January 21 at 9:36am  Fox News  Video  "Your Commander in Chief and all of the American people are behind you 100%."  Vice President Mike Pence delivers remarks to troops in Jordan.
January 21 at 9:39am  Fox News  Video  The House and Senate meet on day 2 of the government shutdown. 
January 21 at 10:09am  Fox News  Historical documentary series ‘Scandalous’ begins with episode detailing Bill Clinton's career  Fox News Channel will have a new addition to its Sunday night lineup for the next seven weeks, as the network announced on Tuesday that “Scandalous” will debut… 

This is one series I think will be worth setting your DVR’s for so that you don’t miss an episode.

Starts tonight at 8 pm EST.


January 21 at 10:41am  Alaska House Republicans  Did you know bills are already scheduled for public testimony? Don't miss your opportunity to weigh in on Alaska policies. Share/follow our page to stay connected with the capitol

Upcoming chances for public testimonies. Save the link to keep up to date on when and what times these will be happening.

Alaskans we need to be more active in what our government is doing there. They have all our futures at the swipe of a pen at their finger tips.


January 21 at 12:36pm  Alaska  Gov "He Who Shall Not Be Named"  I'm optimistic about the state of our state. Alaskans deserve action, and a government that works for them. It's time to get off the sidelines, and take the field. I'll be there. 


160,000 Kids in Alaska would like to know why you are robbing them of their future? The other 510,000 of us would like to know why you did the same thing to us?


318,000 people in Alaska living in poverty would like to know why you keep putting them into further poverty?

15,000 extra people would like to know why they are now living in poverty?

20,000 working Alaskans want to know why you keep lying why the Pink Slips were passed out last year, when you know full well it could have been prevented. The other 720,000 Alaskans would like to know the answer to this same question.

Alaskan would like to know why you called 4 special sessions costing Millions of our taxpayers money to try and get your “Tax Scam” Passed?

Alaskans want to know why over a $500,000,000 Million in budget cuts presented last year were not even looked at and discussed and instead were told you weren’t even going to look at them and basically tore it up.

Alaskans would like to know why you lied to all of us with claims of no new taxes and your PFD’s are safe and then right after elected went after them?

“Executive Orders”

If Healthcare Expansion, Climate Change Panel and now the Railway Commuter are such good things for Alaska, as you claim. Why didn’t our lawmakers and Alaskans get to vote on it? Instead of the Executive Orders you did bypassing us all?

All three raised Alaska’s budget over $3,000,000,000 Billion Dollars.


9000 skilled Alaskans would like to understand why they lost their jobs and had to leave state because of your failed agenda?


740,000 Alaskans would like to see the numbers showing it will make a profit, instead of what we have seen will be a financial loss.

This is only a very small list that Alaskans want answers for.

Please Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” resign....


January 21 at 1:07pm  Fox News  Newly released texts between ex-Mueller team members suggest they knew outcome of Clinton email probe in advance  "Yeah, that is awful timing."  Newly released messages between two FBI officials who were removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe appear to indicate that they knew Hillary Clinton wouldn't face charges.

“Plot with a Twist” now has more evidence of collusion and it’s not who the left want it to be against.


January 21 at 2:30pm  Alaska Republican Assembly Forum  This understanding is badly needed... The governor and many legislators don't want you to know how they deceive you, but other legislators DO want you to know, because they care about getting our budget under control.

What you need to know and why I call “He Who Shall Not Be Named” one of the biggest crooks Alaska has ever had as Governor.

From Carol Carman:

“This understanding is badly needed... The governor and many legislators don't want you to know how they deceive you, but other legislators DO want you to know, because they care about getting our budget under control.

The biggest deception I see is that they transferred spending out of the UGF to the DGF, and when they did that they told you they reduced spending 44% when the budget in the UGF went down (due to the transfer). In addition to transferring spending they have actually increased spending in the DGF, but they don't want you to know that.

It is kind of like transferring money from your savings to your checking and then saying your savings was reduced by 40% to make you look broke to others, when in fact the money was only transferred. Deceptive!

Alaska STILL has a very big spending problem.”


January 21 at 3:19pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Salmon fishermen barred from using aircraft in SE Alaska  Commercial fishermen now are banned from using aircraft to follow salmon in Southeast Alaska.

One more step of overregulation that doesn’t improve Alaska’s financial problems.

I’ll bet “He Who Shall Not Be Named” was in full support of this happening. Another way to say... see they are not able to bring in enough fish and this is why we need to add all these new taxes.


January 21 at 3:35pm  Branco  Cartoon
Yup  Politadick
January 21 at 3:40pm  The Daily Signal  Video  LIVE: The Senate holds a rare session on day two of the government shut down ahead of the vote at 1 a.m. in the morning.
January 21 at 4:08pm  Alaska Senate 2018 Poll  Tell Senators what you think about issues facing Alaska. 

Please take the Time to do this Poll Vote Early and Often

All Alaskans futures are at stake and they need to hear from us Don’t hesitate to be brutally honest with your answers. Pretend this is your money that you are spending when answering (which it is)


January 21 at 7:05pm  Breitbart  Planned Parenthood Condemns House Passage of Bill to Ensure Babies Born Alive During Abortion Receive Care  How much more heartless and cruel does it get than denying a gasping baby medical treatment?

On light of the HHS announcement made Friday. I feel that this one needs sharing.

“March for Life“ was on Friday January 19, 2018.

Tomorrow January 22, 2018 there will be a Pro-Life Rally on the Steps Of Juneau Capital.


January 21 at 7:07pm  Military.Com  USAA Will Cover Pay Delayed Due To Government Shutdown  In preparation for the government shutdown, USAA is prepared to offer an interest-free payroll loans to eligible service members.

Just in case worse case scenario does happen. This is good to know if you serve in our Great Military.


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