January 25 at 5:23am  Fox Business  Video  President Donald J. Trump participates in a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
January 25 at 6:19am  Fox Business  Video  "We have discussions going with Israel on many things, including trade... We will be moving our embassy, as you know, to Jerusalem, and as you also know that is way ahead of schedule, by years."  Moments ago President Donald J. Trump and the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו held a bilateral at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
January 25 at 6:27am  Alaska  KTVA 11  Anchorage searching for solutions to fight alcohol epidemic  Tuesday night, the Anchorage Assembly voted down a proposed ordinance by Dick Traini that would have adopted a municipal wholesale tax on alcoholic beverages.

Alaska already pays more for taxes on alcohol then nearly all the places in 50 states. Glad to see them making a good choice here on this.

It Was already bad enough that they raised gas tax by .10 cents a gallon, starting here in March without letting Alaskans and our lawmakers even getting a choice on the matter.


January 25 at 6:34am  Alaska  ADN   Gov. Walker picks Kotzebue man to represent northern Alaska in state House  Walker announced Wednesday that he's named John Lincoln, a Native corporation executive from Kotzebue, to replace former state Rep. Dean…  Alaska Gov. Bill Walker has selected John Lincoln, an executive at the Kotzebue-based NANA Regional Corp., to replace Dean Westlake.

Another “He Who Shall Not Be Named” choice that is bought and paid for in our government.

Alaskans are paying attention and can see the corrupted agenda he is pushing and this is just one more decision of his that goes against the majority of Alaskans for a yes person into office.

November cannot come soon enough for us and we can vote the Lying Thief out of office.


January 25 at 6:43am  Alaska  Senator Bill Wielechowski  My floor speech on why Congress should reverse the FCC's decision abolishing net neutrality. This decision will allow Internet service providers to block web sites, throttle speeds and charge more for access. There are 50 votes to overturn it, just need one more in the Senate.

Do you want Alaska’s government in control of the internet? Unless you can explain how this will help me to get coverage for internet no matter where I go, it does nothing.

How about Trying googling a lead story on the news and put Fox News at the end and see how many pages it takes to find a story from them. This was happening before the rules was changed.

Or how about when I leave Wasilla (I use GCI) and go to Talkeetna I’ll have full bars for phone but no internet yet the person on ACS has internet and I don’t.

Explain how, what you want to do here in Alaska will change that?

Here is the other side of the story that those pushing to pass Net Neutrality here in Alaska are not saying.

Ben Shapiro speaking with FCC Chairman Ajit Pai on Net Neutrality laws. Why should the FCC do it? Hear from Chairman Pai himself to find out.



January 25 at 6:57am  Alaska  Juneau Empire  Walker recession is longest in Alaska history  It’s no surprise that Walker has presided over more credit rating downgrades than all previous Alaska governors combined.  Opinion: "Walker avoids making decisions he said he would quickly make if elected even as he increases the risk to our economy, holds the PFD hostage, and demands taxes from working families, and only Alaska workers, to pay for an ever-expanding government," writes Juneau resident Tom Boutin.

Juneau Empire has finally told a good chunk of the truth here ....

Looks like somebody came and read what I have pinned to the top of my page since November. The lying Thief “He Who Shall Not Be Named” is taking all Alaskans down the wrong path for his corrupt agenda he has all for the benefit of the minority in Alaska.

Putting the working class strait into the poor house and for what you ask? To make himself famous of course.


January 25 at 7:08am  Fox News  Video  "Real peace requires leaders who are willing to step forward, acknowledge hard truths, and make compromises."  U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley delivers remarks during a Security Council meeting.
January 25 at 7:19am  Alaska House Republicans  This morning at 9 a.m. we’re going FB live to discuss #JobKiller bills HB199, new fish permitting, and HB288, new oil & gas tax. Capitol reporters will also be asking questions. Hear from Representative Mike Chenault, Representative George Rauscher, Representative DeLena Johnson, Rep. Dave Talerico and Rep Chris Birch #akleg #StandforAlaska

9am Today FB LIVE From the Capital  Politadick 
January 25 at 7:28am  Branco  Branco Cartoon - Trap Stay away 

Yup.....  Politidick
January 25 at 8:00am  Jay Sekulow  Video  Media Mocks Conservatives Over FBI Scandal
January 25 at 8:06am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 461 Trump says he’s ready for citizenship for DREAMers, the Mueller investigation heats up, and should bosses ever date their secretaries?
January 25 at 9:49am  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump meets with global business leaders.
January 25 at 9:52am  Alaska House Republicans  Video  Press Availability  Press availability with Reps. Chenault, Talerico, Johnson, Rauscher and Birch
January 25 at 10:05am  OANN  BREAKING: DOJ Says Missing FBI Texts Found | One America News Network
January 25 at 10:07am  OANN  Justice Dept. Threatens to Subpoena 23 Sanctuary Jurisdictions | One America News Network  The Justice Department is threatening to subpoena more than 20 sanctuary jurisdictions over their immigration policies

It’s about time…  Politadick
January 25 at 10:18am  PragerU  Video  Join PragerU and Will Witt as we chat with James O'Keefe, founder of Project Veritas. James shares his thoughts on Twitter’s leftist bias and his new book, American Pravda. #PragerU
January 25 at 10:22am  Alaska  360 North  Video Link

Link For the 9am House press availability meeting from 360 North.

Due to the technical glitch with the FB LIVE feed I posted this. FB LIVE feed is now available for viewing and now runs with no error.

Link to FB Video:

January 25 at 12:49pm  US Department of State  Video  State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert will brief Washington, D.C. based foreign press at the Foreign Press Centers today at approximately 2:00 pm EST.
January 25 at 1:37pm  Judicial Watch  Video  Inside Judicial Watch: The Case of the Missing Strzok/Page Texts  **UPDATE: It is being reported that the missing text messages have been discovered.** 

In this week's edition of "Inside Judicial Watch," host Jerry Dunleavy joins JW Director of Investigations & Research Chris Farrell to discuss the mystery surrounding missing text messages between FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page.

The text messages are of public interest because Strzok and Page were key investigators in the Clinton email and Trump Russia collusion investigations. Strzok was reportedly removed from the Mueller investigative team in August and reassigned to a human resources position after it was discovered that he and Page, who worked for FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and with whom Strzok was carrying on an extramarital affair, exchanged pro-Clinton and anti-Trump text messages.

Strzok reportedly oversaw the FBI’s interviews of former National Security Adviser, General Michael Flynn; changed former FBI Director James Comey’s language about Hillary Clinton’s actions regarding her illicit email server from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless;” played a lead role in the FBI’s interview of Clinton; and is suspected of being responsible for using the unverified dossier to obtain a FISA warrant in order to spy on President Trump’s campaign.

Judicial Watch sued for any and all types of communication between Strzok and Page, including other pertinent records.

Read about our lawsuit here: https://www.judicialwatch.org/…/judicial-watch-sues-text-m…/

January 25 at 5:33pm  Alaska  Representative Colleen Sullivan Leonard  Our second request to hear our legislative session move bill (HB185) is in! Alaskans have asked for the move and understand the savings potential. It's a positive way to connect with the highest concentration of constituency in the state, provide transparency and allow effective participation.

Ok, I know all Alaskans can get behind this Bill and Needs A Show Of Our Support

HB 185 is asking to move all Legislative Sessions Into Anchorage

This Bill does not, I repeat Does Not Move The Capital, it will remain in Juneau.




January 25 at 5:47pm  Alaska  We The People Of Alaska  Currently the State Constitution has a spending limit of $9 billion Unrestricted General Funds ( UGF ) Do you believe this limit needs to be lowered?

They have spent $10.2 Billion this year and they have yet to provide all the numbers for what was spent.

Total spent in Alaska for 2017/2018 is near $19.2 Billion and I’m predicting it will top out closer to $20.2 Billion before they are done and we enter into the new budget calendar year.

Don’t be fooled by what they are willing to show you. It’s not all the money they are spending.


January 25 at 6:01pm  Alaska  Your Alaska Link  Anchorage Mayoral Candidate Rebecca Logan: "Our City Is Going In The Wrong Direction"  Anchorage, AK - Rebecca Logan, who has her sights set on becoming the next Anchorage Mayor, spoke to Your Alaska Link today on why she believes, she is…

Looks like the Future New Mayor understands more about Anchorages and Eagle Rivers areas problems, then the one we currently have


January 25 at 6:33pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Heads and Tails: Distilleries on ice, babies on parade - Must Read Alaska  P-FUND’S HOT HAND The Alaska Permanent Fund …  Snippets of news because when can you write about babies and generous-pour distilleries in the same story?

Another good read that covers several different subjects here. I’m going to focus on just one of them.

“He Who Shall Not Be Named” unilateral decision to expand healthcare is going to cost us an additional $100,000,000 Million Dollars this year. Number reported here is $1.7 Billion Dollars is our Share. If you think that $1.7 Billion is bad just wait until what the feds pay in goes away and expecting near year 2020 we will owe near double that.

Total to be spent by the state for healthcare I was expecting to hit $7.7 Billion Dollars this year or one third of Alaska’s total Budget. My guess was $7.6 billion, but with the extra $100 Million he has asked for, I am now accounting for that.


January 25 at 6:58pm  Alaska  The Alaska Support Industry Alliance  Alaska Department of Labor Forecast  While there is good news on the horizon, Alaska’s oil and gas industry is expected to lose an additional 500 jobs in 2018. This forecasted loss, representing 5.1 percent of the industry’s overall employment, would be a third of what it lost in 2017.

Since “He Who Shall Not Be Named” has taken office, 11,700 people have lost their jobs. Only growth predicted for this next year is in Healthcare, Education and Health Services. But they say less will be added then what we will lose in 2018.

Good breakdown inside by areas and another EMPTY promise about LNG to start it all out.


January 25 at 8:37pm  PragerU  Video  PragerU's Justice Spearman is live with Lila Rose, founder of human rights organization Live Action.  Lila will be filming a new PragerU video today on Planned Parenthood. 

What Planned Parenthood doesn’t want you to hear.....  Politadick
January 25 at 9:33pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Doomsday Clock advances to two minutes to midnight  The destruction of the world is closer than it's been since 1953, a panel of atomic scientists concluded, moving the Doomsday Clock up 30 seconds from last year, to two minutes to midnight.

OMG... The left is running out of things to use in the Russia Conspiracy, so now they pull out the Dooms Day Clock. Hawaii tells everyone their about to die and here closer to home, Climate Change will be the end of us all.


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