January 8 at 6:32am  Fox News  Video  Breaking News: Aerials show a live look at Trump Tower in New York City where a fire broke out, sending smoke into the sky.
January 8 at 6:43am  OANN  $190K Gender Pay Gap at Clinton Foundation  A new report details a stunning gender pay gap among…  A new report details a stunning gender pay gap among Clinton Foundation employees, casting a shadow of doubt over Hillary Clinton's stance on women's rights. One American's Kristian Rouz has the story.

Shocking.....   Politadick
January 8 at 6:53am  Alaska  KTUU 2  Governor's budget plan calls for statewide drug prosecutor  Gov. Bill Walker's budget proposal for fiscal year 2019 calls for adding a statewide drug prosecutor in Alaska.  The Public Safety Action Plan was created to address the state's rise in crime and opioid use.

Sad to think that SB91/54 is designed to let these people right back out onto the streets. It’s not the judges fault for this large case load.

The same people are being arrested over and over again, only to continue to be put right back out on the streets to repeat the process all over again.

“He Who Shall Not Be Named” is the soul reason that it has become worse than ever before with his do Nothing laws he has past during his time in office.

Change the laws and put real time and quality rehab into place instead of more judges.


January 8 at 8:00am  Jay Sekulow  A Dramatic Shift in US Policy Towards Iran
January 8 at 8:01am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 488  Oprah takes the Golden Globes, Steve Bannon’s still on the rocks, and President Trump makes clear that he’s a “stable genius.”
January 8 at 8:54am  Branco  Branco Cartoon - Malpractice  News unfit to print.  Today's A.F. Branco Cartoon - 1/08/2018

So true.... So true

The democrats failed Russia conspiracy has turned into the Democrats being investigated and they have shifted gears to try and keep what they did from becoming more public.

This is their last attempt to stop it from happening and it will fail also. You legally cannot determine what they are claiming from an armchair position.


January 8 at 8:57am  Ann Coulter Retweeted John Binder  Ann Coulter: 'I'm 100 Percent for Deporting' DACA Illegal Aliens First, 'Then We'll Get to MS-13' Gang Members - Breitbart 

Deport them all and Build the Wall  Politadick
January 8 at 9:03am  Alaska  Permanent Fund Defenders  Sen. Shelley Hughes supports the Permanent Fund Defenders' campaign to lock the current PFD law in the AK Constitution. Even if a pro-PFD governor and legislators are elected the PFD is not truly safe. In a few years the raiding politicians may return and AGAIN ignore the law or write a new law that restructures the Fund and cuts the PFD to pay for government. The current PFD law must be secured in the Ak Constitution! Legislators do NOT want the People to vote on this - Every voter must demand a vote on SJR1 in the 2018 Session. If all Alaskans who want to defend the PFD unite with one voice politicians will fear the people --- Tell them, " GIVE ALASKANS A PUBLIC VOTE ON THE PFD TO LOCK IT IN THE CONSTITUTION. PASS SJR1 in 2018!"
Join Permanent Fund Defenders to get this word out across the state.

Senator Shelly Hughes Rocks

Alaskans need to be calling our Lawmakers and making sure all get this message Loud and Clear


January 8 at 9:08am  Fox Business  Video  The Brookings Institution holds a discussion on inflation.
January 8 at 10:18am  Alaska District 22 & 21 Republican Event  Tue 5:30 PMJewel Lake Community Church  January 9 
January 8 at 11:23am  Fox News  Charges against rancher Cliven Bundy, three others are dismissed    JUST IN: Federal judge dismisses all charges against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and three others.

Awesome news for the Bundy’s....  Politadick
January 8 at 11:28am  Alaska  ADN  Vote on recall of Unalaska mayor moves forward  Mayor Frank Kelty is accused by petitioners of attempting to sole-source a land-use agreement for the Unalaska Marine Center. 

This will be interesting to watch.... hope the people of UnAlaska do a better job then Homer did....  Politadick
January 8 at 12:10pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Cole Memo: Why Jeff Sessions is right on marijuana enforcement - Must Read Alaska   THE COLE MEMO IS SWAMP LAW U.S. …  Just a thought: The Cole Memo was a swamp creature.

She has done a good job explaining what others have failed to do


January 8 at 12:12pm  Fox Business  Video  President Donald J. Trump addresses the Farm Bureau Federation's 99th Annual Convention in Nashville, TN.
January 8 at 2:11pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  KTVA is LIVE at the Alaska Native Medical Center for its Russian Christmas celebration.
January 8 at 3:41pm  Fox News  Video  WATCH: A look at the border between North Korea and South Korea as delegations from both sides hold high-level talks to discuss North Korea’s participation in next month’s winter Olympics in South Korea.
January 8 at 4:19pm  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump takes the field before the College Football Playoff National Championship game between The University of Alabama Crimson Tide and the Georgia Bulldogs

MAGA  Politadick
January 8 at 5:45pm  Alaska  Representative David Eastman  City Council Meeting - January 8, 2018  The City Council encourages public involvement in City matters and welcomes attendance and participation at its meetings.  The Wasilla City Council will be voting on whether or not to outlaw plastic grocery bags tonight. There will be an opportunity for public testimony before the vote. The meeting begins at 6pm  290 E Herning Ave., Wasilla, AK 99654

Show up and speak out about this.

Wish I could be there.....

January 8 at 6:30pm  OANN  Video  Liz Wheeler  Video  Let's really stand up for women, so instead of #MeToo, we can say #NotMe

#notme  Politadick
January 8 at 7:14pm  Daily Wire  ROASTED: James Woods Slams Oprah Winfrey Using These 3 Pictures  Conservative Hollywood actor James Woods hammered leftist Oprah Winfrey on Monday following the 75th Golden Globe Awards, which the media seemingly… 

At least somebody out there is willing to say the truth about the hypocrisy of Hollywood Elite......

#notme  Politadick

January 8 at 8:21pm  Fox New  Video  Roseanne Barr defends Trump, says sitcom will tackle politics  Roseanne Barr said making her sitcom counterpart a Donald J. Trump supporter made sense for the show about a working class American family.

Wow.... Can’t wait for the reviews on this....  Politadick
January 8 at 8:25pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Officials from North, South Korea begin rare formal talks  Senior officials from North and South Korea began the rivals' first formal talks in about two years Tuesday to discuss how to cooperate in next month's Winter Olympics in the South and how to improve their long-strained ties.

This is staring to remind me about 1936....



January 8 at 8:34pm  Fox News  Grand jury seeks testimony about Bernie Sanders' wife, $10M college loan: report  A former board member said the panel was interested in what Bernie Sanders' wife may have told trustees and lenders in order to secure the 2010 loan for a 33-acre campus along Lake Champlain.

Everything that I have learned about this, says it was not an above board deal and someone should end up with some jail time....

But they are Democrat Socialists and we all know how those things seem to end up in the end, when democrats are involved....


January 8 at 8:36pm  Alaskans Against Gov Walker PFD Theft  AT James Charles Hastings request I re-post this comment in it's own thread ... "The State is funding pretty much the same things it always funds. 2015 saw a "one time" Retirement payout of 3 billion (in red below). The Gov's proposed budget this year is about 10.6 billion, and I heard Lora Reinbold quote 10.8 Billion today. Everyone knows that this State is over spending. The Legislature is not going to reduce spending much, it never has. And this Governor has increased his proposed Budget by 300M. To say they can't afford the PFD is dis-ingenuous at best. They Cut the PFD by over half the last two years, and socked about 1.5 Billion back into the Earnings Reserve Account. By the end of this fiscal year, the Earnings Reserve Account will be over 16 Billion (up 4 Billion) even with the Gov't tapping into 1.9 Billion and providing an undersized PFD. We could be getting a full PFD, and the ERA would still be up over 3 Billion. It is criminal to what's happening to Alaskans and the economy as a whole. Dan Saddler chaired the Legislative Town hall this afternoon. He's all in favor the PFD, at a significantly reduced amount !"

Hope you take the time to read this.... Alaska’s government corruption on full display...   Politadick
January 8 at 8:42pm  Alaskans Against Gov Walker PFD Theft 

.....Ever Wonder How Alaska’s Government got so: BLOATED?......over the years sending legislators with ZERO economic experience ....probably did the trick....

....Eagle River sends a Journalist to the Legislature

..... and now wonders why their Money is about to be taken away from them and handed to Bill Walker ....so Bill Can Spend $10.8 Billion on his dreams....

Experience matters and Dan Saddler is a Big Government Tax and Spend Republican....a Republican in Name Only...a RINO..... a Big Government - Tax and Spend Liberal in disguise....

..... Eagle River is about to lose their PFD forever because Dan Saddler, Cub Reporter for Bill Walker is going to Vote to take it away from every Family in Eagle River....

Dan Saddler - the limited government Republican has years of Fun and Great Experiences in and out of Juneau... hiking, being an outdoorsman, Fishing....

Living the good life of a Career Legislative Staffer and now Eagle River’s Favorite: RINO .....

Dan is a Journalism person - who likes to fly and enjoys Alaska for all its beauty .....

But ask Dan Saddler when was the last time he completed a micro economic analysis .... or had to explain the direct effects of the CUTS to the PFD on the Alaska economy....

.... Dan the Journalist has ZERO experience or Training managing or understanding the effects of his vote.....

If Dan Saddler knew ANYTHING — except enjoying the fabulous time in Juneau... fishing and skiing and hiking.... he would not have voted to Strip your Family’s PFD and Tax Your Family’s Wages to Support Bill Walker’s Bloated Government ....

Eagle River:

Your Limited Government Republican will Vote to:

(1) Strip Your Family’s PFD

(2) Take Your Family’s Wages .....

To Fund Bill Walker’s $10.8 BILLION Government.....

.... so Eagle River residents — join the rest of Alaska ....

Dan Saddler the Journalist with ZERO economic experience ...,, Who Loves the Great Outdoors Juneau has to offer

..... well - the truth is out.... Dan Saddler is not a Conservative, Limited Government kind of outdoorsman......Dan Saddler is a Tax and Spend Liberal Who is voting for: Big Government ....

...Does Dan Saddler care about your kid’s future expenses in college.... apparently not....or does he care you managing YOUR PFD from developing Alaska’s Mineral right? ....Apparently not.....

Dan Saddler is voting for Bill Walker to take care of your: PFD....

and Dan Saddler - the cub reporter is voting for Bill Walker to take care of your: Wages.....

Dan Saddler is taking your PFD and YOUR Wages and giving your money to Bill Walker....because Bill Walker knows how to handle your family’s future for you....Better than you can....

.....knock knock Eagle River - residents..... wake up....

.....that financial worry and struggling to make ends meet feeling is about to hit your neighborhood ....

..... but don’t worry Bill Walker and Dan Saddler....

The Lawyer and Cub reporter will take care of their worries first....

They’ll have your money to play: Bill Walker - the Oil Baron and Dan will get to continue to enjoy Juneau’s Great outdoors....

..... we should get a collection together to send Dan Saddler a nice new pair of hiking shoes and a brand new fishing pole for this 2018 Legislative Session .....

..... Welcome to Alaska Eagle River Residents! .... that PFD for your kids college is: GOING AWAY!....

....p.s. You could always call Dan and ask him:

.....are you really taking my family’s PFD? (A family of 4 will lose $6-8,000 this year)....

.....and you can ask Dan, the reporter:

“are you really voting to take my wages and giving my money to Bill Walker?......”

..... Yes, Dan Saddler the LIBERAL - Tax and Spend Big Government spender - in disguise is taking YOUR money — unless you call your family and friends and tell Dan Saddler to represent YOU instead of: Bill Walker....

....happy hiking this Session Dan... it’s beautiful in Juneau in the Spring Time.....

(Don’t worry Eagle River .... Dan will have an eloquent statement about taking your money because he really doesn’t understand the effects of his vote.... and if he decided to vote for you instead of his caucus bosses ....he’d lose out on all that great outdoors Juneau has to offer....)

I don’t think there is anything I can add to this... Please read so you know who we have working in Alaska’s government.....  Politadick
January 8 at 8:44pm  Permanent Fund Defenders  Join Permanent Fund Defenders' leader, Dr. Jack Hickel to stop the PFD raid in 2018! In this Ch 2 Press Conference (12/20/17) along with bi-partisan legislators, he says that Alaskans own the resources of the state in common and the only fair and equitable way to share this wealth is with the PFD. Govt stealing this money is wrong, says Dr. Hickel. Do you agree? Then go to www.gofundme.com/pfdak to donate for ads by Dr. Hickel, Permanent Fund founder Clem Tillion and other Alaskan voices across the state demanding our PFD rights and mobilize more voters than ever before. Please SHARE.

Are Alaskans listening?  Politadick
January 8 at 9:22pm  Alaska  Constituent Town Hall with Sen. Wielechkowski and  Representative Gabrielle LeDoux 

January 11, 2018 Town Hall 6:30pm Anchorage @ Nicolas J. Begich Middle School....

I’m sure this one will be a doozy of town hall being hosted by one corrupt lady.... Time for people to show up and start asking her why she covered up the "Cockroach" and why didn't nothing happen, until it was made public many, many months later.......

January 8 at 10:58pm  Fox News  James Damore sues Google, claims tech giant discriminates against white conservative men  The onetime Google employee was fired after he wrote a memo criticizing the firm for pushing diversity. Now, he's filing a class-action lawsuit against the tech giant.

It’s about time he did it.....  Politadick
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