January 14 at 9:01am  Alaska  KTVA 11  Colorado brewery makes Murkowski-inspired beer    Lady Justice Brewing staff say their newest beer honors Sen. Lisa Murkowski, as well as Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, for "standing their ground and demanding the best for their country."

I wonder what Bull beer would taste like. 


January 14 at 9:06am  Blue Lives Matter  VIRAL VIDEO: Security Guard Strolls In, Casually Shoots Robbers - Blue Lives Matter   A security guard casually shot two robbers at a convenience store labeled as Hamilton, NJ 7-11. 

Robber: "It's fake!"

Security: "Oh well, mine's real"
Robber: "Am I shot?"
Security: "Oh, f**k yeah!"
Possibly the greatest video of all time! 

A Fine Example why all Law Abiding Citizens should be armed


January 14 at 9:23am TFPP NEWS   Feds Raid Puerto Rico Electric Authority Warehouse; Left's BIG LIE Exposed  What on earth is going on here? 

I’m sure you remember the Democrats leaders there coming out and attacking our President. Those who know the truth (because we don’t watch CNN, MSNBC and other like media all day) have known the condition of Puerto Rico long before this hurricane rolled through.

The people there for the most part are Wonderful, it’s the corrupted government, fatcat corporations and the wealthy elite that make sure their people live in the conditions they do.


January 14 at 9:41am  Breitbart  President Donald Trump's Sunday DACA Tweets May be a Game-Changer   While you were having your morning coffee this Sunday, President Trump fired off 5 VERY important tweets.  Here they are... 

I’m so sick of Democrats using Illegal Aliens as leverage. All 20,000,0000 Million of them need to be deported.

I Think I need to change that number, it’s a little low. Need to add all the Democrats onto the deportation list because they care more for people who are here illegally then for their own US Citizens.


January 14 at 9:55am  American Truth Seeker  Video  MUST WATCH: JFK exposed the secret Globalist New World Order and was KILLED for it. Here is the speech that did him in. Now Donald J. Trump is opening the Kennedy assassination file

To think what was said then and what happen to him. Is So Very true today. I’m sure if they could do it, they would have killed our President by now to stop him from tearing down their inner circle of power.

This is truly why I fear the Democrats and the Media that are doing what they are doing now, trying to preserve the power that they have.

For what has come out these last two years about the Democrats and the Elite left and not a single person has been arrested or convicted of their crimes. But those trying to stop it are.....


January 14 at 10:52am  Alaska  Gushing coverage of liberal women, while conservative women draw crickets? SMH  Must Read Alaska  'Year of the Woman' hype applies only to 'progressive' women? - Must Read Alaska  MEDIA BIAS: THE TALE OF TWO CAMPAIGN … 

This is happening in Alaska

Another fine example of Left Wing Media and Democrats hidden Power Of Corruption influencing our elections and why the people that Alaskans really need to be voting into office, are not happening. People who care about ALL Alaskans and not just the Minority and the Elite.

I say this all the time that I half to really search to find the real news and not with the left wing slant. That is what KTVA 11, KTUU 2, NPR, ADN, Fairbanks Daily News Miner, Juneau Empire, I think I’m getting typing cramps, this list is way to long to complete.

Please Share this post... Not enough people in Alaska have ever read anything like this and they really need to know the truth about the corrupted power the Democrats and Media here have over “We the People of Alaska” and what we hear.


“Logan will have a grand opening at her campaign headquarters from 3-6 pm on Jan. 20, one day after the “official” filing season starts for the municipal races. Logan for Mayor headquarters is at 329 E. 5th Ave, just 10 blocks from City Hall.”



January 14 at 11:33am  Alaska Chamber's  Thank you to Andeavor for renewing as an Annual Lead Underwriter for the Alaska Chamber!  Our Lead Underwriters are driven by their commitment to the Chamber’s mission to promote a healthy business environment in Alaska. Together we are the voice of Alaska business.
January 14 at 2:43pm  PragerU  Video  Take a stand!

Welcome to college at UAA
January 14 at 2:52pm  The Funny Page's  New skit   What do you do when political correctness gets out of control?

This is Funny and sadly nearly all true


January 14 at 3:05pm  MSM  GOP senator: 'Gross misrepresentation' of Trump's remarks  Georgia Republican Sen. David Perdue said Sunday that President Donald Trump did not use the phrase "shithole countries" during a meeting with lawmakers on… 

From MSM so it must be true or they would have claimed the exact opposite.  Politadick
January 14 at 4:46pm  Alaska  Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman  From pipedream to reality?  WASILLA — A long-discussed commuter train between the Valley and Anchorage could be reality by the summer of 2019 thanks to state funding and the rollout of an upcoming task  The addition of a commuter train between the Valley and Anchorage has been a solution to the ever increasing traffic on the Glenn Highway discussed for more than a decade.

“Update: 1/15/2018 It has been confirmed that “He Who Shall Not Be Named” signed an executive order and is having it happen without Alaskans or our lawmakers consent

Link to his announcement:


Here is another example of the Media Elite promoting their agenda for government waste. This story is being paid for, to be pushed through the Facebooks feeds.

We all know the Frontiersman would not be paying to push this story, unless they are getting paid good money to do it.


This is a huge waist of money for a study that was done in 2002 could answer every question they could ever have. It would also have the same end conclusion of being a big waist of money and the state would end up having to pay for it to even be in operation.

January 14 at 5:46pm  Town Hall  MIC DROP: Charlie Kirk DEMOLISHES Nancy Pelosi for calling $2K bonuses 'crumbs'  Read 'em and weep, Nancy.

This is why Term limits for government need to happen. Pelosi says that Americans don’t deserve these crumbs.

It’s what all democrats think when it’s not going directly into their pocket books. If that wasn’t the case, then how did they all become multi millionaires working government jobs....  Politadick

January 14 at 6:31pm Fox News  University to review conservative speaker appearance  "This is purely to make sure that it is safe, secure and protects everyone's rights."  UConn is reviewing plans by a student group to bring in Ben Shapiro months after a speech by another right-wing pundit led to two arrests.

  Ben Shapiro is to speak at Berkeley....

January 24, 2018. Can’t wait for that Facebook Live.

January 14 at 6:40pm  Fox News  Moments ago, President Donald J. Trump answered reporter questions about DACA as a government shutdown looms. 

End the program and then Democrats can explain that they would rather let it fail then do what is right for all people who live in the USA. Not just those illegal's living here.


January 14 at 7:35pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Who has applied for Dunleavy's seat? We have the list - Must Read Alaska  The following people have submitted their letters …  This is getting exciting. You'll never guess who applied...

Looks like bunch of people have taken that one step forward  Politadick
January 14 at 7:53pm  Alaska  Drain The Swamp Alaska 

So here is the Father of the Income Tax Representative Paul Seaton of Homer. This representative carries the majority of Governor Walker's fiscal policies to the floor of the House.

Along with Representative Gabrielle LeDoux, 
Representative Louise Stutes and himself, all registered Republicans, they collectively formed a majority coalition and handed the the House over to the Democrats. This last session, with the support of the Democrat majority, they effectively capped the PFD and promoted a "whole funding package" which included an income tax. Fortunately the senate did not allow the income tax to have any traction but they did join the Democrat House majority in capping the PFD.

Unfortunately the Republican Party is not allowed to block these rogue Republicans from running as Republicans.

The only realistic reason why Representative Paul Seaton continues to win re-election is that the Republican Party has not shown restraint and discipline in encouraging and supporting just one candidate to run against him in the primary.

Representative Seaton could care less that his legislative record is completely in opposition to his Party's platform. He realizes and preys on the inability of the Republican Party to effectively form substantial opposition to his campaign.

There are substantial conservative Republicans in his district. Perhaps this is the year there will be a collective resolve to finally send this representative into legislative retirement. We can only hope. He is certainly not a representative of the "We the People of Alaska."

He is "The Taxman!"

Alaskans are you paying attention?  Politadick

January 14 at 8:48pm  Alaska  ADN  With co-founder’s death at age 96, the end of an era at the Lucky Wishbone  George Brown opened the Lucky Wishbone with his wife, Peggy, in 1955. Until recently, he could be found most days sitting on a stool at Counter B, eyeing…  The story of the flat-roofed restaurant on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Karluk Street is about food, but also about history and people and the value of things that don't change. It begins with George Brown, who, until recently, could be found most days sitting on a stool at Counter B.

 He Lived an Awesome Life  Politadick
January 14 at 9:23pm  Alaska  The Midnight Sun  Friday in the Sun (Jan. 12): 'Mr. Sanctimonious' edition | The Midnight Sun  If this week's rumors are anything to go by, this will be a fun, but less-than-productive session.  Session must be starting soon because this week's Friday in the Sun is jam-packed.

Media Isn’t on the Democrats Payroll are they?

After writing several story’s about the Glowing assembly of independents and Democrats that are running. The Midnight Sun thinks it was unfair they didn’t show the same curtesy to the Republicans.

Missing nearly all those that have come forward this year and completely skipped over the Mayor Race and Challenger. If what they say inside doesn’t make your blood boil, then we have a serious problem

I won’t stop screaming this from the Rooftops


Wake Up Alaskans and start Taking Action. Your silence is allowing them to take ALL Alaskans down the Wrong Path


January 14 at 9:43pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Berkowitz to legislature: 'Help us or get out of the way'  Many lawmakers are settling in to Juneau for the 2018 legislative session, but before they gavel in, Anchorage leadership has a message for them.

Our Mayor and Thief has Passed two years in a row the highest Budgets Anchorage has ever seen, crime has moved to level not seen since the 80’s under his watch(and that’s not a good thing), gas tax increase, property taxes through the roof and he has said as long as you are home between the hours of 10pm to 5am you are safe, just don’t go out during those times.

Us Alaskans have a message for him to remember. You will not be Mayor again after this Year

Logan will have a grand opening at her campaign headquarters from 3-6 pm on Jan. 20, one day after the “official” filing season starts for the municipal races. Logan for Mayor headquarters is at 329 E. 5th Ave, just 10 blocks from City Hall.


January 14 at 10:49pm  Alaska Republican Assembly Forum 

MSB The Plastic Bag Tax is being picked up again. We have a double-header Wood stoves and Bag Taxes.

Plastic Bag Tax $.10/bag - ORD #17-099
When: Tuesday, January 16, 6:00 PM
Where: Assembly Chambers, 350 E. Dahlia St., Palmer

Testify during Audience Participation

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All Alaskans living in the Mat-Su Valley

Fireplace Ban just like the one in Fairbanks is coming to the MSB. Please take the time to show up to this very important meeting they are going to have.

It could cost us thousands more a year if this passes to heat our homes.

January 16, 2018

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