January 13 at 7:14am  The Daily Signal  Video  Is the media making much ado about nothing over President Donald J. Trump's Haiti comments? And Nancy Pelosi calls employee bonuses 'crumbs.'  Here's the top 10 stories of the week—many of which went misreported by the mainstream media.
January 13 at 7:43am  Big Lake Lions Recreation Center  February 17 at 6pm

It's time for our annual Ice Breaker event in conjunction with the Susitna Rotary. This year we will be serving Nebraska Corn Fed Prime Rib with all the fixings
, The Roadside Inn will be serving cocktails at the cash bar and we have two stand up comedians Bruce Schulte, Mark Griff and their MC Matt Collins all who appear regularly in Anchorage at Chilkoot Charlies Comedy Night. followed by a spectacular fireworks show provided by the Houston Lions Club and Gorilla Fireworks.
Tickets are $60 each sold in advance only!
Must be 21 and over to attend.
Full tables are 10 or 12 per table.
call Bill 841-8040
Claire 362-2727
Sheri 982-4487

Good cause to help out and looks like it will be allot of fun....
January 13 at 9:48am  Alaska  Fox News  Trump laments immigration from 's---hole countries' in Oval Office negotiations  President Trump railed against “shithole countries” during immigration negotiations on Thursday with lawmakers in the Oval Office, Fox News has confirmed. 

The Democrats and the Left are desperately trying to protect there voting base and clearly don’t care about US Citizens and our futures.

We in Alaska live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. But we have a hole of a Government running it and taking Alaska’s Futures strait into the house.

They would rather spend money propping up Welfare dependent places that have no jobs in Alaska for their survival at the expense of hard working Alaska’s taxpayers. 318,000 people here live in poverty. Can you Guess where the bulk of our money on welfare goes each year? Mind you this number spent is multi Billions each year.....

One last question... Why are we paying for someone else’s choice of where they live here and life style?

January 13 at 9:56am  Judicial Watch  Video  "Chelsea Clinton's wedding was back in 2010, which was the year of the [Haiti] earthquake, and the allegation was that Foundation resources were used for Clinton's wedding." – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton

Judicial Watch about Haiti and the Clintons... 
“Plot with a Twist”  Politadick
January 13 at 10:33am  Alaska  KTUU 2   Petitions filed on accountability initiative in Alaska  Alaskans for Integrity filed many more signatures than required for a ballot initiation to lift the length of an Alaska Legislature session.  If the initiative becomes law, all 60 legislators would have to forego their daily pay – nearly $300 – if they procrastinate and fail to pass a budget by Day 121.

On the surface this looks like a really good deal. They could fix this problem in an blink of an eye by moving them all to Anchorage instead of Juneau.

I hear there is a newly Built Building big enough on Muldoon they could move into here real soon.

I do feel sorry for the minority trying to make sure Alaskans futures are not ruined by adding in new taxes to pay for an already bloated budget.

If it wasn’t for them. “He Who Shall Not Be Named” calling them all back for Special Sessions just to get his Taxes added would have happen.

They need to Cut the government waist and they won’t have these problems getting a budget passed each year.

Multi-Billions are spent each year on welfare and can you guess where the bulk of that goes?

Multi-Millions is spent in multiple areas of Alaska that have less than 15 students in the schools. Costing on average $500,000-$1,000,000 each school to run.

These places have no jobs, most there have never paid a dime in taxes their entire lives.

Can someone explain to me why hard working Alaskans taxpayers money is paying for where people choose to live and the lifestyles the chose to have, who’s sole survival has become dependent on government welfare?


January 13 at 1:51pm  NBC News  Video  MOMENTS AGO: Hawaii Gov. David Ige speaks after residents received a false alarm emergency alert warning of a ballistic missile threat.

By the time they received their notice it was fake notice everyone would have been dead.  Politadick
January 13 at 2:15pm  Alaska  Breitbart  Watch: Lindsey Graham - Who Blasted Trump for 'Shithole' Comment - Called Mexico a 'Hellhole' in 2013 - Breitbart 

Why is it such a problem calling these places holes and Hellholes . As I said before, we here, live in one of the most beautiful places on earth and we live in a hole thanks to our local government.

If you read the news lately more people are leaving then moving in and the only new people that were added were the ones born just last year. That did nothing to add to our skilled workforce for another 18 years.

Wish the Rural areas of Alaska would learn that lesson and pack up and move. But Alaska’s government is structured to keep that welfare rolling into them and wasting our hard earned taxpayers money rolling into their places they choose to live as their sole source of survival.

January 13 at 2:18pm  Fox News  Video  Hawaii Governor David Ige holds a news conference after the state’s emergency management agency mistakenly sent out an alert about an incoming ballistic missile. 

They are all dead Oh wait, False Alarm.  Politadick
January 13 at 2:29pm  JR Hurst  Picture  "Women wearing Vagina Outfits"  Just trying to keep up....the word, ”shithole” is inappropriate?

January 13 at 2:31pm  Alaskan's Against Gov Walker PFD Theft  Photo  "The Democrats submitted their selection to replace Representative in District #40...."

Ouch....  Politadick
January 13 at 2:39pm  Alaska Republican Assembly Forum  MSB The Plastic Bag Tax is being picked up again. We have a double-header Wood stoves and Bag Taxes. 

Plastic Bag Tax $.10/bag - ORD #17-099
When: Tuesday, January 16, 6:00 PM
Where: Assembly Chambers, 350 E. Dahlia St., Palmer

Testify during Audience Participation

Fireplace Ban just like the one in Fairbanks is coming to the MSB. Please take the time to show up to this very important meeting they are going to have.  Politadick
January 13 at 6:23pm  Blue Lives Matters  VIDEO: Cop Ambushes Would-Be Cop-Killer With Full-Auto Mag Dump - Blue Lives Matter  Utah police exchanged gunfire with a man during a pursuit on I-15. VIDEO: He needed to be stopped, so the officer got in position and went full-auto as the suspect approached. w/video awesomeness

Wow.....  Politadick
January 13 at 6:24pm  Alaska  Pam Goode  District 9  Declared! As we move forward, recent events have provided increased clarity as expected. I now declare my candidacy for the Alaska State House. I had a great time attending and seeing all the folks at the Republican District 9 Convention in Glennallen last Saturday where I was invited to speak as a Legislative Candidate. This is where my Senator, Michael Dunleavy, first announced that he was stepping down from his seat to focus on his Gubernatorial race. Not only does this free up a seat in our District, Representative Rauscher has expressed publicly his desire and serious interest in Senate Seat E. It is with resolve that I declare for the House seat removing any contention for the Senate seat on my part that obstructs clarity in that important race.
January 13 at 6:37pm  Rice Institute   New Maps: Which country has the most open defecation in the world? | r.i.c.e. New Maps: Which country has the most open defecation in the world? Written by Aashish Gupta on July 1st, 2014 Topics: Sanitation Using the method described… 

What kind of hole do these places really have.... let’s find out   Politadick
January 13 at 6:53pm  Alaskan's Against Gov Walker PFD Theft  Picture  "Hand over all you Money"  ..... Bill Walker’s State of the State Address:

Yup.... This does look pretty accurate to me.....  Politadick
January 13 at 7:08pm  Alaska  Her ex-husband could end this whole thing by paying off the creditors. Instead, he has joined the battle.  Must Read Alaska  David Rubenstein into the Rogoff bankruptcy fray - Must Read Alaska  A LOT OF FORMERS, ALL IN COURT … 

Still refusing to pay the people she owes and now she has dragged her ex into the middle of it all.  Politadick
January 13 at 7:16pm  Alaska  The Midnight Sun  Initiative to toughen Legislature's ethics and per diem rules has enough signatures for 2018 ballot, backers say | The Midnight Sun  The initiative would end legislative per diem if legislators don't pass a budget by the end of the regular session.

Please share your feelings/opinions on this....

I said this earlier on another posting today and feel it is worth repeating.

On the surface this looks like a really good deal. They could fix this problem in an blink of an eye by moving them all to Anchorage instead of Juneau.

I hear there is a newly Built Building big enough on Muldoon they could move into here real soon.

I do feel sorry for the minority trying to make sure Alaskans futures are not ruined by adding in new taxes to pay for an already bloated budget.

If it wasn’t for them. “He Who Shall Not Be Named” calling them all back for Special Sessions just to get his Taxes added would have happen.

They need to Cut the government waist and they won’t have these problems getting a budget passed each year.

Multi-Billions are spent each year on welfare and can you guess where the bulk of that goes?

Multi-Millions is spent in multiple areas of Alaska that have less than 15 students in the schools. Costing on average $500,000-$1,000,000 each school to run.

These places have no jobs, most there have never paid a dime in taxes their entire lives.

Can someone explain to me why hard working Alaskans taxpayers money is paying for where people choose to live and the lifestyles the chose to have, who’s sole survival has become dependent on government welfare?


January 13 at 7:25pm  Candice Owens  Video You Should Be Able To Keep MORE Of Your Money! 

Share with all your Friends. Time for all Americans to wake up to the truth  Politadick
January 13 at 8:16pm  KTVA 11  Cybersecurity firm: US Senate in Russian hackers' crosshairs  The same Russian government-aligned hackers who penetrated the Democratic Party have spent the past few months laying the groundwork for an espionage campaign against the U.S. Senate.

The FBI still haven’t even seen the computers they claimed were hacked by Russia to confirm if what they said was true or not.

Why is KTVA 11 buying into this crap? More smoke and mirrors by the left leaning Media that really don’t want to report the truth.


January 13 at 8:29pm  Legal Insurrection  Big Apple wants to take a legal bite out of Big Oil  NYC pairs a climate change lawsuit with plans for divestment from pension funds.

NYC is being sued to do this with their pension funds all in the name of Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling.

And our Governor want to steal Alaskans to fund his LNG Pipeline to Nowhere.


January 13 at 8:35pm  Breitbart  SAD KHAN! Protesters Disrupt Mayor’s Speech as Londoners Wake Up to Sadiq’s 'Sh*thole'  WATCH it happen:

I’m sure this will come as no surprise. Good to finally here more coming out of these areas. Mainstream Media has gone dark on reporting all the trouble they are having over there.

It doesn’t fit their agenda to tell this to us.


January 13 at 8:56pm  National Review  How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians  EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article is excerpted from Dinesh D’Souza’s new book, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party. In January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton… 

The Clinton’s and Haiti.... The hole they help to create....

“Plot with a Twist”

January 13 at 9:06pm  Trump's Nation  Video  Trump Speaks in UN! Bold Speech You Must Listen! Can't wait for the 2020 ellection, to see Donald Trump win again!

FREE American Flag --> https://patriotic.world/products/flag
January 13 at 9:37pm  KTVA 11  Alaskans in Hawaii react to false missile alert  “When I saw the alert in all capital letters say, ‘THIS IS NOT A DRILL,’ that’s when it hit me," said Candis Olmstead with the Alaska Air National Guard. "That ‘Holy crap, what’s going on right now, this is really scary.’”

What happen wasn’t even remotely acceptable and the panic they caused by having this happen. People calling loved ones just to make sure they got to say they love them on last time.

The person who set this off was not an accident. I heard what the governor said at the briefing and what was also reported just before that started in another short update.

It takes several steps to send that alert out Clearly this was not a mistake.


I would almost be willing to bet money if an investigation is done into that person who set it off, is apart of liberal leftist agenda.

January 13 at 10:21pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  The State of Alaska’s Jeremy Zidek says a missile’s short flight time from Asia – as little as 20 minutes – makes putting people outside of their homes and businesses potentially more dangerous than staying indoors. 

Alaska has the air-raid sirens in place and the emergency broadcast system just like Hawaii does. With text alerts, TV, radio....etc

Alaska’s school system also does an outstanding job educating our children what to do in case of an emergency.

When in doubt go and click the link KTVA provided inside and make sure you are prepared.

Wish they would report what they would do here in case it was to really happen. Those who have not grown up here may never have received that kind of information before in their lives.


January 13 at 10:30pm  Alaska  KTVF Fairbanks  Restaurant owners say Sam's Club closure will have major impact  Julia Laude takes us to meet these local business owners and see how this is impacting their livelihood. 

Looks like Fairbanks has started a petition to try and get Costco’s to move in.

“Three Bears” Here is your chance to own a big box store in Fairbanks


“Three Bears Alaska is a family owned and operated grocery and warehouse store since 1980. Featuring meat, produce, groceries, sporting goods, pharmacy..”

January 13 at 10:38pm  Alaska  ADN  Murkowski calls Trump’s comment on Haiti, El Salvador, African countries ‘offensive’  The Alaska senator said the president's remarks don't reflect who we are as a country.  Sen. Murkowski said the president's reported comments don't "reflect who we are as a country."

This coming from a person who gave up Alaska’s 90/10 split, failed to get Obamacare repealed because her pet donor planned parenthood was to be defunded and has shown very little interests in changing the poverty levels in Alaska but is all for making sure Wellfare is available to them.....

Yup she sure has earned the right to weigh in as always....



January 13 at 10:49pm  Fox News  Video  "This is a real concern, and the reason is...the warning system obviously failed, and the question that people are going to have to ask is whether it was hacked."  Foreign Affairs journalist Gordon Chang comments on the false alert that a ballistic missile was inbound to Hawaii.

Interesting.... Now they are saying they might have been hacked....

I think the guess I had in an earlier posting is what happen. Still willing to put money down on that guess.


January 13 at 10:54pm  Fox News  Video  "My fear through all this is that the bad actions of a few...will make the Bureau look bad."  On America's News Headquarters, Congressman Ron DeSantis commented on the Russia investigation.

“Plot with a Twist”  Politadick
January 13 at 11:03pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Plan to transform King Career Center into full-time high school  King Career Center could become Anchorage's first stand-alone technical high school, with a new name, King Tech.

Don't forget to put this one on your calendars:

Anchorage School Boards next meeting is January 22 to hear public comments about this.

It’s all about the Million more a year they will get for funding as far as KTVA 11 reported.


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