January 20 at 11:55am  Fox News  Trump administration to revoke Obama-era policy for abortion providers  The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced Friday that it would revoke an Obama-era “legal guidance” that discouraged states from defunding organizations, such as Planned Parenthood, that provide abortion services.

In Honor of the Right to Life March Yesterday.

Yesterday HHS Made this historic Announcement....

January 20 at 12:34pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  Watch the 2018 Women's March, a year after an event protesting President Donald Trump's inauguration, live in downtown Anchorage. 

Was Live in Anchorage today...

Sad that nearly all these people there have taken what use to be a Symbol Of a fight for Woman’s Freedoms and perverted it for their leftist anarchy.


January 20 at 1:13pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Alaska Native group slams planned shamanism event  An Alaska Native group is speaking out against a shamanism retreat as an event it says commercializes and exploits the spiritual healing practices of indigenous people.

Wow... Alaskan Natives criticizing a event for another ancient culture, that is Century’s old and rooted deeply into their beliefs.

Good for Shamanism for having found a way to use the commercialization of it to make money to help their people.

What a bunch of racist hypocrites some Alaska Natives have become. Maybe the cultural center they have on Muldoon needs to be completely shut down. Because that is what they have done.


January 20 at 2:40pm  Fox News  Video  Senators speak on the Senate floor following the government shutdown.

Illegal Immigrants are more important to Democrats then the 320,000,000 Million US citizens that live here.

Clearly Democrats priority’s for our country are no longer what America’s foundation was built on and what the Values Modern Times have had to change.

Feeling  right now.....

January 20 at 2:52pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Assembly seeks public testimony in power companies proposal  A proposal for the largest sale in Anchorage's history gains some traction, but it's not a done deal yet.  "The goal is to get votes from the assembly to send this to the ballot on April 3 for the public to decide if they want to sell it," assembly chair, Dick Traini said. 

I’m all for this happening. How about you?  Politadick
January 20 at 3:01pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Kenai officials explore permits for dip net fishery vendors  Kenai city officials are exploring permit options for beach vendors that aim to help local entrepreneurs and the city capitalize on the summer dip net fishery.  Kenai city officials are exploring permit options for beach vendors that aim to help local entrepreneurs and the city capitalize on the summer dip net fishery.

City of Kenai should have done this years ago when infrastructure for it could have been built cheaply.

But would the costs of making it happen and upkeep Ever Be made back Again or is this just another money pit in disguise, is the bigger question.

They already have tons of trash that floats away every year from people dip netting and now they want to add more producers of it into the area.


January 20 at 3:22pm  Ben Shapiro  Oops.  Daily Wire  Sen. Bernie Sanders Claims He Doesn’t ‘Recall’ 2013 Government Shutdown Quote – Here’s The Clip  On Friday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) appeared on MSNBC. During his segment, host Ali Velshi played a clip of OMB Director Mick Mulvaney… 

The truth about the Democratic Party. They only care about the minority at the expense of the Majority.

Video inside makes this very clear....


Also they had 50 Voted last night not including John McCain for passage of the Budget. All 49 Democrats and 0 Republicans voted that ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE MORE IMPORTANT TO THEM THEN ALL 320,000,000 Million Of Us US Citizens.

January 20 at 3:29pm  CNS News  Calif. Dems Propose Amendment to Seize Half of Businesses’ Tax Reform Savings  And, yet, they CAN'T UNDERSTAND why businesses are fleeing the state!

Reading these things happening in California is exactly like reading what Democrats in Alaska are doing now with the Oil Companies here and our Alaskan Wages we earn.

If this passes business will be packing up and moving out of state in droves. Sound familiar?


January 20 at 4:21pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Groundhog day: Walker lectures for taxes - Must Read Alaska  In a tortured speech that focused on …  The pageantry, the tradition, and the teleprompter struggles were the same. So was the pitch.

Well Said Must Read Alaska.

Well Said


January 20 at 6:32pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Hundreds turn out for Women's March in Anchorage  Hundreds of people turned out on Saturday for the Women's March on Alaska in Anchorage. The theme of the event was power to the polls, which aimed to get more marginalized people to the ballot box.  Hundreds of Alaskans turned out for the Women's March in Anchorage. The theme of this year's march was power to polls, which aims to get more marginalized people to the ballot box. Similar rallies were held across the state.

To bad they didn’t report what was really going on in Alaska today. Only reporting what the minority were there for and not the majority.

Sad that nearly all these people there have taken what use to be a Symbol Of a fight for Woman’s Freedoms and perverted it for their leftist anarchy.


If you don’t believe. Watch this short video made in downtown Anchorage.


Where is their outrage for the women in Iran and what is happening to them there? Straining to hear it.....

Just what I thought..... Nothing but Crickets....

January 20 at 6:51pm  Frank E McQueary  We here in Alaska probably are better equipped to recognize the real threat that corruption in the DOJ and the FBI is not only possible, but probable. We had a ringside seat in the totally corrupt and illegal prosecution of US Senator Ted Stevens...and were appalled when the miscreants got little more than a slap on the wrist.

OANN  Watch: Mueller Team’s Conflicts Of Interest | One America News Network 

All the top Left Wing Media has Given this less then 5 Minutes of Airtime. All that follow my page know the truth behind his words below and what OANN has said in the video inside...

I have been posting the truth behind all of this since I started Politadick.

“Plot with a Twist”

January 20 at 7:03pm  PragerU  Video  Americans reject socialism because they understand socialism. 

While I watch this, I replayed “He Who Shall Not Be Named” “State Of Lies Address” had this week.

You could say that his sole objective is socialism.


January 20 at 7:12pm  Alaska  Republican Assembly Forum  Please call US Representative Don Young and demand an immediate House vote on declassification of the FISA abuse memos.  (202)225-5765 

Video  INTEL EXPERTS: "Heads Will Roll" When FISA Intel Memo Released Rosenstein and Ohr Will Be Fired

I have shared this post and want to see the Intel Memo Myself. The truth must come out.


“Plot with a Twist”

This goes with the one post two down from this. Please call Congressman Don Young and demand politely they release the Memo.

January 20 at 8:22pm  Fox News  Video  "To show you how mean-spirited the Democrats are, they are shutting the government down over a bill that has nothing in it that they oppose. Obstruction is their mission. Pure and simple." 

Well Said  Politadick
January 20 at 8:33pm  Alaska  Senator Dan Sullivan  CNN  Earlier today I spoke with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on negotiations currently taking place to keep the government open. Simply put, I believe keeping the government open and operational must take priority.

Stand Strong Senator Sullivan

It always amazes me when you go on CNN how well you keep the subject on the right track.

Was happy to see that you did not step into the traps with the play on words that Wolf was using.

Those of us paying attention know that the Democrats only care about those illegally here and not The 320,000,000 Million US Citizens they are suppose to be representing.


January 20 at 9:00pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Alaska lawmakers react to U.S. government shutdown  “Shutting down the government is no way to govern," said Sen. Lisa Murkowski. "It is disruptive, harmful, wasteful, and impacts the thousands of Alaskans who are federal employees, contractors and all who rely on the services provided by our federal agencies.”

320,000,000 Million US Citizen’s would truly like to understand how 49 Democrats can put Illegal Immigrants above the people they are suppose to representing?

Those same 49 caused this shutdown because they wouldn’t also sign another temporary extension of the budget. The blame falls squarely on their shoulders and the damage they are causing to the USA

All for people that shouldn’t be here in the first place

And for the people that are not holding the Democrats accountable for this. They Are a shining example of Left Wing Media’s brain washing.


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