going on this legislative session. Please take the time to read this and SHARE so we can get the word out far and wide.
January 27 at 3:59pm  Alaska  Juneau Empire  Beaten by a legislator: Juneau woman accuses lawmaker of violent attack  Local police and the Alaska Department of Law are investigating an Alaska state lawmaker for allegedly hitting a woman and rupturing her eardrum during a… 

A Women has been Beaten by This Lawmaker in the Democrats Party here in Alaska needs to Resign Today and I hope that he is brought up on charges immediately

This is worst then what Westlakes is accused of



January 27 at 4:04pm  Alaska  Representative Bryce Edgmon

Representative Fansler in the Democrats Party here in Alaska has been accused of beating a Woman and causing substantial physical harm to her.

Rep. Bryce Edgmon has demanded his immediate resignation



January 27 at 4:10pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska   Fansler: Women's right marcher by day, smacking them around by night - Must Read Alaska  Another one of the Alaska Democratic Party … 

More details about the Cockroach Representative Fransler

Same people that covered up what Westlakes had done are being named once again in this. Brings to question what did they know before today and when did they find out about it?


January 27 at 4:18pm   Alaska House Republicans :: No Justice for Legislative Sexual Harassment Victims   Today the Sexual Harassment Policy Subcommittee failed to request a third-party review on the handling of past and newly developed sexual harassment…  Rep. Tammie Wilson is disappointed in leaders of the Sexual Harassment Policy Subcommittee who failed to consider an amendment inviting a third party to look into the handling of past reports #akleg

With what was just reported about cockroach Representative Fransler.

Representative Tammie Wilson demand for a third party investigator, that is not in Government, needs to be done Immediately.

The same people who covered up what Westlakes has done, are being named again for this and it really brings into question all the moral values that they have and why this was keep quiet for over a week



January 27 at 7:08pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Is the governor going off-reservation for Dunleavy seat? - Must Read Alaska  Republican officers of District E expressed concern …  It worked for him once. He's trying it again. Consolidation of power play.

Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” is one corrupt individual that needed his mommy to give him more spankings as a kid.

I bet his dad is rolling over in his grave right now wonder how he became so corrupt.

I sure do hope that the valley reps don’t let him get away with his corrupted agenda trying to bypass the process in place.

What a disgrace he is to all Alaskans.


January 27 at 7:13pm  Alaska Politadick  Photo  "So if the governor doesn't select from the list of 3 candidates submitted to replace Senator Dunleavy and selects his own..  Do you think the current Senate has enough Nuts to do anything about it?

Sure do hope they kick him in the .....

Because what he is trying to do is bad for all Alaskans Futures 
The most corrupted person in office Alaska has ever had


Link to the story behind the picture:

January 27 at 9:40pm  Alaska  Alliance Defending Freedoms  Court Stops the ACLU from Further Violating the Privacy of High School Students  The ACLU is demanding that a high school boy have full access to the girls’ locker room.  Alliance Defending Freedom represents an association of parents and students, Students and Parents for Privacy, who are protecting students from this privacy-violating policy at both the state and federal level.

Prop1 “Bathroom Bill” will be on the April Mailin ballet.... Is this to be what we are to expected our children will half to endure when it happens?

Wish it was a joke, but this really is what the people pushing this bill through expect us to do if it passes.

VOTE YES ON PROP1. A Yes Vote will be what stops this from happening in our schools.


January 27 at 9:50pm  Alaska  Representative Lora Reinbold  Did a ride along with our community hero Cliff Cook tonight of Eagle River Community Patrol. We saw abandon (possibly stolen) cars, sketchy folks, drove by a known drug dealing area, drove through neighborhoods and watched for and observed any unusual activity. One kind woman wanted to buy us dinner as a thank you. Eagle River is fortunate to have this patrol- please contact Cliff Cook if you can make donations such as fuel cards.

Someone that is making a difference in Alaska.  Polidick
January 27 at 10:39pm  Alaska  If you haven't wandered over to Drain The Swamp Alaska and liked the page....this is your chance!! 

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