Fox Business Video The Senate Budget Committee holds an oversight hearing of the Congressional Budget Office with testimony from CBO Director Keith Hall. |
Fox News
Trump fires back at Schumer: 'If there is no Wall, there is no DACA'
President Donald J. Trump fired
back Tuesday night at Senator Chuck Schumer for
offering, then rescinding, a deal to support border wall funding in
return for an immigration package that protects illegal immigrants
brought to the U.S. as children. He is always 12 steps ahead of everyone on the issues. Remember the tweet he did about 702 and all the left wing Democrats and Media slammed him as not understanding the issue at hand..... Now we have a 4 page “Intel Memo” directly related to just that.....
Politadick |
Fox News
Liz Peek: Schumer’s mistakes pile up, endangering Democrats’ prospects
for 2018
OPINION: "Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., made a mistake
shutting down the government." The news for Democrats and Independents are looking worse and worse if people are paying attention. Sure do hope so. Especially here in Alaska. Considering Congressman Don Young’s challenger is 100% Democrat but running as an Independent and at the Women’s March made it very clear she is supporting the lefts agenda and all they stand for in her speech there. Politadick |
Alaska Rebecca Logan
for Mayor 2018
ML&P sale to go before Anchorage voters in April Separately,
the Anchorage Assembly also scrapped a proposed ballot initiative for an
alcohol tax.
A big thanks to the assembly last night for refusing to add a new
alcohol tax to the ballot. Anchorage voters will also have the
opportunity to vote on the authorization
of a potential sale of ML&P to Chugach Electric. I am disappointed that
the proposed measure will lower the threshold for passage from 60% of
voters to 50% - it doesn't seem like a neccessary action if the deal is
a good deal. Two announcements in one place.... CHARR must be happy about the fist part and the second part, well Logan is right, if it is such a good deal, why lower the votes needed? Politadick |
Jay Sekulow Video Breaking: Informant Confirms FBI “Secret Society” Meetings |
Ben Shapiro Video Episode 460 Republicans and Democrats battle it out over the future of the Mueller probe, Chuck Schumer searched for a strategy on illegal immigration, and we discuss the power of repentance. |
Fox News
OPINION: It’s time for Senate to put Americans and their dreams first
"America has always had a great tradition of opening its arms to others
in need. But that tradition never meant opening its borders," Kay Coles
James wrote in a recent op-ed. Well said... Politadick |
Fox News Video The White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing. |
Free Constitution
Embarrassing Source of Hawaii's Delayed Missile Correction Revealed
Hawaii's Governor has made an ENORMOUS mistake.
Hawaii's Governor has made an ENORMOUS mistake. This is truly sad.... The same obstructionists in Hawaii can’t twitter fast enough...... Politadick |
Donald J Trump Video Join me for a few minutes - live from the White House with Mayor’s from across America.... |
Alaska Politadick
Video Right to Life Rally Right to Life Rally Juneau Capital January 22, 2018
Here is a link that gives true meaning to the Right to Life movement and
below this is a link to those who don’t seem to even care and who they
are: Attached below is a link that truly spells out where the values of people who are suppose to Represent all Alaskans Stand and those who only represent the minority by taking a knee. Link to Story of
those that just don’t care about all Alaskans: Politadick |
Alaska Must Read
Took a kneee? Three House reps refuse moment of silence - Must Read
It's a matter of manners. This truly spells out where the values of people who are suppose to Represent all Alaskans Stand and those who only represent the minority by taking a knee/sitting.
Link to video of the Right to Life Rally January 22, 2018: Politadick |
Alaska Must Read
Loren Leman: Never give up on sanctity of life - Must Read Alaska
The transcript of former Lt. Gov. Loren …
He speaks from the heart. Major props. More for the Right to Life Rally.
Link to video of event: |
Alaska Rep. Dave
bill increasing food donations and reducing food waste is the first to
pass this session! #SavetheFood #DonateFood #akleg Finally something that is good for all Alaskans has passed through the House Politadick |
Alaska Senator Pete
Kelly We've killed 60 million American since Roe v. Wade. Would one of them have discovered the cure for AIDS or Alzheimer's? How many would have been our friends, our teachers, our customers? Would one of them have been the love of our life? -- we'll never know. We have inalterably disrupted the fabric of our reality and we'll pay the price for that in ways we'll never know. - Pete Kelly Today, on the Capitol Steps, we recognized that every life is sacred and a gift from God. Since 1973, 60 million innocent Americans have been denied the most fundamental right guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence. But work has been done and victories have been achieved, and at last, we see a decline in abortion. In no small way, we must give credit to those who gather at these rallies and show their opposition to the radical idea of abortion on demand. We must applaud the growth of crisis pregnancy centers and the proliferation of pre-abortion sonograms. And we must give thanks for a president that stands firmly for life and a congressional delegation that is putting an end to agonizing late-term abortions. There is still work to be done, and we will rededicate ourselves to prayer and the cause of life every year until this stain has been wiped from this land |
Alaska Drain The
Swamp Alaska This is a long narrative, but worth your time. Please read and respond. In 2014 Alaskans went to the polls and elected Bill Walker as our next governor. Certainly many of these voters supported him based on the statements he made on the campaign trail which have very little comparison with his governance. This narrative sets that aside and will focus on what can be considered his acts of "legal tyranny." The reason why this is cloaked in legal terms is that Governor Walker is a lawyer by trade and much of his unilateral tyranny is supported by "selecting" the right judge(s) to reinforce his tyranny. Case in point: 1. Governor Walker forced an Executive action on the citizens of Alaska to expand Medicaid. As part of his justification, he promoted the idea that Alaska would receive substantial money from the federal government and this would free up state money to be allocated elsewhere. He was basing his support on the enrollment of approximately 18,000 new applicants even though there was substantial evidence that states who expanded enrollment experienced substantial numbers beyond what he estimated. Today we are approaching 40,000 new enrollment's and the supplemental costs for this increase is approaching $350 million! Medicaid expansion was clearly not a mere expansion of the Medicaid Act of 1965 as it was administrated and funded completely different which established the right of the legislature to weigh in on this decision. Enter the "friendly" judge. Governor Walker went shopping to find the right judge who would support his act of tyranny. Of course there is substantial "sector" support as the Healthcare industry in Alaska lined up squarely in support. This is a no-brainer. Today the healthcare industry is the only industry in Alaska which is exhibiting substantial growth during the statewide recession. This expansion will not go well going forward as all "new found" revenues in increased oil production will be completely absorbed in this department alone once the federal government redefines the percentage support. Instead of Governor Walker insisting that the federal mandate to fund Indian Health Services ( IHS funded at only 54% ) he decided to capture the vacant funding through Medicaid expansion. Thus, fishing for native support. 2. The PFD Theft. Now this was a bit more complicated as the governor's unilateral grab of the PFD was clearly a violation of statutes which set aside the PDF payout in it's historic calculation. Enter the Supreme Court who ruled in favor of Governor Walker and against legislative law. The Supreme Court of Alaska sent a direct message to the legislature that if the "language" is not enshrined in the State Constitution, then all bets are off regarding law, even though the primary purpose of the Administration is to enforce law passed by the legislature, not to interpret law and force rulings against law. This again, is the act of a tyrant, not a governor. And, this is precisely why the PFD must be enshrined in the State Constitution. 3. Governor Walker's recent act to reject the list of candidates to replace Representative Dean Weslake, and by adding insult to injury, add 2 candidates of his own choosing is a blatant disrespect of the Alaska Democrat Party and the voters in District 40. He is clearly stating that he does not have faith in their judgement. It matters not that he states that he would like to "work" with the leaders of District 40. What he is clearly saying is that he is willing to work with them as long as they agree to select one of the candidates he selected. Ray Charles could see that the governor is forceful in stacking this legislative session to drive his own agenda. Again, this is the act of a tyrant using "legality" to promote tyranny. Ultimately, these actions, and many others are designed for political expediency on his behalf. They certainly are not acts which respect neither the legislative body, the recognized Parties of the state nor the will of the people. Every day this man is in office, he brings more cause for forced retirement. November 2018 cannot come quick enough... If you have read this narrative, please take the time and SHARE on your own timeline. It is vital that all Alaskans fully understand who is guarding the hen house. Thank you.
Worth your time to read what is said here. I covered all of this over and over again the last past year...... Politadick |
Fox News
More than 20 White House aides have been interviewed for Mueller probe,
Trump attorney says
When asked about the possibility of an interview with Special Counsel
Robert Mueller, President Donald J. Trump said
he's "looking forward" to it. The Left is now getting desperate to keep the lie going. Clearly that 4 page Memo that Democrats voted on unanimously to keep us from seeing, is making them panic and desperate to take all focus off of it. (CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, NY York Times and all the Left Wing Media have given 0 zero minutes to it) Release the Memo and Release the FISA order that started it all and lets end this phony Russia Scandal once and for all. So the real criminals can be investigated and locked up behind bars. Politadick |
Alaska KWHL
Be right back. I have to go change. One year ago today.... is this just a coincidence????? Politadick |
Alaska Representative
Lora Reinbold This Rocks Now if only we can have our full PFD’s back so that we can afford to give a little...... Politadick |
Fox News Video
"Several Republicans who have seen the [memo] say it exposes massive and
terrifying abuses of our civil liberties, presumably committed for
political gain." Tucker
Carlson comments
on the government memo that reportedly details abuses by Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act courts under the Barack Obama administration. Democrats don’t want you to see this... Politadick |
Alaska Senator Bill
My floor speech on why Congress should reverse the FCC's decision
abolishing net neutrality. This decision will allow Internet service
providers to block web sites, throttle speeds and charge more for
access. There are 50 votes to overturn it, just need one more in the
Senate. Do you want Alaska’s government in control of the internet? Unless they can explain how this will help me to get coverage for internet no matter where I go, it does nothing. How about Trying to googling a lead story on the news and put Fox News at the end and see how many pages it takes to find a story from them. This was happening before the rules was changed. Or how about when I leave Wasilla (I use GCI) and go to Talkeetna I’ll have full bars for phone but no internet yet the person on ACS has internet and I don’t. Explain how, what you want to do here in Alaska will change that? Here is the other side of the story that those pushing to pass Net Neutrality here in Alaska don’t want you to know. Ben Shapiro speaking with FCC Chairman Ajit Pai on Net Neutrality laws. Why should the FCC do it? Hear from Chairman Pai himself to find out. |
Alaska KTUU 2
Stock market, unemployment records during president's first year in
office The stock market is setting records and unemployment is
at a 17-year low. We take a look at the state of the economy during
President Trump's first year in…
The stock market is continuing its bullish run, while unemployment keeps
sliding and is now at a 17-year low. Wow... I’m amazed that they actually reporting real news about President Trump. All the leftys are going Nuts over seeing this and can’t believe it is real because they all have their heads up CNN’s.... well you know... Read all the comments left on KTUU Post and you will see a literal leftist/liberal meltdown happening in real time
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